For LL in the UK
Luscious is a very onomatopoeic word don't you think LL. That is, the sound of the word associates very much with its meaning. It also describes many of the women below. Yes, some I did others not. They range from 2004 thru 2019.
I'll give locations as to where the shots were taken.
Juicy is also a word I would apply to most of the women below. Why not? After all their juices were flowing...even before they received attention.
There are various shots in this blog, LL, using filters, soft focus etc, and my favorite medium black and white.
This was taken in a property that was empty on the estate where I was on a commission. As soon as she showed me there for the shoot inside, and the fact the only stick of furniture was the bed above; I knew what she had in mind/ Lucy didn't waste anytime either. She had been wearing a summer dress with a zipper at the back, prior to the photograph above.
It was apparent already that she had no bra under her dress and that became more than evident when I unzipped her LL. Long legged Lucy, LL. It was lovely and warm and wet, between those thighs. The shot was taken after the main event (s).
Norfolk, UK
I rather like this shot, although it is heavily cropped so Amanda can't be identified. Another house guest at #19. There were many from March 2004 onward, until I finally sold up. There were many since then, too!
No guesses as to what happened here with Kim, and on the large couch in the day room, just off the kitchen, too.
Rome, Italy
Despite the scanty 'dress' for this part of the I didn't. Although, she was a very nice woman and probably would have, but other things called elsewhere in Rome.
Rome, Italy
As I said immediately above, other things called in Rome that day and this lady was one of them. This is a shoot LL, nothing more although it did become 'something more' at a later date. Lovely Italian lady...all over.
I don't think you had, or have, any idea how much my life changed after you ...and, to a certain extent, before.
London, UK
Commission, at least I thought it was until she kicked her shoes off and slipped out of that evening dress and....
One of the many hotels I stayed in during my extended stay in 2007. Most offered full service. I don't like 'slumming it'. Great facilities etc etc. Among them was full room service which in a number of them including this one.
This young lady arranged to come to my room after she had finished work ... at the hotel. Bit of a risk for her as she would have lost her job if they found out. They didn't. Her uniform was black, LL and I found out her underwear you can see. Like so many I met, she just wanted to get did I.
Young firm boobs a tad on the small side for me but the rest of her was full on and her juices flowed freely. Very nice sex as I recall.
We had a bit of fun getting her out of the hotel and to her car. I used a raincoat I had. wrapped it around her which was easy. I was bigger than her. I told her to put it up over her head and I walked her out a side entrance to her car.
After an hour or two sunbathing what better than to strip off and shower, but first...let's make it worthwhile after all that relaxing. Taken at my Naples home LL. She loved having her luscious nipples sucked at length. Remember when I did that for you, in Denia. I've sucked a lot better ones since and, even back before we parted. It certainly got the juices flowing - hers and mine!
Not from the red light district in Amsterdam LL, but a small town way to the south west that I stayed at briefly, on my way to a commission elsewhere. I met this lady in a coffee shop in 2006. We chatted and she agreed to dinner. Why not, I asked myself at the time. I was quite free.
I ended up staying over that night in her modest apartment...and bed. This shot was taken the following morning just before she wanted and received a 'parting gift'. I am sure you can guess what that was!
I was very fortunate to get laid with quite a few younger women, with nice firm breasts and a tight pussy. All very satisfying.
Leeds, UK
This lady lived in Guisley, near Leeds. Down the M6 from your place on a Monday morning, I called in at Penrith quite often, for you know what. It was a bit dicey at one point as I had three women on the go in the area, plus you.
After Penrith, sometimes on a Tuesday, I would carry on down the M6 to junction 36 and then take the A65 to Guiseley. From there it was about two hours to my home in Norfolk.
My Guiseley visits were always peppered with a bit of excitement, apart from what K liked me to do with her. The other element was that she was married, but her husband was away weekdays. I rather liked that for a while and so did she. It also broke my journey home, LL. There I was having had three different women in the space of three days and that went on for quite a while. Not always the same three women, apart from one ... you.
