For LL in the UK
Bed and breakfast both literal and a euphemism LL. I could quite easily named this blog buttocks and boobs as it does feature quite a lot of both.
You probably are unaware that I take lots of photos, whenever and wherever. I keep the best of them and those that remind me of somewhere or someone. That is the case with the shots below. I kept these because of place and person and circumstance. They are largely new to you LL. When viewing them (they aren't very naughty) take note of those that appear in 2004 and 2005.
In some ways LL you were anti-men and remarks like 'they can't keep it in their trousers' reinforced my view of your position on the matter. Then, contrary to that, after we parted you said 'there are plenty of women out there that want to get laid'. I'm not sure you were right about the first but you were about the second. Most of the women that appear below were very horny individuals and proved it by having sex with me LL.
It was and has been a pleasure not only having sex with all these various women, but also their flirting. You know the build up to everything. Boobs to the fore, exposed legs and thighs and pussy waving in my face. they knew I couldn't resist and they were right, but never say women are less highly sexed than men. They are every part equal in that respect.
2005 Suffolk, UK. Posing like that I already knew what she was angling fo and when we returned to her place we indulged it as I plunged her depths LL
2004 Norwich.Thrusting them forward like that is more than an indicator as to where we were going...and those thighs LL.... Well they could have crushed a man, but they were too weak and wobbly for that afterward.
2005 Norfolk. Another park photo and Claire being a temptress…it worked! I was well and truly tempted and she was well and truly satisfied LL.
2006 - Naples, Florida. Nothing like a little gardening to get you hot. Didn't get much done that morning LL!
2017 Cotswold country LL. Seems most of these women had one thing in mind and they did. They also liked and enjoyed the experience of an older man. this one had lovely boobs too.
2005 London Her panties were skimpy too LL and there was a lack of any bra beneath that dress. Luckily we weren't far from her place in north London

2004 - Diss Norfolk. A real teaser this lady LL and you know what happens to teasers...eventually they get ...shafted.
2006 Italy...of course. All these years and I have never been able to stay away from the country...or the (willing) women. Instead of Spain you should make trips to Italy before it's too late. You made one with me and said it was the best holiday ever. Don't waste yourself boozing in Spain.
2008 Florida. No ball game in this park, but she insisted on doing her exercises. Great legs LL and she did like a ball game...with my balls being in play between those lovely thighs.
2008 Southern California and a lovely Mexican American woman who had more than a little sunbathing in mind LL. It was almost down where I swam with those dolphins back in 2006 in Baja.
2006 Spain. I could say ‘Viva Espana’ but it really should be ‘Viva Essex’ for this lovely woman from Chelmsford who sought more than the beach food and booze in Majorca. She found it with me. THere are so many pluses to being single LL and you are looking at one….or rather where she wanted me. This photo was the result of a fairly liquid lunch, on her part.
Florida 2018. There are a number of ways you can relax here in Florida LL. The beach, walks, the pool and the one that was waiting for me on the couch above in Bradenton. Well it was relaxing afterward!
Sussex 2008 I had flown into Gatwick and was invited to stay with this friend for a few days. I accepted. For her she wanted to get laid. That I knew. For me it saved battling into London until I had gotten over my jet lag. The photo is all about a request from the lady…for me to remove her panties. My pleasure ma’am and yours too, straight after.
California 2017 I’ve seen a lot of flawless female bodies over the years LL and these lady were two of them. She had asked me to take a whole series of intimate shots, both in black and white and color. My reward….guess. Fabulous boobs by the way.
Cornwall 2007 She may have had a pretty ordinary face LL (take my word for it) but from there on everything was pretty superb. From her figure to the size and shape of her fantastic boobs…all the way down to her very accommodating pussy. I didn’t meet her there…I took her there. She was actually from Cromer, probably still is. I lost touch when I moved over here and she married. Great vacation for both us that time in Cornwall…happy days/daze.
2005 Norwich. Talking of fabulous boobs there were a surprising number on my doorstep, so to speak. I guess I had and have what they call ‘the gift of the gab’ it certainly worked loads for me. The lady above was on the staff of one of the estate agents I used and I talked her into sleeping with me if you can call fucking during the day at an almost empty property, sleeping with someone. WE did indeed sleep together literally but not on the day in the photo. We were too busy coming….and then going….back to work.
