For LL
Over the last 12 years it has been my privilege to photograph many subjects, and nature in all it's stages and seasons. I never tire of it, and see new images everywhere I look.
I have heard that photographing beautiful women in various stages of undress, or indeed naked, can dull the senses and cloud those visions of beauty. Not so in my case, it is still a great pleasure and I must have photographed hundreds over the years since I took up photography, seriously.
Once in front of the camera, and relaxed, many of my subjects felt quite liberated from their day to day lives ... and their clothes.
Here is a further selection in the lingerie series LL. You really didn't know me did you. Apologies in advance for my modest attempts at humorous captions.
These and all the others are just for you to realize that I was never needy and while you were in your rut from 2005 to now, I never was. Life is for living LL...and you are not really living it with that guy.
In Feet First
or Hips Ahoy
Studio shot London, around 2006. The rest of her was pretty good, too.
Stepping Out
This was taken in New York early one sunny morning, outside the place I was using as a studio, back then. Nice lady and famous...over here.
Languishing in Lace
It was supposed to be a photo session at her place, but a little sex got in the way. This was just before the action LL. Who could resist those thighs and boobs...and a very nice butt. Cambridge, UK 2007.
Cups and Bowl
California 2006. This lady ate grits several times a day. I guess it gives you an appetite and...she had an appetite and then some. This bowl had held some pastries on this occasion. Sticky lips ....if you follow
A Perfect S
(or Ass)
Commission - Carcassonne, France. French panties are so sexy, wouldn't you say LL
Lady in Red
Commission New England 2005. I've used a vignette effect and soft focus to get this shot. It was a commission but, as so often happened, she came on to me and, hell, I have never wasted an opportunity or a good woman. Fun all round in that house, on that day.
Drawing the Drapes
Commission South Carolina 2006. Actually, not drawing the drapes (curtains over there). Can be pretty sweltering in SC, but this occasion was quite innocent. Nice boobs.
Classic Cleavage
London January 2006. At the time I was supposed to be in hospital...remember? I was being 'comforted' though, by this lady, for most of that month, as I recall. Yes, I was in London when he was phoning around hospitals, probably in the sack with Helen above.
Pale and Pointed
Another balcony shot. This time in Southern Turkey (May 2006) at a Hilton International Resort. You can figure out where LL.
I should expand, but this young lady didn't need to. She was on holiday as I was. I was getting bored. The resort had everything and there was no need to leave it. In fact it was pretty basic in the surrounding country if you did wander out. I remember noticing her red hair although it was tied back when I first saw it in one of the pools. Those boobs were fit to bursting out of her bikini I recall.
I was there for I think about 8 days. She swam up to me on the second day when I was in the pool. I should explain. The pool was/is vast and I was on my own at the far end. It turned out she was Welsh, which explained her hair color. She asked whether I was on my own. I confirmed that fact. She said she had brought her grandparents here on holiday but was bored.
They spent their time reading on sunbeds in the shade and sleeping and eating apparently. There was a beach much farther down the complex with sun beds and those thatched umbrellas, so we decided to get some drinks and wander down there separately.
She went first and I joined her later. We got to know each other and she suggested after eating that evening we join each other in the cocktail bar. Her grandparents turned in early.
We did and had quite a few very generous cocktails. Her room, as luck would have it, was on my wing and her grandparents on another wing and floor. We retired to my room and can guess what ensued, I took the above photo early the next morning. It's the only one I have of Jan. Her pale skin tanned over the days she was there and I got to see those untanned areas several times again
I can tell you one thing though LL those boobs were something else and all hers. Happy days!
Please Release Me
This lady loved her sexy lingerie and loved dressing up in it...and undressing. In this shot it looks like those nipples needed tweaking - they were. Carcassonne, France. same lady as above in the French panties
This lady, above, introduced me to the one below
A Nice Spread
A Cracking Ass
A Cracking Ass
I have an admission to make on this one and I'm not sure I should. You can judge LL.
I was hired if that's the word to take some shots of this upcoming bride to be in the sexy lingerie she was to wear on her wedding night. She wanted a record. This was in France - not Carcassonne - but nearby in a place just to the north called Pennautier. I had been asked as this lady was a friend of the lady just before the photo above. Incidentally, the photo below is also the same bride in a slightly different 'outfit'.
