For LL in the UK
Cloudless skies LL, a euphemism for my life since you went your way. I moved to the sunny uplands and you stayed in your furrow...or rather rut. Rut that's an interesting word. I was allowing others to rut with you that has left you where you are.
Part of of those sunny uplands was and is my photography. Time I thought for some of my black and white work.
I have taken what I think are some great shots in the last seventeen years LL. Not all are of women of course. many are macro shots, scenery of which there is plenty over here, street scenes, sea shots, architecture etc etc.
Naturally, for you and to remind you how easily I landed on my feet or in bed with a woman, the shots below are all women. Some are just studio shots others quite intimate. Who and where I have detailed where I wish to LL.
First up is my dear sexy friend from New York. We have been together when we can since late 2007 when I purchased my first apartment in the Big Apple. Just two years after you went your way. She looks great n this shot doesn't she and she loves the photo.
A rather naughty one here bringing Lori to a peak of ecstasy in Tampa Florida in 2007. Nice soft pussy I recall and she loved that 'massage' of her clit. Naturally I finished the job in the usual way to her delight...sans panties.
This one is a little earlier and closer to home. Yours not mine. Penrith with Jess in 2004. Tuesday, May 18 to be precise. Lovely boobs and the rest of her. Quite a lusty and lustful lady with nice long legs and a very accommodating pussy that she like me to visit frequently.
Commission in Knightsbridge, UK 2018. I'll say no more.
Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset 2017. What might loosely be termed a 'dirty weekend' with Camilla a friend from London. Why dirty? Basically, because we were coupled more often than we weren't. Lots of sex and exhaustion but very pleasurable, nevertheless.
I landed on my feet here LL and she landed on her back more often than not. Taken at Lynne's place over the border in Suffolk UK on a sunny day in January 2005. Not long after Christmas in fact. I could write reams here LL. Of the number of times we met just after that Christmas and way beyond, the sex we had to generosity of Lynne's body the way I lost myself in boobs...I could go on.
Being January LL, we had to find a way to keep warm and Lynne knew lots of ways to do that, along with my own tried and tested methods! The Internet at that time proved to be a boon to a highly sexed man who was being given the runaround by you. So, I thought why be generous to just you - you didn't really appreciate my largesse so I spread it around. A few vacations with women of my choice, not all overseas, lots of meals out and ...lots of sex.
Sex with Lynne was a real pleasure. We adopted all the usual positions of course and apart from her very generous boobs she had an equally accommodating pussy. Entering her was like being enwrapped in a comfort blanket. If my body had allowed it I would have stayed inside her all day.
Maybe I should describe to you a couple of instances or rather positions we liked to adopt for variety...and you know what they say...variety is the spice of life. Lynne provided me, and me her, with that spice. Our relationship was purely sexual. She was as highly sexed as I was/am. We were both 'up for it' most of the time we were together.
Lynne liked to sit on my lap lower herself onto my erection and do most of the riding herself. I can fel her now, slowly wrapping her pussy around my erection. Her wetness sliding easily all the way down me until the whole of my cock was inside her. Then she would start that rocking motion. Slow at first while she offered her nipples to my mouth. It never took that long to have them standing out like chapel hat pegs.
Then she would start going faster and faster wanting to reach her orgasm on her own terms and with her in control. I always knew when she was nearly there, apart from frantic rocking, she would throw her head back and groan and utter all the usual things a woman does when she is nearing her climax. Right about that point I would squeeze her boobs hard and repeatedly and she would come.
Sometimes she would sit on my lap facing away from me but the result was always the same.
Afterward her preferred finish if you like, and mainly so I could come, was to stand and offer her pussy to me from behind. usually she liked me to penetrate her fully and fuck her hard and fast. That wasn't always the case though. On occasions we would do it slowly and talk to each other while I fondled her boobs from behind. Pretty much each time Lynne would come again and also satisfy me by allowing my climax to 'explode' inside her often in unison with her own orgasm.
Happy days LL..very happy. I told you above that after I decided I couldn't trust you my life turned a corner and I entered those sunny uplit pastures, enjoying women that didn't have baggage, that I could trust and who in the main were very attractive
Being January LL, we had to find a way to keep warm and Lynne knew lots of ways to do that, along with my own tried and tested methods! The Internet at that time proved to be a boon to a highly sexed man who was being given the runaround by you. So, I thought why be generous to just you - you didn't really appreciate my largesse so I spread it around. A few vacations with women of my choice, not all overseas, lots of meals out and ...lots of sex.
