For LL in the UK
One of my great pleasures in life LL is to be with scantily clad or completely nude women for the purposes of photography, or whatever else they may have in mind. Below are just a very few such ladies that I have encountered over the years.
They are either by the shore, by a pool or at my lake in New Hampshire in these shots.
California 2017
Amelia was one of the most amorous women I have come across. Apart from the obvious LL. She loved kissing, hugs cuddles and holding hands. Looking back I think she was a tad insecure.
Having said that she was a very loving lady even though she knew I wouldn't be around as much as she said she wished I could be. I have no idea what I have that seems to attract these younger women to me LL. It has been a revelation ever since you began wandering in March 2004. I will tell you one thing though over all the years since you chose the wrong path I have had no complaints, no complaints whatsoever.
I met Amelia when she called in on another lady who I had a commission to photograph. I was the guy in the background when she called. - setting up a couple of tripods, checking light levels (there is a such a thing as too much sun LL) and sorting lenses out. I heard them both talking and then Ella the other lady brought Amelia through to where I was and introduced us. All three of us talked for a while and then Amelia said she had to go. I handed her one of my cards and said just in case you ever need me.
That last phrase meant a lot more than I intended, to Amelia, it transpired. A few days later I had a call on my cell from an unknown number, it was Amelia. She was a little uncertain as to what to say at first. While she hesitated and gathered herself I uttered a few niceties about how good it was to meet her a few days before. She wondered if I could call in on her at her place in Malibu. I asked when and at what time and thought that she maybe wanted to discuss a photo shoot, given that Ella her friend had.
Incidentally, in case you are wondering I stayed in hotels for about month in 2017 (like I did on my much longer trip in 2007) while I was servicing my network of clients. Three different hotels in fact. That is apart from nights spent with various ladies in their beds...and there were a few of them.
I called on Amelia one beautiful sunny morning at her place, overlooking the Ocean more or less in Malibu. She greeted me in a bikini covered with a pool wrap. It was quite a nice home, after all it was Malibu and I reckoned she must be fairly wealthy or have a wealthy husband. Turned out later that she was the former but didn't have the latter. She told me she had married very young at twenty and it hadn't worked out. Her divorce came through about a year before.
We sat inside in the air con drinking coffee, on my part and Amelia sipping a soda. We talked as I waited for her to broach the subject of why I was there. I was guessing, but only guessing it was for photographs. I was entirely wrong. I think I just made a connection between what she had seen me doing at Ella's and why she asked me to call.
Amelia started to unload her divorce on me, or rather the aftermath of it. She told me she had been devastated by it despite her ex husband not raising any difficulties with a financial settlement. Since then despite good friends she was lonely at times and then she said she hadn't had sex for nearly six months. Given she is relative young still, that is a hell of a pent up need.
All this time I had listened quietly and calmly I did with you once. I offered sympathy and commiserated on her feeling of loss. I know what it is like and I'm not talking about you LL but my first wife and my second. Amelia suddenly apologized and said she was sorry to unload everything on me, a stranger. However, she then went onto say that even during our brief meeting at Ella's she knew, just knew I would understand. I didn't ask her how right then but she told me later.
She cried a bit and at that I stood up and went and sat beside her on her couch and put my arm around her. Remember she was only wearing a wrap and a bikini LL, so it was a bit up close and personal. She leaned in against me and put her head on my shoulder and stayed there for a while with neither of us saying anything. I could smell her hair which smelt rather nice. Where she was all I could see looking down were her legs and her cleavage.
Finally, she stirred and not too surprisingly asked me to take her to bed. The bedroom is on the ground floor LL. It didn't take long to get there and it didn't take Amelia long to strip off. Nor did it take me very long either. I treated her tenderly to start with, guessing that as she had been hurt, I shouldn't rush anything. Some gentle caresses, some kissing. That was more than enough to get me aroused and as we lay facing each other Amelia most certainly noticed and started to help me along the way...not that I needed it LL. Then she rolled over on her back, opened her legs and the rest I am sure you can guess.
I made her come twice before I also reached my point of no return. Later we had some lunch and spent the afternoon by her pool, which is when I got the above shot. Amelia persuaded me to stay the night and I did. No persuasion was needed LL not with a body like hers.
That later point (or points) aside, we are actually great friends now. She is still single so every now and again......
Having said that she was a very loving lady even though she knew I wouldn't be around as much as she said she wished I could be. I have no idea what I have that seems to attract these younger women to me LL. It has been a revelation ever since you began wandering in March 2004. I will tell you one thing though over all the years since you chose the wrong path I have had no complaints, no complaints whatsoever.
I met Amelia when she called in on another lady who I had a commission to photograph. I was the guy in the background when she called. - setting up a couple of tripods, checking light levels (there is a such a thing as too much sun LL) and sorting lenses out. I heard them both talking and then Ella the other lady brought Amelia through to where I was and introduced us. All three of us talked for a while and then Amelia said she had to go. I handed her one of my cards and said just in case you ever need me.
That last phrase meant a lot more than I intended, to Amelia, it transpired. A few days later I had a call on my cell from an unknown number, it was Amelia. She was a little uncertain as to what to say at first. While she hesitated and gathered herself I uttered a few niceties about how good it was to meet her a few days before. She wondered if I could call in on her at her place in Malibu. I asked when and at what time and thought that she maybe wanted to discuss a photo shoot, given that Ella her friend had.
