During many of the shoots I undertook of women, LL, do you know what was the one phrase I heard most of all? Not, 'How do I look' or similar phrases. No, the most common request was 'Take me to bed'.
Surprising? I certainly found it so to begin with. In fact, I was amazed at how many women from around thirty into their fifties, seemed willing to entertain me and themselves. After all even fourteen years ago I wasn't the youngest 'kid on the block'.
I guess they all had a need that required or desired to be fulfilled. It was either that, or the fact they liked me. Many told me they did, and many told me that I was very welcome to 'enable' them to come again, if you follow.
Posting blogs of the many women that did, I think required some explanation. I certainly wouldn't have believed it myself before we parted, and before I started into photography.
Funnily enough, it was you that re-started my interest in it. Partly, it was the photos of you from the Italian hotel. I'm sure you recall them. The rest was something my brother told me I must have been born with - an artists' eye. I see shots where others don't. I see angles where others don't, I see light and shadow where others don't and ... I see opportunities, most miss. I guess they might call it perceptiveness.
Below are a selection of shots that I have taken over the years that are not in any way explicit. I thought you might just like to see some of my work. Be aware though these are all companions or friends, not clients


Rome, Italy
Sarlat, France
Washington DC




New York
Queensland, Australia

Norfolk, UK
This was taken in California back in 2006. You never believed me about the dolphins, but it was true.
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
( Some people make the right decisions and...some don't)
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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