Thursday, July 27, 2017


For LL

It's one of life's mysteries, at least it is to me. The predilection and appetite of people to want.. They have seemed bent on satiating what they crave. Many admit they really can't help having the need to fulfill what they want. Now it could be wealth, or food and drink, but what I am talking about is sex.

In my time, and in my time as a photographer, and indeed during my numerous travels around the world, I have encountered it many times. An appetite, a craving and a need - desired and seeking fulfillment, from so many women. It isn't of course restricted to women, but being a man who has observed and been 'involved', I speak from a man's viewpoint. 

There were few who didn't offer themselves. From young women who wanted to experience an older man (experience), bored and ignored wives, divorcees and widows. All of them thrust their femininity and their bodies in my direction. Having been with so many women, the signals are quite obvious. Innocent enough to start with, even shy in some cases. The latter feeling 'liberated', or so they told me, after shedding their clothes in front of me - a virtual stranger. My face held to the camera and conversation help.

Then there are the full on type, who know what they want are to some extent naturals and strike poses they know will show them off to their best. The vast majority though were in between the shy and full on. Confident enough for the photography. Finally, there were my 'personal' partners in.....pleasures of the flesh.

A thought occurs to me here. I imagine you thought I was frequenting dating sites because that is how I met you. I wasn't...sorry to disappoint. I had no need as you now know.

When the ladies, my clients, posed for their personal photos, I took just as many fully clothed, fashion, swimwear, lingerie etc., they were in various states of undress according to what we had planned for that part of a shoot. These could take all morning, or all day, depending on what was required. Consequently, there was close contact, non physical, both before, on the initial consultation, and during the shoot. A rapport was established so things were fairly relaxed. Important if you want to get the best photos

It was when they were in the states of undress, and toward the end of a shoot, that they often came on to me...often being the operative word. The ease with which women moved from photography to sex, at the beginning, surprised me. Then, after a few encounters, I thought - what the hell, why not. They want to, and so do I. 

In a studio setting there was often a couch, chairs or a futon style affair used as props, along with the usual stuff - backdrops, lighting etc. Those couches etc were very useful! On location, outdoors or at a client's home things took place ad hoc.

Women were often topless, and those who wanted full nude shots were of course...naked. banter flowed at some of these shoots, others were a little more serious but their desires were the same. The frequency with which I was helped in removing my clothes, or even only partially was....often...matched by the frequency with which women removed their clothes, or  just their panties, if three quarters of the way there.

So LL. the number of bodies , boobs, asses I have encountered and fondled etc are legion. Small boobs, large ones (like yours!), firm and pert ones (unlike yours), enhanced ones (guess where) and nipples to suck. I have seen and held them all. Black, Asian, White from counries far and line with my travels. One thing they all had in common was a readiness to lie back, bend over, or sit upon me legs wide apart. 

It no longer surprised me why women wanted sex with me. I use to think, why me. It seems they wanted, needed and the situations we were in were sort of made to measure.

All this time, I often wondered what you were thinking about where I was and what I was doing. As you said once, I don't allow the grass to grow beneath my feet. I had/have the wealth to do as I please and that is what I did back then. Some might say 'rebound'. I prefer to think 'launch pad'. I admit I played up a bit by letting you think I was devastated by your, as you thought, leaving. In fact I believe I unconsciously engineered it back in 2005, by not 'being there'.

I wasn't neglecting you. I was in fact furious about your playing around with other men. You had had at least one chance after what you told me in March 2004 in your drunken stupor. I decided to forgive you that instance, but when I found out that you had repeated things....that was it. Funny how you can love someone, but not want to be with them, isn't it. that was the case with you.

I remember you saying 'it's all water under the bridge', when we were mailing each other after the event. Fact is you didn't want to think about what you did, so you used that phrase to close your mind.

Where are you now? Stuck is where you the rut you never wanted to be in. Spanish holidays and little else apart from the smae routine week in week out. Off north on a Friday, back after the a few pounds in weight!

There really is no comparison with my life is there, and to think you might once have shared it........

Finally a mantra someone once told me. It works

A poke a stroke is all it takes~a lick so thick creates the ache....

So for me it's off to Paris soon with friends, then the UK, back to Massachusetts and New Hampshire then the West Coast../some business, but mostly our own time. back then to Florida before our annual trip to Oz via Hawaii (Oahu and Kauai) at the end of the year.  

I guess your plans are not quite as exotic....

Ciao bella

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


For LL

No prizes for what is uplifting here LL. 

