For LL
What can I say here, I wonder. These photos and others, to follow, from an extensive portfolio are focused on this one theme and are entirely for you to consider LL.
Far from 'pottering about in a new build', I built whole new world with Ash and the businesses we own. Yes,I have withdrawn from much of the day to day stuff, but am still on hand and involved in strategic decisions. That has enabled me to develop my career as an author, outstripping your guy by a mile in fame and fortune, a culinary expert of some note and of course my photography. So, pottering about, a definite no!
To say I was lucky all those years back, after we parted was wrong in most respects, but not in all. I guess I have been lucky with women - you excluded of course. On top of that (excuse the pun) I have seen and photographed many beautiful women...and a few not so beautiful. I have seen enhancements, Botox lips and silicon effects. Most were quite natural, especially depending on which part of the World I was in.
I am sure you will appreciate that women like to feel sexy and in this portfolio and another to follow they dressed in lingerie to achieve that effect. For my part, I was up close in many instances and personal in a few. Eleven years have elapsed and in that time many, many women have passed in front of my lenses and a few dallied a while.
So bearing all that in mind view what follows and read the notes and mildly humorous captions I have written. While you are, think of that guy you cheated on and ask yourself was it really worth exchanging what you now see he has and enjoys, for what little you have in your life. Remember too, that he loved you, more than you ever realized.

Elasticity or the Thing about Thongs

Class and Curves

Lace All the Way

A cheeky encounter.
This French lady (?) insisted on no panties for this shot and she was married. But hey, it was France after all and he was quite...old. Carcassonne, France 2006

Blind and Blonde
This woman had wonderful hair and the body to grace it. More suspenders and a great butt. The front view was pretty good too. I often used blinds in photos as they are a foil of horizontal hard lines against the soft lines and curves of a womans' body. Studio, 2007 USA.

Sex and the City
This young woman had everything and nothing. A beautiful home a beautiful body and yet she had lost two men who had walked out on her. We met in San Francisco in May 2006. This is her home and her dress (?) or should I say 'undress', after a joint shopping trip. Brief (pun intended), but very nice. The lower 'garment' was my suggestion LL

Lace and 'Stimulating' Beads
This, and the one below, are both studio art shots for want of a better category. The shot above is on a timer as I was needed to assist with this staged shot. New York 2006. If you don't understand the beads, let me know and I will explain...

Suited and Booted?
New York 2006
New York 2006
This one above is quite an early example of my work.

All Fingers and Thumbs
This lady had a holiday cabin on her family's farm in Oregon. I was introduced for a photo shoot by a relative resident there. I know they didn't think it would involve this kind of photo, but the lady wanted them and you can't refuse a lady can you. Gorgeous body and after some work with Photoshop this shot and others were the result.
The next three shots include features 'below the belt' ...

Less is More
Some ladies really liked to relax in my studio and this was one of the very first. Here she is relaxing in my old apartment in London, which served as my studio as well. The apartment is long gone, sold, now. I did have it back then between 1997 - 2006 and I recall asking you to join me once LL. You refused, a foolish decision as you later admitted. Photo 2004.
I never did tell you about it before, for a number of reasons. One was that I didn't entirely trust you from early 2004, and I was right. Secondly, it was my bolt hole which few people knew about and where I could enjoy London from. Lastly, of course, it served as my studio back then. It was three bedrooms with two devoted to photography. The master was for me 'the master'. Any one who stayed over slept with me...they were all women and some were 'all woman'. That reference to 'master' was something a few liked in the fantasies they enjoyed.

The 'Lady' Garden
Same lady as above. Gardens need cultivating, don't they. I plowed a good furrow there,providing all the satisfaction that was sought. London UK 2004.

A Navel Affair
This was in New York again 2006. After your time LL. I was introduced to many there thru contacts and this lady was one of them. What started as a standard shoot of her in her wardrobe of various clothes at various locations including this, her apartment, ended up as a naval affair (hence the pun above). I was ex Navy and she came from a naval family (USN that is).
As I recall she wanted some more risqué shots once she was confident and secure with me. This was one of them, and one I treasure. Yes, she did go the whole hog and all you see above came off ending up in a pile on the floor. There were plenty of frisky ladies out there, and she was one of them. Quite an afternoon.

