For LL in the UK
This blog LL, is in two parts.
First are women that were photographed in a studio I own in Paris. They are nearly all French ladies, but not entirely. Then there are women I have known from elsewhere, who were also photographic subjects. Known, being the operative word.
I have commented on some of the exceptions, but not on the others. Enjoy ....

The two shots above are of Fiona with and without her panties. She worked then at the British Embassy and is of course English.
We had an on and off relationship from 2007 through to and including 2009. The off part was due to my travelling LL, and business commitments. Whenever I made it to Paris and after 2006 my apartment there we were together as much as possible. Her choice mainly, although I liked her a lot. Back then I had commissions as well as all the other business stuff. The commissions as you are well aware from previous blogs had me ending up in bed with quite a few of my clients. Mostly it was just about sex...and on their part, lack of it.
Fiona was different.
I'm not going to say more LL. but you can see she was a beautiful woman, tall slim and with eyes I could get lost in. I did a few times...quite a few times.
Czech Republic and check mate with Krystyna.
This was in 2007 LL and I had been in Brno before heading south to Vienna. Krystyna was someone I met while taking photos around Brno, after having completed a couple of commissions in Prague. My next couple were in Vienna and then back to London.
She saw me taking photos on a pretty cool and cloudy day and asked to see what I had taken. I showed her. She asked how I managed to get such good ones on such a day, so I showed and told her about apertures, focal distances etc etc. I lost her after explaining how if you left the aperture open long enough you would gain more light, but you may have to use a tripod as I was.
She spoke excellent English so there was no language problem. She was genuinely fascinated with photography and said she would love to learn one day. I said that she should look at it as an art form, not something to just gather snapshots. Think of shadow, framing etc. Then it started raining.
I quickly wrapped everything up in my camera bag and tripod cover and suggested, if she would like to, that we grab a coffee and some lunch. Not sure how these things happen but a long lunch, a dinner date fixed for the evening and I found myself at Krystyna's apartment the following morning.
She wanted some personal photos but after our very pleasant she also wanted something more. In fact LL just before I took the shot above (with her permission), she asked me to take her to bed. I did and we spent the rest of the morning there having sex, kissing , caressing and cuddling. Then we showered and set out for lunch. I spent another day with her and two weeks later she flew into Stansted and we spent the week between my Norfolk home and the apartment in Docklands in London.
I did jump about a bit in those years immediately after your demise LL. This shot was taken in April 2006 just after my birthday in France. Seems I had a knack with attracting or rather being attractive to younger women. Maturity counted (and counts) it seemed.
This shot was taken at her grandmother's home in Cuzance, Lot, France. It was like stepping into a time warp entering that house for what were ostensibly photos. In the background you can see the old lady's chair LL. It may have been a time warp but the old lady's bed was pretty up to date as I found out with Romy, the woman in the photo.
How did we meet LL? She was the agent immobilier (estate agent or realtor) I was using to look at property near Souillac. One thing led to another and she wasn't getting what she should have at home so my being single and both of us together for a number of days....
Beziers, France - Alix.
She is indeed a Lady, not just a lady. Older than she might seem but pretty gregarious in bed. Hungry, lustful and athletic are just a few words I would use to describe her. You never can tell, can you LL. I had no complaints. An attractive woman is an attractive woman. A hungry, lustful one is even better.
She had no complaints either, she told me...none whatsoever. Whichever way she received it!
Some studio shots so easily turn a corner before you know it and Lucie (French) fell into that category. She just wanted it that morning. Stripping for the shoot undoubtedly had something to do with it, that and the fact I found out she was something of a nymphomaniac!
A little departure here LL. I thought I would throw in this photo of Carole in black and white, from October, 2006. You will recall that you made disparaging remarks about her. They were all wide of the mark.
I lost count of the number of times we had sex over nearly four months and two short vacations, but I will tell you this each and every encounter, which often involve having three bites of the cherry, were all far better that what you had to offer.

Sex with this lady...of course. Her name is Manon and this was taken in Limoges, or as near as makes no difference in 2008.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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