More from the next range of my portfolio. I haven't counted, but they must run into tens of thousands. Quite a figure don't you think. Talking of figures feast your eyes on those below...another selection for your delectation. I did.

Blessed, I guess you could say but then I make things happen, unlike you. I made lots of things happen. One life ends another begins - an entirely different life. Sadly you were a mere aberration between those two lives. You needn't have been - it was your choice, your decision and your actions

I leave you to figure who might have favored me most and best from the ladies below. I'll give the locations, rough dates and short notes only.

 London -An Apartment

2005 - A Spanish lady I met at a party and later dated for a short while. This effect was achieved by putting the sole light on in the room on the floor. You could say up lighting the uplift😉 Those boobs were nice and firm too.

Suffolk, UK

2006 -This was an interesting one and a little older than my usual subject, but still a lot younger than you are now. Best description is curvaceous and built for comfort. She was needy sexually too.

Cheltenham, UK

2007 - Daughter of good friends who approached me one day after dinner with her parents, to take some personal shots of her. This is just one of them.

Near Rheims, France

2006 - Another of those chance encounters that I seemed to fall into on my travels back then. Married English lady living there who was seeking some excitement in her life. Her husband had lost interest in sex....but she hadn't. I was in the area for two weeks so I leave it to you to guess how many times we 'got together' This shot was taken in another property owned by one of her friends. Our love nest if you like!

London - Studio

London - Studio

New England, USA

2005 - Near end of October. You have seen these before (and so have I) The photos I mean! You had  no idea that I had flown to Boston for a week just after I last stayed at your place, did you👌😁 

New England, USA

Apples are great in New are the 'melons'!

Near Ulm, Germany

2007 - Ulrika from Ulm. We both laughed about that. Ulm is near Stuttgart. I was there on business. She was there working. I had nothing to do much that particular weekend and neither had she, so she agreed to show me the forest and....her low hanging fruits. To swell properly fruit needs the stimulus of pollination, which was provided. Never let it be said German ladies aren't sexy...and very hot. This one certainly was LL.

 Studio - Paris

2006 - In my opinion, almost perfect. I was invited after the shoot to massage the oil into her skin.....

Near Passau, Germany

New England, USA

2006 - Fairly remote location close to the high country. Enough said. Why do so many women just want to be laid as soon as they take their clothes off for a shoot. Probably makes them horny, so who am I to complain😁

Astoria, Oregon, USA

2006 - Sharing morning coffee. Right about here the suggestion was we go back to we did. If I recall we didn't get up until 12 noon and I didn't get back to Lake Oswego until late afternoon. We did 'it' again a week later. The joys and benefits of travel LL NSA in this case too.

My Apartment, London

2005 - Fooling around...then fooling around in the kitchen and the bedroom. Nice boobs and suckable nipples. You should know how much I like that LL!.

Studio, Boston, Massachusetts

2005 - No comment, as they say.

Near Mobile, Alabama

2006 - There was a song way back titled 'Young, gifted and Black' by Bob and Marcia. This young lady was certainly that...and firm and very hot.

Carcassonne, France

2007 - Mon cher compagnon ami et chambre à coucher. She certainly was, I couldn't wait to get there weekends when I could get away from London or Norfolk.

Wymondham, Norfolk, UK

2005 April and a few months after. Let's say one of my regulars. Loved that ass.

Northern California, USA
2006 - Another trip, but this time down from Oregon, not up. She was down in this photo and I was most certainly up. Never had sex in the dunes on that coast LL? No, of course not - you've never been and most probably never will...but you could have. Lonely lady and she was up for it and so was I, so we headed out to the coast. If you know that area, as I do, you will know why she was lonely, that and her husband having left her months before

I had come off I-5 at Grant's Pass, drove through Crescent City and onto Eureka where I stopped for coffee and a Danish. She came in and sat at the counter alongside me, said hello, one thing led to another We met the following day and went for a drive. She knew where to go and we had sex twice on that beach. Front door and back door. Lovely day as I recall...and the weather!

Florida, USA

April 2005 - How she enjoyed those bubbles being spread all over by hands larger than hers. It was a pleasure for her...and me...culminating in.....

Hotel, North West UK

2006 January - Not far from a certain front door. Opportunity knocked and one should never pass up on an opportunity. She was on business, came from Manchester, and came several times that night. This is the following morning. By now I had that ring in my pocket. If you think back LL, you'll know now why I was nursing a small beer and not a large one.... when we met in that bar, round the corner. You were very cold, emotionally, but she wasn't.

Stresa, Italy

2007 - Stayed in an hotel there on my way down to Milan. Part of my long stay in Italy to learn the language. This lady helped me for a couple of days. Boy were those Italian girls something else...

