Saturday, May 7, 2022


For LL in the UK

You waited too long and also took some wrong steps LL. The opportunity you lost. or I should say opportunities, are legion. I am not going to recite them here as I have said enough on the subject to you directly and in past blogs.

I never waited, except for you. I took opportunities as they arose. Not blindly, of course, but considered. Sometimes you have to react fairly quickly and with others you can take a little time. I have done both during my life. Nothing ventured, nothing gained LL. You should have 'ventured' ...with me, not with 'Fat Boy'. All you did by moving on to him was lock yourself into the mundane life you now lead. 

Mind you, given your background and life history, I can understand to some extent that you aren't the adventurous type, nor had you met a man like me in your past and with my experience of life. I'm 'sorry' if I am more intelligent, more astute than you are, but that is part of who I am. You are what you are LL and I knew by 2005 that you were never going to venture outside your zone, geographically, socially or indeed, emotionally. You should have, but that's another story and another life - one you missed out on big time

This mug doesn't belong to me, it's a friend's. Cas, an ex-pat Brit, who lives in Boston, Massachusetts. We share a naval background and some other service similarities. This mug of his resides in his workshop. He bought it because, whenever his DIY goes wrong, that is the expletive he usually utters.

I've posted it here, not for that reason, but because I have shown the shot to several ladies of my acquaintance and they have merely responded, ' Go on then'. We did in each and every instance. Which quite naturally brings me to more photos of ladies I have fucked and some I haven't. The usual mix of lovers, internet dates, clients who did and didn't, those I have come across when travelling and chance opportunities in various hotels.

France 2009. These four ladies were staying close to my property in Carcassonne. Close by and coursing through my property is a tributary of the River La Lauquette. Taking Ben, my retriever, for a walk in the woods there, he had run ahead as he usually did. I was going on my usual walk down to the river along the bank within my property and back to the house. Ben was barking up ahead. Nothing unusual with that, I had thought, but he persisted and when I caught up with him you can see why above LL.

Four naked women splashing about in the river. They hadn't realised, it turned out later, that they had strayed onto my property. I wasn't complaining of course, especially when all four turned around to face me as I emerged from the woods Not sure who was more surprised - me or them,but they weren't shy and spoke to me from where they were in the river. One German, two French ladies and an English girl. One of my thoughts was that they were possibly lesbians on vacation together. You know two couples right there in the river. They saw my camera and I was allowed to take the shot above at their invitation. I have no frontal ones.

They weren't lesbians (unless they were bi-sexual) because I slept with tow of them later that week...together. Second and third from the left.

Rome Italy 2017 - Client .... etc

London 2016

Newcastle, UK 2004 - Video frame LL. She was nice, very nice. Tasty you might say.

Richmond, Virginia 2009 but she was no virgin LL. Worked for one of our companies. Nice ass. Nice lady too. WE clicked quite well and enjoyed our times together.

London Apartment 2006 March with Chrissie and her wonderful boobs LL.


California 2007 (remote shore, just in case you were wondering)

Stockholm 2008

Keswick 2005. Guess where I was with the camera.... Nice pubic mound soon to be mounted. Monday afternoon after leaving you that  morning LL.

New York 2017. Her place at twilight. Rather like the lighting effect that I capture. Shadows are always interestin.

Netherlands 2016. The lady couldn't wait...neither could I, LL! She loved the photos too...made her horny all over again she told me.

Dereham. Norfolk 2004 - Taken in was she and Jess loved it. So did I!

London 2006. After Carole and after Lucy LL. Another intro for me as a my photography business. Turned out more often than not in those early days (and the later ones) that a fair number of women just wanted some cock inside them. The women couldn't get their panties off fast enough and you used to talk about men keeping their trousers on!

As I said this lady was an intro and it seemed my reputation, good or bad ( as in naughty) had gone before me. The photos were incidental with Anne, sex was what she had wanted and that is what she got. I had no particular ties then, so had no obligation to any of the women I fucked, took out to dinner or whatever.

York, UK 2005 This photo and others was taken on a visit to various ladies of my acquaintance, but didn't involve a trip to see you LL. It has probably occurred to you by now as to why you didn't see that much of me that year. Natalie was one reason.

With your deceit in mind, it wasn't difficult to move on LL, especially as many of the women I met were in the age range 30 - 45, give or take. For me that meant younger bodies and in a lot of cases some superb boobs, like Natalie's above. She loved me playing with them. If you were to communicate with me, I am sure you would say you knew. That would be another lie of course - you didn't have a clue. It was a relief, despite my act, when you went. 

Old Buckenham, Norfolk 2004 - 2006. Rachel was married. Her husband who I knew from my banking days foolsihly invited me over to dinner one evening. We had enjoyed a good business relationship during my banking days. Rachel was sixteen years youger than he was/is.

They lived in a listed property in the area and he spent most of his time away attending to his businesses. That left Rachel rattling around in their large home. The devil finds work for idle hands LL and after that evening and some exchange of numbers and emails (ostensibly for business reasons) it didn't take long before Rachel and I were humping each other on a regular basis. It only slowed and then ended when I started traveling in Europe and the US in 2007.

California 2016. Looking across the Bay...not saying which one as that may give her away. Gorgeous isn't she. A client's wife.

Penrith December 2004. Close up and about to get quite personal LL. WE certainly kept warm!

Boston Studio USA 2019 Client shoot. You can think what you like LL ...

Scottsdale Arizona 2017. Macie's Arizona ass LL. Not bad waking up to that pressed against me. Macie's mammaries were pretty good too and they were and are on occasions, often pressed against me.

France 2016 Louise from Whetstone, London.

New York 2017. Studio shot for a client ...

Lincoln, UK 2006. The old town is very pretty and hilly. Just like Laura and her twin peaks.

Germany 2008. 

Newmarket 2005. This lady was one of those that said I was highly sexed. Good job Katie was too. A matched pair LL, just like her boobs.

London Studio 2016. Not a client though. We just used to meet there for, of course. She was married then but it didn't last. Sprated in 2017 and then she used to come to my London home in Knightsbridge...and come, lots and lots.

Rome, Italy 2016 Studio shot, but she wasn't/isn't a client. You could say she was a referral though. We just used to meet up sometimes at the studio I rent. One very sensuous lady who liked me to make sure she was well oiled. Body oil not booze! I still occasional have that pleasure.

Near Avignon France 2015. Nice stopover on my travels LL.

Cambridge, UK 2006

Have a nice day ma'am

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. © 

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