For LL
The title is Spanish for conquests and that is exactly who these women are and I am to them.
Let your imagination run LL, having regard to some of the dates. You were right about sex and women 'out there' wanting to get laid. There were many and what was quite surprising to me, and no doubt to you now, were the number of younger ones that stepped up to the plate, so to speak. I guess their hormones raged a lot more than older ladies. Certainly seemed like it at the time. Words like Rampant, insatiable and....frequently come to mind in many cases.
There were older women in their fifties, of course, but far fewer than those that were younger. You can achieve a lot in four years. From March 2004, which should mean something to you, unless your memory is failing...mine isn't.
It was a hot day, there are a lot of waterfalls in western Oregon and the mountains are named as the Cascades. Check it out. We had been in our swimmers (that's an Aussie expression that I've adopted) but look how we ended up. I had my place in Lake Oswego by late 2005. This was during one of my trips there that year before we parted, finally. I think you can tell the water is cold from close examination of the photo😉
London 2006
London has I guess around 8 million inhabitants. More than some countries. A lot of them are women and quite a few women who are on their own young and not so young. The lady above was one of the younger ones who occupied my bed a few times. I used to love her firm perky breasts and puffy nipples.
Barbados 2007
Flew there via Miami from FM during one of my visits to the real estate. Thought it would be different. It was. Great scenery enhanced by the lady above. This was taken on a secluded beach on the east side of the Island. Just being cheeky I guess but we had had a roll in the sand. She was/is American.
Near Indianapolis
This encounter occurred after my visit to friends outside of Indianapolis in March 2005. In fact it took place in the hotel I was staying in near the airport. That was her stole/scarf that she's draping around her pussy...just for the photograph. I was on my way to Cincinnati and then Salt Lake City if you recall.
South Carolina
This was later in early-ish 2007. There was a nearby university where I was staying....we'll say no more. Lovely young thing though.
Christmas 2005
She was my Christmas present that year baubles and all. In pretty good shape wouldn't you say LL. The presents? They were for her.
Nothing 'heading south' there. I used to think of my apartment near Tower Hill as my 'love nest' and it was. A nest that was regularly in play, as you might say. There was plenty of play there over the few years I owned it. See the following three photos
Laid Back
Two and Three


Double Trouble
New York 2006
A commission for these two ladies taken in my then 'studio' in New York in 2006. Beautiful bodies, on more endowed than the other, but then you know what they say about redheads...
Nothing more was intended than the photos shoot.
Part of the props of any photographer are cushions, couches, seats, chairs and other props. For some shots I also had a mattress available. Instead of getting dressed as the shoot came to an end the lady at the back took to the couch and said she wanted to relax and sat there with her legs wide open. Her friend the woman at the front also sat down or half lay down and said come and join us. I dd and ....ever had a threesome LL? I have a number of times - me and two women. It's fun and these two were certainly that and knew what to do!
Paris, France
Weekend in late September 2005
You probably won't remember but after Cyprus that month in 2005 I shot off to Paris for a long weekend with my lover there. That was before I came to see you for the last time as your 'partner' in October the same year. I have shown her face in this shot as you will never meet her in a million years.
I took this shot at her apartment just after we had sex and I was about to step in with her. Yes, she is French. I met her some years before on a business trip. Nothing happened then, but we regained contact in early 2004 and had an affair that lasted a couple of years until mid 2006
Massachusetts 2006
Another shower another country. She was one bouncy lady especially when she was riding me for all it was worth and it was worth a lot to her and to me
Studio - France 2006
Not Paris but much further south, down where the sun shines a lot. She had just shed a summer dress hence no bra straps and wanted me to take a series of shots of her. Believe it or not that tan was all over and I mean all over. If you saw her place you would know why. Very secluded.
Naughty Girl
Spain 2007
This was not meant to happen but it did. She was an assistant at a local super mercado in/near Puerto Banus. I needed something they didn't have in stock, so it was arranged they would deliver.
Late I think the day after this young lady turned up with my order. I asked her into my villa and offered her a drink while I went to get some money. When I returned her skirt was on the floor of the kitchen along with her panties. She could see I was a bit taken aback but calmly walked over and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Not a word was said by her. I didn't know where to put my hands so I put them...on her butt. She was very slim, young firm with quite a small ass and long slim legs. Next ting was she removed her arms from around my neck and pulled her top over her head revealing those pert young breasts you see above (that photo was taken two days later).