Puerto Banus, Spain

2006 - First time I went here was on my own, but not for long. Met this English lady in Estepona,  Stopped off there one morning and was having a cortado in a nice little place when she fell into my lap almost literally. While I write this I am only a few miles from that spot. 

Fact is she was looking for somewhere to sit and her shoe caught in the paving  and she almost fell. I stood quickly, grabbed her arm and steadied her. That was when we both realized we were Brits. So she joined me and ordered coffee. We sat there for ages, talking and having quite a laugh. Funny how you 'click' with some people almost immediately. She was one of those people. We really liked each other.

As a result we ended up a lot closer than we ever thought, having that coffee there. Skin to skin you might say. That's her in my apartment bed above LL. She was from Surrey, worked in London and then was in her late-ish thirties. She stayed over at my apartment weekends for a while and then we both moved on. Happy memories.

Studio, Copenhagen, Denmark 

2007 - Loved this shot. It shows her real beauty. Shame I can't show you faces, but privacy is paramount. Not what it seems with the hand, merely a pose.


The next three are all studio shots, of different women. Up close and personal with the cameras.

Studio London

Studio London

Studio, London

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Friday, July 14, 2017


For LL

I thought it was time I continued my travelogue across the Southern States of my home - the USA. My previous blogs refer to the fact I had reached Biloxi, Louisiana. From there I had decided to drive to Tallahassee, the capital of what was to become my home State

Related image

It was about four and a half hours driving so I set off on I-10 via Mobile Alabama stopping only for coffee and arrived in Tallahassee in the early afternoon. I had no particular plans apart from taking a look-see at the City and deciding where to eat that night. And so it was, nothing of any importance happened. I dined out, of the hotel, alone. Savoring chicken cooked Southern style and chatted to another guy at the bar before leaving. I slept  soundly and deeply that night.

When I woke the following morning, the sun was shining and the world from my window looked good. I showered shaved and went down for leisurely breakfast accompanied by plenty of coffee. I had decided I would take a guided tour of the City - I'd had enough driving.

I had no idea what the days here might bring...and it certainly brought something I had no expectation of.

It eventually materialized as an invitation that melded in to several things. The morning of the tour, on a bus, was interesting but uneventful. We returned to base around midday and I was the last off the vehicle due to my old fashioned English manners, no doubt.

As I walked into the hotel, reception called me over and said they had a message for me. It was from a dear friend (74 now), female, who lived in Tarpon Springs, Fl. I called her on her landline as she didn't have a cell. Turned out it was merely to pass on a message and a number. I had business near Tarpon Springs (still do) over at Bradenton. G told me a friend was recommending I give a guy in Tallahassee a call who had been involved on a development next to mine in the Bradenton area. He lived nearby. So I did.

To cut a long story short I drove out to see him the next day. We talked over some real estate ideas (mainly buying up distressed developments at the time). Said I would go away and consider and we could meet again.

As I drove back to the City along one of the back roads I was waved down by a pretty woman. That's a first in the States for me. It was obvious that her car had broken down and along with it her air con. I asked whether she was a member of AAA, but she said no. There wasn't much I could do so I told her to hop in and I'd take her to the nearest garage. She grabbed her purse (handbag to you LL) and we set off. At least her car was off the road on the shoulder, so I guessed it would be OK.

We talked during the drive, naturally, and she was very easy to talk to. I can talk too as you know LL, so we got on pretty well. As you'll see she was very pretty and I told her so. She smiled at that and in her Floridian accent thanked me. I loved the sound of her voice so I let her talk away while I drove.

We found a place, after about forty five minute,s prepared to go out and tow her car in and carry out remedial work. She had no way of getting back to her place so she said she'd get a cab. Up until then I had only had breakfast at the hotel and coffee with the real estate guy. I said to her why don't we get lunch and I'll drive you home. She protested weakly that I'd done enough, but then gave in when I insisted.

We had lunch. I grabbed a sandwich and she had a small salad with a soda. I had coffee and a refill. when we had finished up we left and go into my car. We lowered the windows to let the heat out and she pulled her dress up around her legs. I stole a glance as she said how hot it was. Windows back up and air con working hard we cooled off fairly quickly. She only wore a cotton sundress. I had chinos and polo on. We drove on toward her place which was on the edge of the city.

She had a nice small place, not new but pretty neat, in a pleasant part of town. She invited me in and I accepted. Showed me where the coffee was and said to go ahead and make some while she freshened up after her car fiasco. I, as always had a camera with me. I never leave them in a car.

