LL in the UK
I like to start the day with a coffee and sometimes just lie back and take the sights in. The ups and downs, the curves, points of entry...you know the sort of thing. I often lay back with you and did just that, didn't I.
That paragraph is just a bit of fun, but it has a point or two LL, as you will see below. Life is a funny old thing isn't it? There was me getting over my late wife's premature passing, only to be hit within a few months of meeting you, with your infidelity. I was somewhat blinded by grief and joy back then. Grief over my loss and joy in finding you, LL. Then that fell apart due to your behaviour. However, what followed was like a chemical reaction and you were the catalyst.
You will know I like women by now. I enjoy their company, I enjoy flirting and of course I enjoy them. What you never knew was and is that they enjoy my company. With your revelation in March 2004 and my dismay at finding out, you set the reaction, I spoke of above, rolling. After one of the worst things that happened to me - meeting and trusting you - the best of things happened. I had more women knocking at my door (some literally) than I ever dreamt of.
That came about partly through my taking up photography again, partly in the early days after 2004 through dating websites, and partly through, at a later time, 'recommendation'. That latter source was largely through women way outside your so called 'class'. They have proved to be far more, shall we say, open minded or broad minded than you and your 'type'.
All of which brings me to another series of photos, which include women you have seen before.
My rather hairy Italian lady in Naples, well Sorrento to be precise. This was taken last year when I was there. She is always up, or is that don, for visiting with me when I'm there. I am sure you can appreciate how she attracts me!
Selfie from someone I knew in Norwich, from UEA (the university). Rather young but she liked me inside her and I have rarely said no to a gorgeous woman. I didn't here either. This was I think taken by her in 2008. Her name is Vikki.
Close up and about to get personal. I took this after I had teased her nipples upright and hard, while she did the same for me. Taken in Surrey 2006. Her name is Livvi.
Another set of nipples coaxed into the right mode, for me and for her. Gemma is a lovely woman and she was more than happy for me to have a memento of her boobs to keep with me. London 2008.
Rhona was given attention to bring her nipples to attention. I took this lying on my back as she sat astride me. Lovely firm boobs poised above my head as her warm loins enveloped me. Near Penrith 2004.
About to get to work on these beauties. Well I was back in 2004 LL. Lianne lived right in your City. A short drive, car hidden away at the rear of her house and there I was, making love to another woman, LL. She's moved now, so you won't know her. I really did have to hide my car. If you knew where I was then. you would understand.
A long way from your backyard this was taken in my hotel room in Lyon, France in 2006. Room service and servicing,. What a lucky guy I was and I got to take photos of Adele in her hold ups, before she wanted me to hold her down!
Back to dear old Norfolk for this selfie. Sent to me last year and trying to tempt me back. We had a lovely affair that started in 2005 and off and on thru 2007. She's added a few pounds but still looks very appetizing to me, so maybe I'll take her up on her invitation received just a few weeks ago along with the photo above.
Long hair, long legs and great boobs. My perfect combination and I was on a commission too. California 2008 LL. Quite proud of this shot. The original shows her face of course. Was I lucky? I certainly showed her how proud I was. All her idea LL, but who was I to refuse.
Once she reached this stage in the shoot it was only a matter of time before she led me to her bedroom...and astray!
Another selfie. This time from a 'friend' in Suffolk, UK. 2018. That's all I'll say, although she loves to errr....'accommodate' me, when I'm over there....frequently. The 'accommodating' that is.
This shot was taken at my place in Nice, France back in 2008. I guess that's all I need to say. The rest I am sure you can work out LL. The lady is Ines.
Back over here in the States for this shot taken in Tennessee in 2005. Remember my trip over there via Indiana and Ohio? Take a look at the map it isn't a big leap to go south from Indiana to Tennessee. Know what was awaiting me (above), I was more than happy to make the side trip. The Internet is and was back then a wonderful thing.
Spent two days and three nights with her before heading down to Florida....lovely. Her name is Sue.
An English girl in France and on this occasion her hair matches. So many blonds who are really brunettes when 'all' is revealed. This is her apartment in Paris provided by her parents. I was commissioned to take photos and, well she wanted a little more than just the shoot....
2008. Photo is a bit out of focus for me, but in the circumstances.....
To use a modern and overused adjective, they are pretty awesome aren't they an so was the lay provided by the owner. Taken near Michelle's pool in LA, California, last year.
