For LL
'I promised a short while ago to let you see some of the things that my vicar, back in the UK, wrote during our affair, all those years ago, so here goes.....'
That, LL, was part of the introduction to my blog 'The Parson's Tale'. Since then, and that was some years back, I have seen my vicar again, several times. Each time she writes up her diary and sends/shares a copy with me. I thought you might like to read another section from much more recently and see how much the man you spurned is appreciated by thinking women. Read on...
That, LL, was part of the introduction to my blog 'The Parson's Tale'. Since then, and that was some years back, I have seen my vicar again, several times. Each time she writes up her diary and sends/shares a copy with me. I thought you might like to read another section from much more recently and see how much the man you spurned is appreciated by thinking women. Read on...
Thursday 22 March 2018
I had wondered for a long time whether I would ever have physical contact with P again, after his marriage ten years or so ago. I was only thirty two then. He had kept in touch by email and Kik, but I never saw him or felt his touch over all the intervening years.
We had a wonderful time when we first came upon each other and I longed for that feeling again. I have stayed with my husband for the sake of the children, who are now in their teens, but admit to one or two affairs since that lovely lovely time with P.
Today he called me. How wonderful to hear his voice again. So calm and steady. He sounds like an airline pilot. Warm and reassuring. He is single again of course as he lost his wife late last year.
He asked if I would like to see him as he is coming to England early next week. I check my diary and find I am almost free for two maybe days. The children board at school now and my husband is away all next week. Oh yes! I so want to see P and feel his touch all over.
Later today he called me. He is under a girls name on my second phone. I have become quite devious in my search for that which my husband can't and doesn't provide. I am to see him on Tuesday next - I can't wait.
Friday 23 March 2018
I am up early putting the finishing touches to my sermon for Sunday. A never ending task, but with three parishes and my pastoral duties it is very rewarding. I have a wedding tomorrow. A lovely young couple from a nearby village.
My mind is wandering away from my vocation toward things more carnal. I have had long periods without being satisfied by a man and masturbation is not an adequate substitute. There is no intimacy, no being held in a man's arms and feeling warm and secure. In all honesty I am thinking of P.
After all the time that has passed since he last touched, and made love to me, I can still remember our first encounter in the village hall that morning so long ago. Longing, that is what I have. A deep seated yearning and the urges that go with it. He is seeping back into my being and I have not seen him in the flesh for so long. How can that be?
Must get back to my sermon now, but I am having flashes his hands on my hips as I stood at that kitchen sink in the parish hall all those years ago, and his taking me from behind as I held tight to the kitchen unit.
Sunday 26 March 2018
I am writing this in the evening. My husband has gone to bed as he has an early start for his week away. How is it after so many years that I am back where I was then in my mind. I have thoughts passing through my head now. Mental pictures of us entwined, of P inside me thick erect and touching places that give me the utmost pleasure,The feeling is doing things to me down below. How is it just the thought of being with him again does that?
I believe the answer is that he really has been the only man to awaken parts of me that I never knew existed. He was by far and away the best lover I have ever had.
I think I must shower before I go to bed and try and banish the thoughts I am having at this late hour. Yet still I have lain in bed since he called me, and arranged our meeting on Tuesday, with thoughts of things that I never should have lying alongside my husband.
It's late and I will stop here.
Monday 27 March 2018
My husband left over an hour ago. Then P called. He said don't pack a bag, we are going shopping! Not sure what he meant, I can only guess. I will stuff some underwear into a small bag anyway, but otherwise I am taking him at his word.
I'm excited we will be in each others arms tomorrow. I can't wait. What scenario awaits me, or I should say us? The last time we were together I was so much younger, now I am 42. I worry about my figure, but I think I am still in good shape. I have not put weight on and my breasts are still nice and firm, despite having had two children. Will he still like me want me, caress me...I have butterflies in my tummy as tomorrow approaches.
The day has shot by and I have hardly had any more time to think of tomorrow and our meeting at his London apartment. I think he said it was in South Kensington, but I have forgotten. How could that be! It is evening and I am going to go to bed early. An empty bed, but oh tomorrow it won't be an empty bed.
My thoughts are wandering again and I am reliving sensations from ten years ago, sexual sensations. I'm off to bed before my imagination runs riot. Although when I put the lights out I will be there even more.
Saturday 31 March 2018
Golly, Oh Gosh what a whirlwind of a few days. I don't think I have adjectives to describe the last few days. Just a few days, but it has felt like a different life.
As I travelled down to King's Cross by the train on Tuesday (was it only last Tuesday?), I became increasingly nervous of see P again in the flesh after all those years since we were last in each others arms. I flicked aimlessly through a magazine during the one hour journey, alternating with glancing out of the window but registering nothing. Just lost in thought.
When the train arrived I walked down the platform to the exit in among the meleƩ of people with roller cases. I wondered if he would see me.
I saw him before he saw me, probably as I was in a crowd and he wasn't. Then he saw me, smiled and his lovely green eyes lit up. I smiled back and gave a little wave. Then we were together. He embraced me circling my slim body with his arms. He was still using the same after shave, a lemony smelling one. I later found out it was Paco Rabane. Then he kissed me tenderly. I thought my heart would burst from my chest.
He was immaculately dressed. Light blue shirt and a stone coloured jacket. Dark chinos. They were beautifully cut.
P took my hand and the bag with my change of undies (!) and walked me out of the station toward the road that runs alongside St Pancras. We were talking, catching up. I did think - no Tube then, a taxi. We reached the taxi rank but instead of heading to the front and the queue he went the other way. As we reached the end of the line of taxis a large car pulled in and P opened the rear door for me. Yours, I asked? He nodded. I was bowled over - it was a Bentley.
