For LL in the UK
Like those candies LL, this is another short but sweet blog containing 'all sorts' of ladies. Why all sorts? You will see and understand as you read on.
Marlborough 2018
I called in on this lady on my way back to London from Bristol and a trip to see Trish. She had been hounding me to call in ever since we first met at a function in London in 2017. The call in was supposed to be merely social.
No name here as she is a woman of a certain standing in British society and where I called at must remain unknown as well. The place was old though mid 1700's I was told and a pretty big place. Marlborough is an approximate location in Wiltshire.
I arrived. We had coffee in her kitchen. No staff around as it was the weekend. Just her and her dogs. Bearing in mind she was expecting me I was a little surprised that she was still in a dressing gown at eleven in the morning She knew I was a photographer among other things.
She told me that she had lured me there under false pretences. I was intrigued so I asked her to explain. She said she could probably demonstrate what she meant rather than explain. I followed her into a sitting room with our coffees. I was asked to fetch my camera and gear, which she knew I usually carried in the car. I was driving my Bentley.
I went out and gathered it up. Heading back in I turned left into the sitting room, just in time to see my lady dropping her gown to the floor exposing her nude body. completely LL. She is tall slim without being skinny in any way and with all the required curves in the appropriate places. 'Take my photo then' she laughed LL 'and then we can go to my bedroom'.
She posed for me standing, sitting up on the worn leather couch in the sitting room, using a scarf, or maybe it was stole, like a fan dancer. She covered her boobs with it, draped it over her shoulders, tied it around her waist and finally put it between her legs and moved it to and fro. That was when the shot above was taken.
As soon as I stopped she gathered her gown but didn't put it on. Then she beckoned me with the index finger of her right hand and headed up the stairs. I followed feeling a bit like a lap dog doing her bidding. As you know though LL, to your cost, I am no pushover. However, on this occasion it was in my interest to be seen to apparently do her bidding. I had already figured that she would not be the submissive type in the bedroom .... Mrs B.
I had by then and have by now, long been immune to women stripping off for me (or maybe themselves). I am not however immune to the lure of their advances or bodies. That was why I didn't need to hesitate when she invited me to her bedroom. I love women LL and I love sex, so I followed those firm round buttocks up the wide staircase.
We reached her bedroom. The bed was enormous. More than enough room to romp around. There I was fully clothed and her completely naked. Role reversal took place. She undressed me right down to my boxers. 'I can see that I have your interest', she said looking down at my groin then she pulled my boxers off and told me(!) to lay on the bed LL. Me being ordered about by a woman! that was a novelty.
I did as I was told.
I lay there awaiting her next soon came. She climbed onto the bed and then straddled my legs, taking hold of my erection in her right hand and placing my right hand on her left breast. Then she did the same with my left hand and her other breast. I was instructed to squeeze and rub so I did. Meantime, she was pumping to such an extent that began to weep semen. Then she stopped. Moved forward so that her pussy and my cock were aligned. I was still playing with her boobs which had become very firm with her nipples so proud that they cried out to be sucked...but she was 'in charge' so I waited.
Still holding my cock in her hand she began rubbing it against her clitoris, it was wet down there now so the movement was quite slick. Every now and then she slid it between the lips of her pussy. Very much in charge, she started uttering the inevitable 'Ohhh's'. Then she was rubbing me against herself faster and faster then all at once she came. As she did I squeezed her boobs hard which I know added to her coming.
Quite quickly she slipped me inside her and then started rising and falling on my erection. She was leaning over me now LL and said she wanted me to suck her. Her breasts, which I haven't mentioned previously were/are pretty superb as the photo below shows.
They were offered to me in turn, dangling firmly just above my face. I took each in turn. Holding them in both hands to force her boobs to a greater peak than they already were. Moving from one to another I continued until she started to come again., pumping up and down on me like it was the last time she would ever have sex. An almighty groan and a scream and she came. I felt her juices flowing around my cock, all warm and wet and settling in my pubic hair.
She rolled off me after she had finished panting. 'You're in charge now', she said 'I have one request - take me like a mare'.
I told her to turn over, then kneel and move toward the edge of the bed. She had the right idea and a very wet and swollen pussy was presented to me. A little adjustment and I was inside her and thrusting. She was shouting from the word 'go'. I was amazed as I thought she was going to come straightaway, but she didn't so I continued, slow thrusts for a few moments but then passion, lust call it what you will took over and I was thrusting into her faster and faster and hard as well. She was tearing the sheet of the bed so hard was she gripping it.
