For LL in the UK
Bit of a mixed bag here LL, but not an old bag to be seen anywhere. There are a few of my quite personal collection here so a little warning about the content. Having said that, all the ladies are very attractive. Photography has a lot to answer for but it has kept me very active for nigh on fifteen years. Some are personal friends, of course, not just chance encounters made via the lens of the camera.
This blog is from a few weeks ago
This shot was taken near Sheridan, Wyoming. This was a return visit after having met her the previous spring on my journey through the northern states. Grace was thirty five then and as you can see looked great. I could give you chapter and verse of how I came to be taking her photo in this field, but I'll leave that one to you. Let's just say that after the previous year we were intimately acquainted. In my case particularly with her gorgeous breasts.
Italy 2006
Giulia in Bergamo.
Norfolk 2004
Jenny taken in May 2004...and taken. Dressed for the pool, temporarily.
Cannes, France 2017
Lieke, a Dutch lady guest, who loves satin and smooth and slippery entrances.
New York
The eight shots below are of my New York lady. They are from my/our personal collection and all taken in the apartment in the Big Apple LL.

Savannah, Georgia 2016
Lauren. My plane gets serviced in Savannah LL...and so do I. Lauren is a lovely woman. I took this one sitting up on the bed. Rather good considering what we were both anticipating, don't you think.
London UK
Charlotte's idea, my camera
Souillac, France
This was an interesting encounter. The gardener's daughter. Sounds like the title to a book doesn't it The gardener wasn't there the weekend I was given the opportunity for this shot LL.
To know why Elisa felt quite confident being outside in the nude, you have to understand where my barn property is. First of all it is several miles from Souillac, the nearest town. It is accessed over a single track road that passes about two other houses that are at least half a mile apart. The house is behind a low wall and a large part of it faces a wooded valley with about an acre of lawn sloping down. To the right is the swimming pool, LL - heated of course.
In no way did I either invite or encourage Elisa. She just turned up one Saturday when I was there alone, asking if she could use the pool. We talked a bit and I agreed. The next thing I see looking up from my coffee is Elisa discarding all her clothes and diving into the pool. I caught the sight of her bottom disappearing into the water.
She swam a a couple of lengths LL then her head bobbed up at the side of the pool her arms resting on the kerb stones. I stayed at the table in the shade about twenty feet away. I could see her in the pool from behind my sunglasses. Then she lay on her back with the water twinkling in the sun all around her. In that position little was left to the imagination. As you can see Elisa is tanned or was back in 2016, all over, which told me that she was given to being in the nude on a regular basis.
I continued reading and then I heard her get out of the water. I had given her a towel. She wrapped it around her as she dried off and then wandered in my direction, her hair pretty much dry but all mussed up. Which is when I got the photo above. At first she had just stood in front of me but then she let the towel drop to the ground.
I had swung round in my chair. Being dressed in just my swimmers meant I had very little to lose clothes-wise. It was obvious what Elisa wanted when she stood over my knees with her legs wide apart. 'Enleve-les' - take them off. I knew enough French and know enough French to have understood that remark. Knowing she wanted to get laid even though nothing had really been said was enough. I stood and took them off. I was hard. Not surprising in the circumstances.
Elisa knelt between my legs and took me in her mouth for a short while until I was more than hard I was rigid. Then she sat on my lap LL while I got to fondle her breasts. They weren't large or small but they were very firm. Elisa was one sexy lady. She lowered herself onto me and started riding and rocking until she came. All the way through I had her warm tanned body in my hands, her hips her butt or her boobs.
After she had calmed from her orgasm she sat there still impaled on me and we kissed. I indicated we should go inside. We made it no further than the couch in the lounge where I pushed her gently back onto it length-ways. She obligingly opened her legs and raised them high. I entered her LL and we made slow and leisurely love until neither of us could hold back. In one great spurt of activity and lust for each other's bodies we both came.
That wasn't the end. I had that lovely firm slim body in my bed after we had lunched, all the way through until late afternoon. Elisa is a regular visitor when I'm there. Her code, our code, is I want to you want to....use the pool.
The gardener's daughter in a nutshell .. and in my bed/couch/lap.
Suffolk UK
Beth posed for this shot for me in 2004, another internet connection in all senses of the word. This photo was taken in early December according to my files. Rather nice don't you think LL
2007 somewhere off Mulholland Drive. That should tell you all you need to know, but you are probably not familiar with that part of Mulholland that I am talking about.
The lady was a client - no name in this instance, for an obvious reason. All started above board, but by the afternoon she became, shall we say, a little frisky. Finally, she posed in the nude revealing just about everything LL. The finally, refers to the shots I took not the finality of the day. That ended in her bedroom after some quite frantic athletics on her part.