London, UK
This lady who I will call B, was someone I did a commission for in the past. Under the guise of repeat business she used to invite me back. This was after you had gone.
She used to like me kneeling for my 'supper', so did I. The sounds my licking the 'plate' brought forth from B were very arousing. We both used to call it starters and we laughed about it, because we both had the same starter every time LL. It cleared the way for the main course though and she was always quite satisfied with her starter.
London, UK
They were only too ready LL. That is the women I met when I was living part the time in my Docklands apartment, which is where the above shot was taken. The lady above is the luscious L. We were just 'friends with benefits', you could say.
Whenever the mood took us. L was always ready to open her legs and she like to see me walk up to those open legs with a full on erection. She always said the anticipation was great. For my part ,and indeed hers, so was the sex. Great memories.
New York
This actual shot is from a series of studio shoots that I took over several sessions for J. On this particular occasion and dressed like she is she gave me a hug after I had finished, I thought by way of a thank you - she having seen what I had taken and been pleased with the photographs.
This was summer in the Big Apple so it was pretty warm, LL, even inside. Outside it was hot. Somehow as she hugged me with just a light cotton shirt between me and J, her lips found mine and we kissed. Every time I catch a whiff of the perfume she liked, it brings back memories of that day and the occasional relationship we enjoyed for over a year.
That day she was of course wearing that very same perfume. I think she had, well I know she had, sprayed it in her cleavage.
Writing this now I remember feeling the warmth of her breasts through my shirt. She unbuttoned her shirt and mine. We both slipped out of our trousers etc and made love on the studio couch. J became a fairly regular visitor to my apartment in Manhattan after that, whenever I was in the City.
(I'm glad I had the presence of mind, very early on, to make notes of all of my many encounters and relationships - I would never remember the 'detail' otherwise. Yours don't read so well LL, sadly.)
New Hampshire
A weekend visitor to my extensive ranch. C was and is gorgeous. She is almost perfect in my view. We were about a half hour's drive from the house when I took this shot. She loves it and so do I. C and I have the original of course which shows her face.
We both cooled off there. It was hot that summer as it often is there. It wasn't only the weather that was hot either. C's body is beautiful and she was is sensitive and very loving when we are 'connected'. I say are for obvious reasons. Another 'luscious' lady LL. I've been a very lucky guy, haven't I.
Los Angeles
Taken in M's apartment post consummation (twice the preceding evening and once just before this shot, but after our showers. Another satisfied 'customer' you could say. This was one many in 2007. I'm surprised I wasn't shattered by the end of that year.
Her apartment was close to the UCLA in a suburb called Brentwood and just off 405. Take a look at LA on a map LL. It was very easy to meet many clients and others in such conurbation. M was but one...a very nice one.
She's getting a fruit salad together for breakfast in the shot above and she did put a gown on when we ate, although it allowed enough of a view of her boobs to keep my interest 'up'.
It wasn't only the pineapple that was luscious!
Paris, France
The look on a woman's face after sex is something I always love to see. In this case the lady is French and was married. C was someone I met at a party at the British Embassy. I'll leave you to figure out how I was invited. I will just say I wasn't and am not the man I let you see a little of.
Like a book I only let you see the opening chapter. The rest would have come when you bought the 'book', or to put it another way...committed. You passed on that and we both know you made a major mistake there.
C was married (and still is), but she is French. She fancied me, and I definitely fancied her. This photo was taken Paris in late 2006 almost a year after you went your way.
She had nice firm thighs I recall. They felt lovely and slim and warm when they were pressed against my face....when I was 'down there'. Luscious memories.

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Another encounter courtesy of that website LL. This shot was taken in May 2004 at R's home. You can't see them in this shot but she had lovely breasts. The kind a man salivates about...they were luscious.
London, UK
Commission in West London. Rather a grand house, I thought back then, but now I have one as well. Grand lass as well, especially in one area! Looks quite refined and classy doesn't E. She was but not when she dragged me into her bed. I went willingly, even though she was married. She had a habit of taking her rings off before we had sex. I guess it made her feel less guilty, if she felt guilty at all.