I decided to spank her when I thought we were both close to our peaks. I slapped her quite hard, while holding her in place with my free hand on her hip. 'Ohhhh!' was the response I got but also each time I hit her her buttocks clenched and she realized my purpose. 'Hit me more, more pleeeeease'.
Then with a lot of vocals she came. Believe it or not LL, I was still full on hard. I guess it was a combination of a beautiful body, a generous pussy and the reaction that came...when she came. All kept my interest....up.
Sometimes in such situations I wonder if the woman under me can take any more. I wondered that on this occasion as she thought I had finished, but I hadn't. I continued thrusting. Her head was tossing side to side, it seemed she wanted it to end but didn't want it to end. Her face was red and both of us were perspiring, and then, and then I came and she was very certain I had this time. I didn't think she had anything left as she had come three times, but all of a sudden when I had ejaculated....she gushed!
I was as surprised as she was and her contracting pussy wouldn't stop for a while. I'm not sure now how many times it was, but quite a few. I withdrew, she collapsed face down on the bed. I lay on my back beside her LL while she muttered into the pillow. 'When you hit me, I wondered what you were doing, but the effect was wonderful. I haven't experienced that before'.
I took her in my arms as she snuggled against me and we kissed for a while and just lay there. Lunchtime came and went, but we did manage to drive to a local pub in her Range Rover and get something. After all LL we had to keep our strength up.
We had played at Mistress and Master and we still had the night ahead. It wasn't wasted.
We spent the rest of the afternoon walking on the estate with the dogs. When I met her in London I had a feeling about her, she flirted with me more than a married woman should in public, so her invitation to visit that weekend while her husband was over here wasn't a surprise nor was the sex.
Carcassonne 2018
Tess is an old friend from London and my apartment days, although she works in Paris and Frankfurt a fair amount. I had a weekend last summer without company and so planning ahead,as I do, I invited Tess down to Carcassonne.
We had slept together before, off and on over the last 6-8 years, so nothing too new there LL. Nevertheless, we made music in bed together so we both had something to look forward to that weekend. Toward the end of the land I own around my property there LL is an area of scrub, endemic in parts of Languedoc. It was in that part of the property that we often lounged, partly because the trees offered shade. There was on old swing up there that I had renewed with new rope.
Tess liked to sit on it while I sat on the bench seat nearby while we talked. It was hot and so Tess who is given to wearing the least possible in the sun wafted around in the see through affair that you will notice above. The fact she has a very nice body made it all the more attractive.
That body was mine for that weekend and I made good use of it during the day and at night. Tess for her part adored(s) our lovemaking. Apparently, I am the only man she has had that can give her a multiple orgasm.
Good food, excellent wine and superb sex made for a great break for both of us.
Northumbria 2018
I rather like this shot of Catherine. The rough with the smooth.
Not so far from your doorstep on that trip LL. A lot closer than I have been since I owned that place in Keswick.
The photo was actually taken away from where we were staying....somewhere near the Kielder Forest, just off one of the back roads. Naturally, Catherine didn't arrive there like that. She stripped off for photos once we were 'in situ'.
Catherine lives in York, so I drove up from London on the A1 and picked her up for our little adventure. Catherine harks back to 2005 when I used to 'pop in' to see the occasional lady in various locations on my way back home from you. Then she was barely thirty, but was attracted to me and barely was often her state.
The trip was part a photographic one (landscapes, seascapes and some of Catherine of course) and part discovery. I had never been there before, but funnily enough I went back this year with some American friends.
Catherine and I had kept in touch over the years between. She married, Married. I'm widowed again and she is divorced. It was an easy idea to suggest to her and she was up for fact that reminds me that she said when I asked 'I'm up for it. Hope you are because I am a hungry women!' I assured her I was, but omitted to say I get plenty of practice. Most of the women in my life know me and my appetites and activities, but they don't want to hear it LL.
Catherine is another long legged slim woman who needed/needs sex regularly and as she was divorced with no regular partner, coming with me (and for me) was just what she needed she told me. Her actual words ' Great a week away with my favorite highly sexed man'.