Sex with Lynne was a real pleasure. We adopted all the usual positions of course and apart from her very generous boobs she had an equally accommodating pussy. Entering her was like being enwrapped in a comfort blanket. If my body had allowed it I would have stayed inside her all day.
Maybe I should describe to you a couple of instances or rather positions we liked to adopt for variety...and you know what they say...variety is the spice of life. Lynne provided me, and me her, with that spice. Our relationship was purely sexual. She was as highly sexed as I was/am. We were both 'up for it' most of the time we were together.
Lynne liked to sit on my lap lower herself onto my erection and do most of the riding herself. I can fel her now, slowly wrapping her pussy around my erection. Her wetness sliding easily all the way down me until the whole of my cock was inside her. Then she would start that rocking motion. Slow at first while she offered her nipples to my mouth. It never took that long to have them standing out like chapel hat pegs.
Then she would start going faster and faster wanting to reach her orgasm on her own terms and with her in control. I always knew when she was nearly there, apart from frantic rocking, she would throw her head back and groan and utter all the usual things a woman does when she is nearing her climax. Right about that point I would squeeze her boobs hard and repeatedly and she would come.
Sometimes she would sit on my lap facing away from me but the result was always the same.
Afterward her preferred finish if you like, and mainly so I could come, was to stand and offer her pussy to me from behind. usually she liked me to penetrate her fully and fuck her hard and fast. That wasn't always the case though. On occasions we would do it slowly and talk to each other while I fondled her boobs from behind. Pretty much each time Lynne would come again and also satisfy me by allowing my climax to 'explode' inside her often in unison with her own orgasm.
Happy days LL..very happy. I told you above that after I decided I couldn't trust you my life turned a corner and I entered those sunny uplit pastures, enjoying women that didn't have baggage, that I could trust and who in the main were very attractive
New York 2008 with Francesca. Photos taken at her father's restaurant (Italian) on a commission for her. I later used them in an art exhibition with her permission in Massachusetts. Lovely girl in all ways. Incidentally she wasn't wearing panties in that shot, so make of that what you will. I'm sure you will come up with some 'over the counter' we did!
This truly was an art shot on my part. The filter I used gives the shot a certain quality, the shadow and Martina's curves. One that I come back to often. Taken in Milan in 2006.
You know what they say about nurses, well it holds true for doctors as well. This a selfie sent to me by Dr Jenny who works close by here, relatively speaking, in Massachusetts. She had just made what is termed, I think, registrar in the UK, up from being a junior. It is a great selfie - the way she placed the working end over her left nipple in particular.
I didn't meet Jenny through any medical need. Touch wood, I haven't needed to see a doctor for that reason since before I knew you LL. No, our needs were entirely carnal and we met when I held a party here at my place in New Hampshire. There was a good crowd that evening. A fairly relaxed affair and Jenny and I were the only two singles here, back in 2017. Lots of conversation and a fir amount of drink ex the drivers made for quite a mellow evening.
Some way through Jenny asked to see the horses, or at least those in the home stables (those not too far from my house). Off we went....she in a summer dress, me in chinos and a short sleeve shirt. It was a warm evening. It had been hot all day. Jenny and I sauntered down the paved track toward the stables chatting amiably her arm hooked through mine which I thought was rather sweet. She is an attractive woman, so I wasn't complaining.
When we reached the stables I showed her inside. There are and were a number of stalls accessed via the walkway right in front of the stalls and inside the building. The winters here are pretty severe. We walked along and Jenny patted several of the horses in there. Not all the stalls were occupied. The last four at the far end being empty and clean, apart from fresh some straw. You may think you know where this is going, but you would only be partially right LL.
After stroking the horses Jenny walked to toward the end of the stables walkway, just a couple of steps ahead of me. Just before reaching the end she turned, faced me and walked right up close. Her hands went around my neck and her body was pressed hard against me, especially her groin area. She kissed me and I returned the kiss. We had both had a few drinks although neither of us were drunk. As we kissed she started gyrating her groin against me. You can imagine the effect that had LL. Soon there was a bulge in my trousers.