Then she removed my shorts and pants and knelt down and started using her mouth on my now proud member. The rest you can imagine but I did carry her through to the bedroom. She was quite the nymphomaniac. A tight fit but we managed.
Are You Winking at Me?
Studio - London
Summer 2006
Commission - well it was to start with. This happened toward the end of the shoot when she said take some shots of my bum. Up until then it had all been quite innocent, until she asked whether I liked her pussy. I leave you to fill in the blanks LL
Kent and London UK
After you LL, I made contact with this lady who lived near Canterbury and met her for coffee in Fenwicks a nice department store in the City. We hit it off from the word go and that night had dinner at a small Italian place we both knew. Long story, short. We went back to her place in a small village south east of the City and spent a good part of that first night exploring each detail. As this photo reminds me she had gorgeous boobs...and much else to offer.
Our relationship continued for some time whenever we both felt the need and I felt like feeling her, all over. Partly at her place and partly in London at my apartment. That was the one you didn't believe I had and the one I invited you to join at to live. C'est la least it was your life. Mine was and is hunky dory.
New Mexico - Where Else!
This is a whole different story and some I met after Phoenix and Tucson. My blog on Arizona refers. I will tell this encounter in detail separately, sometime.
Florida 2006
Hey! LL. It was easy to get laid in Florida and things were pretty good the more I became familiar with the area. So this somewhat buxom gal, spent some fun times at WLC. Having a garage with access to the house from within had it's advantages from prying neighbors. That is a soft soft rug she's sitting on.. Both of us can attest to that and test it we did.
Bristol UK November 2005
I spent many a happy long weekend with this friend in Bristol, UK in 2005/2006 and a little of 2007. Unlike you she was slim and tall with long legs and a bust to boast about -excuse the alliteration! The above shot was taken quite early one morning.
We were quite close and I think we might have married if events hadn't changed that. We are still good friends, unlike you. Days spent eating olives and sipping wine both in Bristol on the Quayside and in Marbella. Happy, happy days. She was the lady on the beach in Devon, in an earlier blog.
Above and Below
Thetford Forest Summer 2006
This situation was a bolt from the blue, if you will excuse the reference as applying to the blanket on which Laura is lying.
It's amazing how one thing leads to another and this is just such a set of one event following another and leading to....
I had a niggling pain in a tooth having banged my jaw on some wood working outside. I left it for a week or so, and took some pain killers but, eventually, I decided that I should get it treated
I knew Laura from my dentist surgery in Norfolk, UK. It was a training practice and therefore had a number of fairly newly qualified practitioners. Laura was one of them. Normally, I saw the same guy each time, but on this one occasion he was ill. I, therefore, saw another dentist who turned out to be Laura. My treatment involved several visits and we chatted each on each occasion, albeit with a dental assistant present most of the time.
On my third visit, as I left and made my way downstairs, Laura caught up with me and said maybe we could 'do coffee' sometime. I was a little surprised as she was in her early 30's and I was nearly 20 years older. We quickly exchanged cell phone numbers and I went on my way. I have to say, with a spring in my step. No often an older guy gets an invitation to spend time in the company of a young woman as attractive as Laura.
Digressing briefly, for some reason that remains a mystery to me to this day I seem to attract lovely woman, young and not so young. Some have said it is my smile and my eyes, but I remain mystified, although in no way complaining!
I didn't expect a text, as I thought after that visit she would have second thoughts. That seemed to be borne out by the fact that I didn't receive any confirmation for over week. Then I did. She had been busy and had also gone home to Sussex to see her parents. So we fixed up a meeting in Norwich and I suggested we had lunch together. That was some 20 miles away from where she lived so not difficult. She was less than 5 miles from my country home.
We met, had a lovely day that Saturday and arranged to meet the following day for a picnic lunch in Thetford Forest. We went to a secluded spot I know in among young pine trees and well off the road. It was a hot day and I wore shorts and a polo. Laura had made most of the picnic and I had brought with me some drinks. She wore just a sleeveless summer dress.
Laura had filled me in on her background a little. Hailing from Sussex, she had gone to university, then of course graduated. Most of her friends were in the south and London.. Both being from south of London, we had that in common and also surprisingly a shared sense of humor.
That day we amused each other with tales from our past and a good laugh generally.
We had been picking at our food, saving most of it for a little later when Laura said 'I'm hot and I don't just mean the temperature!'.