I knew he had done well, but not this well!
No directions to his driver, who he called John, we just left in almost utter silence. The car was so silent, but we weren't. We chatted. After about twenty minutes the car pulled up and we got out. John and the car left. P said that we were going shopping and we really did, for me! He was good. He knew what looked good on me and he was right. He talked about my colour swatch and my complexion. I was a amazed at how knowledgeable he was about colours and clothes
I said the days that have just passed have been a whirlwind, the car and the shopping were just the beginning. He took me to lovely boutiques and very fashionable places. I told him to stop at one point, as I could never take these things home. He told me that I wasn't taking them home. They were mine and would stay in the apartment - our apartment he said.
He had thought of that long before I did and he also arranged for all the purchases to be delivered. How I loved that morning. For a woman like me, a country vicar, comfortable just, but not well off, this was a girls dream come true. I loved it and I loved him for being so kind and generous. I became another person in those clothes. The film Pretty Woman crossed my mind at some point.
When I thought we had shopped enough, P suggested lunch. He said he knew somewhere. He flagged down a taxi - he called it a cab - and off we went. I didn't hear where he told the driver to go. It turned out to be the Savoy! Oh my goodness! I was worried about how I was dressed and looked, but he said I was fine.
I don't have to say that lunch was wonderful, but I will because it was.
Then, then we went back to the apartment. I was feeling really horny. After all my husband hasn't been able to satisfy me in years. When we arrived the shopping was already there, in one of the bedrooms. I had visions of some small flat, but this was truly an apartment of large proportions and it was beautiful.
P poured white wine while I explored and then we came together again in a lounge area. We crooked arms and drank a sip from our wine glasses. He put his down and so did I. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him long and passionately. He returned those kisses and it turned my tummy to jelly. I was tingling all over and more than enough in certain areas. My boobs were sensitive and I knew I was rapidly becoming moist down below. I couldn't wait any longer.
P had his hands on my hips and I just went for it and undid his shirt and his belt. He pulled my top over my head and unzipped my skirt. We were both in our underwear, but he slid his boxer shorts off and using his thumbs pulled my knickers down onto my thighs. I walked to the settee and, while I did, he took my bra off from behind. I shugged off and let it drop to the floor.
I sat down as he stood very proud and erect. Oh what it is to be desired and that was more than enough evidence of his desire. I raised my legs toward him and P pulled my knickers off, although he called them my panties, all the way down my legs. He was surveying my whole body from top to bottom and I loved it because I knew he wanted me. That was so nice. I haven't been wanted by my husband in years.
Then I opened my legs and he stood between them. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked down at all of me and did the same.
Considering he is over twenty years older than me, he is in good shape and he was tanned, beautifully tanned. That even nut brown tan that you acquire naturally, not from sunbathing. My skin was quite, quite pale alongside his. There was one white area on his body and I looked at it, almost at eye level. I took his erection in my hand and slowly massaged it. It felt thick, warm and firm in my hand. It was weeping a little semen.
Then I did something I have never, ever done before. I leaned forward and placed my mouth right over his penis and sucked and used my tongue. It filled my mouth. I used my tongue on his tip and could feel him throbbing. So sexy, I wonder why I hadn't done it before, but then the past lovers weren't P. I could taste that little bit of semen dripping into my mouth. I wanted to suck him and all he had right into me.
Then I felt his hands around my boobs. They were warm and gentle. Caressing me and squeezing me a little. I felt my nipples harden and I was getting quite wet. Having his penis in my mouth was one thing, but having it inside me was what I really wanted. I let him withdraw his cock from my mouth and I turned and knelt on the settee holding the back, offering myself to him, legs spread apart, my wet and engorged pussy his to do with what he wished.
The first time we had sex he entered me this way and the sensation was fantastic. Now I felt his tip brushing against the lips of my vagina. He moved it up and down wallowing in my wetness but not entering me. I so wanted him to but I was also getting quite wound up with the anticipation. Little by little he thrust his cock forward. I felt my pussy parting. Oh how he knew what he was doing. The more he inched forward into me the more I expanded. Slickly and softly I felt his enormity entering me.
His hands were caressing my thighs outside and in. That was, oh God, so nice now, as I think about it, write about it and relive it. I was electrified by all this. My breasts had hardened, my nipples erect and the sensation of his erection slowly and gently sliding into me. The men I have had in the past had none of P's finesse.
I felt one hand grab my hip expecting the other to do the same. Instead I felt P's hand come round my tummy and his fingers starting to rub my soaking clitoris. When he touched it I nearly took off! It didn't take much attention from his fingers to make me come and it he wasn't even all the way inside me. I came, I tensed, I shuddered and a warm glowing feeling rose all the way through my body to my face. I could feel it like a wave engulfing me.
So intent was I on that moment, the contraction of my pussy and tummy, that I was taken by surprise when P entered me fully and started slowly thrusting in and out. I have found that being taken from behind stimulates my G-spot more than anything and I felt another wave of ecstasy beginning.
P had both hands on my hips now. He was pulling me onto to him repeatedly. My breasts we moving around even though firm and the combination was out of this world. I wanted to take him right into my body. I widened my legs still further and he then grabbed my should sliding his free hand round to my breasts. That was it!!! I exploded all over him as I came a second time. I was gushing liquid and still he hadn't come.
That is one of P's greatest attributes. His ability to last and give me fantastic satisfaction. I was ready to collapse, but he wasn't. Somehow, now I reflect upon it, he manages to control the timing of his climax, as he did on Tuesday. He was passionate though. Squeezing my boobs hard and finally thrusting into me fast and hard.