Incidentally, in case you are wondering I stayed in hotels for about month in 2017 (like I did on my much longer trip in 2007) while I was servicing my network of clients. Three different hotels in fact. That is apart from nights spent with various ladies in their beds...and there were a few of them.
I called on Amelia one beautiful sunny morning at her place, overlooking the Ocean more or less in Malibu. She greeted me in a bikini covered with a pool wrap. It was quite a nice home, after all it was Malibu and I reckoned she must be fairly wealthy or have a wealthy husband. Turned out later that she was the former but didn't have the latter. She told me she had married very young at twenty and it hadn't worked out. Her divorce came through about a year before.
We sat inside in the air con drinking coffee, on my part and Amelia sipping a soda. We talked as I waited for her to broach the subject of why I was there. I was guessing, but only guessing it was for photographs. I was entirely wrong. I think I just made a connection between what she had seen me doing at Ella's and why she asked me to call.
Amelia started to unload her divorce on me, or rather the aftermath of it. She told me she had been devastated by it despite her ex husband not raising any difficulties with a financial settlement. Since then despite good friends she was lonely at times and then she said she hadn't had sex for nearly six months. Given she is relative young still, that is a hell of a pent up need.
All this time I had listened quietly and calmly I did with you once. I offered sympathy and commiserated on her feeling of loss. I know what it is like and I'm not talking about you LL but my first wife and my second. Amelia suddenly apologized and said she was sorry to unload everything on me, a stranger. However, she then went onto say that even during our brief meeting at Ella's she knew, just knew I would understand. I didn't ask her how right then but she told me later.
She cried a bit and at that I stood up and went and sat beside her on her couch and put my arm around her. Remember she was only wearing a wrap and a bikini LL, so it was a bit up close and personal. She leaned in against me and put her head on my shoulder and stayed there for a while with neither of us saying anything. I could smell her hair which smelt rather nice. Where she was all I could see looking down were her legs and her cleavage.
Finally, she stirred and not too surprisingly asked me to take her to bed. The bedroom is on the ground floor LL. It didn't take long to get there and it didn't take Amelia long to strip off. Nor did it take me very long either. I treated her tenderly to start with, guessing that as she had been hurt, I shouldn't rush anything. Some gentle caresses, some kissing. That was more than enough to get me aroused and as we lay facing each other Amelia most certainly noticed and started to help me along the way...not that I needed it LL. Then she rolled over on her back, opened her legs and the rest I am sure you can guess.
I made her come twice before I also reached my point of no return. Later we had some lunch and spent the afternoon by her pool, which is when I got the above shot. Amelia persuaded me to stay the night and I did. No persuasion was needed LL not with a body like hers.
That later point (or points) aside, we are actually great friends now. She is still single so every now and again......
California 2007
Claire did this shot for a dare on a stretch of shore not too far from Oxnard. Bear in mind (Bare?) that where I took this shot is on a public beach just off Harbor Boulevard. She was rising to a challenge I had jokingly made to her over an early breakfast a bit earlier.
To be fair we were more than a half mile or more from the next early morning walkers. So slipping her tee shorts and panties didn't take that long nor did putting them back on and....we were hidden from the road by the dunes there. The dunes were the main reason that Claire took the dare because it provided some cover while she dressed and let the sun dry her off.
For me it was all pleasure LL watching this lithe naked lady playing about on the beach. One way to describe Claire would be as a 'foxy' woman. She was pretty hot and knew it. Ours was a chance meeting LL. I met right about where this shot was taken. I was staying in the area on my extended stay that year. On my own after a commission two days before and nothing for a few days, I decided to just take some time out for myself.
I had nothing, or rather nobody, to keep me in bed the morning I met Claire, so I went for an early morning walk on the beach with my camera. There were few folk about as I walked and took a few photos. In the distance I could see a lone person walking toward me. There was a breeze and the dry sand on the beach was blowing in the air and around my legs. It was rather like a haze only of sand not moisture. The effect was to make this person seem ethereal. The closer each of us got it became apparent it was a slim woman dressed in a tee shirt and shorts walking barefoot as I was.
I had a 300 mm zoom lens on the camera and I was carrying a 50 mm, too. Mainly because the latter is pretty light. As we approached each other Claire as I came to know her said 'Hi' as did I. She stopped and asked what I was photographing or hoping to. I said landscapes, the sea and any wildlife I happened upon. I asked her if she would like to take a look in the camera window. Not easy because of the sun, but she came and stood beside me, our shoulders touching. She smelled nice too LL. I asked what her perfume was. My notes tell me it was Issey Miyake. I complimented her on it.
To my surprise she then put her nose next to my cheek and said she liked my aftershave. I told her what it was Paco Rabbane. She told me she really liked it. Then we stood apart and chatted she asking me where I came from. Claire thought I was from New England but I told her that although I lived there part of the time, I was actually from 'old' England.
I cut my walk short and walked back to the parking lot with Claire. I asked her if she had eaten breakfast. She hadn't so we checked in at Mrs Olson's Breakfast Hut for breakfast and coffee. Claire is a warm and somewhat mischievous woman LL and also liked to touch me a lot. Not that I was complaining. Nothing too much just my hands and my shoulders. We finished up around 9.30 a.m. and walked to our cars where I got a kiss on the cheek. Claire suggested meeting up the next day for a morning walk and I agreed.
