Tuesday, July 18, 2017


For LL

No prizes for what is uplifting here LL. 

More from the next range of my portfolio. I haven't counted, but they must run into tens of thousands. Quite a figure don't you think. Talking of figures feast your eyes on those below...another selection for your delectation. I did.

Blessed, I guess you could say but then I make things happen, unlike you. I made lots of things happen. One life ends another begins - an entirely different life. Sadly you were a mere aberration between those two lives. You needn't have been - it was your choice, your decision and your actions

I leave you to figure who might have favored me most and best from the ladies below. I'll give the locations, rough dates and short notes only.

 London -An Apartment

2005 - A Spanish lady I met at a party and later dated for a short while. This effect was achieved by putting the sole light on in the room on the floor. You could say up lighting the uplift😉 Those boobs were nice and firm too.

Suffolk, UK

2006 -This was an interesting one and a little older than my usual subject, but still a lot younger than you are now. Best description is curvaceous and built for comfort. She was needy sexually too.

Cheltenham, UK

2007 - Daughter of good friends who approached me one day after dinner with her parents, to take some personal shots of her. This is just one of them.

Near Rheims, France

2006 - Another of those chance encounters that I seemed to fall into on my travels back then. Married English lady living there who was seeking some excitement in her life. Her husband had lost interest in sex....but she hadn't. I was in the area for two weeks so I leave it to you to guess how many times we 'got together' This shot was taken in another property owned by one of her friends. Our love nest if you like!

London - Studio

London - Studio

New England, USA

2005 - Near end of October. You have seen these before (and so have I) The photos I mean! You had  no idea that I had flown to Boston for a week just after I last stayed at your place, did you👌😁 

New England, USA

Apples are great in New England....so are the 'melons'!

Near Ulm, Germany

2007 - Ulrika from Ulm. We both laughed about that. Ulm is near Stuttgart. I was there on business. She was there working. I had nothing to do much that particular weekend and neither had she, so she agreed to show me the forest and....her low hanging fruits. To swell properly fruit needs the stimulus of pollination, which was provided. Never let it be said German ladies aren't sexy...and very hot. This one certainly was LL.

 Studio - Paris

2006 - In my opinion, almost perfect. I was invited after the shoot to massage the oil into her skin.....

Near Passau, Germany

New England, USA

2006 - Fairly remote location close to the high country. Enough said. Why do so many women just want to be laid as soon as they take their clothes off for a shoot. Probably makes them horny, so who am I to complain😁

Astoria, Oregon, USA

2006 - Sharing morning coffee. Right about here the suggestion was we go back to bed....so we did. If I recall we didn't get up until 12 noon and I didn't get back to Lake Oswego until late afternoon. We did 'it' again a week later. The joys and benefits of travel LL NSA in this case too.

My Apartment, London

2005 - Fooling around...then fooling around in the kitchen and the bedroom. Nice boobs and suckable nipples. You should know how much I like that LL!.

Studio, Boston, Massachusetts

2005 - No comment, as they say.

Near Mobile, Alabama

2006 - There was a song way back titled 'Young, gifted and Black' by Bob and Marcia. This young lady was certainly that...and firm and very hot.

Carcassonne, France

2007 - Mon cher compagnon ami et chambre à coucher. She certainly was, I couldn't wait to get there weekends when I could get away from London or Norfolk.

Wymondham, Norfolk, UK

2005 April and a few months after. Let's say one of my regulars. Loved that ass.

Northern California, USA
2006 - Another trip, but this time down from Oregon, not up. She was down in this photo and I was most certainly up. Never had sex in the dunes on that coast LL? No, of course not - you've never been and most probably never will...but you could have. Lonely lady and she was up for it and so was I, so we headed out to the coast. If you know that area, as I do, you will know why she was lonely, that and her husband having left her months before

I had come off I-5 at Grant's Pass, drove through Crescent City and onto Eureka where I stopped for coffee and a Danish. She came in and sat at the counter alongside me, said hello, one thing led to another We met the following day and went for a drive. She knew where to go and we had sex twice on that beach. Front door and back door. Lovely day as I recall...and the weather!

Florida, USA

April 2005 - How she enjoyed those bubbles being spread all over by hands larger than hers. It was a pleasure for her...and me...culminating in.....

Hotel, North West UK

2006 January - Not far from a certain front door. Opportunity knocked and one should never pass up on an opportunity. She was on business, came from Manchester, and came several times that night. This is the following morning. By now I had that ring in my pocket. If you think back LL, you'll know now why I was nursing a small beer and not a large one.... when we met in that bar, round the corner. You were very cold, emotionally, but she wasn't.

Stresa, Italy

2007 - Stayed in an hotel there on my way down to Milan. Part of my long stay in Italy to learn the language. This lady helped me for a couple of days. Boy were those Italian girls something else...

Puerto Banus, Spain

2006 - First time I went here was on my own, but not for long. Met this English lady in Estepona,  Stopped off there one morning and was having a cortado in a nice little place when she fell into my lap almost literally. While I write this I am only a few miles from that spot. 

Fact is she was looking for somewhere to sit and her shoe caught in the paving  and she almost fell. I stood quickly, grabbed her arm and steadied her. That was when we both realized we were Brits. So she joined me and ordered coffee. We sat there for ages, talking and having quite a laugh. Funny how you 'click' with some people almost immediately. She was one of those people. We really liked each other.

As a result we ended up a lot closer than we ever thought, having that coffee there. Skin to skin you might say. That's her in my apartment bed above LL. She was from Surrey, worked in London and then was in her late-ish thirties. She stayed over at my apartment weekends for a while and then we both moved on. Happy memories.

Studio, Copenhagen, Denmark 

2007 - Loved this shot. It shows her real beauty. Shame I can't show you faces, but privacy is paramount. Not what it seems with the hand, merely a pose.


The next three are all studio shots, of different women. Up close and personal with the cameras.

Studio London

Studio London

Studio, London

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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