Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Author

For LL in the UK

As you know LL among my various talents of art, cuisine, wealth creation and some more physical skills, I am a writer. I enjoy them all and I like to read other authors, appreciate theirs styles and creativeness. Over here when I have a quiet moment or tow I often pop into Barnes and Noble to browse and while away some free time. Over there in the UK it is Waterstones and in London, Foyles of course. In fact it was while I was in Foyles that the idea for one of my books in progress, Kaleidoscope, occurred to me. 

Of course, when I have company my ability to browse is sometimes limited and I can be tempted away from that pleasurable activity to another pleasurable activity.

It was pure chance that I came across the above and it was quite appropriate in relation to the lady immediately below. It is almost word for word what she said to me one day in New York except it was a case of she said and I think of her when I’m buying booka. t was a 'difficult' decision, he says tongue in cheek, I gave up the browsing. After all the books would still be there, but Lisa wouldn't necessarily. 

The rest of what is said above is not quite what she said - it was more 'I remember you and our times together whenever I buy a book' 

So, this is Lisa in New York on a steaming hot day in 2016 with me on our way back to my apartment and a little, no a lot, of physical activity.


An author is generally thought of as the originator or creator of any written work such as a book or play. I fit that definition. More broadly defined, an author is a person who gives existence to anything. It is that latter definition that I have wryly adopted as the title of this blog. I have authored pleasure for many women LL, yourself included. The ones that appear below are but a few, Most you have seen in past blogs this time, but not al of them. I like to slip in some fresh ladies. You can read that last sentence however you wish.

Italy 2018

Australia 2016. Down under LL and one or the other of us frequently were.

New York 2009…but first coffee

Norwich 2005 I have to say that I was the ‘author’ of these two lovely insurance women being completely exhausted but happy and very satisfied.

London 2007 The apartment and another of my white shirts LL and a bottom that liked to be spanked just before the critical moment.

Funny isn't it. You were my first after my bereavement and very much working class in your attitude. For the next year or so from March 2004 it was a mix again of working class ladies (mainly in the North and Essex) and lower middle class elsewhere. I progressed into middle class in London in 2006-2007.

Finally, with my photography and wealth I ended up with the upper class and do you know something LL, they were/are all the same in bed to differing degrees. Sex is a great equaliser especially when one gives a woman and orgasm or two.

2017 Lebanon, New Hampshire - Breakfast time.

2016 West Moors Dorset. Claire, she used to live at Red Lodge, Suffolk. Need I say more ....

2009 St Tropez, France

2004 Keswick - Debbie

Rouen, France 2006 - January but the house was warm and this lady very hot. Francine didn't mind which part of her anatomy I photographed LL. Rather like this one. taken ten days after you handed my ring back...I still have it by the way.

Yorkshire 2005. A rather naughty walk with miss no panties.

Italy 2009. Use your imagination LL. Interesting vacation for three. Me from the US and the ladies from Italy.

West Palm Beach, Florida 2018

California 2017

Carcassonne, France 2016

Oregon 2016

Hexham 2005 - One of my earliest videos of mutual sex.

2005 October - Another local 'connection' LL

London 2018

Hampstead 2007.  January just fourteen months since we were last together LL and I get to be with this lovely lady. Like most of the others here, you have seen her before. 

Nagoya, Japan 2009. Never let it be said that all Japanese women have small breasts. Kayoko's certainly weren't!

Omaha, Nebraska 2017 - I was there on business, but if opportunity knocks ...


Next section should be entitled ' The Hat Ladies' because that is all they wore. Taken at various locations and various dates. That is both the photographs and the lovely ladies.

Greece 2016 All three of the above shots taken early evening.

Turkey 2016

Devon 2006

Norfolk 2005 A broad on the Broads.

Croatia 2009 Nice pointy tits, had Sarah.

France 2007

Cambridgeshire 2008 Fiona in the Fens. Looks pretty good for a lady with a doctrate, doesn't she. Fact that a woman is intellectually very clever doesn't make them any less sexy or indeed 'hungry' LL. All the same when it comes down to it. She went down and she could come.

Palm Beach Florida 2018


Have a nice day ma'am


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. © 

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