Jenny broke off kissing, took both my hands a pulled me into the second to last stall. Her hands were on my belt and zipper before I knew it. Also before I knew she had pushed my chinos down along with my boxers. We both wanted each other even though our acquaintance was that of just a few hours LL. I took her dress in my hands from the hem and pushed up around her waist. Two things became apparent. One she had great legs and two she had nothing on under the dress, unless you count the merest whisper of pubic hair. Just above the wood of the stall were iron bars. I've attached a photo...

Jenny reached up with her arms and grabbed them in each hand. Her dress was held on her shoulders with two thin straps. She had shrugged these off beforehand leaving her rather delicious looking shoulders and upper part of her breasts revealed. Jenny looked at me and said pull it down, LL, meaning the dress. I did. Turned out it was one of those with built in support. No bra, but a pair of gorgeous boobs.
Still holding the bars, her breasts proud and almost in my face she looked down at my erection and said 'Give it to!' Her right leg came up then I put my hand around her arse and lifted her onto me. She was very wet LL, very wet. I guess she had been so aroused that she was totally ready. No awkward penetration. I just slipped right in.
Jenny's legs came down, then her arms and we made love standing there in that stall. No shuffling of the horses a short distance away covered the noise Jenny mad with each of my upward thrusts.
'Uh...uh....uh', she went longer than that and at regular intervals as I continued fucking her. After a while things go the better of us and I started fucking her faster and faster, slamming hard against her clitoris until finally, she came. Jenny was panting and I think her legs were on the wobble as before I almost had time to withdraw she fell back on the straw raised her legs in the air and allowed me inside her again.
From that LL, you will gather I hadn't ejaculated. Jenny knew that and her generosity with her body wanted me to be as satisfied as her, hence her making her body available to me again. I slid in again. Slick as a newly oiled bolt and about as rigid. I started slow and gyrated around inside her which she loved. In fact she told me after that the way I made love to her that second time was quite a surprise to her. I fondled her breasts a lot more this time, which was greatly appreciated through her necessarily subdued murmurings.
I am not Superman and couldn't hold back for too long. I looked down as I slowly thrust under the single light a few feet away. There was my cock covered in her juices each time it partly slipped out Ther was her pussy nice and wide the lips wrapped around the base of my erection. That and the sight of her body beneath me started things way down deep inside me. I thrust faster and harder. jenny came, she said later to her surprise, and shortly after I let loose all I had inside her.
After we had cleaned up as best we could with paper towel and cold water from the stable tap we made sure we both looked reasonable and sauntered back to the party. We had been gone just fifteen minutes. Nobody had really noticed and that was at around 7.30 pm that evening.
Jenny, I still see of course and still fuck, as she enjoys what I do for her. In between I get selfies, like the one above which I converted to black and white.
That evening wasn't finished on.....
Around 11 to 11.30 pm most folks had drifted off> They all agreed in their different ways that it had been a great evening. None lived to far and the blacktops around here LL are generally quiet at that time of the evening. Jenny was staying with friend. She said good night to me on the porch, a peck on the cheek, a squeeze of my waist and a whisper that said 'We must do it again ....soon!' I whispered an affirmative yes, kissed her back and squeezed her slightly below the waistline and she was gone.
Finally, around 11.45 the last of my guests were gone, as were the staff. Clearing up would take pace the following morning.
I locked up. Then I headed for the eastern end of my home LL and the eastern staircase. I have guest rooms there and one was occupied by a member of my staff. Not house staff but office staff from Boston. She appears below in a photo I took a few months prior at her apartment in Boston, Mass.. It bears the date July 14 2017.
I made my way up the stairs to the room she used on these 'visits'. Away from the where any of my staff were likely to be. They didn't live in the house anyway, bar one and she was away. In fact she is my horse lady who I mentioned in a previous blog. I guess you could call me a womaniser or such like, but I'll settle for lover, LL.
I was thinking about this as I slipped into bed with my lovely Liz and, as you can see below, she is lovely. Just one bedside light on and Liz freshly showered. She smelled real good. My second bout of lovemaking that evening was about to begin. It was technically Saturday morning, as the clock by the bed showed 12.30 am. Just about five hours since I had fucked Jenny LL.
I was about to start all over again, but Liz knowing I had spent the evening entertaining and glad handing my guests decided to take the lead and mounted me after a little kissing and stroking on both our parts. I returned the mounting favor LL and then we slept. I could go into all the detail, but I know you will use your imagination. I didn't have to.