Plenty to fill my hands there LL and she loved the way I filled her. Licking her pussy was like having the juice of a peach dribbling around my mouth. She always became wet,very wet, very quickly...luscious
Bristol, UK
I think this lady, H, is unique, or at least her boobs were. Never seen anything quite like them. Very erotic too. Just looking at them when she stripped off had me fully risen. To say they were suck-able is an understatement LL. They were built for that purpose.
Or....I could let you into a secret as to why they are so 'proud', but won't as it doesn't work with all women.
From mid 2005 right through 2006 I used to visit a friend who is still a close and intimate friend called Trish in a suburb of Bristol (an appropriate word here!), I met quite a few of her friends socially, many of them women. H was one of them and a very hungry one at that (sexually speaking). She flirted with me a fair bit when I met her the first couple of times. I did the same , but not around Trish.
The flirting moved on to a little surreptitious touching on her part - later mine. That is until she got her way and we got together. Like you, I often left Trish's house on a Monday or Tuesday after she had left for work. H worked from her home and I began staying over for a night or two regularly when I was in Bristol seeing Trish. Rather like my trips to you LL. I managed to lay two women on one visit. In your case it was usually on my way back home.
Those Bristol visits took me along the M4, so a side trip to Berkshire on the way back added another encounter to my travels...and you must have wondered why I didn't visit that frequently in 2005! This was one of the reasons but not the main one.
Something for you to think about - I was inside her when I took this shot, above ...very luscious mmmm...
Kent, UK
This is an old one dating back to the late 1960's. Another conquest, in another era. The lady in question Jan., lived in Herne Bay. I wonder where she is now...

Paris, France
This lady is a model, a photographic one that was recommended to me for a shoot. I sold portfolios to various outlets back then...mainly clothed, but not always.
C was getting changed into a summer dress when I took this shot, while we had a break. Interesting underwear! I love the French (and the Italians) neither thought anything of having sex at the drop of a hat, or is that panties. It just came naturally with them. C was no exception when we were done we had sex and she came...all over my face. That was her first orgasm. I always like to 'tee' a lady up for the main event. She came twice more during the latter, her luscious pussy bathed in her juices and then mine.
Frankfurt, Germany
Never let it be said that the German women aren't as sexy as any other race LL. In fact some of them are quite decadent and indulge in some decidedly kinky practices. I haven't been involved in anything extreme just a little sexual fun.
H liked to be spanked especially when I took her from behind but also when she was riding me and boy could she a Valkyrie I thought. She could keep it up for quite a while unlike others who generally came after they went into overdrive. H just kept going which gave me the opportunity to caress her body as she sat astride me. That was a pleasure in itself. Caressing her thighs butt and boobs...luscious as was her pussy spread across my groin.
When she neared her orgasm she would shout at me 'slap hard', so I did. Then she would come and I would watch her tummy contact and her thighs grip me as my hands felt her buttocks go tight. She would gush her juices all over me...luscious as I said.
I rather like her 'lips' in this shot and her lips. That was one very nice tight pussy, LL.
How did I ever meet up with such a woman. I had business in Frankfurt and a business there. I met her on one of my visits from the UK. Difficult not to as she worked for me. The year was 2008, well after your time.
Near Penrith, Cumbria, UK
Another woman I ended up laying. I met her through another of my Cumbrian lays. I think, without checking I had about six to eight women in the county at different times, not including you LL. I even had one the night you handed the ring back (but not the other items!!). I thought that was rather like poetic justice. Then when we met once more and I gave you a single red rose another lady went onto her back for me.
A, above was fooling around in this shot. You might say displaying one of her best features to my camera. After that and a playful slap on her bottom she stood and took those tights off lay back on the couch and the rest is history...rather pleasant history for us both. Being between those legs was a real pleasure and her boobs were lovely...luscious in fact.
This is a lady I know in Cape Coral up around Fort Myers. I say know because this shot was taken earlier this year. You could say she was showing me the 'way', not that I needed any assistance in that regard.
