Friday, June 22, 2018

Mountains and Valleys

For LL

No prize for the type of 'mountains', or indeed the 'valleys'.

More escapades, some flowing from shoots, but not all. Getting laid was no problem whatsoever, LL, and with some beautiful women - You were right!

You didn't wait until I had recovered from my bereavement and therefore you never got to know the real me.

These ladies and others certainly did, and they liked what they came to know. I was a very good catch, probably, no certainly, the best to ever come your way. You of course let me slip through your fingers. Wrong decision, by your own admission...after the fact!

Physically would I still be interested in you? Probably not. You are pretty 'dumpy' these days and your arms are more like his or those of a fish wife. Emotionally, that is a different matter ...

I'll move onto what lies beneath these words now. The photos of course!

New England

Curves and and a cottonwood, not too far from Concord, NH. Like the alliteration LL? Gorgeous curves don't you think, and I was lucky enough to photograph them in all their beauty.

New England

An 'old', if young friend, if you follow LL. A regular and regular house guest at my New England home. Not in bad shape is she or the lady! Two of the most beautiful creatures in the world - horses and lovely women.

LL, she is about the same height as you, but there the similarity ends, starting with her gorgeous boobs...a pleasure to handle...for both of us! 


My third trip to Japan. I have been asked so much to return that I am doing so this year. (Like to come with me LL - via Hawaii perhaps. tempting?)

As I mentioned, a shot from my third trip to this great country and the many beautiful women there including the fantastic scenery. I do mean the land itself, although the 'scenery' above isn't too bad either. Nice perky 'mountains' and great 'peaks'!

Indiana, USA

In the early morning sun. That was what she put on after getting out of bed. Outstanding don't you think LL. I did and was....

Superb boobs and cleavage, as I recall.


On the way down to the beach. My private area on Skyros - goes with the property. She didn't just a friend from London who was feeling pretty 'liberated ' that morning, and always up for a photo by me. In fact she was often up for a lot of other things...still is.

We were on a our way down a small valley. I had already explored hers and again later.

Studio, London


I was in Glasgow a fair bit at one point. My lawyer is there (George) and I had several developments on the go. It would have been a lonely stay if I hadn't had a companion on occasions. This lady filled in for several nights on one trip. I filled her in, too. Shot was taken in my hotel room. She was staying the week - me, four days. Shame really because she wanted more and more as the week progressed. 

Her valleys were pretty superb, from cleavage to .... Great boobs as well.

Studio, London

St Tropez, France

A brief visit some years back to look at a boat in the marina there LL, brought me into contact with this delightful woman. I say brief because she wasn't wearing any when I took this shot in her bedroom...naughty girl, but then she liked naughty. Contact, because there was lots of that.


Stopping off on the way back to Norfolk had its benefits LL. Not just in Cumbria, Yorkshire and Notts, but also here in Derbyshire. They were considerable as you can see above. A few hours after leaving you and, invariably a light lunch with Gina, was a great source of satisfaction...for both of us.

Great kisser, as I recall, and a delightful animal in bed. Many an afternoon...but that's another story LL. How? Think websites.

Studio, Boston

Superb 'mountains' with great 'peaks' and a wide valley was her cleavage. That wasn't the only area that was 'wide', occasionally.


Need I say more?


Same place that you floated your 'bags of sugar', LL.


Commission, mostly.

Bézier, France

If you have been observant LL, you will have noted I was in Bézier earlier this week. I had good reason to be there and that reason is shown immediately above. My lovely French lady whose mountains and valleys I have enjoyed...lots. She loves my voyages of 'discovery' and the reward they culminate in. Still very active in that area...very!

New York - Apartment

This shot is from April this year. You said I was lucky LL, more than you ever dreamt in fact. Propitious, providential, prosperous P****. 

Patience brings its own reward LL. This lady had been flirting with me before I lost Ash. Her patience was rewarded. You on the other hand had no patience. Therefore no reward.

Oslo, Norway

Gosh! This goes back about ten years - it is in fact a commission LL. At least that is how it started. This shot was taken after the main shoot as she stripped off. I knew she was feeling frisky all the morning of the shoot. She flirted with me quite a bit and then when she reached this stage and pressed her body against mine (clothed at first) things just went from there.

Lovely memory.

Near Munich, Germany

Encountered on one of my trips, this woman was on the staff of the hotel I stayed in on that occasion. One day was quite fulfilling and to be honest enough. Enormous boobs as you can see LL, but her nipples were tasty. We both got what we wanted and I was gone the next morning.

What you might call a brief encounter in both senses. I encountered her briefs, removed them and then, after our mutual pleasuring, I was gone.

Bari, Italy

There's an old Drifters song called 'Up on the Roof'. Fits this shot perfectly...and we fitted perfectly, too. Really lovely Italian woman who was quite passionate. You will note there are no names or dates in this blog. There's a reason, but then there's always a reason behind everything I do, isn't there LL.

Cambridge, UK

I thought I would slip this one in as Cambridge (and Norfolk) is where my photography started. Slipping in is exactly what happened with this woman. She was then a post grad from the university, now holding a doctorate and is a lecturer at one of the thirty two colleges. She loves this shot and others I took of her. She says they encapsulate her womanhood.

They were certainly encapsulated LL, in warm hands while she enjoyed being pumped repeatedly.


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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