Not bad for a guy my age. two different women five hours apart and neither knew...and neither or any know about this blog or the others I have written. maybe I should do one on you? No, maybe not. It would be too boring...!!!
Another American lady that I met in California in 2009 while on business and carrying out a few commission. It was her idea to reveal her assets for the photo above, not mine. I'll leave you with your imagination again LL.....or maybe not. After all Amy has one hell of a body even if her hair is colored. The hair on her head that is.
She lives, still, in a mansion in LA. However, this was taken in the empty cottage on the edge of the estate where ...well she wanted to 'show me a few things' after I had completed the formal commission I had been hired for. I had no idea what she wanted to show me. Maybe a workshop, some sculpture an art studio? I hadn't a clue.
When we got there she showed me around. There was nothing of an art nature there at all. It was just what it purported to be a cottage. It was fully furnished but not to the standard of the main house. What Amy wanted to show me LL, can be seen in part in the photograph above...herself. To be honest I had no idea she was going to strip off. In fact, I guess I was a little naive that day. I didn't think Amy had anything in mind apart from the shoot.
I was wrong.
Another neglected woman LL, seeking a little excitement and horizontal exercise. The cottage as I said was fully furnished. When we arrived we stood in the kitchen area talking and then Amy slipped out of her cotton dress. Around that time and after she asked me to take her to bed, I took the shot above and several others. It is in fact in color but for this blog the copy I have included is of course in black and white.
Just to clarify, when that dress came off Amy wasn't wearing any panties, hence she only had the bar to remove. What lovely breast she had and she was very enthusiastic when we pounded the guest bed in the cottage. I went back a week or two later...she was insatiable LL! What a world away from your mundane small town thinking.
This lady is the second to last lover I had before I met my first wife. I guess I should say girl friend rather than lover. The year of the photo is 1970 and obviously during the summer. Not at the shore/beach, but on a lake somewhere in Kent, UK where we used to skinny dip.
We also used to get laid there too ,of course. Seems I was into large boobs even back then and Sue was an early shaver, way ahed of the 'fashion'!
Next up or rather down is Tina. The year is 2004 and one of my 'on the way home' lovers. This time it was a stop off near Leicester. Nearer my home then than yours, but still just after leaving you.
Tina was a real little sex pot and would happily pose for shots like the one above, for me. No long legs this time. Her stature was nearer yours LL, but her age and figure wasn't. Another woman who liked an older man. You would have been surprised how many there were that put experience over youthfulness. To say she was a good lay would be understating the experience by a mile.
She was great in bed and after our first couple of times, her appetite for me to be inside her was close to insatiable. A nice gift on my way home from you and her boobs were fantastic as you can see. Barbara Windsor sprung to my mind at the time. Tina was, and probably still is, taller than you around 5' 5" to 5' 6". That was a very pleasant few months of visits. The last being around November 2004.
This shot was taken many miles from Leicester .... in 2006 in Oregon. My real estate lady at the time Cassie. We used to meet up at this place an older property that been on the market for quite a while. it was situated on a back road off route 26 slightly north west of Portland Or.
It was basically in the sticks LL which, apart from its age, is why it hadn't sold. Obviously it was Cassie who identified it as suitable location for us to meet at and have sex. She had/lots of friends back in the Lake Oswego area and Portland...and she had a husband!
What she didn't have was any sex....and little free time. This hideaway was just what the doctor ordered. There was no furniture apart from an old couch, so I bought and kept a couple of comforters and a blanket, which we sealed up when we left. Those few items saw some action I can tell you LL. After all I had to have some action when I was there...and Cassie wasn't the only one!
I've included this shot of her partly because it is exactly the way she was facing from me when we first had sex...from behind. Mainly because there was nowhere to lie down at that time.
Another satisfied lady LL, very satisfied. I don't think I have enough room for all the notches I should record!
Studio shoot in Nantes, France 2006. The lady's name is Celia. This was a commission that I took on from a recommendation from a friend in Rennes. It was fine up until the point when she appeared as you see her wearing just that slip over top.
'Photograph me like this', she had said. Standing right in front of my tripod, legs apart and no attempt to cover her pussy, so I did. It would be fair to say that I was used to ladies suddenly shedding their clothes on shoots and wanting sex. Most but not all, of course.