We walked the beach that second day and Claire posed for various photos for me. Dressed in another tee shirt and another pair of shorts she looked just as attractive as the day before. As we walked past the beginning of the dunes Clair detoured within them and I followed. then she stopped. She asked if I would photograph her topless. Not waiting for an answer she started taking her tee off then undid her bra. What was I to do? I took photographs of course LL.
Claire began to walk out from the dunes topless and checked the beach. She said there was no one about so take photos of me in the sea. There was me thing she would get her shorts wet. I had that wrong. Off came the shorts and her panties which she threw at me, laughing. Then stark naked she ran into the surf which is when I got the above shot LL, among others. She didn't sty in there long and when she came out she headed straight into the dunes. I had collected the few scraps of clothing she had and followed her. Obviously, I couldn't help looking at her....all over...and I have to say it was very enjoyable. She was hairless 'down there'.
The sun had a fair amount of heat in it and Claire dried off fairly well and then dressed, brushing any remaining sand from her body with some help from me. We walked the rest of the beach with Claire grinning mischievously at me from time to time, then she took my hand which gave me a nice feeling. When we arrived at our cars in the parking lot of Mrs Olson's Clair said why didn't she fix breakfast at her place. I agreed and followed her car the twenty minutes or so to her place in Ventura.
When we arrived she showed me into the kitchen and said she needed to get her damp clothes off. I wasn't quite ready for her to do it there and then right there by the kitchen table. Then she stood right before me stark naked LL and said let's go to bed, breakfast can wait.
We spent the best part of that morning in bed making love, caressing each other, cuddling and kissing. She was a devil in bed that I can tell you LL - the rest I will leave to your imagination. We didn't get breakfast but we did get brunch and I for one wasn't complaining.
Claire is still over there in Ventura and still single, so....from time to time....
To be fair we were more than a half mile or more from the next early morning walkers. So slipping her tee shorts and panties didn't take that long nor did putting them back on and....we were hidden from the road by the dunes there. The dunes were the main reason that Claire took the dare because it provided some cover while she dressed and let the sun dry her off.
For me it was all pleasure LL watching this lithe naked lady playing about on the beach. One way to describe Claire would be as a 'foxy' woman. She was pretty hot and knew it. Ours was a chance meeting LL. I met right about where this shot was taken. I was staying in the area on my extended stay that year. On my own after a commission two days before and nothing for a few days, I decided to just take some time out for myself.
I had nothing, or rather nobody, to keep me in bed the morning I met Claire, so I went for an early morning walk on the beach with my camera. There were few folk about as I walked and took a few photos. In the distance I could see a lone person walking toward me. There was a breeze and the dry sand on the beach was blowing in the air and around my legs. It was rather like a haze only of sand not moisture. The effect was to make this person seem ethereal. The closer each of us got it became apparent it was a slim woman dressed in a tee shirt and shorts walking barefoot as I was.
I had a 300 mm zoom lens on the camera and I was carrying a 50 mm, too. Mainly because the latter is pretty light. As we approached each other Claire as I came to know her said 'Hi' as did I. She stopped and asked what I was photographing or hoping to. I said landscapes, the sea and any wildlife I happened upon. I asked her if she would like to take a look in the camera window. Not easy because of the sun, but she came and stood beside me, our shoulders touching. She smelled nice too LL. I asked what her perfume was. My notes tell me it was Issey Miyake. I complimented her on it.
To my surprise she then put her nose next to my cheek and said she liked my aftershave. I told her what it was Paco Rabbane. She told me she really liked it. Then we stood apart and chatted she asking me where I came from. Claire thought I was from New England but I told her that although I lived there part of the time, I was actually from 'old' England.
I cut my walk short and walked back to the parking lot with Claire. I asked her if she had eaten breakfast. She hadn't so we checked in at Mrs Olson's Breakfast Hut for breakfast and coffee. Claire is a warm and somewhat mischievous woman LL and also liked to touch me a lot. Not that I was complaining. Nothing too much just my hands and my shoulders. We finished up around 9.30 a.m. and walked to our cars where I got a kiss on the cheek. Claire suggested meeting up the next day for a morning walk and I agreed.
We walked the beach that second day and Claire posed for various photos for me. Dressed in another tee shirt and another pair of shorts she looked just as attractive as the day before. As we walked past the beginning of the dunes Clair detoured within them and I followed. then she stopped. She asked if I would photograph her topless. Not waiting for an answer she started taking her tee off then undid her bra. What was I to do? I took photographs of course LL.
Claire began to walk out from the dunes topless and checked the beach. She said there was no one about so take photos of me in the sea. There was me thing she would get her shorts wet. I had that wrong. Off came the shorts and her panties which she threw at me, laughing. Then stark naked she ran into the surf which is when I got the above shot LL, among others. She didn't sty in there long and when she came out she headed straight into the dunes. I had collected the few scraps of clothing she had and followed her. Obviously, I couldn't help looking at her....all over...and I have to say it was very enjoyable. She was hairless 'down there'.