Strangely, I loved the way he banged against me giving me a little passing hurt. It seemed to heighten things. I have no idea what noise I was making but P told me afterwards that I was alternately moaning and screaming. He also told me he love the sounds I made it spurred him on. I loved his grunts when he finally came too.
AS he continued his rougher lovemaking I could feel his cock becoming harder and thicker inside me until finally I knew he had come. Wow, oh my God, what a welcome to our love nest. I lost count how many orgasm I had that afternoon just a few days ago. The word multiple would cover it though.
He finally withdrew and we lay length ways on the settee. embracing each other and kissing. I could feel his chest hairs against my nipples and the warmth of his body against mine. Best of all he had his arms around me and I felt so secure and wanted. I think we lay like that for a little while before we arose.
We went to the bedroom, the master that is, as I had every intention of cleaning up in the en suite, and showering. As I stopped in the bedroom looking for my handbag, I felt P's hands on my hips caressing me. Oh my! He slipped his hands round onto my tummy.
North or south he said, or both. I didn't quite realise what he meant. Hi s left hand rose up onto my left breast and encompassed it. This is north he said to me as he kissed my neck. That was lovely and quite erotic. I felt he his penis between my legs and it was hardening quickly. I allowed him to slide under my pussy.
Then his right hand slid down over my shaved pubic hair and his fingers touched my clitoris. I felt a bolt of lightning shoot through my body. I was still very sensitive down there and the effect of his touching me in that place was enough to set me off again.
I think P knew he had me when he did that because I reacted by arching my back and pushing my bum hard against him. He held both my boobs now. Heaven, I loved his touch, I loved the way he cupped them and then slid his hand repeatedly across my nipples.
I gyrated against him and felt his erection against my wet and open pussy. Then I lay down on the bed and just spread my legs and held them in my hands. With P it was the most natural thing to do. I didn't feel sluttish. Nothing like that. He is so kind and gentle and very considerate - that is what is so nice about him.
He climbed on the bed between my legs and we made long, slow languorous love. He just slid slowly into me and I looked down as he slipped in and out. I found looking while he was having sex with me was very erotic.Our lubrication was such that the whole experience was beautiful, sensitive and oh, just lovely and erotic.
We did shower afterwards, this time, after cuddling for a while. Then in our bathrobes we sat and relaxed and chatted. By now it was late afternoon. Where had Tuesday gone!
P had the evening organised. We went out to a show - Mamma Mia - my choice from several months back and I was able to wear some of my brand new clothes. I loved the lingerie - I have nothing like that.
We didn't get back last night until 11.00 as P took me for a drink after the show which was lovely - we also ate some tapas which was enough. Then to bed. I curled up against P. We were both naked. He placed his arms around me and...I don't remember any thing else until this morning.
When I woke P was already up. I could hear him in the kitchen. I went to the loo and did what I could with my hair before popping back into bed. P appeared with a tray - breakfast!. It was one of those trays with small legs you can place over your lap. I sat up and looked at what he had prepared. It was just right. Some muesli, a small fruit salad and coffee.
P returned with his own tray and we sat up talking and eating. It was one of those rare days in March when to sun was shining. P had pulled the curtains back a little and the whole thing was just perfect.
Later we showered. I had better explain. This wasn't a small shower cubicle it was half a room with water coming out of shower heads and spouts at various levels. I have never seen a shower like this one. needless to say there was room for two! How sexy is that!
We faced each other under the shower lathering each others bodies. It was very erotic. It didn't take much for P's cock to harden but I'm sure my body had everything to do with that. He is a master at touching me, caressing me and taking me to places I have never been sexually. I have never been so satisfied sexually, in my entire adult life.
We had sex in the shower. I was so good I could hardly walk afterwards. He had turned me round and had me hold a shower rail. It was at just the right height for me to arch my back and present my pussy to him. (I did wonder if he had, had it installed just for that purpose!) He hadn't, that was fairly obvious.
Wet and slippery, all over, and down below was a really sensuous experience. His hands on my boobs, slipping over them and off them. His cock between my legs. The warmth of the water cascading down. Then he entered me and we were at it like a couple of racehorses wanting to finish before the other.
He was jolting me as he thrust firmly into me. He had to let go of my boobs and hold my waist. He thrusts did wonderful things for my breasts. They were moving around in time to his thrusting. I loved that feeling. The sex had done things to my boobs anyway and their movement just enhanced the whole lovemaking.
I felt myself climaxing. I thinking was screaming out yes, oh yes, but I don't really remember. I felt the spasm of a great orgasm arising. My tummy contracting and my bum clenching then I came. I could also feel my pussy contracting on P's cock repeatedly. Wow! that was fantastic. I thought I must do this again!
P's erection was still full and despite my climax he hadn't stopped. I thought I would die but then his thrusting instead of tiring me brought a fresh wave rising in my body and I came again and this time it was even better. I screamed like a banshee, P became even harder and then I felt him come jerking his full load of semen into me. That was fantastic.
As I write this on Saturday, just recording this wonderful few days makes me horny. I want to finish these entries in my diary while they are fresh in my mind.
We both get dressed. I love my new clothes. I feel like a different woman and it isn't just the clothes that make me feel that way. The clothes make me feel more confident in a very female way. My normal garb is boring by comparison, bar my clerical wear. We go down to the street. The Bentley is waiting with John the driver. Before we get in P asks me where I would like to go. I have no idea.
Leaving it to P we end up in St James's Park. We get out and walk and walk. Eventually ending up on Piccadilly street, by which time we are both gasping for a coffee. While we walked P told me that he was travelling a good part of the summer and had to return to the USA for business and family. I know he leads a full life and is very busy and although disappointed that I will not see him for a while, I accept what he tells me.