Coffee made, she re-appeared on cue... wearing a dressing gown. It was some sort of sheer silky material. I'm not an expert in the field of materials, but it was sheer enough that I could see her breasts were not encased in a bra.

We took our coffee to the couch, which was covered with a red patterned throw. I suspected she might have cat. She confirmed it, and asked how did I know. I pointed out the throw and she laughed. Had I ever had cats? Yes, four, I told her and others over the years.

I haven't thanked you for rescuing me today, she said and you bought me lunch. No problem, I replied. Her way of thanking me unfolded literally before my eyes. She allowed her gown to open showing a very nice cleavage. My camera was on a side table and she looked at it. She asked would I like to photograph her. I replied sure, if you are happy with that.

I took several shots of her face, some in close up, profile, looking up and in partial shadow. The latter always brings a subject to life instead of a flat full light photo. I stopped and said OK, I've taken around thirty. I suggested we could view them on her laptop. then she told that I hadn't finished and with that remark shrugged the gown off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Not sure what I expected, topless yes, but she was fully nude.

I really want to thank she said, but first the photos - take as many and as intimate as you wish I'm proud of my body - you can keep a copy, she told me - call it a souvenir. We both laughed and I started taking the shots. Some appear below. As you can see LL she had every reason to be proud.

Incidentally, do you think I really, really 'suffered after we parted - you bet I did. I suffered the attentions of many American, Canadian, Latino, European and oriental ladies...oh and some Indian women. They were quite something when it came to knowing.... There were also a few Americans with Native American blood. You could say I experienced the world both in travel and ...women. One day I'll tell you about the six months I spent in Italy.

Back to the lady in question here. I moved across from the couch and started taking quite a few shots the best of which appear below. Naturally, I have cropped her face for obvious reasons LL.

She said she looked pregnant in the one below. I guess she does, but I like it anyway.

By now I was standing and walking round the couch, and she was becoming a little friskier with her poses and with her intentions..... when she adopted the poses below I found it harder and harder (excuse the intentional pun) to, a) concentrate and b) resist our natural urges. By the time I took the fourth photo below LL, there was no holding me back, or her. We made love there and then on that couch, fast and hard.

While I entered her - she was very wet and receptive - she just loved me squeezing those lovely boobs LL. The more I squeezed them the more frantic her bucking against me was. She really was loud with her moans and cries. Those long legs drawn back and apart. As she began her climb toward climax she drew her legs higher and farther apart and still my thickness filled her. She came in something of a crescendo. I saw her tummy contract then she came and her buttocks clenched.

I was still quite erect and hadn't come, so she turned over and knelt on the couch. I took her from behind, pulling her onto me by holding her hips. She loved it . I could tell from her moans and repeated use of the word... yes, yes, yes....

I took her slowly to begin with, exploring her inside with my cock and stimulating her to come again as much as I could....after a while she did...and so did I, after a last minute sudden quickening of my thrusting.

I captured quite a bit with the camera LL, but have omitted some more intimate shots from here. 

I cuddled her in my arms afterward and caressed her. Despite her air con unit, she was warm soft and snuggled right into me. She whispered how much she had enjoyed both her climaxes and asked if she had thanked me enough for 'rescuing' her. I'm too modest to say how much she complimented me on my performance

My answered her question on her 'thank you' firmly in the affirmative!!

I stayed over that night, we exchanged cell numbers and I took her out to dinner after showering....together. The following morning after a long and languid breakfast I left and headed for my next destination St Augustine, Fl.

 I knew already what you once said to me after we parted LL, that there were many women 'out there' that wanted to get laid. I obliged as many as I could, and there were...many.

Adiós por ahora

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

249-289 - At Length

For LL

As you have probably surmised, my photography has enabled me to take shots of some very attractive women, from a variety of countries and to some extent a variety of backgrounds. I'm sure you will agree that my skill has developed (pun not intended) enormously over the years since I started way back in 2004. A talent I once explored back in the sixties, but never had the time or equipment for.

Since then I have learned a lot about lighting, the use of shadow, posing a subject, dressing a set and, of course, exposure ... in both senses of the word!

So, for your edification and, in some cases, my enjoyment ... if you know what I mean ... here are some further samples from the above numbered portfolios. The title refers to the body shots in the the photographs.

A perfect example of the use of light and posture. The water is there to highlight her skin and curves

This was just a chance shot that I have included for fun. Long legs, which you know I like. An area where you have always been challenged LL.