The sun had a fair amount of heat in it and Claire dried off fairly well and then dressed, brushing any remaining sand from her body with some help from me. We walked the rest of the beach with Claire grinning mischievously at me from time to time, then she took my hand which gave me a nice feeling. When we arrived at our cars in the parking lot of Mrs Olson's Clair said why didn't she fix breakfast at her place. I agreed and followed her car the twenty minutes or so to her place in Ventura.
When we arrived she showed me into the kitchen and said she needed to get her damp clothes off. I wasn't quite ready for her to do it there and then right there by the kitchen table. Then she stood right before me stark naked LL and said let's go to bed, breakfast can wait.
We spent the best part of that morning in bed making love, caressing each other, cuddling and kissing. She was a devil in bed that I can tell you LL - the rest I will leave to your imagination. We didn't get breakfast but we did get brunch and I for one wasn't complaining.
Claire is still over there in Ventura and still single, so....from time to time....
France 2009
Debbie and I on vacation back in 2009. Debbie is a friend from London and we arranged this particular vacation when I was over there for an extended period, flitting between London, Cambridge, Bristol and Sandbanks. The location is a little south west of Perpignan LL on the coast with miles of sandy beaches to enjoy. Neither of us are ones for great crowds so we found a piece of beach with just a few folk about. I took this shot of Debbie while she was dozing in the sun.
We had a great break and made more than a few memories with good food, good wine and excellent sex. I loved the way Debbie's boobs always stood proud even when she was flat on her back. they were very responsive too! As was the rest of her ...
We had a great break and made more than a few memories with good food, good wine and excellent sex. I loved the way Debbie's boobs always stood proud even when she was flat on her back. they were very responsive too! As was the rest of her ...
New Hampshire 2018
Eve lives in Montpelier, Vermont and works for me LL.
She also likes the wilderness on my ranch in New Hampshire. You wouldn't want to do it now but Eve likes skinny dipping in the lake on the ranch in the summer. I took this shot of her last year. She likes it and so do I LL. The necklace color and the fabric weren't a coincidence. They were there as highlights to the shot.
She also likes the wilderness on my ranch in New Hampshire. You wouldn't want to do it now but Eve likes skinny dipping in the lake on the ranch in the summer. I took this shot of her last year. She likes it and so do I LL. The necklace color and the fabric weren't a coincidence. They were there as highlights to the shot.
Barbados 2017
Frances is a lady I know who owns a place on the island. She was also a friend of Ash's. On my visits to our now my, property on the island I occasionally see Frances. Since Ash's death we became close in an irregular sort of way. Irregular, because I can't get down there that often.
I am sure you can guess what I mean by close LL. Not difficult with a highly sexed woman like Frankie.
I am sure you can guess what I mean by close LL. Not difficult with a highly sexed woman like Frankie.
Gemma goes back to 2006. I actually met her out there.
I went out because I had an investment in a travel firm (something else you didn't know about me LL) and wanted to check out an hotel that we were thinking of using. I stayed incognito for that purpose. As I wasn't a director of the travel company, I was ideal for the check. I sold my 40% interest when I moved here semi-permanently about a year later.
Gemma was staying in the hotel I was staying in. I met her at the pool bar one afternoon and we had quite a conversation and do you know why? Obviously, I'll answer that. She came from your city over there in northwest England. She was amazed that she should bump into someone (literally by the way) who knew her home city. Hence we got to talking quite a bit.
She was there with her sister and her sister's husband, but apparently that hadn't been the best idea as she felt like a spare part and was left on her own a fair bit. All this came up while I was talking with Gemma at the pool bar. Then she found out that I was on my own also. To cut a not too long story short LL, we sat and talked for a while and then we gathered up our bits that afternoon and Gemma came back with me to my room where we slipped out of our swimming gear and made love in the afternoon.
Gemma was pretty perky and I don't mean her personality - I mean her breasts and she also had lovely nipples which were a real turn on. Not bad for a casual chat at the bar to get laid within an hour of meeting!
As the rest of the week went on we made it a regular thing to have sex every afternoon and Gemma slept with me at least two nights. All within six months of you going your way. Mind you, as you now know, I had a head start on you, in a way, from way back in April 2004. Gemma like my 'head' too inside her one way or another and including her mouth.
As to the photo. We went for walks a couple of mornings. This shot was taken down by the estuary of a small river, complete with turtles. There was no one around, so Gemma stripped off and pose for me...and we had sex inside a small shelter there. My life has been pretty exciting and stimulating since I was released from your devious ways LL and all the women have been younger and sometimes a lot younger than you. I was going to say you were last year's model, but you are really the last two decades model.
Sad you have let yourself go, even sadder that you messed me about and then capped it all by making the wrong your own admission.
Interesting fact. - I'm not sure how good your knowledge of history is but Turkey was once part of Ancient Greece (hence the enmity between the Greeks and Turks). When Gemma and I took a trip down one of the rivers there, these graves (see below) were pointed out to us. Apparently carved out of the rock by the ancient Greeks in 4 BC. Not that Gemma was that interested but I was. She was more interested in the beach at our destination at the river mouth (a different river to the one Gemma posed beside!)

I went out because I had an investment in a travel firm (something else you didn't know about me LL) and wanted to check out an hotel that we were thinking of using. I stayed incognito for that purpose. As I wasn't a director of the travel company, I was ideal for the check. I sold my 40% interest when I moved here semi-permanently about a year later.