Nantucket 2019
I always thought you should undress before you had a shower, but Rachel who I have told you about before had other ideas. I thought it was very sexy and made sure I captured it all on camera. When I say all LL I mean all of her body.
Over the years I have had many women as you will have realized by now. In pretty much all cases they like the the things that you might imagine they would - the things you no doubt enjoy and desire. Made to feel special, having a romantic liaison, receiving attention and of course having their sexual needs satisfied. I applied those principles to all the women in my life - to my two wives, to you briefly, to the first woman I had in April 2004 and every one of them since.
Rachel is special as most of the women in my life are or have been. The other thing most of them enjoyed was fun in the bedroom or wherever our sexual encounters took place. Rachel has a great sense of fun in those situations hence the shots above. I dared her to make that body thing more transparent and she did in the shower. Enough to make it a little wet and also herself if you look carefully.
Obviously, it came off shortly after the photos while I held a towel ready for her. A quick rub down and she was pressed against me pulling my boxers down LL. I didn't need arousing....I already was! Neither did Rachel. She was already wet and dripping a bit. Climbing on the bed she knelt there handling her boobs. I was there seconds later and took over from her while she made sure I didn't wilt by applying her hand to my erection, while we kissed. I have had some fun in my time LL and Rachel is very good fun.
After that little titillation, rather appropriately described don't you think, Rachel lay down on the bed. Arms stretched back and holding the vertical wooden bars on the headboard in this particular bedroom. She kept her legs together and I straddled her, leaned over and sucked on her boobs. Meanwhile my tip was resting on Rachel's pussy. It was part of a little fun we have. I have to 'knock on the door' before I am allowed in. I rubbed away gently while my mouth was otherwise engaged.
Slowly the 'door' opened a crack and her legs widened a fraction. Just a small amount. 'I haven't decided whether you can come in yet', she said laughing. 'You will have to greet me properly before you can enter.' We both knew what that meant as it was the first time we had performed this ritual of ours LL. I told her I would give her a proper greeting.
With a little rearrangement of legs, Rachel spread hers wide in a perfect 'Y' and I removed my mouth from her breasts and her nipples which had received lots of attention. I then went ahead with my greeting so that she would be pleased to have me enter. I licked her pussy using my tongue in ways that you only partially experienced once LL. My greeting was very effective and Rachel made it known in several ways that it had been successful and....very satisfying. I was allowed in.
The reason she held the headboard was because she liked me to make things fast and hard after the pre-entry attention, and so it was. No slow stuff messing around just going for it for both us. Rachel held the headboard to stop herself being pushed against it through the force of my thrusts. It always makes her come a second time LL and brings me to my point of no return nicely, too. That is how we make love when we see each other at first. That particular four or I think five days we varied things - all of which were very satisfying to both of us.
There's a lot to be said for seeing my lovers at various times. It ensures they are 'hungry' and that suits me admirably.
I hear a lot from some of the married ones about insufficient sex, stale relationships, lack of interest from their husbands etc etc. I commiserate of course and make sure they get a lot of attention. I wonder how many times a week you get laid LL...if at all! Once maybe....or maybe you are 'past it' and all dried up.
The French and Italian women I know are probably the best for seeking extramarital sex. They also among the sexiest.
London 2008
This was a shoot for Amelia that started with the usual portrait and dressed shots inside in London, outside in Surrey. The shot above was taken in my first studio premises in London.
Why the black bra and white panties you may ask. Well she bought two sets of underwear to suit the various clothes she wore for the shoot. It was me that suggested the shot above as it was 'different' and gave contrast to the earlier shots in all white and all black.
This was taken at the end of the shoot LL and we stopped for coffee. I thought Amelia would get dressed but she just sat down on the couch in my studio, sipped her coffee and chatted. It was hard, given I was sitting opposite on a chair, not to appraise her body. She knew it of course and I knew why she stayed in her underwear.
Amelia conversation revolved around her partner - she wasn't married back then. He was apparently, quite wealthy hence the shoot that he paid for, but his interest in her had waned so she said. Added to that she thought he was having an affair. He was often away longer than she thought he should be. I have many such conversations with women LL and they invariably end up where this one did.