I called at the house on the morning in question in Pennautier with my equipment. I should explain that the word house is used loosely. It was a chateau and furnished in classic French style. Anyway having been greeted by here and shown the 'boudoir' where she wanted the shots taken I took my camera bags up two floors and set up. She started by wearing the outfit below and took I shots of her wearing what you see there.
After a while she donned the gown she had been wearing before the photos and left to change into the other outfit she said she wanted photos of. Coffee was there so I sat and waited drinking some delicious French brew and looking out of the window at the large lawn and country side beyond. It was summer and I could smell that aroma from fresh mowed grass wafting in another window further along from where I was standing.
I remember thinking how good life was after you, and where it had taken me. Then she returned, again in her gown. She sat down across from me with her legs together and turned sideways and drank some coffee. Then she said I want you to take shots of me like this and removed her gown and stood. It wasn't what I was expecting. She was wearing what you see above. Stockings and a suspender belt. Nothing else.
I couldn't help but look. Above the suspender belt were a pair of gorgeous breasts and below...well below was her pussy and a small fuzz of pubic hair. 'What do you think?' she asked in her lovely French accent. 'Lucky man', I said and smiled. Then asked her whether she really wanted shots as she was. She replied yes, but then said 'I don't want to waste this,' looking down at herself, 'and I'm not married...yet!'
At that point she walked over put her arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed her back and could feel her large breasts pushed against my shirt. It all went a little fast from there. She undid my shirt, my shorts and I grabbed those buttocks and started sucking on her boobs as she held her head back. She grabbed my penis and shoved it between her legs and I felt the wet down there from her pussy. To quote my caption above, she was well spread and shortly afterward she was in that position in the bed with me inside her pounding away and squeezing her boobs and nipples.
She was still wearing the stockings which were at one point wrapped around my waist and at another resting on my shoulders. She came and I came. It was a flurry of fast sex, writhing bodies and extreme exploration. After she came she wanted more. She had stood up by now and wanted sex standing. She encouraged me back to full hardness then raised one leg, wrapped it around me which parted her legs again and I entered her, thrusting up while she clung to me with her arms around my neck.
I grabbed her buttocks and then lifted her off the floor. She leaned back so that her arms were at full stretch but still gripped around my neck. She started her own motion then writhing against me with her pussy her legs around my waist. She was doing all the work now and she was perspiring. I saw it trickling down her boobs and wanted to lick it of. That motion which I guessed was to arouse her clit worked she came while we were still standing or at least I was.
I lowered her onto the bed and she lay fully back with her arms above her head and eyes closed. I pounded her really hard and felt myself close to climax again. I held it back for a short while while I licked her boobs and flicked on her nipples. I was surprised she convulsed again against me and when I put everything I had into those last moments before coming, she suddenly came herself again twice and it was pretty liquid.
I collapsed onto her.
I won't take this any further LL, but she did marry six weeks later and I have seen her a few times since when Ash and I spend time in Carcassonne

Holding Up Well
Another from the bridal shoot
Polka Pantie Pose
or Nice and Nipple Free
This was taken at the top of the house located in Oregon. She was a house guest in Lake Oswego with a need .... for a shot...or two.
Morning View
This was taken in Rome. I was here in, I think, Fall 2006. Came across this athletic...and I mean athletic.. lady from New Zealand. If I remember, she had heard something in the street and looked out...boobs and all. Then she came back to bed....boobs and all.
Secretarial Suspense
A serious shoot consultation that turned into some thing else entirely. New England. She sure did like dressing up to further her fantasies...photographically, and otherwise. She sat in my office chair too, dressed like that or should I say undressed like that. I had to rub the suspender marks away on her butt before taking further shots. What a chore😉!
I'll leave this one there...for now. I've fine tuned the photograph using Photoshop...she was fine tuned as well ...later
Bows, Butt and Boobs
Dressed for the camera in London. Lingerie shoot. All quite innocent
Proud, Perky and Pointed
It's quite hot in Pennsylvania in the summer...and thereby hangs a tale, which follows sometime.
When I look at some of the ladies I have photographed over the years and the larger firmer breasted ones, I can only think of three or four who had been enhanced. Nearly all were quite natural and in many cases I can vouch for that. That was certainly the case above. A pleasure to handle your business ma'am as they say...or at least I did at the time.
One day LL I'll fill you in, on Pennsylvania. I filled her in !!
Ciao baby!
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