I'm really not sure how this happens, but I took the shot in Indianapolis at my hotel there. This was back in 2005 and this lady was up for a little fun. No she wasn't a hooker. In fact she was staying in the hotel as well, on her own, as I was LL.
Long story, short. We dined out together rather than eat hotel food on separate tables. We had said hello and chatted earlier in my first day there. After dinner, the inevitable happened. The photo was taken the following morning. I was taking that shirt to my nephew by marriage in Silverton, Oregon. I left it with Jessica. She filled it very nicely, to which I can attest from personal handling😋
Like the majority here LL. You have seen them before, but maybe not this lady from 2004. She lived in Hexham back then. Straight over your junction and keep going straight to her junction and very nice it was too. Her name is Debbie. We keep in touch occasionally, but I haven't seen her since 2005 in the flesh. When I did it was very pleasurable.
Three guesses to where I was when I took this shot. On second thoughts I think you only need one guess LL. London 2005 and about to get down and ....well sexual, very!
Did you really think you had fooled me with your playing around. If you did then you are a bigger fool than I think you already are.
Somewhere in the Med with a someone who needed a vacation. Suited us both. 2006 and that year seemed like one long holiday and ...I was never without female company. This youthful lady is Louise.
Commission 2006 London.
It's not often I reveal the face of one of the women I have known but I will make an exception with Debbie, for once. This was taken in London in 2005 at my apartment in Docklands before we parted. Debbie was a near neighbor in my block and we met in the elevator of all places. Things went from there. I once asked her why she was attracted to me, an older man - she said it was my smile and eyes.
Back over here for this shot taken in New York. Her name strangely enough, is Patti. She had/has a penchant for sexy underwear and is a real 'looker'. I took this in 2006, one of my earliest New York clients, who became a close, very close friend. I am sure by now you have realized that your body couldn't compete at all.
No wonder I decided to teach you a lesson and leave you behind.
This is Debbie LL, if you can see her partly between her legs. This was taken in 2004 in an hotel not that far from your front door. Not the one just along the road though, that would have been a little too close.
No need to ask what she wanted is there! Happy days.
Taken by my pool in Naples, Florida last year.
California 2007. Her name is Sophie.
Studio shot Boston, Mass., 2019
Italy and ecstasy in 2008 LL. Do you know why Gabriella is looking the way she does? Well we have just made love in the bath and I stepped out and took this shot. What a great memory. I love the look of a woman fully satisfied.
Here's another from an entirely different location and situation. This is Jenny and was taken in Pennsylvania back in 2008. The photo and Jenny that is - both were taken. Lucky guy or what LL!
There have been so many women out there that just wanted to get laid. Kept (and keeps) me fit over the years and happy.
A guest at my old home a few miles from here near Concord, NH. Her name is Annie. This was taken just after we arose one summer's morning back in July 2007.
Quite a handful, if you know what I mean LL.
Taken in my studio in London 2007. One of those commissions that went a lot further than just the normal shoot. Victoria required a service of an entirely different kind and she was about to receive it when I took this shot.
Being presented with this naked lady in this position can only lead to one thing and it did LL. London 2005 and she was just back from a vacation too. Hence the white bits, all of which received due attention to the point she could take no more.
Kensington, was the location and the lady is Jane.
California 2007
Italy 2007 and an Italian 'friend' LL. Quite like this shot and that beautiful butt! The location is a friend's place, her friend. Not too far from Naples, Italy.

Up close and very, very personal. Although it verges on the pornographic, I think this shot of Leanne taken in South Carolina is very sexy. She was about to receive my tongue and then....well you should know the rest, very well LL. 2007.
Commission...sort of, in Bournemouth, UK in 2008. Great butt don't you think. Her name is Sarah.
About to get laid, in Paris...and so is she. I took this photo of the gorgeous Gabrielle in 2008 at my apartment.
Commission - California studio LA 2018
This shot of Freja was taken in Aalborg Denmark in 2008 LL. Gorgeous don't you think. I certainly did and do.
Commission - New Hampshire, at my place 2018.
Curvy capers in California. Like the alliteration LL?
Not my place but hers. I went there on a commission and ended up in the hot tub with her after the shots she wanted. I think she was very satisfied with them and I was very satisfied with her. Her name is Julia and this was taken last year, LL.
I'm at my home on Nantucket for the weekend back in New Hampshire on Monday - not alone of course
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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