'Unzip me please' she said, standing up. I did so and her dress fell to the ground.
She stood there with her back to me wearing just her bra and some rather sexy looking panties. 'Now the bra', she said. So I obliged. She still stood with her back to me so I shed my shirt and before I could wrap my arms around her waist she slipped her panties off. All she wore then were her earrings. My shorts etc came off in quick order and she turned and we embraced. She had gorgeous boobs which were untanned. In fact she only had brown arms and shoulders as I recall. I'm amazed that I remember such details but rather than failing as I get older my memory seems to improve
I had my hands on her butt and she had grabbed mine as well. Then her hand slipped round to my hard member and I took her breasts in hand literally. Then she parted her legs and allowed me to slip in between. She was wet, her nipples hard and her boobs firm.
We made good use of that blue blanket on the ground LL. Seems Laura hadn't been laid in a while as she came back for more...twice that afternoon...after lunch. We stayed in the nude until mid late afternoon.
'We must do this again', she said. 'Lunch or sex?', I asked.
'Both' she replied.
We did.
LL - as you can see from the photos she was a lovely young sensuous and high on hormones back then.
I had a niggling pain in a tooth having banged my jaw on some wood working outside. I left it for a week or so, and took some pain killers but, eventually, I decided that I should get it treated
I knew Laura from my dentist surgery in Norfolk, UK. It was a training practice and therefore had a number of fairly newly qualified practitioners. Laura was one of them. Normally, I saw the same guy each time, but on this one occasion he was ill. I, therefore, saw another dentist who turned out to be Laura. My treatment involved several visits and we chatted each on each occasion, albeit with a dental assistant present most of the time.
On my third visit, as I left and made my way downstairs, Laura caught up with me and said maybe we could 'do coffee' sometime. I was a little surprised as she was in her early 30's and I was nearly 20 years older. We quickly exchanged cell phone numbers and I went on my way. I have to say, with a spring in my step. No often an older guy gets an invitation to spend time in the company of a young woman as attractive as Laura.
Digressing briefly, for some reason that remains a mystery to me to this day I seem to attract lovely woman, young and not so young. Some have said it is my smile and my eyes, but I remain mystified, although in no way complaining!
I didn't expect a text, as I thought after that visit she would have second thoughts. That seemed to be borne out by the fact that I didn't receive any confirmation for over week. Then I did. She had been busy and had also gone home to Sussex to see her parents. So we fixed up a meeting in Norwich and I suggested we had lunch together. That was some 20 miles away from where she lived so not difficult. She was less than 5 miles from my country home.
We met, had a lovely day that Saturday and arranged to meet the following day for a picnic lunch in Thetford Forest. We went to a secluded spot I know in among young pine trees and well off the road. It was a hot day and I wore shorts and a polo. Laura had made most of the picnic and I had brought with me some drinks. She wore just a sleeveless summer dress.
Laura had filled me in on her background a little. Hailing from Sussex, she had gone to university, then of course graduated. Most of her friends were in the south and London.. Both being from south of London, we had that in common and also surprisingly a shared sense of humor.
That day we amused each other with tales from our past and a good laugh generally.
We had been picking at our food, saving most of it for a little later when Laura said 'I'm hot and I don't just mean the temperature!'.
'Unzip me please' she said, standing up. I did so and her dress fell to the ground.
She stood there with her back to me wearing just her bra and some rather sexy looking panties. 'Now the bra', she said. So I obliged. She still stood with her back to me so I shed my shirt and before I could wrap my arms around her waist she slipped her panties off. All she wore then were her earrings. My shorts etc came off in quick order and she turned and we embraced. She had gorgeous boobs which were untanned. In fact she only had brown arms and shoulders as I recall. I'm amazed that I remember such details but rather than failing as I get older my memory seems to improve
I had my hands on her butt and she had grabbed mine as well. Then her hand slipped round to my hard member and I took her breasts in hand literally. Then she parted her legs and allowed me to slip in between. She was wet, her nipples hard and her boobs firm.
We made good use of that blue blanket on the ground LL. Seems Laura hadn't been laid in a while as she came back for more...twice that afternoon...after lunch. We stayed in the nude until mid late afternoon.
'We must do this again', she said. 'Lunch or sex?', I asked.
'Both' she replied.
We did.
LL - as you can see from the photos she was a lovely young sensuous and high on hormones back then.
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