A beautiful shot of a beautiful lady called Sophie. I was very fortunate in who I met and who I was referred to for the photography and frequently the other reason...
Boston, Massachusetts
Coffee with Ginette in her apartment in Boston in 2015. We had just gotten up....and she looked so gorgeous I just had to take this shot
A realtor giving me the lie of the land in 2017. Kate is indeed a realtor I have dealt quite a bit with her outfit and we started by having a few drinks together and then...well you know how it is LL. On the other hand maybe you don't.
I love this shot of Charlie when she psent a couple of weeks vacation with me in 2016. The reasosn are obvious and I guess I don't have to make a 'point' of it.
2006 with her parent's garden. they were in Italy at the time thank goodness, as she doesn't have any underwear in this shot. She didn't have any clothes on shortly after. Long legs and nice bosoms, who would want for more. Certainly not me LL
Nicola was almost the best of 2004. She lived right on my doorstep and I never knew it, until you played away LL. I had gone to the local pub, the one I preferred to have something to eat and a pint of Adnams bitter. (been a while since I've tasted that!). It was a Monday evening I wanted to unwind a bit after getting back from you and that trip to Florida. I had taken a book with me in the absence of company.
In walked a brunette, Nicola. I was sitting by a window sideways on with a view of both the bar and the car parking out front. I had seen her arrive in a little Nissan...same model as your s used to be LL, but from memory a newer version.
The pub wasn't busy. There was just me and an elderly couple, plus the bar lady who was,again from memory, reading a magazine. She looked up when Nicola entered as did I. The elderly couple were pretty involved in conversation and eating. My reading appeared to continue but I was aware that this rather attractive woman who had just walked in was asking if they did something light rather than a full meal. The bar lady apparently said she could rustle up a sandwich. By now my quiche and salad had arrive. I put my book down and started eating.
As Nicola turned away from the bar our eyes met and she smiled at me. I smiled back. It's human trait I guess LL, but folk seem to want to sit near other people when a place is nigh on empty and that is what Nicola did - she sat at the next table.
She ate her sandwich and drank some of whatever she was drinking. I noticed her hands, long and slim and her long and shapely. She must have known I would glance at her and she almost caught me a few moments later, when we both looked across at each other at the same time. Another sweet smile and then she joined me at my table.
A complete stranger then she asked, in what I came to know as her fairly forthright manner, why I was dining alone. I told her I was widowed and lived on my own. Nicola opened up about herself a bit when I asked her the same question. She was single, living alone and had popped into the pub for a quick drink and a snack, as she had eaten lunch beforehand. I told her where I least the village name. She said she lived close by in the next village. For you LL that could be one of three places so I won't reveal which one.
We obviously didn't know each other from Adam...or should that be Eve in her case? However, she said she was going back to an empty place which is partly why she stopped off at the pub. We seemed to have clicked a fair bit, so I said would she like to come back to my place for a drink and just a chat. She wasn't sure, so I said I would leave it with her. If she followed me in her car out of the car park then it was yes, if not then a no and I wouldn't be hurt.
She followed me.
The next morning LL, she was still there. No longer on the couch where we had enjoyed a drink, but lying alongside me in bed. I left her there that morning and made tea. By the time I returned she was awake and sitting up in bed making no attempt to cover her breasts. We drank our tea and then she told me how good the night before had been...for her.
We followed up on that almost immediately afterward LL. The photo was taken Monday May 17 2004.
Barbados 2007
Coral - I asked her if she was named after the stuff you find on a reef. She told me she was named after her favorite grandma, so I had gotten that wrong.
I have a place in Barbados. At the start when I first went to the Island I had a time share. This was back in 2008. It was a small apartment with two bedrooms, but as I amassed more wealth I sold my part of the time share onto the other two holders and bought a place of my own which is where you see Coral...outside my home there by the pool. This shot was taken in 2017.
You can figure everything else out did she take those shorts off and did she.
South Carolina
Grace is a lovely woman and now a close friend. I met her originally in our hotel in SC. That was back in 2016. At that time she didn't know me or that I/we were the owners, so we had quite a humorous encounter. I had arrived and went behind the reception desk to get my key card for my accommodation which is actually in the grounds of the hotel and not the main building.
I was about to pick it up when I was asked, by Grace, what was I doing. The duty receptionist arrived at just that moment and explained I was the owner. A very embarrassed Grace fell over herself apologising to me for her mistake. I smiled told her it was fine and that she had done the right thing.
That little incident seemed to click something inside both of us and over the course of my stay in 2016 we became quite good friends. I returned in 2017 on one of my visits. Good friends, became close friends - you could say bosom pals. Her bosoms and I was their pal. It started the night she wandred back with me to my place near the shore. I took this shot above May 12 of 2016 on a sclude part of shore that is close by.