Gemma was staying in the hotel I was staying in. I met her at the pool bar one afternoon and we had quite a conversation and do you know why? Obviously, I'll answer that. She came from your city over there in northwest England. She was amazed that she should bump into someone (literally by the way) who knew her home city. Hence we got to talking quite a bit.
She was there with her sister and her sister's husband, but apparently that hadn't been the best idea as she felt like a spare part and was left on her own a fair bit. All this came up while I was talking with Gemma at the pool bar. Then she found out that I was on my own also. To cut a not too long story short LL, we sat and talked for a while and then we gathered up our bits that afternoon and Gemma came back with me to my room where we slipped out of our swimming gear and made love in the afternoon.
Gemma was pretty perky and I don't mean her personality - I mean her breasts and she also had lovely nipples which were a real turn on. Not bad for a casual chat at the bar to get laid within an hour of meeting!
As the rest of the week went on we made it a regular thing to have sex every afternoon and Gemma slept with me at least two nights. All within six months of you going your way. Mind you, as you now know, I had a head start on you, in a way, from way back in April 2004. Gemma like my 'head' too inside her one way or another and including her mouth.
As to the photo. We went for walks a couple of mornings. This shot was taken down by the estuary of a small river, complete with turtles. There was no one around, so Gemma stripped off and pose for me...and we had sex inside a small shelter there. My life has been pretty exciting and stimulating since I was released from your devious ways LL and all the women have been younger and sometimes a lot younger than you. I was going to say you were last year's model, but you are really the last two decades model.
Sad you have let yourself go, even sadder that you messed me about and then capped it all by making the wrong your own admission.
Interesting fact. - I'm not sure how good your knowledge of history is but Turkey was once part of Ancient Greece (hence the enmity between the Greeks and Turks). When Gemma and I took a trip down one of the rivers there, these graves (see below) were pointed out to us. Apparently carved out of the rock by the ancient Greeks in 4 BC. Not that Gemma was that interested but I was. She was more interested in the beach at our destination at the river mouth (a different river to the one Gemma posed beside!)

France 2009
Helen was holidaying with her parents and an uncle and aunt and I came across her while walking on the beach taking photographs near Paulilles. She was undoubtedly bored as I saw her approaching walking by herself while I was trying to frame a shot of the coastline. As she approached she said hello and I said the same. She said she thought I was French, then asked what photographs I had been taking and what photos I liked to take.
I told her, but omitted any mention of my nude photography. Helen came right out with it though, which surprised me somewhat. She was thirty back then, so not a complete 'innocent'. She asked me if I photographed nudes and I told her I did...her response was,'Interesting hmmm'. She was flirting, or beginning to LL. Must be my charm, smile and green eyes😉 that has had all these women flirt with me over the years.
Helen walked with me for a while telling me who she was on holiday with and how boring it was and that she wanted to have some fun. That word 'fun' had two meanings in my book and, I believed, in hers. By the time our walk had finished we were back by the shops and restaurants. I suggested we get a drink. I was enjoying her company LL. I would have been odd if I hadn't she had a lovely figure and a sparkling personality. As we left the beach she produced a wrap that covered her completely apart from her legs and we sat down ordered drinks, watched the world go by and talked.
She asked me where I was staying and I told her I owned a home near Carcassonne. Helen asked if she might see it some time. I told her that was fine. Then she had to go as she was joining the family for lunch. We agreed to meet near the restaurant the following afternoon.
We did and Helen and I drove back to my place in my car, which she rather liked as it was my old Bentley (I have a new one now LL). Helen was in a summer dress this time, flared in the skirt but pretty tight around her generous bust. We arrived at the house with which she was duly impressed and asked me to show her around which I did.
When we came to my bedroom LL it was a case of 'unzip me' as far as Helen was concerned, she wanted sex, which I had already guessed was the end game in her agreeing to come to the house. I wasn't going to disappoint her. I unzipped the dress and it fell to the floor. She wasn't wearing a bra and nor was she wearing panties. I'm not sure when she 'lost' them, but standing before me was a beautiful young woman stark naked, horny.... and seeking satisfaction.
I stripped off stood behind her and caressed her boobs. She had great nipples (and great boobs) that responded very quickly to my touch. They were areal pleasure and ensured my erection was quite rigid. Helen bent forward slightly and allowed my cock the slide between her legs then stood upright again with her nice butt snuggled tight against my groin and stomach.
Next thing is she guides my hand down her tummy to her pussy with request that I rub her. Naturally I do and then she she starts sliding to and fro on my erection followed shortly afterward by her coming. I was surprised she could come that quickly. Not only that her pussy was hot, very wet and wide open. When her shuddering had stopped she flopped on the bed with her legs in the air leaving me standing between them looking down at my destination.
I entered her and at the same time took hold of her boobs and started thrusting. There was only one way she wanted LL - hard. No meandering around she wanted me to some down hard on her, so I did. Watching a woman's face during sex is quite arousing and satisfying. Seeing the expressions, hearing the sounds they utter. Helen did all of that as I hit her pubic bone with mine at each thrust.
She looked down at me entering her a few times which seemed to make her experience even better. I did the same, seeing the juices oozing around my cock and the way the lips of her pussy were wrapped around me. She came again, to my partial surprise, and I felt her pussy contracting repeatedly against my erection. That in itself is very stimulating for a man, knowing you have made a woman come and feeling it. As I said, her pussy was hot and I was experiencing all of that heat through the juices she was exuding.