Slip and Dip Or Taking the Plunge
Studio 2008
Nice boobs as I recall.
Held in Suspense
I love the lingerie she wore in this shot. That and the beautiful curve of those buttocks. Perfick! Where are yours LL...heading south? Adequate up top, but not over the top, if you follow. She had these old type phones scattered throughout the house and I managed to capture one in this photo. A grand place and quite a grand lady, up there in Virginia.

Hedging her Bets
All Cupressus and Curves
Three guesses as to where this is LL. Taken in 2004, Norfolk, UK with my old camera, back then. Guess you could say she was a 'house guest'. No panties on this late September day - quite brave and I didn't know until she asked me whether I wanted her to be cheeky in the photo. I found out what she meant by that and naturally recorded it.
I'll leave the rest of that day to your imagination. She did say that my place was her auberge - meaning sanctuary - her weekend bolt hole from her work and other issues.. That should ring a bell with you LL
I'll leave the rest of that day to your imagination. She did say that my place was her auberge - meaning sanctuary - her weekend bolt hole from her work and other issues.. That should ring a bell with you LL

Having a Spanking Good Time
That 'v' in her pants and in her buttock cleft was not the only 'v' on display that night.

Cups Full - Mug Empty
This was a break in a studio shot for two young women in New York 2014

Ripe and Red-ee
New York again. I spent a lot of time there between 2006 and 2007 and since, partly setting up my studio. I like this shot as the red contrasts very well against her skin tone and the white of the couch.
My suggestion she wear red - her idea to show herself in what is a private photo and photo shoot in this manner. Since taking up photography on a serious level and in this category in particular, I have always been amazed how ready women are to show their bodies off to the camera. For my part, I took some training in NY and so learned how to pose a subject to best effect.
Flawless perfection in her skin tone, and I told her so. Gaining the trust and confidence of subjects is important, as that is when they relax and pose to much greater effect. Some of course need no encouragement.
Ripe fruits always needs feeling to test their readiness, of course....and there I'll leave it😉

Stretching a Point or ... Two
Red and black are another great combination, as demonstrated by this young nymph (omaniac) from 2007. Some situations are a 'tight fit', but can be very stimulating if a little easing is applied.

Zip-a -Dee- Do-Dah!
This shot is taken at an angle - she's standing up in reality. London 2006.
On the Tip of My Tongue
...and several things were at appropriate moments. No inhibitions from this lady. This and other shots were personal - not a commission. She had a body to die for and, at that time, I would have!! Your upper accoutrements pale in comparison, don't they. No silicon and I can confirm that from personal knowledge

Strings Attached
In fact the opposite strings attached, in the end. You should know who this is LL.... Not quite as small as you once said.

A Mere Snip
Close up and personal. The cut was never made - it was just a device for the shoot. A commission for a lady who wanted some shots for her partner. I think this was 2007 and it was in New York again.

Another commission. This time in Massachusetts 2008. I like the teasing nature of this photo. Amazing how many women in the throes of a shoot like this 'come on' to the photographer...

Keeping A Breast
A beautiful woman and 100% natural - no silicon, no enhancement. A white shirt borrowed from yours truly. What is it with women and white shirts? I have to admit they do look sexy on the right woman.
Digressing slightly, I recall leaving you with black and white LL. A black gown and a white shirt. I bet the gown went, but I'm not so sure about the shirt. I also left you with a black and white decision to make. Unfortunately you made the 'black' choice, not the 'white'. Unfortunately for you, but not for me.

All Curved and Crossed
London 2014 - a commission. The lady is an agency model - the client a fashion business.
So, there's a cross section of lingerie ladies for you. I have many more in my portfolio and may publish another blog soon.
You are off to, what you deem, a warmer clime soon. Not as warm as here, I know, and more of the same old stuff there. I guess you get to relax, but you never see the world do you, never venture outside the same destinations, in fact never venture out of your cocoon. I once thought you were adventurous, but you're not. It's me that is the adventurous one. You would have loved life with me, but you chose otherwise and are now well and truly trapped in a rut.
Sad, but your decision and your choice.
That's all for now...
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