Norfolk 2004 . Norfolk as opposed to Norwich this time LL and actually about a year earlier. I did well in the boob department there as well. Somewhat older at nearly forty and a better lay because of it. What you might call a full on participant LL…not leaving it to me to do all the work. The shot above? After the event (s) one Thursday afternoon second half of the year.
Lowestoft 2005. My photography was getting better by this point in time and I was lucky enough to find this divorced lady when I reached this point, taking the photo above along with lots of others. Physically, there’s a lot to be said for not having any children as was the case with this lady. Another flawless body and a figure that almost literally took my breath away when I first saw her naked. Slim tall and with superb tits I was in heaven when I was in her. She thought I was the best thing since sliced bread when it came to sex. Little did she know that I was capable of making a woman come up to four times on a single occasion. She liked slow sex too interspersed with the frantic stuff. Me I just thoroughly enjoyed sex with her and all the others. Variety LL, being the spice of life.
2007 Cambridge my bathroom in the town house and once again I had landed myself a lover with pretty superb breasts and a great figure. Maybe it is because I am discerning that I landed so many, but then you knew I liked fairly large boobs. Not averse to smaller ones of course if the rest looks pretty good.
2008 Hotel at a wedding in Berkshire and I ended up with this lovely beauty almost by accident. Her name was Laura and she wanted to get laid. She did with me. The trade off being a few photos of her, of which the above was one. The zipper - I did that - the lack of bra or panties was down to Laura, literally. She liked being down with her legs partially wrapped around me. That was to such an extent that I spent a few times travelling to Berkshire and she to London. AS firm younger bodies go LL, hers was near the top.
Norwich 2004 - Ex bank colleague. That period in 2004 all the way through to 2007 when I was traveling a lot more, seemed to be filled with women with great boobs LL. I had no idea what was to come in the future but at the time I reveled in the fact that these ladies wanted me...inside them.
Beth the lady above surprised me early on as I had no premise to believe I was attractive to thirty something women. She disabused me of the notion that I should restrict myself to older women and allowed me to make love to her more regularly for a spell than I made love to you LL. If you need to know it was April 2004 that I first had my hands on her body, those wonderful breasts and also had my cock her delight,
2005 Norfolk. I had walked up into the village to watch cricket on the green right near the village pub of course. While I was sitting watching and enjoying a beer (rather like dear old Inspector Morse) the lady above started chatting with me. Turned out she was a widow and a bit older than the women I had been seeing for the last fifteen months prior to that August Saturday.
She lived in the village, I lived in the village, She was on her own and so was I so we ended up having a relationship for about six months until I spent more time in Cambridge, London and at business. Yes she was bit heavier than my slim younger women LL but you know what they say...built for comfort and she was. She was also a good lover and her boobs were a bonus for me. They were probably the same size as yours...but she was taller, not that difficult!
2008 You have seen this woman before LL in this shot. A quick flash of her boobs on the beach and we decide to cut our sunbathing short and return to our hotel room. Where...somewhere in the Med...
The next three photos are of women I met displaying their wares in sexy nighties and a see through top. What a privilege to be trusted with such photos...although they all had an ulterior motive of course ...
....they wanted to get laid
Italy 2015. Thirty one and more than up and down for it LL. She was such a lovely woman and very grateful for the pleasure I gave her. Effusive in fact. This was in Calabria.
California, of course 2010 - Before I met Ash, but not by much. No panties LL...although she did start off with them on...barely.
Penrith 2004. Quite a 'perky' greeting and it was only 10.00 a.m. on a Monday morning. Out of your bed LL and into hers and I was far from finished that week.
Great Yarmouth Norfolk 2004. Question is were they coming off or going on. Off is the answer LL. A rather lonely and frustrated forty six year old who more than welcomed my attention and 'servicing'. Maybe a tad too clingy, but this was very early days after your revelation of cheating in March of that year.
I moved on from her and unbeknown to you I was moving on from you as well. You had no idea and thought you were in the driving seat. You underestimated me greatly, whether that was emotionally, financially, or when it came to our differing degrees of intelligence. Basically you weren't clever enough and your judgement was shot to pieces just why did you always make the wrong decisions I ask myself. I do know in fact where maybe you don't Looking in from the outside, so to speak it's easier to see why.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©