Monday, April 9, 2018

Around The Block

For LL

Thought I would take you for a tour 'around the block', photographically speaking. You don't get around too much otherwise, do you. Just the three S's - Scotland, Soccer and the main, and when you do venture further afield there's nearly always a soccer connection.

My three S's must be Sun, Sailing and Sex, or maybe they are really Health, Wealth and Happiness. The latter was badly dented by the tragic event earlier this year but, as you know this isn't the first time for me. I'm back to some kind of normality now.

Most of the photos below were commissions, for a beautiful selection of lovely women. I do take older women's shots, and men, and children. Maybe one day I will post a selection of those, but...I do have work to do away from these blogs and photography. Minimal comments in the main, if any, accompany the photos below.

The majority are in black and white, my preferred medium. Yes, I took photos and in some cases took the subjects if you follow, LL .... all at their request, behest and often starting with their chest. Poetic don't you think 😉

Studio London


Gorgeous (rich) lady of Indonesian birth. In her thirties. A joy to photograph in her lingerie and out of it. Quite playful too, if you follow LL!

West Palm Beach, Florida

Those lips were great to kiss and Julia loved to kiss, fully clothed and not. Quite a sexual appetite too. Lovely boobs and ass to accompany her appetite which made satisfying it all the more pleasurable.

No dates here on purpose, but quite recent, in fact very recent. She felt I needed 'comforting' after my loss early this year. I have to say it helped enormously. She isn't the only one that has an 'appetite' and she knows it. She loves boating with me too....often in the nude on deck.

Minneapolis, USA - Studio

Taken in a hired studio way back in 2007 on one of my many trips. I'll leave you to figure whether there were any additional benefits on this shoot, LL.

Paris, France

Strangely enough, this shot took quite a bit of composing and in Camille's case a lot of sitting quite still. Arranging the gold necklace was a pleasure though. Up close and personal you could say. What a perfect body and shape (s) to photograph.

So many of the women I shot were randy and Camille was no exception. I found it quite surreal at times that here I was on what was essentially a business engagement being approached/propositioned for sex. There were, I have to say, LL, very few times that I refused, particularly the very attractive ones.

Up close and personal is where we ended up. We had conducted the shoot in her home from lounge to dining room and finally to her bedroom. It wasn't difficult to figure out that she was in the mood for sex when we finished the lingerie part of the shoot and reappeared totally nude.

Lviv, Ukraine

Just a 'friend', early one morning, right outside her apartment door. Taken on one of my trips to Ukraine, via Kyiv (Kiev). Quite a daring lady, but the risk was low at that time in the morning and there was a gown just out of shot.

Near Los Angeles, California

Not hot, but well oiled. It was a commission, but not by this point. The oil/lotion had to be applied all over LL - back and front and the only way that could happen was by going nude. Happy days!

Skyros, Greece

This was taken in 2007. I love those summer dresses that women wear without a bra (and sometimes without panties). My late first wife wore them a lot when she was younger ... Swedish friend on a Greek island with an Englishman. Good combination as it turned out.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Montmartre, Paris, France

Giselle was womanly perfection, personified. Given what you can see of her above LL, there's nothing more I can, or should, add.

New York Apartment

Limoges, France

A French lady in need and with needs....

Soulliac, France

...and another damsel, not in distress or even a dress, but in need and very satisfying in....deed.

Fort Myers, Florida

Not much to be said here LL. All fairly obvious, apart from the temperature was rising and not just outside!

 Cheltenham, UK

A friend's daughter, albeit 36 at the time, separated and lacking satisfaction. That is until one of my visits. I like to provide a service to the needy, and they like to be serviced!

Near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK

Ahhh   --- Samantha.....great memories...lover.

New York

Pre-photo shoot shot. Just loved her top inside and out. 2018....

Bologna, Italy

From the Italian collezione

Sorrento, Italy

Someone has to be the first to christen a new bed, LL. I was lucky enough to have the assistance of this lady. Looking at her boobs and being in complete contrast, reminds a lot of how antique and sagging yours were.

What is that old ditty. Once a knight always a knight, but once a night is enough. Well it certainly wasn't for her!

Los Angeles, California

Photos shoot with considerable 'benefits.

Near Salzburg, Austria

A commission that became a little more than that. pendulous, but quite firm breasts I recall.

London, UK

Umbria, Italy

Two Brits enjoying the Italian sun - I was the other one. Never found it difficult to find a holiday companion, but then I wouldn't, given the wide circle of friends and the pool from which to choose.

California, USA

An all American girl, including the part covered by her hand! I like exploring my country and its inhabitants.

Aalborg, Denmark

What was that thing about Danish Bacon? Sizzling, perhaps. She was certainly that, and she loved some meat between her legs, bacon or otherwise

Prague 2007

Florida 2006

No clues for where that moisture arose from. Same bed as you occupied LL, just a different and better woman.

Portland, Oregon 2006

Downtown hotel room, the morning after the night before.

Studio London 2005

Artistic don't you think. The lady loved it.

South Carolina 2007

Southern least that was what I called her.

Norfolk 2005
One of the three Kim's I 'entertained'. Two that year, one the next.

Norfolk 2004

Imagine LL. That was where I was a number of times that year and the next. First time was April 2004. Nice mound there to pummel and two nice mounds elsewhere to complete the 'set'.

Miami 2006

TV cooking programs weren't the only thing I started to get into in 2006 .....

Italy - Sicily 2007

Ever taken a married partner on holiday who is also a good cook. I did ... and boy was it fun. I'm not referring to her culinary skills either. English, supposedly on a business trip. Separate flights, different departure airports and then joining up on arrival more ways than one! Not difficult to lay a false trail.

London - 2005

An old friend, now...a new friend then.

Falmouth, New Hampshire, USA 2006

Young (33) tender and firm. You'd be surprised at the appetite of some women that live behind those white picket fences.

Massachusetts 2008

Buddies of a certain kind....


And now for something quite tranquil:


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

Sometimes men have the last laugh

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