Little bit of Photoshop here in the use of a filter and some fine tuning. This was one of those commissions that turned into something else. Surprising how many 'neglected' women there are out there. She received what she sought to our mutual satisfaction. It certainly brought a smile to her lips and a cry to her mouth.

I think this is a great shot. Had to get in the water too then try not to make a ripple. At least she had very nice buoyancy! Accentuates things wouldn't you agree.

This was taken in a studio using just natural light on a very natural body. A lovely and very loving woman if you get my drift LL.

Taken in New England at this location, at her request. She used to play near here as a child. As you can see no longer a child.

This shot uses the light from two windows on different walls or elevations. this was a commission but she felt quite horny after posing for this and other shots. One had to oblige someone as beautiful as this....

Slipped this personal shot in. and that wasn't all LL😉 She was showing her assets off here so I took various shots 'for the record'. She certainly 'aroused my interest' with this one. Those breasts were very firm and a pleasure to handle etc etc etc.....

I think you have seen this one before. One of my cameras, one of my laptops and one of my ladies and conquests. The photo was for her, naturally.

Studio shot using subtle artificial light. Took a while to set up, but worth it.  Suppose you could call it a portrait, although I have of course edited out her face.

Count myself very lucky to have secured this commission. This lady doesn't use any photographer - very choosy and discretion was called for - but she was introduced to me and it was a pleasure to take these private shots for her.

This one is personal. Early morning frolics. She woke me up by ******. I'll leave you to guess how LL.

This is a holiday snap. My holiday and hers, when you thought I was 'mourning' your 'leaving'. Get real LL. Did you really think I didn't know what you were up to from 2004 onward. I've been in the business of 'sussing' out people for far too long, including while you were growing up - if you ever did.

Untanned legs and a porcelain complexion. Taken in a high rise apartment in Chicago.

One day LL I'll show you some shots of the not so perfect that I have photographed, but for now here is a woman I thought had a near perfect body - see below also. Taken in black and white, only. She loved the shots and so did I. She didn't always cross her legs....


This was taken in a remote corner of Suffolk UK. We had set out early to catch the morning sun. After  arriving she stripped off for the set (of photos - technical term in this world)) I had planned for her. having re-applied a little make-up for the camera.

She took a great photo as you can see LL. Lovely boobs and a great skin color too. Nothing else happened that day.... but we struck up a friendship and I saw her a few times at her place near Newmarket. All seems a while ago now.

You weren't in the same league as any of the women I subsequently met, sad to say. Now I'm not sure what I ever saw in you to be honest...maybe it was that smile, but not much else. You weren't even 'experienced' were you.

This was one hell of an afternoon...given what she is doing to herself, I'll leave the rest to your imagination LL as to how the only other party there became involved ✊😀

Sheet up...come on in and I did in both senses of both words. Very luscious boobs and nipples, I remember. Follow up to a shoot. She had all her clothes on then.

This lady was proud of her assets - both of them, as I am sure you can tell from this studio pose,

Studio shot  using artificial and ambient light. Yes, LL there are beds in the studios and couches and chairs etc. Shows her form superbly don't you think LL.


The next seven shots are all studio shoots. In one case I have included several photos. Lucky, lucky guy to shoot all these women. You said I was 'lucky' when I moved to NH, USA. As I said before, that wasn't luck  that was determination and focus. But this occupation - yep, I guess you could say it was a lucky combination of circumstances, country and money.


The lady below is ....well, a personal friend. Very personal. That's Florida sunshine shining on her butt, and a lovely one it was.

The lady below here, well she was no lady in the bedroom, but outside of it she was demur and sophisticated. Get her near a bed and she was an 'animal' and pretty much insatiable. Happy days, or is that daze


For a complete change, some ladies who are clothed:


However, not wishing to disappoint you LL, back to the nudity and...... more!!!

You should know where this is LL (above)....but I bought a new bed. Quite a firm one with bounce, bit like this lady, who I saw off and on during early 2005 If I was off she was on, and if she was off I was on.😉😜

I don't think this photo needs explanation. I guess you could title it "Preparing". She was gorgeous and warm and smelled lovely. I recall....



The following is a still from one of my professional video cameras. She seemed to enjoy watching action and climaxing. So she asked me to film the 'action'. Eat your heart out LL...that's me underneath. Satisfying yet another lady. You were right, as I have said before, there were plenty of good lays out there and, as I found out from March 2004, better than the one I was getting then...far better.

 There are two  video cameras so a side view was taken as well.

To soften the ending here are some flowers

Oh, and the location on this blog - the place I fly into and out of in our jet. By the time you read this I'll be back in France