Celia wanted sex and she got it. Never look a gift horse in the face is my motto LL. At that time I hadn't a clue whether she was married or not... turned out she was. She wore no rings on the relevant finger. After a few shots of which the one above is just an example we got down to it on that chair pushed against the wall. Celia legs apart and me standing. She rubbed her clit until she came ...with my erection and then it was inwards and upwards on my part. I was surprised how quickly she came despite my taking things slowly and pleasuring her like I used with you LL.
Seems that her orgasms were on a hair trigger, not having had satisfying sex for ages. After her second coming I with drew made her stand. turned the chair around so the back was facing us and had her bend over and hold it. I fondled her breasts which she really appreciated and then slowly entered her from behind. She loved it LL. Wet and slippery sliding in and out exploring her pussy. Then after the slow start something more frantic was requested LL...and delivered. Quite the noisy lady was Celia, especially when she came. She delivered and so did I. A kiss and a cuddle, clean up and she was gone...but not forgotten. Cell numbers exchanged for the future....
Kathy is actually lying on a duvet and mattress in this house in Norwich, which I was having renovated. One of eight I had bought in 2005 that you never knew about . Another married lady but not French this time.
I knew Kathy from my banking days a few years before 2005. Her husband had a company that operated from the airport business park. I knew from back then that their marriage wasn't the best in town. The place we came across each other was the John Lewis store. We stood chatting for a few minutes and then decided to have coffee in the store restaurant. I even bumped into another lady who, shall we say, I had been servicing. I introduced her to Kathy briefly as an old customer from my banking days. It was true and at that time entirely innocent.
Kathy grabbed a seat while I chatted to Kim briefly and ... fixed our next date. Kim left with a smile on her face and I went and grabbed two coffees LL.
Two cappuccini later I sat down opposite Kathy. We chatted. She asked me what I was up to now and that she had missed my visits to the company after I moved on. I recall thinking that was an interesting remark...the bit about missing my visits. I told Kathy I was in real estate now (property construction and lettings). At that time LL, I had eight lettings and six new homes under construction through my company there in the UK.
We talked on and just before we parted Kathy said she would like to see my properties sometime. We exchanged cell numbers and that was it.
A few days later Kathy called and wondered if we might meet up and I could show her some of my properties. I agreed and we fixed a time and the address of the first place I was going to show her. When I arrived in the street near the Catholic Cathedral in Norwich, Kathy was already there waiting for me...and I was early.
I walked over to her and said 'Are you ready for this. It is stripped back to the plaster and there is nothing much in there'.
The latter was true mostly, but there was a mattress in fairly good condition that had been left and surprisingly a clean, but not covered duvet. None of it was my planning LL. In fact I expected nothing from this visit at all. I hardly knew Kathy anyway. I was far more familiar with her husband and the business.
In we went. It was Friday July 22 (my notes again LL - maybe I should write yours up!) a hot sunny day. I was in chinos and a polo and Kathy in a sleeveless summer dress that went in at the waist, showing her rather attractive outline quite well. I suggested we look at this property and one other then have some lunch.
I showed her around the ground floor. It was a modest terraced place with three bedrooms and the usual leisure rooms and offices LL. Then we went upstairs. As you probably know staircases in those older terraced properties were steeper than those these days. As Kathy went ahead of me I was treated to a lovely view of her bare legs and as she reached the landing a glimpse of buttock.
I'll admit at that point I did think to myself I'd like some of that and became mildly aroused.
It passed, as she looked in each room and the bathroom and then out of the windows. The final room we came to was the one with the mattress. Kathy exchanged a little banter with me about that. Something along the lines of had it ever been used since I had acquired the property. I told her no, but one never knows one's luck. I wasn't really making a play for her, attractive as she was but.....
....the next thing was that she said maybe we should. Kathy then slowly lifted her dress, higher and higher. She had great legs, long and slender, and....she had no panties on! Sex had been on the agenda all along.
By now our physical desires had definitely come to the fore LL. I knew she was married of course and she knew I was widowed. She had a need and I, well I have always been 'up' for a little fun with an attractive woman. Kathy kicked off her shoes and sat down on the mattress. I slipped out of my chinos and then my boxers as she pulled her dress up around her waist. Then I knelt before as she sat there. I slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders, reached around and undid her zipper so that the dress now resided around her waist joining the lower half.