While we are having coffee he suggests I might like to join him at his house in Dorset in late summer. I jump at the offer but don't show it of course. The mere suggestion of spending more time with P has my heart jumping. I can feel my breasts rising and falling as I control my breath.
Later we lunch, at a lovely little French restaurant run by French nationals. The food is lovely. By mid afternoon we have lingered long enough over lunch and go for a walk. He shows me paces that few casual visitors to London would notice and the rest of the afternoon flashes by. Around I think it was five o'clock we find ourselves on the Embankment looking at the River Thames. P suggests we go back to the apartment and we turn away from the river. I am amazed to see the Bentley roll to a halt. Off we go.
I haven't really got my breath back from my arrival at King's Cross only eighteen hours ago. In that time I have been treated like a queen, had more orgasms given by a man than in the last year, and sex four times in less than twenty four hours! All that and from a man nearly twenty years my senior. What a stallion!
We decide to eat in and I helped with the preparation. Another thing I have discovered about this lovely man, he is a superb cook.
I awake on what will be my last full day with my gorgeous lover. We made love last night and again this morning.
Snuggled under the duvet we were all warm and cosy. I asked him to make love to me. Not that I knew he would refuse. I have come to the conclusion he is highly sexed and has more than his fair share of testosterone.
I lay on my back as he he traced ever decreasing circles on my breasts with his fingers. Edging ever closer to my nipples, which were reacting in anticipation. He looked at my breasts then at me and we both smiled. He leaned over and kissed me, still gently working ever closer to my nipples. Then I felt his fingers brush both nipples. That was sooo good. I told him that what he was doing was lovely.
I was more than a little moist down below, so I parted my legs. P's hand worked slowly down over my tummy until I felt him brush my very short pubic hair. I wanted him to touch and massage my pussy. His fingers went between my legs and he stroked my opening which was quite wet now. That was lovely. I thought he might insert his fingers but instead he shuffled down the bed and knelt between my legs.
He was fully erect and his penis was just above my vagina. Pointing straight at me. He took my boobs in both hands and started massaging them firmly. Then he leaned over me and started sucking on each nipple in turn. That was so good and my nipples were as hard as bullets. I took his penis in my hand and used it to stimulate my clitoris. It worked wonders. I could feel that warm feeling spreading through my groin.
P stopped working on my breasts and shuffled even further down the bed. I think I knew what was coming, but wasn't sure. He buried his head in my crotch and then, oh my goodness, his tongue touched my clitoris. He licked it, stroked it and flicked it. I could feel that little pleasure appendage was erect and wanting more much more. I know I started to moan. This spurred P on. He used his tongue and lips to explore the whole of my pussy, returning always to my clitoris as my noises got louder and louder. I'm not sure what happened next.
I remember he used one hand to squeeze my boobs in turn just as I climaxed then that gorgeous wave of satisfaction hit me and travelled through my entire body. I think I lost consciousness for a few seconds. P told me afterwards my eyes rolled up into my head.
I experienced two things, that I had never done before, that morning. Almost passing out when I climaxed - it was wonderful - and having P use his tongue as he did. No man has ever done that to me before. I loved it and will want him to do that again and again in the future.
P was still erect and he most certainly hadn't had a climax or been inside me. I wanted him to be there so much. He suggested I might like to be on top. I climbed onto him and sat astride his tummy, his cock was hard and laying right along my wet and sticky pussy. That was very sexy. I raised myself slightly and slid forward so that his cock popped right into my opening. Not fully but knocking at the door.
I raised myself further and then slid slowly down onto that wonderful erection, sliding comfortably all the way into me. What lovely penetration. I savoured the feeling for a moment. I could feel his penis throbbing inside me.
I rocked to and fro slowly, my head back and my eyes closed. I could feel my clitoris being stimulated. His hands encompassed my boobs. They were and are firm and pointed which he told me he adored. Keeping my eyes closed made it so much better. I was enjoying all the sensations without distraction.
Thing is I was enjoying it too much and couldn't wait , but first I leaned over P and offered him my breasts to suck on. I love it when he does that. I rode him all the time he was sucking (in my naivety I never knew that riding a man was called that!). What a sheltered life I have led, but not since that day in the church hall all those years back with this man beneath me.
I stayed leaning over him 'riding' hard and fast, and then he spanked my bottom, just as I was about to come. That sensation combined with everything else had me soaring to the most fantastic orgasm ever. Oh my, that was so good now I am thinking of it two days later, it seems that it was never going to end. I know I collapsed onto P and he rolled me on my back and took me hard and fast, coming in me shortly afterwards.
After we had showered and had breakfast, P took me back to the Embankment in the Bentley (driven by John) where we boarded a boat down to Greenwich and spent most of the day there. It was a fine day, so we sat on the top deck both there and back.
We had dinner out Thursday, a lovely restaurant with quite intimate tables. Just right for a romantic evening. Romance and intimacy, P excels in both. These last few days make me wonder about leaving my husband but then that would mean leaving my parish and right now I can't do that. I will satisfy myself with stolen interludes with this wonderful man.
Naturally, we made love again that night. I do believe I am becoming a nymphomaniac! I can't get enough of him.
Intimacy before breakfast and in that sexy shower, rounded off my few days with P. Later that morning after spending some time making plans for later in the year, I was driven to King's Cross station in the Bentley. I was becoming used to it!
Saturday, and here I am having written up my online diary and feeling that the my world is a little empty. My husband will be home later so I must show I am pleased to see him, but my thoughts will be elsewhere.