LL do you know what many of these younger women said to me, apart from liking my eyes and smile. It was the fact that although the younger men were attractive so many of them were selfish when it came to sex. A case of wham, bam and thank you ma'am all too often. Whereas the way I made love appealed to them greatly. The care I took in arousing them, ensuring they enjoyed our sex to the best of my ability, and finally my stamina in that area. I never left a women without at least two orgasms.You were once all too aware of that.
I was making a regular visit to Indianapolis, when I decided to drive the hour and half to Louisville, Kentucky to see some horses I was interested in, back in 2008 when this lady and I ended up in her bedroom.
F was quite a sexy 'catch' bearing in mind I was only on a brief visit and ended up staying there two nights before getting back to Indianapolis and catching my delayed (coitus interrupted me you could say!)) flight back to Naples, Fl.
What a luscious pussy LL, and there she was laying there just waiting., She was from the equine fraternity so knew how to ride....and how!
Getting ready for a topless session during a shoot in my London studio LL. Luscious breasts, I though and perky nipples
Los Angeles
It isn't often I allow a face to appear fully in these blogs but this lady was so pretty and perfect I have made an exception to my usual cropped versions. I'll leave you to figure out where her lusciousness lay.... April 2007 and her name is J.
Aalborg, Denmark
I think this was the last time I ever used a guest house. This one was just outside Aalborg and it turned out that Danish girls are just as free and easy as their Swedish counterparts (I was heading for Sweden on this particular trip).
I was the only guest at the beginning of the season there. The owner, a woman, told me she worked until the season swung into full on bookings. She used to get breakfast which I sat down with her and the woman above who kept an eye on things and carried out various housekeeping tasks during the day. K was a lot younger and more attractive than the owner, as you can see above. As to the owner you will just have to take my word for it. I was staying over for three nights before Sweden.
It was 2006, LL and less than six months from when we last lay in a bed together.
K came in just before lunchtime to carry out her tasks. I was out and about from early each morning I was there. On my first full day there I came back and met K. I said hello and went to my room to upload photos on my laptop and to the cloud. About an hour later K knocked on my door. She was wearing a top and the olive green light skirt you see above, both fairly loose fitting.
She spoke English of course and she started chatting. I had showered and was in just a light cotton robe. There was a certain look in her eyes. A look I have seen many times before. It exuded one When she looked at me that way I smiled and allowed her to see my eyes travel down her body, not that much was evident under those loose clothes.
Her top had a zip, her skirt secured by a cord. K undid the zip and slipped her top off to reveal her breasts. She had a light tan LL but her breasts were white and very becoming. Nice size too!
Next she pulled the cord on her skirt but held onto it. If she was horny, I certainly was. then she stepped forward and pulled the cord on my gown and...out popped a full erection. K let the skirt drop to the ground took may hands and backed toward the wall. Then she thrust her groin forward as her shoulders rested on the wall. She took me in hand and guided me toward her opening where my tip just found the entrance. While she had been doing this I had caressed her boobs and squeezed them.
Then she put her arms around my neck raised her right leg so it was wrapped around mine. At that point I could feel myself slowly entering her. I lifted K by the buttocks and with her arms still around my neck she leaned back and allowed me to slide inside her completely. If you don't know LL., this is called the cradle position.
K's legs were locked together around my back. Then she started to use her legs to slide to and fro on my erection. Very sexy. I gradually made my way to my bed, negotiating the piles of clothes. they were minimal - my gown, her top and skirt. No bra, no panties. She had come prepared, so to speak.
The bed was far more comfortable for both of us and I was able to give her my full attention and treatment which she loved. You once said, LL, 'where did you learn to make love like that!@. K said almost exactly the same.
She loved it so much we repeated it the other two days I was there. I asked her why me and she said what I come to realize over time - it was my eyes and my smile...and she just wanted to be screwed! She sure was!! ...and it was great, very wet and luscious.
