For LL in the UK
Old and tunes LL. Interesting two words.
The old refers to a batch of old photos I found yesterday while digging through my photographic archives. They form the first part of this blog.
Tunes refers to some of my piano playing mates. By mates I mean women I mated with…oh, they were friends too. Finally the third section is all about playing a tune on a fine instrument and getting the result both desire. Read on….
Old Photos
Lorna - can't recall where this was but it is the UK around 1967
Wild Katie or Kathleen to give her her full name. Apart from this rather windswept shot, Katie was a beast in bed...or maybe a wild cat. Around 1970 I think.
Jenny no knickers and no bra on this occasion in 1966.
My first trip to Italy in 1966 with Linda above. Her parent's took some persuading. We were told not to sleep together, so...we did. We were both eighteen. You LL, were twelve.
Saturday evening summer of 1970 with Liz. Underneath the spreading Chestnut tree is where we did it. If memory serves you are looking at Liz some short time afterward.
Wendy and her friend whose name escapes me. She is right behind Wendy. Double whammy that evening in Herne Bay back in 1968
Mary after the event. I think we stole that one while her parent's were at the pub in Bridge near Canterbury. You could call it a quickie I guess LL. Back then us fellas and girls fornicated when we can and when opportunity presented itself. Happy days. 1970
Back in the sixties there were loads of old ruins around Canterbury that were easily accessible, partly due to the WW2 bombing. Jackie was one of them of course but she did like to get laid. I also liked to get laid so we used to get laid together where and when we could. 1970
Italy and my very first Italian in 1970. Her name was Fabia.
The Musical Ones
I'll leave you to figure out the scenario here LL but the lady behind x's piano wasn't wearing a stitch uder that dress, Their names were Francine and Gabrielle and the year was 2007. The location near Amiens. A commission not for these two but the piano player's mother.
I was invited to stay over at their chateau. Big mistake as her daughters had other ideas once mum left on business for Paris. Nothing like a duet and that is what I got two of them. I tink I managed to play both of them beautifully. They certainly both 'sang'.
Elegant Elena. She looks so serene in this photo I took of her doesn't she. You should have seen and heard here when the piano lid was down and she was bending over it offering her arse up to me LL. Into her pussy and thrust, thrust, thrust and she was really humming...or should I say moaning. I held her hair and those pearls and nearly choked her in the passion of the moment Then it all happened she came quivered all over and out came her cum.
I wasn;t finished...that I achieved in her bed, but we had finished with the piano.
Paris 2016. Need I say more LL. I love spending a few days in Paris great food and restaurants and equally great and willing women. Friends of friends, married mainly = them, not me. This lady was married and not getting nearly enough from her husband. No name in this instance.
Where the Best Tunes were Played
Sarah asked me to video this sixty nine even in 2005 on my camera. I just about managed to get our subsequent lovemaking onto what was left of the space on the camera card. You know how I could stroke your pussy LL and I did equally well with Sarah.
She liked to give me pleasure too until her moans took precedence. I have noted that she merely got me to the point where I was weeping semen rather than coming like she did. That was fixed when I mounted her twice blowing my lot into her like a jet stream on the second fuck.
That is Emma’s perspiration you can see in this shot LL. A rare hot Monday in Cumbria in late June 2005 and at that time one of the best fucks I had enjoyed. She had everything going for her ... and me. A healthy sexual appetite, lovely boobs, a younger body by a good twelve years than yours and an exceptional pussy. She liked to try various positions too…as you can see. We actually knocked the camera over toward the end, but managed to get most of our sex and … a view of the bedroom carpet at the finish LL!
We laughed at that and even more when I came out with the line ‘well carpets get laid too’.
Leeds hotel with a girl called Jackie. She wanted it. I was up (and down) for it so we did it. Camera was running but she didn't know that so not the best of frames, but you get the idea LL. Rather pointedly from your viewpoint, it was May 2004. You only had yourself to blame - I couldn't trust you.
It's a wonder I got any video at all this time. I set the camera down nearby. We had both stripped off, she hoisted herself onto the kitchen counter where I licked and stroked her pussy and clit until she came, then it was straight inside her and thrusting, which is what you see above.
Debbie one of the insurance women receiving me from behind. She liked it that way lots LL. This was an lovely event involving her and one other in May 2005.
Helen my lover from Sussex receiving my attentions again from behind. We used to enjoy watching our videos while we stroked and caressed each other…often we would both come as well.
This is later. I had my video cam when this was taken. It is Newmarket, or rather nearby in 2007 and the lady is Rebecca or Becky as she preferred receiving my attentions and my cock. I know from viewing the whole video that she was on the verge of coming when this frame was taken.
It wasn’t easy positioning the camera for this sequence LL but a coffee table and a book did the trick. Me licking pussy and she licking her tits and nipples. Inevitably Laura came. The location Wyndham and the year 2005.
Not the prettiest video frame but it tells what was going on not too far from your home. This was a video that we took at 11.00 a.m. on Monday June 14 2004. THe lady riding me in the frame above is Amy. She came shortly after this extract. As I said before, you only had yourself to blame. If only you hadn’t then I would not have followed your path. In my case far more successfully than you.
As I recall LL (I'm cheating, I have my notes of course) Annie sported one very nice, tight pussy. Stimulating to a high degree and very arousing even before we connected because from previous experience I knew what pleasure she was going to bestow on me...and me on and in her of course.
After your time. This was the summer of 2007 in London. She caught up with me between trips to Europe and over here to the States.
Both from well in the past LL.
Jackie in Itlay near a popular resort, back then in 1967. I was on leave went out there with some friends (male) and ended up getting laid several times with Jackie and her lovely boobs. I have done a little work on the original to enhance the quality of the Photoshop.
Clare Whitstable 1965 - we were both seventeen, but that didn't stop us in fact our hormones were raging back then.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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