Saturday, April 27, 2019

Classic ...Cars

LL in the UK

One of my many interests LL has been and still is classic cars. I have quite a nice collection now. In my travels around the States and over there in Europe I have managed to combine my love of cars with my love of photographing beautiful women. Here's a selection covering the years 2007  to 2019. I haven't bothered with the locations as it is all about the cars....mainly!


Forget the cars.....😉


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

The Young Ones

LL in the UK

The young ones are often the worst...or the best, depending on your point of view LL. Far more promiscuous than their slightly older brethren and probably more uninhibited about intimate photos. They also lean toward the older man, for experience and knowing what a woman really wants.

Come around the world with me in this journey by photograph. Most of them came too...if you follow LL!



Seattle, Washington State

Vancouver, Canada

Kent, Washington State

Lake Oswego, Oregon - My place


Sydney, Australia

Queenstown, New Zealand

Brisbane, Australia





Bristol, UK



Montpelier, Vermont - Hotel


Cumbria, UK

Uppsala, Sweden


New York

Norwich, UK - Renovation (the property, not the lady!)

Lyon, France

Copenhagen, Denmark

London - Studio

York, UK (2004)

Norfolk, UK (2005)

Norwich, Norfolk 2004 (renovation property...again!)

London 2005 - Well and truly serviced - Hotel

New Hampshire, USA

Now for a little black and white....

Bruges, Belgium

Near Warsaw, Poland

That Village in Norfolk, UK (2004)

Canne, France - Shower time!

Boston Mass. Studio

Cambridge UK finish in color!

Paris, France


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©