Our coffee finished, I stood and so did Amelia. As I had half expected things took a sexual path and she removed her bra. 'Make love to me, I'm feeling very horny', she said. By way of an answer LL, I took her by the upper arms drew her to me and kissed her. I could feel her boobs through my shirt. There were only two places to make love in that studio. The couch and the chair I had been sitting on. We used both.
I stripped off and Amelia slipped her panties off. There we were LL almost in the middle of London on a early summer's day stark naked and we hardly knew each other, but we were about to fix that LL. The couch was the obvious choice, in fact the only choice for comfort. I knew it would serve well as it had been used for the same purpose before.
Apart from our kiss I hadn't touched nor she me. That was rectified right away as she turned toward the couch I wrapped my arms around her waist pressing my body against her back and her butt. My hands found her boobs and I kissed her on the neck in that erogenous zone just below the ear LL. That was enough to set her pressing hard against me and opening her legs slightly so that I could slip my cock between them.
We stood caressing and fondling and rocking and sliding for a few minutes. The effect on Amelia was that she wanted me inside her 'Now!' as she put it. Our sliding to and fro and parted her opening and her pussy was quite wet and the whole of her hole (I had to say that), sticky. Seems we were both ready.
When Amelia lay back on the couch with her legs wide apart to receive me I could see she was indeed very wet. We made love on that couch protected by a blanket. Amelia's long legs up around my thighs while I satisfied her. She was obviously in need of the release because she mad a lot of the running by thrusting up to me as much as I did the same to her. She came well before I was ready.
I was still very hard when she had those orgasmic contractions which I enjoyed as much as she did. I withdrew shortly after and Amelia sat up. I went over and moved the chair from earlier against the couch, my erection still there right out in front of me.
'What are you doing', she asked me. I told her to stand and grip the back of the chair. At that point she smiled and said 'Ahhh, yes. Yes please!' Amelia bent over and I entered her from behind LL. She loved it. Apparently her husband had only one position and we all know what that is. Not only that he set out to satisfy himself as a priority. Making her come again bent over like that was a novelty to Amelia and she had her second coming in that position.
I guess if she had had all day she might have stayed for more later, but I had an appointment elsewhere and so did she back in Surrey. A frequent shopper in London, she suggested we might meet up again and then as she put it 'You can show me some more of your skills'. She wasn't talking photography either.
We did meet up, manly daytime, at my apartment in Docklands and then later in my exiting home in Knightsbridge and yes I did show her that there are more ways to skin a cat than one and she liked them all. I haven't had as Amelia liked to say an 'appointment' with her since 2017, but she's still around, divorced and had a very generous financial settlement.
Apart from our kiss I hadn't touched nor she me. That was rectified right away as she turned toward the couch I wrapped my arms around her waist pressing my body against her back and her butt. My hands found her boobs and I kissed her on the neck in that erogenous zone just below the ear LL. That was enough to set her pressing hard against me and opening her legs slightly so that I could slip my cock between them.
We stood caressing and fondling and rocking and sliding for a few minutes. The effect on Amelia was that she wanted me inside her 'Now!' as she put it. Our sliding to and fro and parted her opening and her pussy was quite wet and the whole of her hole (I had to say that), sticky. Seems we were both ready.
When Amelia lay back on the couch with her legs wide apart to receive me I could see she was indeed very wet. We made love on that couch protected by a blanket. Amelia's long legs up around my thighs while I satisfied her. She was obviously in need of the release because she mad a lot of the running by thrusting up to me as much as I did the same to her. She came well before I was ready.
I was still very hard when she had those orgasmic contractions which I enjoyed as much as she did. I withdrew shortly after and Amelia sat up. I went over and moved the chair from earlier against the couch, my erection still there right out in front of me.
'What are you doing', she asked me. I told her to stand and grip the back of the chair. At that point she smiled and said 'Ahhh, yes. Yes please!' Amelia bent over and I entered her from behind LL. She loved it. Apparently her husband had only one position and we all know what that is. Not only that he set out to satisfy himself as a priority. Making her come again bent over like that was a novelty to Amelia and she had her second coming in that position.
I guess if she had had all day she might have stayed for more later, but I had an appointment elsewhere and so did she back in Surrey. A frequent shopper in London, she suggested we might meet up again and then as she put it 'You can show me some more of your skills'. She wasn't talking photography either.