P has access to my diary and I hope he will find time to read these latest entries and not feel too embarrassed at the accolades I have given him...and my love.
I saw these two passages today and have pasted them in my diary as it sort of sums up where I am
A little spark can ignite your heart
I had wondered for a long time whether I would ever have physical contact with P again, after his marriage ten years or so ago. I was only thirty two then. He had kept in touch by email and Kik, but I never saw him or felt his touch over all the intervening years.
We had a wonderful time when we first came upon each other and I longed for that feeling again. I have stayed with my husband for the sake of the children, who are now in their teens, but admit to one or two affairs since that lovely lovely time with P.
Today he called me. How wonderful to hear his voice again. So calm and steady. He sounds like an airline pilot. Warm and reassuring. He is single again of course as he lost his wife late last year.
He asked if I would like to see him as he is coming to England early next week. I check my diary and find I am almost free for two maybe days. The children board at school now and my husband is away all next week. Oh yes! I so want to see P and feel his touch all over.
Later today he called me. He is under a girls name on my second phone. I have become quite devious in my search for that which my husband can't and doesn't provide. I am to see him on Tuesday next - I can't wait.
Friday 23 March 2018
I am up early putting the finishing touches to my sermon for Sunday. A never ending task, but with three parishes and my pastoral duties it is very rewarding. I have a wedding tomorrow. A lovely young couple from a nearby village.
My mind is wandering away from my vocation toward things more carnal. I have had long periods without being satisfied by a man and masturbation is not an adequate substitute. There is no intimacy, no being held in a man's arms and feeling warm and secure. In all honesty I am thinking of P.
After all the time that has passed since he last touched, and made love to me, I can still remember our first encounter in the village hall that morning so long ago. Longing, that is what I have. A deep seated yearning and the urges that go with it. He is seeping back into my being and I have not seen him in the flesh for so long. How can that be?
Must get back to my sermon now, but I am having flashes his hands on my hips as I stood at that kitchen sink in the parish hall all those years ago, and his taking me from behind as I held tight to the kitchen unit.
Sunday 26 March 2018
I am writing this in the evening. My husband has gone to bed as he has an early start for his week away. How is it after so many years that I am back where I was then in my mind. I have thoughts passing through my head now. Mental pictures of us entwined, of P inside me thick erect and touching places that give me the utmost pleasure,The feeling is doing things to me down below. How is it just the thought of being with him again does that?
I believe the answer is that he really has been the only man to awaken parts of me that I never knew existed. He was by far and away the best lover I have ever had.
I think I must shower before I go to bed and try and banish the thoughts I am having at this late hour. Yet still I have lain in bed since he called me, and arranged our meeting on Tuesday, with thoughts of things that I never should have lying alongside my husband.
It's late and I will stop here.
Monday 27 March 2018
My husband left over an hour ago. Then P called. He said don't pack a bag, we are going shopping! Not sure what he meant, I can only guess. I will stuff some underwear into a small bag anyway, but otherwise I am taking him at his word.
I'm excited we will be in each others arms tomorrow. I can't wait. What scenario awaits me, or I should say us? The last time we were together I was so much younger, now I am 42. I worry about my figure, but I think I am still in good shape. I have not put weight on and my breasts are still nice and firm, despite having had two children. Will he still like me want me, caress me...I have butterflies in my tummy as tomorrow approaches.
The day has shot by and I have hardly had any more time to think of tomorrow and our meeting at his London apartment. I think he said it was in South Kensington, but I have forgotten. How could that be! It is evening and I am going to go to bed early. An empty bed, but oh tomorrow it won't be an empty bed.
My thoughts are wandering again and I am reliving sensations from ten years ago, sexual sensations. I'm off to bed before my imagination runs riot. Although when I put the lights out I will be there even more.
Saturday 31 March 2018
Golly, Oh Gosh what a whirlwind of a few days. I don't think I have adjectives to describe the last few days. Just a few days, but it has felt like a different life.
As I travelled down to King's Cross by the train on Tuesday (was it only last Tuesday?), I became increasingly nervous of see P again in the flesh after all those years since we were last in each others arms. I flicked aimlessly through a magazine during the one hour journey, alternating with glancing out of the window but registering nothing. Just lost in thought.
When the train arrived I walked down the platform to the exit in among the meleƩ of people with roller cases. I wondered if he would see me.
I saw him before he saw me, probably as I was in a crowd and he wasn't. Then he saw me, smiled and his lovely green eyes lit up. I smiled back and gave a little wave. Then we were together. He embraced me circling my slim body with his arms. He was still using the same after shave, a lemony smelling one. I later found out it was Paco Rabane. Then he kissed me tenderly. I thought my heart would burst from my chest.
He was immaculately dressed. Light blue shirt and a stone coloured jacket. Dark chinos. They were beautifully cut.
P took my hand and the bag with my change of undies (!) and walked me out of the station toward the road that runs alongside St Pancras. We were talking, catching up. I did think - no Tube then, a taxi. We reached the taxi rank but instead of heading to the front and the queue he went the other way. As we reached the end of the line of taxis a large car pulled in and P opened the rear door for me. Yours, I asked? He nodded. I was bowled over - it was a Bentley.
I knew he had done well, but not this well!
No directions to his driver, who he called John, we just left in almost utter silence. The car was so silent, but we weren't. We chatted. After about twenty minutes the car pulled up and we got out. John and the car left. P said that we were going shopping and we really did, for me! He was good. He knew what looked good on me and he was right. He talked about my colour swatch and my complexion. I was a amazed at how knowledgeable he was about colours and clothes
I said the days that have just passed have been a whirlwind, the car and the shopping were just the beginning. He took me to lovely boutiques and very fashionable places. I told him to stop at one point, as I could never take these things home. He told me that I wasn't taking them home. They were mine and would stay in the apartment - our apartment he said.