I continued my thrusting while she was still in the throes of her orgasm, squeezing her breasts as I did. Helen entered that zone that I have seen in more than a few women, when they want it to finish but they don't want it to finish. There she was moaning, crying out as I continued right through her orgasm. As I was approaching the point where my juices were about to explode into her and my erection thicken even more, she came again hot on the heels of her last one.
Then I lay down on her. She asked me to stay inside her. I did until the old fella calmed right down and extricated himself without any help. That old phrase came up again....'where did you learn to make love like that!'
Eventually I drove Helen back to where I had picked her up and we arranged a repeat 'performance' for the following day. Helen and her family were going home after that. Shame really she was a lovely woman and had all the attributes I like - great breasts, long legs and she was a blonde...a true blond.
WE made love all over again that second day. I applied my tongue to her pussy, she rode me and I took her from behind. All in all, a good time was had by all, as they say.
A footnote to the above. It was just as well Helen went home that Thursday. Charlotte, another lady in my life, was flying into Perpignan on the Saturday!
I told her, but omitted any mention of my nude photography. Helen came right out with it though, which surprised me somewhat. She was thirty back then, so not a complete 'innocent'. She asked me if I photographed nudes and I told her I did...her response was,'Interesting hmmm'. She was flirting, or beginning to LL. Must be my charm, smile and green eyes😉 that has had all these women flirt with me over the years.
Helen walked with me for a while telling me who she was on holiday with and how boring it was and that she wanted to have some fun. That word 'fun' had two meanings in my book and, I believed, in hers. By the time our walk had finished we were back by the shops and restaurants. I suggested we get a drink. I was enjoying her company LL. I would have been odd if I hadn't she had a lovely figure and a sparkling personality. As we left the beach she produced a wrap that covered her completely apart from her legs and we sat down ordered drinks, watched the world go by and talked.
She asked me where I was staying and I told her I owned a home near Carcassonne. Helen asked if she might see it some time. I told her that was fine. Then she had to go as she was joining the family for lunch. We agreed to meet near the restaurant the following afternoon.
We did and Helen and I drove back to my place in my car, which she rather liked as it was my old Bentley (I have a new one now LL). Helen was in a summer dress this time, flared in the skirt but pretty tight around her generous bust. We arrived at the house with which she was duly impressed and asked me to show her around which I did.
When we came to my bedroom LL it was a case of 'unzip me' as far as Helen was concerned, she wanted sex, which I had already guessed was the end game in her agreeing to come to the house. I wasn't going to disappoint her. I unzipped the dress and it fell to the floor. She wasn't wearing a bra and nor was she wearing panties. I'm not sure when she 'lost' them, but standing before me was a beautiful young woman stark naked, horny.... and seeking satisfaction.
I stripped off stood behind her and caressed her boobs. She had great nipples (and great boobs) that responded very quickly to my touch. They were areal pleasure and ensured my erection was quite rigid. Helen bent forward slightly and allowed my cock the slide between her legs then stood upright again with her nice butt snuggled tight against my groin and stomach.
Next thing is she guides my hand down her tummy to her pussy with request that I rub her. Naturally I do and then she she starts sliding to and fro on my erection followed shortly afterward by her coming. I was surprised she could come that quickly. Not only that her pussy was hot, very wet and wide open. When her shuddering had stopped she flopped on the bed with her legs in the air leaving me standing between them looking down at my destination.
I entered her and at the same time took hold of her boobs and started thrusting. There was only one way she wanted LL - hard. No meandering around she wanted me to some down hard on her, so I did. Watching a woman's face during sex is quite arousing and satisfying. Seeing the expressions, hearing the sounds they utter. Helen did all of that as I hit her pubic bone with mine at each thrust.
She looked down at me entering her a few times which seemed to make her experience even better. I did the same, seeing the juices oozing around my cock and the way the lips of her pussy were wrapped around me. She came again, to my partial surprise, and I felt her pussy contracting repeatedly against my erection. That in itself is very stimulating for a man, knowing you have made a woman come and feeling it. As I said, her pussy was hot and I was experiencing all of that heat through the juices she was exuding.
I continued my thrusting while she was still in the throes of her orgasm, squeezing her breasts as I did. Helen entered that zone that I have seen in more than a few women, when they want it to finish but they don't want it to finish. There she was moaning, crying out as I continued right through her orgasm. As I was approaching the point where my juices were about to explode into her and my erection thicken even more, she came again hot on the heels of her last one.
Then I lay down on her. She asked me to stay inside her. I did until the old fella calmed right down and extricated himself without any help. That old phrase came up again....'where did you learn to make love like that!'
Eventually I drove Helen back to where I had picked her up and we arranged a repeat 'performance' for the following day. Helen and her family were going home after that. Shame really she was a lovely woman and had all the attributes I like - great breasts, long legs and she was a blonde...a true blond.
WE made love all over again that second day. I applied my tongue to her pussy, she rode me and I took her from behind. All in all, a good time was had by all, as they say.
A footnote to the above. It was just as well Helen went home that Thursday. Charlotte, another lady in my life, was flying into Perpignan on the Saturday!