Paris, France
Ahh the Parisiennes. They are so lovely and very aware sexually. An affair is part of life there and it worked to my advantage more than a few times, in fact a lot. It worked here too with J. In fact back then she would invite me to her country place and we would make love on satin sheets, one of my earliest experiences of them. They are very erotic LL especially when you have a lovely woman like J beneath you ...or on top. No friction burns!!
I recall that her body was as silken as those sheets and she was voracious in her appetite. She certainly kept ... and keeps me fit. The shot above was in my studio ten years ago. She is still gorgeous and if anything more luscious than she was then. J is married now of course but that hasn't stopped her.
New Hampshire
Another visitor to my New Hampshire home. This was a the first place I bought after you and before Ash.
I was running may hands over D's lovely body within eight months of your departure. Fortunate wasn't I. Bit of an understatement in reality. D was lovely physically as you can see and in her personality. She had just stepped outside after we had risen (I had risen a lot 30 minutes before!) and I took this shot from the back door.
A half hour previously she had sat astride me those breasts teasing me by being just out of reach of my mouth as she slowly rode me. She succumbed though and I got to suck them. they were .... luscious.
Miami, Florida
This is G and I took this photo just three months ago in Miami. G works in the TV studio that I go to for the cookery show. This is her condo. On the day this happened I was all set to drive back to Naples....but didn't!
We have had a couple more flings or connections since. Nothing serious given her age and mine, but she enjoys the sex ....and so do I, LL. I can still feel those nails digging into my back as she came. Her lusciousness wasn't her breasts but a bit lower down and she loved what I did with my tongue there.
After Denmark (see above) came Sweden, and Sweden came a fair bit in several forms on that visit.
A.... above was no exception. This is near a place called Sandviken and as you can see it was winter or at least the beginning of the end of it, I have done some work with Photoshop on the shot of A above, but she was just as lovely in the flesh as she is above.
Not big in the boob department as you can see but she knew how to make up for it! It was really cold outside I remember, like a New England winter (not that you would know what they are like). However it was very warm inside and it wasn't just don to the triple was truly luscious under the covers with her. Her name is Astrid by the way.
Milan, Italy
I have many Italian friends and I have had many Italian 'friends'. G above is one. Not sure if you have noticed but there are a lot of long legged women in my portfolios and also in the many beds I have frequented.
This is shot of G just 'after' if you follow. Somewhat exhausted but happy. We made a bit of a mess of the bed, but that was due to G's athleticism in no small part. What a lay though LL and she loved what I did and do for her. I am sure you can figure out that we still see each other, although this shot was taken last year. Those very generous boobs were...luscious ... and still are!
This dates back to 2006 and was a lady who I met online and lived down the road from me, just inside Suffolk and on the edge of Newmarket. She was separated, I was single. She hadn't had a holiday for some years,, so I treated her to one and that is where we are. On vacation in the northern part of Majorca, away from the'Madding Crowd'. Apologies to Thomas Hardy.
Anyway Sue enjoyed our week there and we enjoyed each other. I had rented a villa with a pool and a very private back yard ( you can tell I lived in the States for quite a while! Back yard) This where this shot was taken shortly after we arrived. Sue wanted the vacation to start with a I obliged!!
Luscious buttocks, aren't they. There were to me and her front lived up to the promise shown in the shot above.
Carcassonne, France
Carcassonne, France
The two shots above were taken this week. Need I say any more. Probably not!
New York
I took this photograph in my New York studio. R was a lovely young lady who was modelling underwear for a well known company. I get such commissions from time to time, although I take less of them these days.
This shot was not part of the commission itself as I am sure you can guess. R was a bit of minx and she was also very horny after changing in and out of underwear in front of me all morning. Shortly after this shot she ended up astride me on the couch slowly lowering her luscious pussy down onto my erection.
A shoot on a remote beach in California for this lovely lady. P was lovely, the sand was soft and warm and so was she. In her case it was luscious lips...both sets.
Quite the passionate kisser too.
In many of the instances above you have seen the ladies before. Even I haven't had that many women LL! The one thing I did learn early on was that there was no age barrier among the women. Young and older both had their 'needs' and the younger ones were clever enough to figure an older man had more experience....
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