He had thought of that long before I did and he also arranged for all the purchases to be delivered. How I loved that morning. For a woman like me, a country vicar, comfortable just, but not well off, this was a girls dream come true. I loved it and I loved him for being so kind and generous. I became another person in those clothes. The film Pretty Woman crossed my mind at some point.
When I thought we had shopped enough, P suggested lunch. He said he knew somewhere. He flagged down a taxi - he called it a cab - and off we went. I didn't hear where he told the driver to go. It turned out to be the Savoy! Oh my goodness! I was worried about how I was dressed and looked, but he said I was fine.
I don't have to say that lunch was wonderful, but I will because it was.
Then, then we went back to the apartment. I was feeling really horny. After all my husband hasn't been able to satisfy me in years. When we arrived the shopping was already there, in one of the bedrooms. I had visions of some small flat, but this was truly an apartment of large proportions and it was beautiful.
P poured white wine while I explored and then we came together again in a lounge area. We crooked arms and drank a sip from our wine glasses. He put his down and so did I. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him long and passionately. He returned those kisses and it turned my tummy to jelly. I was tingling all over and more than enough in certain areas. My boobs were sensitive and I knew I was rapidly becoming moist down below. I couldn't wait any longer.
P had his hands on my hips and I just went for it and undid his shirt and his belt. He pulled my top over my head and unzipped my skirt. We were both in our underwear, but he slid his boxer shorts off and using his thumbs pulled my knickers down onto my thighs. I walked to the settee and, while I did, he took my bra off from behind. I shugged off and let it drop to the floor.
I sat down as he stood very proud and erect. Oh what it is to be desired and that was more than enough evidence of his desire. I raised my legs toward him and P pulled my knickers off, although he called them my panties, all the way down my legs. He was surveying my whole body from top to bottom and I loved it because I knew he wanted me. That was so nice. I haven't been wanted by my husband in years.
Then I opened my legs and he stood between them. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked down at all of me and did the same.
Considering he is over twenty years older than me, he is in good shape and he was tanned, beautifully tanned. That even nut brown tan that you acquire naturally, not from sunbathing. My skin was quite, quite pale alongside his. There was one white area on his body and I looked at it, almost at eye level. I took his erection in my hand and slowly massaged it. It felt thick, warm and firm in my hand. It was weeping a little semen.
Then I did something I have never, ever done before. I leaned forward and placed my mouth right over his penis and sucked and used my tongue. It filled my mouth. I used my tongue on his tip and could feel him throbbing. So sexy, I wonder why I hadn't done it before, but then the past lovers weren't P. I could taste that little bit of semen dripping into my mouth. I wanted to suck him and all he had right into me.
Then I felt his hands around my boobs. They were warm and gentle. Caressing me and squeezing me a little. I felt my nipples harden and I was getting quite wet. Having his penis in my mouth was one thing, but having it inside me was what I really wanted. I let him withdraw his cock from my mouth and I turned and knelt on the settee holding the back, offering myself to him, legs spread apart, my wet and engorged pussy his to do with what he wished.
The first time we had sex he entered me this way and the sensation was fantastic. Now I felt his tip brushing against the lips of my vagina. He moved it up and down wallowing in my wetness but not entering me. I so wanted him to but I was also getting quite wound up with the anticipation. Little by little he thrust his cock forward. I felt my pussy parting. Oh how he knew what he was doing. The more he inched forward into me the more I expanded. Slickly and softly I felt his enormity entering me.
His hands were caressing my thighs outside and in. That was, oh God, so nice now, as I think about it, write about it and relive it. I was electrified by all this. My breasts had hardened, my nipples erect and the sensation of his erection slowly and gently sliding into me. The men I have had in the past had none of P's finesse.
I felt one hand grab my hip expecting the other to do the same. Instead I felt P's hand come round my tummy and his fingers starting to rub my soaking clitoris. When he touched it I nearly took off! It didn't take much attention from his fingers to make me come and it he wasn't even all the way inside me. I came, I tensed, I shuddered and a warm glowing feeling rose all the way through my body to my face. I could feel it like a wave engulfing me.
So intent was I on that moment, the contraction of my pussy and tummy, that I was taken by surprise when P entered me fully and started slowly thrusting in and out. I have found that being taken from behind stimulates my G-spot more than anything and I felt another wave of ecstasy beginning.
P had both hands on my hips now. He was pulling me onto to him repeatedly. My breasts we moving around even though firm and the combination was out of this world. I wanted to take him right into my body. I widened my legs still further and he then grabbed my should sliding his free hand round to my breasts. That was it!!! I exploded all over him as I came a second time. I was gushing liquid and still he hadn't come.
That is one of P's greatest attributes. His ability to last and give me fantastic satisfaction. I was ready to collapse, but he wasn't. Somehow, now I reflect upon it, he manages to control the timing of his climax, as he did on Tuesday. He was passionate though. Squeezing my boobs hard and finally thrusting into me fast and hard.
Strangely, I loved the way he banged against me giving me a little passing hurt. It seemed to heighten things. I have no idea what noise I was making but P told me afterwards that I was alternately moaning and screaming. He also told me he love the sounds I made it spurred him on. I loved his grunts when he finally came too.
AS he continued his rougher lovemaking I could feel his cock becoming harder and thicker inside me until finally I knew he had come. Wow, oh my God, what a welcome to our love nest. I lost count how many orgasm I had that afternoon just a few days ago. The word multiple would cover it though.
