For LL in the UK
....And they were.
Read on, it's not all about the obvious, LL, but some of it is ...
This was part of a set of shots for Angie in her London home 2018. Obviously, this particular photo is the lingerie section. Lovely woman
Georgia (not her name but the location, in the US) in 2018. The actual place is Savannah. It's where I get my plane serviced and sometimes get myself and a friend serviced. Again, this was part of a lingerie shoot. Perky isn't she - Harper is her name, her first name, LL.
This is not a shoot unless you count shooting into her and, at her request, over her. This shot dates back, yet again LL to 2004. May 11 a Tuesday to be precise. On my way home I stayed over at Kim's. Her home was between Newark and Grantham, just a few miles off the A1, so it was easy for me to make a visit on the way back from you.
As you rarely if ever phoned my land line it was a reasonable risk. I used to send you texts from Kim's and others, telling you of my progress on the way home. I even had a template for them! One push of the button and that was the text you received. But...I wasn't where you thought I was.
Back to the 'shooting' match.
It was a match too. We really got on well. She enjoyed my dry humor and I loved her mischievous nature. Age gap? Of course there was, but there was with many of the women in my life from 2004 onward.
We were matched and my visits were fairly frequent for obvious reasons, most of which are on display in the photo above. Kim loved our sex and in that we had a good match. I was and am quite thick in the operating department (as you know) and Kim had a nice tight pussy. We were both very stimulated, you could say. She was one of those women, of which I have come across a fair few, who had multiple orgasms. When she came her legs would grip my waist real tight then relax and ready for the next coming.
Another of her delights was she loved me shooting 'my all' over her boobs. Not every time,but quite frequently.
Somehow or the other, as a guy on his own, I seemed to attract the attention of female staff in hotels I stayed in over the years. This one was taken in 2006 at a hotel just over the Channel from England, not too far from Amsterdam.
I remember the place well as it was a little old fashioned in its decor, but comfortable enough for the few days I stayed there, before moving on.
The photo...just after the 'event' or rather events. Fond memories of two days of rather pleasant sex....but then isn't it all pleasant! It has been for me.
This photo was taken at a shoot this lady had arranged. It was taken after she had returned to her bedroom ostensibly to change into another dress. However she reappeared at her door as you see her above with an invitation to join her.
Her name is Eleanor, the year is 2008 and the location London.
I accepted her invitation. Her husband was overseas and she was a little needy. In fact she turned out to be more than a little needy LL. She was very needy and boy could she moan. I loved it and she loved what I did for her...and for me. Very firm boobs, very firm...lovely and a nice butt to hold.

Studio shot taken in London early 2018
Never leave your daughter in charge of your home after a shoot, and then go away for a couple of days. I was in France quite near to St Etienne and had completed a shoot for a rather wealthy lady. Nothing risque or like the shots here, just pure fashion etc. She had been introduced to me by a friend in Paris. It was quite a hefty fee I recall.
I was staying nearby for an extra couple of days when I received a call from her daughter, above. Might I take some photos of her, I was asked. I agreed, after all the fee was pretty darn good and it would cost me anything to do so.
I headed for the house/chateau.
The daughter was the only one there and when she greeted me she was wearing some lace type dress/slip that left little to the imagination. I questioned her as to whether I should be there, but in the end agreed to take her photo. As you can guess from the above shot LL, that is not what she had in mind. We ended up in a room I hadn't seen on my earlier visit, where she promptly sat down in a somewhat battered chair (above) and slipped her dress down to her waist.
Then quite brazenly opened her legs to reveal a complete lack of panties. To cap it all she started rubbing her pussy. There is only so much a man can stand before he succumbs, and I succumbed. I took her the first time with her legs in the air and me standing. From memory she had a nice tight pussy and could have shouted he house down when she came.
Young, virile and wanting more, she stood and placed her hands on the seat with her lovely firm butt and pussy on offer to me. I reached round and squeezed her boobs I remember, then entered her a second time with the same result - a very vocal young woman...very.
I find that quite arousing and I hardened even more inside her as she came a second time. She thought that was it, but I continued pumping her to reach my peak. She was crying out with ecstasy by now. I thought I must be hurting her, her cries were so loud. But no, she was on a journey she hadn't experienced before, she later told me.
She had never come three times in one session apparently. After a couple of hours I left, and I haven't seen her since. She must be in forties now, as that was back in 2007.