Her breasts, enclosed in her bra, swelled a little at the top as she reached around and undid it. (Neither of us figured why she didn't just take the dress off, but I guess we were caught up in the moment LL.) Kathy took hold of me, remarking on how rigid and thick I was. I paid her appropriate compliments about her rather lovely boobs, as I fondled them.
Slowly, she lay back and opened her legs. I prepared her. By that I mean I licked her pussy LL, until it was wide and receptive. In fact, she had already started herself off with anticipation as it was quite wet down there when I got 'stuck in' - not literally, but that wasn't far off. So, it was no surprise to me that she came while I was still stroking her clit with my tongue.
'Oh my God', she uttered several time. Never figured why women use that phrase when they come but many do.
I didn't waste time and entered her sliding in easily only to feel her cramping around my erection. She was still in the throes of her orgasm.I didn't thrust hard LL, after all it was our first time and it was more appropriate to explore what the lady liked. She liked it slow and she liked me gyrating a little inside her. I adjusted my angle so the top of my erection just rubbed her clit area. That, she did enjoy...lots!
I watched her as I thrust. Her face, eyes closed, her increasing breathing rate and her lovely boobs lying there on her chest, the brown nipples erect and her boobs engorged. I guessed that now was the time for upping the action and I was right, I pushed into her really firmly and she went wild. The mattress or the duvet started to move. Her hands grabbed it real tight. I could see the white of her knuckles. faster and faster. Liquid noises measuring the pace with their own song to accompany the moans of Kathy. Then,,,,then she was there.
An almighty shout escaped from her lips followed by a series of 'Oh's', as she came that second time. I was still going just and then I let go too with a grunt and left all I had inside her, LL. I collapsed onto her and then rolled off to the side.
'That was good', I told her, 'Very good'.
Kathy cuddled up to me and said' No man has made love to me like you just have. It was wonderful'.
We lay there for a while, talking. Me just wearing a shirt and her with her dress around her waist. Eventually, we got up, cleaned up with some stuff in the bathroom that I had left for my builders then dressed and left. We both parked up in Norwich and went to lunch.
As we enjoyed that, I asked Kathy where did her husband thinks she was. "She said that she had told him she had gone into the City to see what was about and what she might grab. At tha remark I laughed.
Thus, LL started another affair with a married woman. My appointment book was getting pretty full and had been since 2004. However, I am a highly organised person so I managed al those women without a single problem or indeed without any of them, including you, ever finding out that was fucking other women.
I never would have but your betrayal led to what I got up to and was a direct consequence of your stupidity.
Oh....the photo, that was taken on that little silver camera I had back then. The Canon Sureshot. I still have it. Kathy was demonstrating how 'athletic; she was.
We return to Florida for this young woman. Her name is Lynette. the location is out on Sanibel Island. Her place not mine. In 2006 I didn't own a place there. I do now as you will recall if you read my blogs. I sold the cottage Ash and I enjoyed and bought a full sized home.
Now, you may be wondering, how did I end up in a bedroom with the beautiful and very naked Lynette.
I blame the heat and the fact I was walking on the shore that morning in June 2006 quite early. I was staying at my home in WLC that you visited LL, on my own. So I rose early drove out to Sanibel and found myself walking toward a solitary lady heading my way on the sand. I said 'Hi' as we approached each other and she stopped to pass the time of day. Lynette was dressed in shorts and a loose top. I guess to let the air flow. I was also in shorts and a polo shirt.
We stood there chatting as the sun increased in heat and I said that I shouldn't keep her and in fact was going to grab a coffee at Granma Dots, if it was open. Lynette said it was too early. then she said, you're English aren't you? To which I replied yes. After a few words about where in England I came from etc etc., Lynette said she had some good coffee and why didn't I walk back with her to her place. So I turned around and did just that LL.
It hadn't gone unnoticed by me that in a certain light from the son it was apparent that Lynette had nothing on under her top. If nothing else, I though that will make my day. Nothing else is what I expected. She was/is a personable lady, now just over forty, and seemed to be good intelligent company.