He finally withdrew and we lay length ways on the settee. embracing each other and kissing. I could feel his chest hairs against my nipples and the warmth of his body against mine. Best of all he had his arms around me and I felt so secure and wanted. I think we lay like that for a little while before we arose.
We went to the bedroom, the master that is, as I had every intention of cleaning up in the en suite, and showering. As I stopped in the bedroom looking for my handbag, I felt P's hands on my hips caressing me. Oh my! He slipped his hands round onto my tummy.
North or south he said, or both. I didn't quite realise what he meant. Hi s left hand rose up onto my left breast and encompassed it. This is north he said to me as he kissed my neck. That was lovely and quite erotic. I felt he his penis between my legs and it was hardening quickly. I allowed him to slide under my pussy.
Then his right hand slid down over my shaved pubic hair and his fingers touched my clitoris. I felt a bolt of lightning shoot through my body. I was still very sensitive down there and the effect of his touching me in that place was enough to set me off again.
I think P knew he had me when he did that because I reacted by arching my back and pushing my bum hard against him. He held both my boobs now. Heaven, I loved his touch, I loved the way he cupped them and then slid his hand repeatedly across my nipples.
I gyrated against him and felt his erection against my wet and open pussy. Then I lay down on the bed and just spread my legs and held them in my hands. With P it was the most natural thing to do. I didn't feel sluttish. Nothing like that. He is so kind and gentle and very considerate - that is what is so nice about him.
He climbed on the bed between my legs and we made long, slow languorous love. He just slid slowly into me and I looked down as he slipped in and out. I found looking while he was having sex with me was very erotic.Our lubrication was such that the whole experience was beautiful, sensitive and oh, just lovely and erotic.
We did shower afterwards, this time, after cuddling for a while. Then in our bathrobes we sat and relaxed and chatted. By now it was late afternoon. Where had Tuesday gone!
P had the evening organised. We went out to a show - Mamma Mia - my choice from several months back and I was able to wear some of my brand new clothes. I loved the lingerie - I have nothing like that.
We didn't get back last night until 11.00 as P took me for a drink after the show which was lovely - we also ate some tapas which was enough. Then to bed. I curled up against P. We were both naked. He placed his arms around me and...I don't remember any thing else until this morning.
When I woke P was already up. I could hear him in the kitchen. I went to the loo and did what I could with my hair before popping back into bed. P appeared with a tray - breakfast!. It was one of those trays with small legs you can place over your lap. I sat up and looked at what he had prepared. It was just right. Some muesli, a small fruit salad and coffee.
P returned with his own tray and we sat up talking and eating. It was one of those rare days in March when to sun was shining. P had pulled the curtains back a little and the whole thing was just perfect.
Later we showered. I had better explain. This wasn't a small shower cubicle it was half a room with water coming out of shower heads and spouts at various levels. I have never seen a shower like this one. needless to say there was room for two! How sexy is that!
We faced each other under the shower lathering each others bodies. It was very erotic. It didn't take much for P's cock to harden but I'm sure my body had everything to do with that. He is a master at touching me, caressing me and taking me to places I have never been sexually. I have never been so satisfied sexually, in my entire adult life.
We had sex in the shower. I was so good I could hardly walk afterwards. He had turned me round and had me hold a shower rail. It was at just the right height for me to arch my back and present my pussy to him. (I did wonder if he had, had it installed just for that purpose!) He hadn't, that was fairly obvious.
Wet and slippery, all over, and down below was a really sensuous experience. His hands on my boobs, slipping over them and off them. His cock between my legs. The warmth of the water cascading down. Then he entered me and we were at it like a couple of racehorses wanting to finish before the other.
He was jolting me as he thrust firmly into me. He had to let go of my boobs and hold my waist. He thrusts did wonderful things for my breasts. They were moving around in time to his thrusting. I loved that feeling. The sex had done things to my boobs anyway and their movement just enhanced the whole lovemaking.
I felt myself climaxing. I thinking was screaming out yes, oh yes, but I don't really remember. I felt the spasm of a great orgasm arising. My tummy contracting and my bum clenching then I came. I could also feel my pussy contracting on P's cock repeatedly. Wow! that was fantastic. I thought I must do this again!
P's erection was still full and despite my climax he hadn't stopped. I thought I would die but then his thrusting instead of tiring me brought a fresh wave rising in my body and I came again and this time it was even better. I screamed like a banshee, P became even harder and then I felt him come jerking his full load of semen into me. That was fantastic.
As I write this on Saturday, just recording this wonderful few days makes me horny. I want to finish these entries in my diary while they are fresh in my mind.
We both get dressed. I love my new clothes. I feel like a different woman and it isn't just the clothes that make me feel that way. The clothes make me feel more confident in a very female way. My normal garb is boring by comparison, bar my clerical wear. We go down to the street. The Bentley is waiting with John the driver. Before we get in P asks me where I would like to go. I have no idea.
Leaving it to P we end up in St James's Park. We get out and walk and walk. Eventually ending up on Piccadilly street, by which time we are both gasping for a coffee. While we walked P told me that he was travelling a good part of the summer and had to return to the USA for business and family. I know he leads a full life and is very busy and although disappointed that I will not see him for a while, I accept what he tells me.
While we are having coffee he suggests I might like to join him at his house in Dorset in late summer. I jump at the offer but don't show it of course. The mere suggestion of spending more time with P has my heart jumping. I can feel my breasts rising and falling as I control my breath.