We did meet up, manly daytime, at my apartment in Docklands and then later in my exiting home in Knightsbridge and yes I did show her that there are more ways to skin a cat than one and she liked them all. I haven't had as Amelia liked to say an 'appointment' with her since 2017, but she's still around, divorced and had a very generous financial settlement.
New York 2017
Sharon is a friend and these photos were taken at her apartment. She is Jewish. She is also a temptress!
I have no complaints about her tempting me, of course. As I said we are just friends who share our benefits from time to time when I'm in the Big Apple, which is not infrequently. Another nice body and she certainly appreciates my 'attributes'. I really like kosher food as well. two of my loves in life. Good food and naughty women.
Schenectady, New York State 2009
I bet you have never heard of Schenectady, LL. It is a nice town which still boasts a main street (high street to you).
Jaimie above is or was a school teacher. I had been contacted to give a talk to the high school kids o my travels in Europe and elsewhere along with a slide show of photographs. Mainly to widen the children's horizons. They asked a lot of questions and because I am a Brit by birth, lots about the UK.
I had planned to stay one night - the Friday night. It is only about 3 1/2 hours from home in New Hampshire. I had a motel booked. When school finished and I was packing my stuff away Jaimie asked where I was staying. I told her.
She told me a motel isn't always a good place means I would have to go out to eat. She pointed out that I probably didn't know where to eat - I didn't. She invited me to stay at her place. The school had checked me out LL so she knew I was 'safe'. I said in typical English fashion that I didn't want to put her out. At that remark she laughed.
Jaimie said that despite my living in the States off and on over a number of years, I was still quite English in my ways. Not surprising really. I only gained my residency two years before. I gained my citizenship later that year in 2009 - ten years now LL. I accepted he offer.
I followed her car from the school to her house and parked up on her driveway immediately behind her car. I took the camera gear into the house. Then Jaimie fussed around making me at home and showed me the bedroom I was to sleep in. Her place was really homely and I said so. By way of thanks I suggested she take me to a restaurant that she liked and the tab was on me, of course.
After I had settled in showered and changed I was ready to go. Jaimie similarly had showered and changed. Off we went and spent a very pleasant evening eating, talking and savoring some nice wine. Jaimie had been to Europe when she was just out of university a fair time ago. She said she would love to go back, but her work etc etc....
We returned to her place after a nice evening. I had some coffee, talked some more then we both went to bed. Although our bedrooms were next to each other nothing took place LL. As I drifted off though I could hear Jaimie tossing and turning in her bed, then I was gone off to the land of nod.
I woke early next morning and showered, shaved and dressed went down to find that Jaimie wasn't up. I mad coffee and went out into her backyard and took a seat and just took the morning in. Jaimie appeared about forty five minutes later, showered and dressed. She asked if I was going back to Concord as she prepared some breakfast. I said that I had planned to. It was suggested I stay another night and she would show me around town and some of the countryside.
I had nothing pressing back in NH so I agreed. Jaimie is an attractive woman and I saw no reason to turn down her invitation LL, so I didn't. Apart from having to call in at the school for something, the rest of the day was hers. We ate breakfast and talked, then set off for the school. We were both in jeans as Jaimie said we we going across country at some stage.
At the school she unlocked and led me through various corridors all the way to the end of the final one. She had told me to bring my camera but I was still waiting to see why. It became apparent when we ended up in some sort of storeroom with an assortment of desks and chairs in it.
I thought this would be a good place for some photos she said. There was sun through a window that looked out on to pretty much nothing so I reckoned it would work and also though the nature of the storeroom was a good backdrop. Jaimie surprised me by adopting various poses while I took shots. Some were, to put it mildly, provocative. Boobs thrust forward and then hips and groin doing the same.
Things then to a turn. Jaimie slipped her top off showing that she was wearing what can best be described as a vest or bodice, I guess. The fact she wore no bra surprised me a little and for a moment I couldn't take my eyes off her nipples. Take more Jaimie said. As my eye was pressed to the viewfinder she undid her jeans and pulled them down over her hips. She was wearing white panties that were pretty tight, straining against her pussy. She pulled them tighter and said make sure you get all my features!
The school teacher had surprised me and was showing a side of herself that she had kept well hidden until now. Jaimie had given the impression of being just what she was/is, a school teacher being a nice host. Her agenda though was quite different I was to find out. With her jeans at half mast she posed draping herself over the old bits of furniture in that storeroom LL. That included this last shot of her when she balanced herself against the table you see above.