New England
This lady was the very first stable girl (woman really) I had at my original home in New Hampshire. There were just three staff back then. A gardener who came and went when I needed him, a housekeeper and Terri who appears above
I say the very first stable lady I had because I did and she gave herself willingly to me. When I moved she had also moved on and another came into play but that was quite a bit later. This shot was taken in 2008. Terri was throwing her head back just feeling the early morning rays on her face. Fortunately I managed to get this shot off. Reminds me of some happy times we spent together.
Cannes, France
Another lady availing herself of my hospitality and the pool at the rear of my villa. Her rear was very nice too. Skinny dipping was something and is still something that takes place there depending on my guests. I will be missing it this year but I get plenty of contact via email, Facetime, Skype etc from all my one of course LL. Her name incidentally, is Harriet and she lives in the UK.
Cannes, France
Another lady availing herself of my hospitality and the pool at the rear of my villa. Her rear was very nice too. Skinny dipping was something and is still something that takes place there depending on my guests. I will be missing it this year but I get plenty of contact via email, Facetime, Skype etc from all my one of course LL. Her name incidentally, is Harriet and she lives in the UK.
This was a shoot at this lady's home in Belgravia last year, 2019. It was my idea to hand her that sprig of Gypsophila. The rest I leave to your imagination, although she did turn over onto her back soon afterward and......
Beccles, Suffolk 2005
I met Clare in late July 2005. At the time I had a fair bit on my plate...and some fair bits in my bed. How I met Clare was a bit unusual. It was while my late first wife was having treatment at hospital. Clare was one of the nurses that I had a lot of contact with at that terrible time LL.
That was my first meeting with her. Two years later I was having a coffee in Norwich when I became aware of someone standing in front of me. I put my newspaper down looked up and for a moment wondered who it was. That lack of recognition was dispelled almost immediately as Clare introduced herself. I invited her to take a seat and then ordered a drink for her. It wasn't surprising that I didn't recognise her LL.
I took into account that it had been nearly two years plus when I first met her it wasn't a good time. Top that with the fact that she wasn't in uniform and her hair was down rather that bunched up and it was obvious to me why I didn't immediate click on who she was. Clare was attractive, no doubt about that and she was friendly and caring. We talked about how I was doing, was there anyone in my life - I said no, although not entirely true. I wasn't referring to you there LL. I was referring to Lucy in London. At that stage, she and several others meant more to me than you did.
We sat there chatting for nearly an hour and then I suggested she might want to eat - I did!. We had lunch together LL. Clare told me she was single and had split from her last partner about four months ago. After lunch we were talking about the movies as we walked back to the car park. We were both in the same place but on different levels - John Lewis's car park. Clare asked me if I would go to movies with her. I told her I would and so the following week I met her at the Odeon in Norwich one afternoon and we saw 'Back to You and Me' LL. It couldn't have been a more appropriate movie for me and my situation - look it up.
We met up outside and then went inside to see the film. It was quite moving for me as I was still a bit raw over my loss (and your behaviour LL!) Clare took my hand during the film and held onto it until the end. I guess we were communicating something with our hands. She caressed mine and I caressed hers. hen before the lights came up she formed a ring with her thumb and forefinger and steered my forefinger inside. I am sure you know what that means LL.
After we left the cinema and walked back to our cars I had been invited to Clare's in Beccles. She gave me her address. I punched it into the Sat Nav and off we went. I was able to follow her, so the Sat Nav was superfluous as it turned out. It was around six to six thirty. Clare got us both a drink - white wine according to my notes - and we sat in the garden after she had returned from a visit upstairs. She was wearing what you see in the shot above LL. A nice cotton dress.
When I walked in I had brought my camera with me. I never leave it in the open in the car and I wanted to get a couple of photos of Clare. I did have other shots on the camera LL but it was a two card Nikon. Clare was up for it so I took some nice shots outside. She posed well.
Then we went inside. She offered me an armchair opposite the couch where she was already sitting with her legs tucked under her. Then...well then she held up her hand...made a circle with her thumb and forefinger, started undoing her dress from the cleavage downward and while doing so informed me she was wearing no panties.
As the buttons were undone her breasts were slowly revealed LL until all the buttons were undone. The dress hung on her shoulders and her boobs. I looked downward. There was the merest hint of pubic hair. My polo shirt had come off by now and as for the rest of me, I was down to my boxers and my interest was definitely showing. We went to bed. Clare came three times. Once courtesy of my tongue. By the time we had laid in each other's arms for a while. It had gone eight and we were both starving. We ordered a Chinese, had more to drink then sat outside before I was invited into her bed.
Clare and I enjoyed a relationship for over three years, longer by a mile than how long you lasted LL...and far more attractive.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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