Later we lunch, at a lovely little French restaurant run by French nationals. The food is lovely. By mid afternoon we have lingered long enough over lunch and go for a walk. He shows me paces that few casual visitors to London would notice and the rest of the afternoon flashes by. Around I think it was five o'clock we find ourselves on the Embankment looking at the River Thames. P suggests we go back to the apartment and we turn away from the river. I am amazed to see the Bentley roll to a halt. Off we go.
I haven't really got my breath back from my arrival at King's Cross only eighteen hours ago. In that time I have been treated like a queen, had more orgasms given by a man than in the last year, and sex four times in less than twenty four hours! All that and from a man nearly twenty years my senior. What a stallion!
We decide to eat in and I helped with the preparation. Another thing I have discovered about this lovely man, he is a superb cook.
I awake on what will be my last full day with my gorgeous lover. We made love last night and again this morning.
Snuggled under the duvet we were all warm and cosy. I asked him to make love to me. Not that I knew he would refuse. I have come to the conclusion he is highly sexed and has more than his fair share of testosterone.
I lay on my back as he he traced ever decreasing circles on my breasts with his fingers. Edging ever closer to my nipples, which were reacting in anticipation. He looked at my breasts then at me and we both smiled. He leaned over and kissed me, still gently working ever closer to my nipples. Then I felt his fingers brush both nipples. That was sooo good. I told him that what he was doing was lovely.
I was more than a little moist down below, so I parted my legs. P's hand worked slowly down over my tummy until I felt him brush my very short pubic hair. I wanted him to touch and massage my pussy. His fingers went between my legs and he stroked my opening which was quite wet now. That was lovely. I thought he might insert his fingers but instead he shuffled down the bed and knelt between my legs.
He was fully erect and his penis was just above my vagina. Pointing straight at me. He took my boobs in both hands and started massaging them firmly. Then he leaned over me and started sucking on each nipple in turn. That was so good and my nipples were as hard as bullets. I took his penis in my hand and used it to stimulate my clitoris. It worked wonders. I could feel that warm feeling spreading through my groin.
P stopped working on my breasts and shuffled even further down the bed. I think I knew what was coming, but wasn't sure. He buried his head in my crotch and then, oh my goodness, his tongue touched my clitoris. He licked it, stroked it and flicked it. I could feel that little pleasure appendage was erect and wanting more much more. I know I started to moan. This spurred P on. He used his tongue and lips to explore the whole of my pussy, returning always to my clitoris as my noises got louder and louder. I'm not sure what happened next.
I remember he used one hand to squeeze my boobs in turn just as I climaxed then that gorgeous wave of satisfaction hit me and travelled through my entire body. I think I lost consciousness for a few seconds. P told me afterwards my eyes rolled up into my head.
I experienced two things, that I had never done before, that morning. Almost passing out when I climaxed - it was wonderful - and having P use his tongue as he did. No man has ever done that to me before. I loved it and will want him to do that again and again in the future.
P was still erect and he most certainly hadn't had a climax or been inside me. I wanted him to be there so much. He suggested I might like to be on top. I climbed onto him and sat astride his tummy, his cock was hard and laying right along my wet and sticky pussy. That was very sexy. I raised myself slightly and slid forward so that his cock popped right into my opening. Not fully but knocking at the door.
I raised myself further and then slid slowly down onto that wonderful erection, sliding comfortably all the way into me. What lovely penetration. I savoured the feeling for a moment. I could feel his penis throbbing inside me.
I rocked to and fro slowly, my head back and my eyes closed. I could feel my clitoris being stimulated. His hands encompassed my boobs. They were and are firm and pointed which he told me he adored. Keeping my eyes closed made it so much better. I was enjoying all the sensations without distraction.
Thing is I was enjoying it too much and couldn't wait , but first I leaned over P and offered him my breasts to suck on. I love it when he does that. I rode him all the time he was sucking (in my naivety I never knew that riding a man was called that!). What a sheltered life I have led, but not since that day in the church hall all those years back with this man beneath me.
I stayed leaning over him 'riding' hard and fast, and then he spanked my bottom, just as I was about to come. That sensation combined with everything else had me soaring to the most fantastic orgasm ever. Oh my, that was so good now I am thinking of it two days later, it seems that it was never going to end. I know I collapsed onto P and he rolled me on my back and took me hard and fast, coming in me shortly afterwards.
After we had showered and had breakfast, P took me back to the Embankment in the Bentley (driven by John) where we boarded a boat down to Greenwich and spent most of the day there. It was a fine day, so we sat on the top deck both there and back.
We had dinner out Thursday, a lovely restaurant with quite intimate tables. Just right for a romantic evening. Romance and intimacy, P excels in both. These last few days make me wonder about leaving my husband but then that would mean leaving my parish and right now I can't do that. I will satisfy myself with stolen interludes with this wonderful man.
Naturally, we made love again that night. I do believe I am becoming a nymphomaniac! I can't get enough of him.
Intimacy before breakfast and in that sexy shower, rounded off my few days with P. Later that morning after spending some time making plans for later in the year, I was driven to King's Cross station in the Bentley. I was becoming used to it!
P has access to my diary and I hope he will find time to read these latest entries and not feel too embarrassed at the accolades I have given him...and my love.
I saw these two passages today and have pasted them in my diary as it sort of sums up where I am
A little spark can ignite your heart
Especially if it's the true one
You will know when the time comes
for he completes you
For always and ever is a long time
If only we are given limited time together
It is worth every second to be alive...
He is her all
His fire ignites her
His passion enthrals her
His strength protects her
His kindness softens her
HIs goodness charms her
His chivalry enchants her
His looks attract her
His heart loves her
He is everything to her
and that makes all the difference
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