Tuesday, March 30, 2021


For LL in the UK 

Just after we parted you gloated over what you had done. Do you know what the definition of that word is LL? Probably not, so I will set it out for you:

Dwelling on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure

First of all I would say that even you doubted the success of your apparent moving on. Now, having lived with what you did, it is time to reflect perhaps.You certainly did straight after we parted, in the statement you made about always making the wrong decisions. Well you made a dreadful mistake and you know it.

You gloated about the man with the footballer's legs and the fact he was a 'journalist'...and that he was indispensable to his company. You also said he was 'a perfect fit' which gave me some idea of the size of his manhood...small. 

Considering you had been very close to me for two years the speed and ability you displayed in turning against me was both breathtaking and an insight into your true character. No wonder you never held onto your husbands. Then you were surprised at my reaction in teaching you a lesson. Why? You should have known some men wouldn't take what you did lying down. Maybe the other men in your life did, but not this one.

Now we move to the word misfortune in the definition above. Considering it was you that was gloating, the misfortune should have been mine, but it wasn't. It was you that had suffered the misfortune in casting aside the best opportunity you had ever had in your chequered history.

Smugness - you definitely exhibited that in spades. But it was founded on sand, because you realised later what you had forgone by leaving.

You certainly gave rein to malignant pleasure. The coldness when you handed over the ring being just one example of that trait in you.

I guess I have every reason to be smug, but I don't ram it down your throat, as you did with me. Okay, I write about my success, material possessions, wealth and travels, but that is to demonstrate what you missed out on. I also write about the women that have been in my life to show that I have gotten on just fine without you..You didn't care about me or my feelings when you did what you did. You just thought of yourself. The epitome of selfishness LL. Of course you thought you were ahead of the game. As you know, now, you weren't.

On that last point and subject, take a look at my blogs, recently posted. You will find them at:

or in my header on Twitter.

Turning to the man you left for. Now, he's a joke, or rather a diminutive version of Billy Bunter. A stroke or heart attack on two legs, just waiting to happen. I hope you have planned your future without him, because it will come to that. A lonely old lady with just her boy for company. Vacations...they will be interesting without him. Maybe a Saga holiday or a caravan somewhere, sorry my amused imagination is running away with me. 

I have always thought that you have clung to him because you have little alternative, especially now all those years have passed by since our time. You burnt your bridges with me despite all the chances I afforded you, even when I had left there to live the rest of my life here. I can see your psychological insecurity at work in your tweets. It is very obvious, to me.

I don't have that concern, I don't have any insecurities and neither would you have had.

Finally, I have been catching up with the news on your side of the Pond. two things struck me. First, what a shower the Scottish government are and second the fact that the border between you and your man remains closed. I find that to be a little bit of poetic justice, even though it won't last forever. I believe you haven't been together since October last, according to my two informants in your city.

Enough of my making points ….read the blogs behind the link above.

Have a nice day ma'am

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