Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mainly Upfront

For LL in the UK

'You'll land on your feet', were among the last words you said to me LL. Of course I would. I already had and you had no idea. You also had no idea what you were losing by 'exchanging me' for fat man.

Fact it is that to land on your feet, one has to fall. I didn't fall....you did. I am sure you knew me enough to know that I was a planner and thinker. I had of course already established a plan of sorts way back in March 2004 in Florida when you and your boy came out. That evening when you spilled the beans on your trips to Oxford, I started to formulate what I would do. I roughed out a back up knowing that from that point I couldn't quite trust you, although I would see how you behaved from then onward.

Of course you let me down further and I realised why you wouldn't commit - it would have cramped your style. I reckon you hung onto me as some sort of 'meal ticket' until you decided to move on. Trouble is you were so dim you couldn't see that I had manipulated you to do just that. I am not generally, into hurting women and so let you down lightly, for me. Of course you needed a lesson and I left you with one didn't I.

Morally, you were corrupt LL. Deceitful, unfaithful and a thief. Not much to recommend you there ...is there! Meantime I had run a parallel life when I was away from you and it was very entertaining, fun and very, very satisfying.

On that note, below are some of those satisfactions from over the years. mainly upfront relates to ….well, you will see.

London 2019

New York 2016

Norfolk 2004

July 2004

Newcastle 2005

Love those dimples

Canada 2017

Bath 2008

Bahamas 2009

Vacation time!

Spain 2008

Oklahoma 2007

Thetford, Norfolk 2005

Cannes 2017

Norwich 2004

Near Newmarket, Suffolk 2006

Florida 2018

Manchester 2005

Australia 2009

Florida 2006

Cambridge 2008

Barcelona 2007

California 2009

Italy 2008

Penrith 2005

She liked me doing that LL

Norfolk 2004

York - Hotel 2005

Munich, Germany 2017

Washington DC 2016

The senator's daughter is what this should be entitled because that is exactly who she is. Which senator is another matter. She liked sex , lots of it and an older man turned her on she told me. I can attest to the fact that it did.

France 2009

Lucienne from Montereau. I met her in Paris but ended up with her here to the south east of the capital. I wasn't complaining and neither was she. Some woman just want cock LL and Lucienne was single-minded about mine. It was definitely put to good use in a umber of ways.

Selfie from Poland 2016

Izabella a lovely lady I came across more than once. Very large but relatively young breasts that were a delight.

Selfie from Indianapolis 2016

Pendulous is the word that springs to mind. She lived out to the NE at Muncie.

Carlisle 2004

I couldn't let this last one pass without comment LL. I took this from where I was kneeling at the foot of  Debbie's bed under three miles from your then front door.. Debbie was an early lover in your town, but not the earliest. By the time I had laid three or four it was time to play safe and move a little farther afield in Brampton, Penrith, Keswick, Hexham etc.

But Debbie was special, to me, so I did come back to her with some regularity even though I was taking a chance, slim though it was. She was a nice woman, liked me lots and I liked her. She was attentive, romantic and quite loving. She was also very good in bed. !0/10 for a lady I might have spent more than just the two years I did see her. Two things were against that. Distance and age difference. She was a tad under forty. The photo? Well you can guess where my head went next and what followed. Not very hard is it? Unlike me. Debbie could make me hard very easily.

You thought you were so 'clever' LL, when in fact rings were being run around you.

Have a nice day ma'am

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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