In a way that was the last straw for me and almost her last pose. I chuckled as she stood from laying across that table because her jeans dropped to her ankles. When she stepped out of them and slipped her panties down. I took one last shot LL and put my camera down.
She said, 'Make love to me'.
I replied 'Here?'
'Yes, I'm very horny', was Jaimie's reply.
Well, it wasn't the ideal venue but standing before her body naked from the waist down and nearly so from the waist up, I felt a certain obligation and I also felt my hardness trapped in my jeans. Jaimie could see the bulge down there as well. Looked and smiled.
I didn't strip off although Jaimie did taking that bodice off finding a table and sitting on it with her legs apart. They were apart enough to open her pussy but not the inner lips. I walked up to her and fondled her breasts while she undid my trousers and pulled everything down to my knees.'My what have we got here' she said. 'You are a big boy!' as she looked at my erect cock. Then to my surprise and delight she leaned forward LL and started licking my tip.
That was pretty electrifying and I felt myself begin to weep semen. Jaimie continued as I reached under her and squeezed her boobs. Then she stopped. No words were said as I knelt on the floor and did the same for her. My tongue parting the inner lips of her wet pussy and licking up toward her clitoris. Her reaction when I found it was immediate. 'Oh, oh, ohhhh, yes'.
That spurred me on and I stoked it faster and faster. It became erect and I could feel its pronounced tip with my tongue. Jaimie's moans were a nice accompaniment as I took her closer and closer to her orgasm. then she came with a fair amount of 'Oooo's'. I didn't waste time. I was pretty horny myself so with the help of a couple of dusty cushions I laid her back on the table. Jaimie gripped the sides of it as I entered her. She held her legs apart and Basically I fucked her LL, well and truly, even the table moved slightly.
We were slick and sticky as I fondled her boobs. I recall the liquid sounds emanating from around her pussy as her juices provided more than enough lubrication. I didn't want this to be too quick so I slowed for while and basically pleasured her pussy at some point she told me that I felt really thick and hard inside her, but then she lost the power of speech as she felt herself coming again. All that emanated from her throat now ere husky sounds, then moans and then when I started thrusting faster....shouts, as she came.
I think she thought that was it and that perhaps I had come too - I hadn't, so I continued to thrust into her. By now she was red in the face, her boobs were hard, her nipples erect and her pussy wide open in a generous way. I rotated around while I was inside her and she moaned even more. At that point I felt it was time to come so I thrust faster and faster and then unloaded all I had inside her. To my delight and hers she came again right on cue as I did.
Afterward LL she said that she thought I would never come and she wasn't sure she could take much more and yet, she said, she didn't want me to stop. Doesn't make sense she muttered by it was sooo good and then asked me where I learnt to make love like that. Where have I heard those words before LL? From you, of course! Your loss their gain including Jaimie.
We cleaned up with tissues and paper from nearby toilets. If only the pupils and staff knew! We headed out and drove off, back to Jaimie's - we were both in need of a another shower! This one was together. Later we went out for the day and we slept together that night and one more night as well. A week later Jaimie visited me in Concord NH.
Another lady in my life and still in it, to some extent. You had no idea did you LL and you didn't appreciate what you had when you had Many others did and do.
London 2017
After the party at the home of Georgina, LL. I didn't expect to end up at her home in Mayfair that evening a couple of years ago, but the Champagne had flowed and Georgina became quite frisky by the end of the evening. We were the only two single people at Camilla's birthday bash (no, it wasn't that Camilla!) so it was natural that we should gravitate toward each other...and we did.
Not the tallest lady on the block, but what she lacked in height she made up for with her bust size, which most of the evening had been squeezed into a little black cocktail dress by Dior - I checked the label. It was obvious as the evening went on that we were going to end up in bed but not after a rather classy little striptease by Georgina to set the scene and get us both aroused.
I was required to match her garment for garment. I had removed my dinner jacket and bow tie. We were pretty well equal in the number of garments we were wearing. Off came her dress, off came my shirt. Then off came her bra followed by my trousers. Her boobs were even better released from their harness. I nearly leaped on her there and then, but I didn't.
There she was in just her panties and hold-ups and me in my boxers showing my interest. The chair above, by the way LL, is in her bedroom so we didn't have far to go...