When we arrived at her home, Lynette set about fixing coffee and chatted while she did so. She told me she had been to Europe, Italy in particular and had I ever been there. I replied in Italian that I had. I took up learning the language in 2005 LL, unbeknown to you as I had plans as far back as 2004 and learning the language was one of them. Lynette said she was impressed and said she had learned French but not Italian. From there we swapped notes about places we had been in Europe as we drained her cafetiere. By now it was scorching outside, I had stepped out on her small balcony and stepped right back in. At least she had air-con...a real blessing!
We were both sticky from the walk and had hardly cooled off by the time the coffee and the talk had finished. Lynette got up and then in front of someone who was a complete stranger - me - took her top off. She wasn't wearing a bar as I had figured but she did have a pair of rather nice looking breasts.
'I'm going to shower', she said. 'Want to join me?'
I got up and followed her bare back she led me to her bedroom where she told me that I could undress and leave my clothes. I took my top off as she shed her shorts and then as I removed my shorts and underwear Lynette slipped out of her panties.
She was facing away from me near the bed. When she turned around she saw me standing there naked with a full erection. I couldn't help it LL. With such a body on display before me my body reacted as you might expect. Lynette walked over to me put her arms around my neck and stood there with her legs apart saying we can't waste that can we and then kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her as she slid my erection between her legs and started thrusting her hips back and forth.
Her breasts were hard against my chest and my hands had slipped lower to her buttocks. There was no going back now so we went forward. Lynette lay back on her bed, her legs apart, partially displaying the pink interior of her pussy. I looked down at her. She was smiling, her boobs were proud and her nipples had awoken from their dormant state.
This lady was undoubtedly ready. I had to make a snap decision as the whether I used my tongue or my cock on her pussy LL. I chose the latter and climbed on the bed between her legs. She spread them wider opening her pussy that much more. Then she took hold of me down there and started using my erection on her clit. I could feel how wet and sticky she was, whic meant of course that she was well aroused.
As she used my cock on herself rubbing it to and fro faster and fast I took both her boobs in hand and pleased myself and her with them. As you can see they were and are.....a good size and firm. A real pleasure. By now with all that rubbing, moaning and 'oh's' taking place I knew she was on the edge of coming. Then she did, her face flushed as I squeezed her tits hard then she hit the heights of her climax and thrust her hips up toward me.
At that point I wanted to be inside her and she wanted me there. I slipped in. She pulled her legs up and I fucked her to her delight. So much so that just after I had started she came again. There was no way I was there at that point so I continued as I felt her pussy throbbing around my cock and her moaning and tossing her head from side to side. I wasn't thrusting hard or fast, nor slowly. just steadily and it seemed Lynette was enjoying every minute. After she calmed dwon from her second orgasm she opened her eyes, looked up at me smiled the sweetest smile and then glanced down at my erection going to and fro in her pussy.
Whether that turned her on again or not, I'm not sure but she started thrusting up against me and then we had a beautiful rhythm going that I would have wished lasted and lasted. However, biology, our bodies and our urges took over LL. Lynette wanted me to give it to hard and fast, she said so. I did and believe it or not she came a third time as I came also. Wow! That morning was something else and is well lodged in my memory .... and my notes.
We lay there together for an indeterminate time before we showered together. that was a lovely experience as well our hands all over each other. Very sensual. We did eventually make it to Granma Dot's for lunch but had to wait outside due to the place being busy. eventually we got a table.
Lynette spent some time at my place after that morning experience and using my pool. In the evening with the lights out we swam nude, several times.
Happy days LL...and a happy daze.
Sometimes LL I was asked to do a totally nude shoot and this one in California in 2009 was one such shoot. Very pleasant. No names and definitely no narrative.
A selfie from a sexual admirer LL. Trying to keep my interest up ...and succeeding! Those nipples on Sylvie (French) were/are something else.
I like to think of this shot of Deanne in Kentucky as flawless. That wasn't her true hair colour by the way, and I should know, but her tits were 100% hers.
She liked to have sex with older men so I guess enough said there. Believe it or not she worked in the horse business at an auctioneers and boy, did she like to ride...and I'm not talking horses here, LL.
The year 2009 again. I really didn't know which way to look for women who wanted to get laid after we parted. they were falling over themselves to jump into bed with me as you have read. You were right on that score. There were far more women who wanted to get laid 'out there' than you ever imagined. I passed on the unattractive ones...I really didn't need them with what and who I was faced with...gorgeous women.