France 2019
Isobel or Issy as she likes to be known is sitting on the steps leading to my pool in Cannes in this shot LL. I guess you could call her a house guest...the one that was left behind. I had a whole host of folk from the UK, here and France for a long weekend of partying.
Issy was among the youngest there and was the last to leave for the UK. As she had stayed on she helped out with a few things although my French staff did the donkey work and left by lunchtime leaving Issy and I alone in what is a pretty big place. IT was her idea to skinny dip in my pool, although I didn't know straight away as I was dealing with some business matters in my office. It was only waked out for a break with a drink that I noticed Issy was swimming with nothing on.
I'm pretty used to being around very attractive naked women LL so when she came out of the pool at the Roman steps end I glanced up and smiled at her. I was asked if I minded her walking around like she was. Silly question wasn't it LL. I told her no I didn't mind and how about some photos so she posed around the pool for me. I was a real pleasure, nothing too intimate just some good shots of her.
Then she sat down on the steps right by the table I was sitting at. To be honest I couldn't take my eyes off her breasts and why should I, after all it's my place. Issy had just about dried off in the sun by now and stood walked up to me and said take me to bed, I'm feeling horny. I have never needed second bidding when I get that invitation LL.
We spent best part of the afternoon making love.
I'm sure it was all a ploy to make sure she didn't sleep in a big house all on her own....she didn't, for the two nights she remained there with our mutual satisfaction!
Issy was among the youngest there and was the last to leave for the UK. As she had stayed on she helped out with a few things although my French staff did the donkey work and left by lunchtime leaving Issy and I alone in what is a pretty big place. IT was her idea to skinny dip in my pool, although I didn't know straight away as I was dealing with some business matters in my office. It was only waked out for a break with a drink that I noticed Issy was swimming with nothing on.
I'm pretty used to being around very attractive naked women LL so when she came out of the pool at the Roman steps end I glanced up and smiled at her. I was asked if I minded her walking around like she was. Silly question wasn't it LL. I told her no I didn't mind and how about some photos so she posed around the pool for me. I was a real pleasure, nothing too intimate just some good shots of her.
Then she sat down on the steps right by the table I was sitting at. To be honest I couldn't take my eyes off her breasts and why should I, after all it's my place. Issy had just about dried off in the sun by now and stood walked up to me and said take me to bed, I'm feeling horny. I have never needed second bidding when I get that invitation LL.
We spent best part of the afternoon making love.
I'm sure it was all a ploy to make sure she didn't sleep in a big house all on her own....she didn't, for the two nights she remained there with our mutual satisfaction!
France 2009
Jacqui apologised LL, believe it or not, for her small breasts. She isn't a tall lady and I thought everything was in proportion and told her so. They were firm and responsive and that was more than enough given her enthusiasm for sex.
Jacqui was a local woman who looks after certain tasks at my home in Paris. The photo wasn't taken in Paris, obviously. It was taken at a place I own to the west of Évreux. The house and fruit farm that go with it are an investment. We make cider there and harvest apples for Calvados. There are several holiday homes or gites. It was to one of these that I took Jacqui. Living in Paris and not where I do LL, Jacqui had asked me to show her the farm on several occasions so I took her there. Two of the gites were empty so I took one and she took one. The house is occupied by my tenant who runs the Farm - Henri.
Jacqui is a townie, a Parisienne, and that said it all. The first night we were there she said she kept waking up because of all the strange noises. Basically countryside noises. I didn't hear a thing. As a result Jacqui suggested she sleep with me. It might be a little brazen in dear old Blighty but this was France and I succumbed to her wish - not too readily, but to be honest I was flattered that a young woman would want to be with me in bed.
When we went to bed that second night LL, Jacqui just stripped off completely in front of me and climbed into bed. As a result, I followed her example. When you have a naked woman next to you in bed, sleep is the last thing on your mind and it was the last thing on her mind too as I felt her hand on the family jewels. I ended up under the woman rather than on top. Jacqui just went right ahead without a word. I remember thinking, as she lowered herself onto my erection, this lady works for you. You shouldn't fuck your employees about . Then I thought, what the hell, it's her fucking me!
Mind you LL, the tables were turned shortly afterward and those smallish boobs were a delight. I 'consoled' myself with the thought that she wasn't the first employee that I made love to e.g. the one in South Carolina sprung to mind at the time.
The photo above was taken the following morning. I told her she was Eve and the apples were the forbidden fruit. I nearly said she was, but it was a little late for that!
Jacqui was a local woman who looks after certain tasks at my home in Paris. The photo wasn't taken in Paris, obviously. It was taken at a place I own to the west of Évreux. The house and fruit farm that go with it are an investment. We make cider there and harvest apples for Calvados. There are several holiday homes or gites. It was to one of these that I took Jacqui. Living in Paris and not where I do LL, Jacqui had asked me to show her the farm on several occasions so I took her there. Two of the gites were empty so I took one and she took one. The house is occupied by my tenant who runs the Farm - Henri.
Jacqui is a townie, a Parisienne, and that said it all. The first night we were there she said she kept waking up because of all the strange noises. Basically countryside noises. I didn't hear a thing. As a result Jacqui suggested she sleep with me. It might be a little brazen in dear old Blighty but this was France and I succumbed to her wish - not too readily, but to be honest I was flattered that a young woman would want to be with me in bed.