It didn't take long for us to shed the rest of our bits and pieces. Georgina's hold ups then slowly we both removed what was left. Her panties and my boxers. Her boobs were/are something else LL and I was hands on guided there by Georgina within minutes of our nudity. Enhanced, I guessed perhaps, either way I wasn't complaining as I had my hands full and enjoying the encounter enormously, which is exactly how she described my erection
Georgina ended up on her back pretty much in the same position she is in the photograph above, except of course her legs were in the air not on the ground LL and her pussy was as generous as her boobs. We had sex twice then slept together. I guess you could call it a one night stand times three. That is three different occasions separated by months rather than days. A friend with benefits LL.
I was required to match her garment for garment. I had removed my dinner jacket and bow tie. We were pretty well equal in the number of garments we were wearing. Off came her dress, off came my shirt. Then off came her bra followed by my trousers. Her boobs were even better released from their harness. I nearly leaped on her there and then, but I didn't.
There she was in just her panties and hold-ups and me in my boxers showing my interest. The chair above, by the way LL, is in her bedroom so we didn't have far to go...
It didn't take long for us to shed the rest of our bits and pieces. Georgina's hold ups then slowly we both removed what was left. Her panties and my boxers. Her boobs were/are something else LL and I was hands on guided there by Georgina within minutes of our nudity. Enhanced, I guessed perhaps, either way I wasn't complaining as I had my hands full and enjoying the encounter enormously, which is exactly how she described my erection
Georgina ended up on her back pretty much in the same position she is in the photograph above, except of course her legs were in the air not on the ground LL and her pussy was as generous as her boobs. We had sex twice then slept together. I guess you could call it a one night stand times three. That is three different occasions separated by months rather than days. A friend with benefits LL.
Florida 2007
I'd almost forgotten Stacey until I found this shot of here and a few others. Stacey harks back to my Fort Myers days.
She worked at a coffee place called Italia just off Summerlin, which you no doubt recall LL. I used to go there pretty regularly for coffee and a bite and sometimes a small meal in the evening. Often I would take my laptop and sit there writing. After a few visits Stacey became intrigued and asked what I was doing. She thought it was probably business stuff and none of her business, but I explained I was writing a novel - the end of my first one, at that time.
The more I visited (partly on purpose) the friendlier we became. There were gaps of course when I was back in the UK, but by then I had a Homeowners Visa which allowed me 180 days residency. One day I asked her out for a meal and to my surprise she said yes. She told me over the meal that she thought I would never ask! I was surprised she had said yes with the difference in our ages.
I took her out several times more until one day she invited me over to her condo. That was when this shot was taken - the one above. We got to 'press the flesh'. Not handshakes, but lovemaking and that carried on for about eighteen months or more. Stacey got a job in Miami and we drifted. I had plenty on my plate and in my bed (or theirs) so I didn't pursue things.
One thing you probably didn't know of my life back then. All the local ladies more or less were laid in various of my properties, just to keep things a bit separate. I had about ten homes in FM eventually. Of course I had to use some with more than one woman but the risk of being spotted was pretty low. None of them knew of my other properties. Apart from a few English girls that I had over here (in both senses of the word!) who were aware of some of the other places, you were the only other one...and you only knew about four of them WLC, Balmoral Loop and the condo off Summerlin.
Norfolk 2005
The last lady in this blog is Vicky. The venue LL my bed in Norfolk. The date May 6 2005.
We both wanted this shot so I used the small Canon I had back then. Not the easiest thing to do in mid flow, hence the focus is a bit off and the lighting isn't perfect. The sex was though. This was Vicky hitting her first orgasm LL. She had said she would like to see the look on her own face when she came.
You can guess where I was from where this shot is taken from. Deep inside her.
Vicky was a great lay and we some great sex over a period of 2 1/2 years. She lived nearby, but not in my village....oh ... she was married. My first married woman of that year, but not the last LL. You were well and truly shafted, so were they๐!
As to Vicky I thought you might like to see a woman in the throes of being satisfied by me. In all instances in my rich and varied life since 2004 every woman has come back for more. You will probably remember why....
To finish, here's a little something to make you smile...maybe. It has no personal connotation, I hasten to add. I'm not a 'sprinter' more a 'marathon' man!๐

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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