For LL in the UK
Soft, firm, blonde, wet and warm. My memories of Ginny are probably encapsulated in those five words LL.
Soft in nature and body. Firm in opinions and again her body. Wet when she left the swimming pool and when she was aroused, very wet. Warm in nature and in body.
Ginny (Virginia) was one of the sweetest women I have met. A stark contrast to you and one or two others I could mention. She also had an innocent air about her, but that hid quite a sexual appetite that kept me on my toes and her on her back.
She wasn't shy but gave the impression she was. She was in her early thirties when I took the photos below.
Ginny comes from a wealthy family and that family live in Massachusetts. I met her through a photographic introduction from one of her friends that I had done some work for. The shoot and these shots were taken in 2007 at her parents home in Barnstable, more or less on Cape Cod Bay. Her parents were in Hawaii on vacation at the time, I found out. For me that was a drive of under two hours from where I was living then, in New Hampshire.
I arrived. I was met by Ginny, she asked me to call her by that version of her name, and she invited me in and offered me coffee. That gave me a chance to talk with her after the usual introductions and ask what shots she wanted. Ginny told me that some shots indoors and out doors, a few portraits etc. Funny how you pick up on vibes early on, but what she was saying was said without a great deal of conviction, but I humored her LL.
She exhibited that quiet manner, that I said was close to being shy, but wasn't. In fact, it certainly wasn't. I figured later on that her quietness was part of her persona and beneath she was a planner and a mischievous one a that.
After coffee we went outside while the sun was out and took a number of shots. I wasn't entirely happy with them as Ginny's poses were half hearted and I had to get her to look more 'alive'. In the end we went back inside me trailing my cameras and lenses. I did manage one or two decent shots outside, of which the first shot below is one.
It wasn't until we were inside that I found out what she really wanted including the kind of photos she sought. We had walked in from outside through the kitchen and into one of two large lounges. When Ginny was in the lounge she turned smiled at me and removed her dress to reveal more or less entirely white underwear. Basically, her bra and panties LL.
After my experiences of the past three years with women who willingly made themselves available, I really wasn't that surprised to be honest. In fact I was (and am) very comfortable with it. In fact I find it quite exciting and pretty much every time and with every woman (almost) rewarding. The thing that really caught me by surprise with younger women was their readiness to 'entertain' and older guy like me. Then I became used to that too. Who knows what it is that I have that seems to to have turned all those women on LL.
Ginny, having shed her dress, in front of my camera, then shed her bra. I was able to take the shots immediately below as she suddenly, in her semi naked state, became more alive than I had seen her outside. I questioned the fact that she seemed to be wearing wedding and engagement rings.
Her answer? 'Who cares!' I noted a touch of bitterness in that remark LL. I shrugged and carried on photographing her and her body...
After that initial burst of shots, I managed to capture the two below which I particularly like. One of my aims in photography involving people is to try and capture the 'essence' of an individual. You may not think so given the shots I post for you, but it is. I think I managed it with Ginny although I can't show you her full face for reasons of anonymity/privacy.
You can see by the two photos above; in particular the second one that there is intent behind those eyes and in manifested itself shortly after as the following shots illustrate
I found this last shot below a bit out of kilter with the res in that she used her hands to cover her pussy and put on that supposed shy look. She was playing games though. Shortly afterward, she removed her panties entirely and it became clear that she wanted to make love, have sex, fuck - call it what you will.
In her naked state she walked up to me and together I stripped down to my boxers. Ginny lay on the couch and started posing there.
'Am I arousing you?' She had asked. I looked down and so did she at my groin area where a bulge was making its presence known.
I managed the last two shots when she was 'asking me in' and I had shed my boxers and stood before her with a full on erection.
I was soon where her hands are in the shots, licking that nice pink pussy until the lady could take no more and came all over the couch...juices flowing freely. When Ginny had calmed a bit I took her, not roughly but sliding in slowly until all of me was fully accommodated and her vaginal lips wrapped around my cock.
'Fast please', she said, looking up at me her legs up and wide apart. I obliged to begin with and watched the expressions on her face, her eyes closed tight. He face began to redden. I was holding both her tits in my hands and squeezing them hard. 'Oh God' she uttered several times.
I rotated a bit inside her and she loved that LL. Afterward she said I touched parts of her not touched before. I was holding back my ejaculation as much as I could and, from the sounds Ginny was making, she was enjoying every minute of our sex.
I started to fuck her faster. There was a limit to my restraint and at that point I knew I had reached it. I banged down on her hard and fast. She was tossing her head from side to side looking at me pumping her faster and faster. I knew she was coming the look on her face, the sounds she made told me that. Her face had what I can only describe as a panicked look of anticipation on it. Rather like not knowing how much more she could take but in a way not wanting it to end until she climaxed.
She climaxed alright, well and truly LL , just as I unloaded a large deposit inside her. Then she gushed. That poor couch!
She lay there panting on her back her legs still apart. She seemed to be exhausted. I withdrew, reached down and helped her stand. She put her arms around my neck and I carried her to her bedroom and we both lay there stark naked until she cuddled up to me.
Ginny was married at that time, married and lacking any satisfaction in the bedroom. Now she is no longer married. Twelve years on she looks great when I see her both out for dinner in Boston and also in my bed here at the ranch or on the Island in Massachusetts.
I am sure you can figure out why I lost all interest in you LL once you played games with me. It was the biggest mistake of your dysfunctional life.

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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