When we went to bed that second night LL, Jacqui just stripped off completely in front of me and climbed into bed. As a result, I followed her example. When you have a naked woman next to you in bed, sleep is the last thing on your mind and it was the last thing on her mind too as I felt her hand on the family jewels. I ended up under the woman rather than on top. Jacqui just went right ahead without a word. I remember thinking, as she lowered herself onto my erection, this lady works for you. You shouldn't fuck your employees about . Then I thought, what the hell, it's her fucking me!
Mind you LL, the tables were turned shortly afterward and those smallish boobs were a delight. I 'consoled' myself with the thought that she wasn't the first employee that I made love to e.g. the one in South Carolina sprung to mind at the time.
The photo above was taken the following morning. I told her she was Eve and the apples were the forbidden fruit. I nearly said she was, but it was a little late for that!
Sandbanks, Dorset 2018
Kate joined me for a long weekend in Dorset when this shot was taken at the back of my home. Not a natural blonde as you can see!
She is an old friend who I first met in 2007 when I was using the apartment I owned back then, in Docklands. She's a lawyer by day and a sexy beast by night. The first time we had sex was when she was 'working' late at her offices one night. I had gone there to collect her for an evening meal.
We had sex on her desk. Me with my trousers etc around my ankles and her with her dress around her waist, both the bottom half and the top half of it.
Soft and silky Kate. The thought of her now under me gives me stirrings in my groin LL...more than you ever would now!
Oregon 2019
Laura on a warm Oregon morning quite early and after the sea fog had lifted, although I did get some good shots when it was still foggy. The location is Cannon Beach. Her clothes...the rest of them are just out of shot and there was no one about at that early hour. Looks pretty gorgeous don't you think LL - I did.
Again a friend, not a commission. I had far more friends than you ever realized ... and far more lovers (after your revelation in March 2004). Sometimes they were one and the same.
Laura is just a neighbor from Tigard. Someone I met in Beaverton library of all places. I guess she isn't a neighbor in the sense she is next door which is just as well as she's married, but neglected big time. Well not by me but by her husband. What a waste, she's great in bed and has a wonderful body.
I'll probably be seeing her sometime after Christmas...and I mean seeing! .
Again a friend, not a commission. I had far more friends than you ever realized ... and far more lovers (after your revelation in March 2004). Sometimes they were one and the same.
Laura is just a neighbor from Tigard. Someone I met in Beaverton library of all places. I guess she isn't a neighbor in the sense she is next door which is just as well as she's married, but neglected big time. Well not by me but by her husband. What a waste, she's great in bed and has a wonderful body.
I'll probably be seeing her sometime after Christmas...and I mean seeing! .
Thailand 2009
Malee was the most lovely Thai lady who owns a restaurant that I used a fair bit on my visits there in 2009 and again in 2012/15/17.
She's older than she looks and I don't know how these Thai ladies manage it...forever youthful. The other thing is she liked lots of sex and I mean lots. She was exhausting on my first visit, but later ones were better when we learnt what we both liked...and she liked variety.
The photo was taken in a secluded stretch of a local river. She's maybe a tad taller than you LL, but a lot prettier.
Greece 2009
Nicole is French lady who sometimes is my guest at my home on Skyros LL The beach where this shot was taken is pretty much my own private domain, hence her topless bathing. Mind you Nicole is French, so that probably speaks for itself.
I sometimes wonder what you think when you see all the women I have laid, how attractive most of them are and how I satisfy each and every one. Then I think to myself - your loss, my gain. That aside in a way you are viewing my life, where I travel, how I travel and who I travel with. Where I live etc etc. I bet you think about what you missed out on. All I see now is a woman who has let herself go, lives a mundane life with vacations that are almost always the same. What a life!
Thank you for deceiving me and being unfaithful, it changed my life .... for the better, the far better.
Talking of which Nicole, just take a look above at the photo LL. Think of me in bed with her, enjoying her company out for meals swimming together etc etc. then think of where you are and who you have. All these women haven't been with me just because I'm a man. There's a lot more to it and to me. Your mistake was not to wait and find out...or to commit.
I sometimes wonder what you think when you see all the women I have laid, how attractive most of them are and how I satisfy each and every one. Then I think to myself - your loss, my gain. That aside in a way you are viewing my life, where I travel, how I travel and who I travel with. Where I live etc etc. I bet you think about what you missed out on. All I see now is a woman who has let herself go, lives a mundane life with vacations that are almost always the same. What a life!
Thank you for deceiving me and being unfaithful, it changed my life .... for the better, the far better.
Talking of which Nicole, just take a look above at the photo LL. Think of me in bed with her, enjoying her company out for meals swimming together etc etc. then think of where you are and who you have. All these women haven't been with me just because I'm a man. There's a lot more to it and to me. Your mistake was not to wait and find out...or to commit.
Florida 2017
Olivia posing in my backyard here in Naples. I guess the photo tells you all you need to know. I'm sure your imagination can fill in the rest.
Olivia lives down to road aways in a similarly luxurious home to mine. Her husband works in Miami, so I think you can work that one out. Livvy has very nice nipples by the way😜.
Australia 2016
Person unknown and butt unknown but I couldn't resist this shot taken on a beach on the Gold Coast. I was using a zoom lens 300 mm, so no one near her was aware.
I guess you could call it the butt end of this blog LL.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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