Funny thing about nature isn't it. Younger women find older men attractive , but the reverse doesn't work does it. At least i my case it doesn't.
This shot was taken fairly recently in 2019 during an almost perfect day with Marielle down at my lake here on the ranch. It was hot and so is Marielle LL. Love her shape from this rear shot and just a hint of boob.
As you can see from that hint she is quite well endowed in that department. The view of her front matched and exceeded her rear view that day and I got to see plenty of both.
She was visiting from Boston where she lives and works and I had invited her to spend the weekend on the ranch during the Independence Day holiday. I do some business with her company (she owns it). She divorced her husband in 2018 so was a free lady...and indeed a free spirit. I didn't have to work on her at all to get her into bed. Although, if I'm honest, I would have done. She just saw it as a natural part of the weekend and so we enjoyed each other quite a lot...and I mean a lot, LL.
Another French lady. This one is a lady I know who lives in Limoux not so far from Carcassonne where I have a home, as you know.
We first met in 2009 yet again. So now she is approaching forty if not over it. I haven't seen her in a fair while in the flesh a but we talk on Facetime or Skype/WhatsApp etc from time to time. Enjoying conversations that start with...'Remember that time when we...'
Her name is Marie and she was in her late twenties when we met. To say I was surprised that she might take an interest in me is an understatement of enormous proportions, but she did and I tried to dissuade her. I'm not sure what it was about her and about me but we seemed to be kindred spirits despite the gap in ages and the many years between them.
Marie was/is a sweet woman, sensitive, provocative, loving, warm and intelligent. We met near my home in Carcassonne while I was returning home from a walk. She was standing and looking at my house as I walked into my driveway. I said 'Bonjour' and smiled and then she started to ask me something in French. I explained in my limited French that I had little knowledge of the language - 'juste un petit peu' were my words. Thankfully, marie speaks good English and she asked me again did I live in the house.
I told her I did and she asked if she could take a peek at it and the garden. I found out later what her interest was. It wasn't that LL, but to do with her family history. I was there alone so I showed this young lady around. Marie asked if she might visit again when she was next in Carcassonne. She did and slowly we became friends and exchanged cell numbers. A month or so passed. I had been in Barcelona at my apartment, but was driving back to Carcassonne soon.
Marie asked if I might visit her in Limoux and I agreed, which is partly how I ended up taking the photograph and others, above.
I gave her no reason or hint to show herself as she did, but she did and more. I arrived at her apartment block and she was there to meet me. I followed her up to the first floor (English first floor) and she invited me in. When she met me she had a loose cotton top on, which she took off when we were inside.
When the cotton top came off LL all that was left was that dark colored shirt she's wearing in the photo. It wasn't done up and, as you can see in the shot, it remained undone revealing what I thought were a pair of almost perfect breasts. To be honest her apartment wasn't up to much. It was quite old and cranky. Marie liked that word. However she had furnished it nicely.
As I said we were friends by this time, not bosom friends but that was about to change when she invited me to make friends with her bosom! Half a bottle of wine between us eased the way I guess, or maybe she was already there and just liked wine. Either way LL being the French woman she was I was invited to her bed and after some very nice foreplay I was invited into her rather tight pussy and then we were both off.
Marie was for sure and that's a fact. I'd forgotten to some extent how frisky young women, younger than thirty something that is, are. Marie was very, shall we say, enthusiastic LL. She was rushing for the 'finishing line' before the 'race' had begun. I slowed things down. I won't say how in detail, but I did and then Marie had a smile spread across her face that said, this way was very nice. Slow in, slow out. That was my action. In doing so, it generated copious amounts of Marie's juices, which made it even more pleasurable for her...and for me.
I learned that Marie was quite the hungry young lady when it came to sex and she learned to slow down a little, the pleasure of being licked and some positions she had never tried. We had an ongoing relationship through 2009, but then I met Ash. However, nine years later.....
Finally LL, one of a lady from long ago. Her name is Ann and she was in the RN at the same time as I was and regularly in bed with me, when we were on leave. We were both young and least that was our excuse. that and being at sea for long periods.
All that rolling around at sea replaced by rolling around in bed together. She loved my jack staff, that I do recall. Greasing her nipples with baby oil was a real pleasure. Enough of the puns. She was a lovely girl and we enjoyed some great times together while you were still undergoing puberty LL
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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