I thought I would treat you to a small sequence of shots here, LL. It was certainly a treat for me, that's for sure.
The location is one of my homes. I'll leave you to guess which one, which shouldn't be too difficult. A place of learning is a clue and it was my first home here, not the current one. The year - 2007.
The lady in green is Emma. Who would think that an academic would be so attractive. First of all with her hair up in a lovely dress, then moving onto her lingerie, in part. Finally she decided that some nude shots would be great. The window incidentally, faces the back yard...not the road way!
I'll leave you to guess where things went from there. As I have mentioned before you were right (not rocket science, though) in saying there were plenty of women out there panting for a lay. Many more than you may have imagined and not confined to your social stratum.
Emma - perfect isn't she. I thought so.
Un retour en France et ses femmes belles et sexy.
I'll leave you to translate that LL. This cheeky shot was taken near Clermont-Ferrand. the lady's name is Clara and the time was Fall 2006.
Another French connection although you have seen Olivia have I!! All of her under me, on top and from behind. That should be enough to give you a taste of what I enjoyed...and I did taste her. She liked that before the 'main course', so to speak.
I have been privileged, rather than lucky - I don't believe in luck. Good fortune is a result of actions and decisions, not some ephemeral cause.
It was my privilege to photograph all the women (and others) that I have. Photography allowed me to enter a different world of privileged people ....although my wealth also had something to do with it. Incidentally, all the privileged and wealthy women are no different to the rest when comes to getting laid. You could say it's a great 'leveller'. All are equal on their backs.
Oh...I nearly forgot the photo of Emma above. Just a shoot...this time.
White underwear against a tanned skin makes for great shots. It did here for Vicky. This photo was taken in 2006 in Fort Myers, Florida. Need I say more LL.
Wymondham, Norfolk 2004. No words needed are there LL. You were well and truly shafted and ... so was she. Terry is her name. Funny it was not that far from Carole's. Pure coincidence of course.
This shot was taken at my first Cambridge home - see the earlier shoot. Nice lady to wake up to wouldn't you say. We were on our way to bed when I took this and it was only 3.00 afternoon break perhaps, but no afternoon nap. Then out to dinner that evening and back...for 'afters'😉
Imogen had just moved in to her new place in London in 2007 when I took this shot. Not far from my own apartment - the original one that I had from 2004 to early 2007.
Small boobs were made up for elsewhere and in Imogen's athleticism...I'm sure you will figure that out. I met her in a nearby wine bar, incidentally. Sometimes they just fell into my lap!
To the west of my old property in Norfolk UK was a copse that was quite large and being located in the middle of about 12 acres of meadow, fairly remote given that it was beyond the edge of the village. You may remember it LL. You could see it from the laundry/utility room window.
I should call this lady 'Buttercup', although she was in fact Fay (Faye?). No butter was needed, by the way, and her cups were released to reveal her breasts in all their glory.
I guess it would be of some use to tease you with the fact that this was 2005, when we were still together, although not in my mind given your behavior behind my back....or so you thought. I met Fay of all places at the GP's that we used. I was collecting a prescription for my daughter. We got to chatting while she and I were waiting. Then I saw her again in a neighboring village. I asked her out, expecting her to say no...she said yes.
We went out a few times. Shows in Norwich and London, meals out at restaurants and at pubs. The second time we dated, in April 2005, she came home with me and stayed the night. Which brings me to a fun day in May of that year.
We had wandered over to the copse after coffee, just for some fresh air...or at least that was the idea. You may have realized by now why I stopped coming up to you. I was coming elsewhere! Fay decided to pose for a few photos of which one is shown above. She eventually took her top off and lay on that old sleeper that had once been used as a fence post. That was when I obviously spotted she was not wearing her panties.
Her intention was plain. We found a soft area of grass and old leaves. Her bra came off and her dress/skirt hitched up around her waist. We made love right there LL. I have always found it incredibly sexy and exciting to have sex outdoors, and it was great that day.

No comment needed LL. London 2006.
Second visit, even less comment needed LL. Very sexy lady. Her place.
Part of a shoot in Lugano Switzerland 2008
We took a chance with this one and it paid off. She was more than happy to do it and really loves the photo, and the rest of the shoot around Venice. Her name is Caterina and the year 2008.
Coffee in California with a 'friend'. It's not all bedrooms and bodies LL😀.
( Some people make the right decisions and...some clearly don't)
( Some people make the right decisions and...some clearly don't)
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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