Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lingerie Three

For LL

More in that lingerie series LL from around Europe and here in North America

Perfection Personified, Plainly

Denmark. Warm vest required - the cold plays havoc with nipples. Uncovered they really stood to attention.

'Pillows' and Palms and Passau
or Fingers Frills and a Fraulein

On my way to Vienna, Austria in Spring of 2006, I stopped at Passau, for a few days. It's in south east Germany LL...and found this lady wanted to occupy me and she did and then some.

As often happens to people traveling on their own both seeking some comfort. Drinks at the bar one evening and this lady from Berlin decided it would be more fun together than apart  - so did I. What is the phrase ... two mutually consenting adults. That is what we were. This was taken just after a bathroom visist on her part. back in the bedroom in panties and her shirt, but the bra had disappeared. (I found it the next morning hanging from the towel rail.

Those lace panties remind me of two nights of complete bliss and pleasure. She liked to spend her time on top first time around and then be 'approached' from behind to finish up.

Overflowing...Cups and Butts

Those Southern Belles sure have nice 'bells' and butts and this near forty something lady filled the bill and her bra.

Taken at her home in Savannah, Georgia and she was.

Palm and Panties
Table d'hôte and Al la Carte

Würzburg, Germany Spring 2006. She was quite young, as can be seen from the above photo. The lady in Passau was my next stop on that trip. (see two photos before).

Table d'hôte means literally, the host's table. She was the host for this shoot and this was her kitchen table. Her idea to take this and other shots in the kitchen. German reputations for being serious and efficient are no doubt well deserved, but there is another side to them, especially the women as I found out on my trips there

What followed was pure al la carte. How did I end up across this table taking this photo? Long story, short. Decided to drive to Italy via the Low Countries, Denmark, Germany and Austria. More of those places in another blog.

As I said you never really knew me, and you didn't. I was and am much more a man of the world than you ever imagined, which is why I have referred to you as being very parochial LL. Through my photographic website I receive quite a few requests for photo sessions. Even back then my work was admired. So I thought I would combine the trip with some shoots. I think I was away about seven weeks all told.

Along the way this German mädchen came into focus through her friend who had met me for a shoot two days before. She said her friend had recommended me and would I take some photos of for which of course she would pay me. She was petite and quite attractive with a good figure.

I reckoned looking as good as she did she would want some photos that would enhance her looks. She told me 'Genau', which means exactly

All in One Piece

Connecticut, USA. I thought of Victoria's Secret when this lady appeared from her bedroom dressed in this delightful set, but I was wrong. It was more like Saks. 

Unlike the latter, however, it left little to the imagination. I smiled when I saw her sit down opposite my camera and tripod and she said that I obviously liked it. I think I said something like you bet.  Then the shoot went ahead and I found myself there for the rest of the day..and night.

My next call after that was Newport Rhode Island then back to New York...but things happen when you are traveling around....

Balance in Blue
Commission - studio shot. lovely long legs on this model. Drinks afterwards, nothing else. London 2012.

Silicon Valley?

Paris, France 2007. You may think so LL. But they were all hers and un-enhanced and ... I can vouch for that!

Slap it...On

Pre- shot final touches. I dare not slap that butt as it would show in the set....so I saved it for later.

Full Set
London Studio 2007

She had a full set, very full in certain parts.

Fabulous Features and Fancy Fripperies 
Rhode Island 2007

Sometimes ladies need a little help getting the best from them, photographically speaking. So, arranging their attire, their stance and angle of shot are all part of the 'job' She looked great in just the hold-ups and with her legs in the air.

Sinuous and Sexy
Oregon 2005

She skated in the winter and we both skated on thin ice that March, in 2005. It was exciting because we didn't know if and when we might be interrupted. Quick photo shoot and afternoon games in the bedroom before someone came home. It added a certain frisson to our activities and some urgency to our athleticism. 

Ciao Baby!

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