LL in the UK
They say fortune favors the bold LL. It has certainly favored me, but then I was bold and you weren't.
Favors were what I received too, from many women LL. I was bold and more often they were but the end result was the same...very satisfying. I categorise a lot of my photo collections nad portfolios, so I have shots of individuals, places and then certain types of shot. For example the first few below are all women that I have taken shots of their butts either posed or purely by chance.
The circumstances, in a couple of instances, were where they posed. the rest, as a result of a liaison or two...or more. I guess I could write and describe each and every one of these ladies LL. Their personalities and their needs. However I will confine mysef to comments and maybe the occasional lengthier description.

Leah fell into my lap right after Christmas 2006. In fact, to be precise it was Tuesday January 10. We had been chatting for sometime, had eaten out a couple of times, kissed a couple of times but that was as far as anything went. Then post Christmas I heard from her. She had spent most of the period alone apart from Christmas Day with her mother. I sensed and she almost admitted, that she needed some company. Boldness on my part brought its reward.
The days were short then of course and it got icy in the evening and at night. Her home was an hour away so I agreed to drive there and stay for a while. I ended up staying two days LL, both in her house and at night and other occasions in her bed...making love.
As you can Leah had a rather lovely body and that,married to a pleasing personality, kept my interest up for over a year. It also made your antics seem so grubby by comparison. I took the photo the morning after I arrived Wednesday January 11 2006.
Having completed a shoot for Charlotte, dressed I hasten to add LL, she had a few more requirements. Taking a photo of her butt was one of them - rather nice don't you think - another was her breasts, and another was....
Be bold she said as I placed my camera between her open legs. Then removed the camera and replaced it with something more satisfying.
I was in Vienna seeing a friend, a female one when after leaving her I decided to hop over the border into Slovakia and Bratislava for a few days.
I met Kristina in a coffee place. I had been taking photos at St Michael's Gate and she saw me packing away one of my lenses and adding a 600 mm to my camera. Kristina was about one table away. A Slovak she told me who, luckily, spoke perfect English. This happened when she asked if she could join me wanting to know more about my equipment LL - the photographic type! Turned out she was nearly forty but looked a lot younger. I told her I was in the City for a few days and she started telling me what I 'must' see.
Then she offered to show me.
We spent that first day wandering around a lot of places some off the beaten track. We had lunch together and then she invited me back to her place, which turned out to be a place she had acquired at quite a low figure and that she intended renovating. That is borne out by the photo above that I took the morning after our coffee and lunch. I slept well that night. Not in my hotel but in that bed above, with Kristina as company. I provide her (and myself) with a certain amount of satisfaction...
Kent is famous for its fruit of course. There was fruit of an entirely different sort to be had there as well Had or have being the operative word.
I met Vicky coming back from France on the Eurostar in the summer of 2005. She was seated near to me. We talked all the way from Paris. Vicky lived near Ashford. I had travelled from London. She left the train at Ashford and so did I. It was all about sex LL. She hadn't had any for ages. We had gotten on well. She invited me to stay over for a couple of nights.
I did and we spent it fucking each other every which way, interspersed by some nourishment. We dined out even though Vicky suggested take out. She didn't mind me taking a few photos of her nude, but no full frontal shots. So I have the one above and some of her boobs and face, but not together.
When I had acquired my London apartment she joined me on a more than a few occasions in every sense of the word...joined.
Long legs and a very nice ass LL. Belen worked at a restaurant I spent a fair bit of time at pretty much on the front in Denia. She lived in an apartment over the restaurant. My visits were so frequent that I was counted as certainly a regular, if not a local. Belen started flirting with me after two weeks of me using the place regularly. If it was quiet should come over and talk (in English) often putting her thigh hard against my leg, or bending down to clear my table so I could almost see her nipples inside her top.
I could see her long legs LL, but I had to guess at her butt and the rest of her breasts. I didn't have to try very hard. I started flirting in return until one day she bought me my bill receipt along with a key beneath it and a time on the receipt. All she did was face me and look up. I nodded to indicate I understood.
The next day I found myself in her apartment, having coffee and then in the bed above having Belen and having her come three times. I spent the rest of my stay there in Denia between Belen three times a week and another lady most of the rest of the time...plus one other. Busy boy wasn't I. Not a bad vacation all told...and I managed to sell that shit hole of an apartment.
Not a bad view to wake up to is she LL. Her apartment. I have, right up until last year spent a fair amount of time in and around Bergamo, not all of it with Giada, but a fair bit. She is a lovely woman and more than a little hot-blooded when it comes to bedroom antics. I last saw her (in my hotel) last year. She sashayed in bold as brass and it too only moments to get down to what she had been missing.
On a hot day in New Hampshire I guess this wasn't a bad way to read a book. This photo was taken one lazy day at Fay's place in Hillsboro, to the west of my old place near Concord.
Fay was a regular....visitor to my place and me to hers. She was divorced and as you are well aware LL, I was widowed. She was a very nice and lovely lady with few inhibitions as you can see.
Never pays to be less than bold LL. You should have been in taking the next step with me.
I never felt even the smallest pang of guilt going with other women while you were still 'around'. You broke my trust in you very early on. There is one thing I cannot abide and that is liars...and you were the biggest and equally devious...or so you thought with regard to deviousness. You had met a 'master' and didn't know it!
Chris was pretty much the first lady I had in London....that year. This was taken at 2.07 pm on a sunny January afternoon after the main event, but before the follow up....and follow up I/we did. twice more.
Realtor's assistant who was not backward in coming forward, nor indeed in coming. One of the noisiest ladies I have come across and I did come across her ...boobs.
Jane was one of those ladies who was happy for me to catch her on the way up to you LL and then on the way back. So it was Thursdays and leave her Friday. Then Mondays and leave her on Tuesday or Wednesday. There was plenty to amuse me in York while she was at work. Then she amused me, teased me and serviced me when she got home. It was all about the sex. We just enjoyed it so much with each other. She always said to me there was no one else who, when inside her, made her feel the way I did.
She told me that she was glad that I had been bold and persistent enough for us both to meet and for what it led to.
Sara - Toulouse, France 2008
Sara, despite the English sounding name, was French. I guess you could say we were 'passing through' partners in sex. Bold moves on both our parts. No dinners, no romantic walks, she just took me to her bedroom and we had sex, lots of it over three days. twice at her place and once in my hotel room
I often wonder what your thoughts are when you see photos of women like Alex in somewhat intimate positions. What do you think of their bodies and the fact that your lover at the time enjoyed them and they me. Pretty much 100% your own fault that it all happened at all. I wasn't going to let you give me the runaround, so I boldly went forth and with no trouble at all found many willing participants.
Alex I met in the hotel I was staying in after returning from the States that spring. Why was I in Edinburgh? I was there to meet someone LL - a woman. I stayed in the hotel rather than go all the way home to Norfolk bearing in mind she wasn't due to arrive (by air) until the Wednesday. Alex presented herself as an opportunity and made herself available so what the hell. Tow nights in bed with her 9Oh and dinner) was a bonus I hadn't expected. This shot above was just after...if you follow, on the Wednesday morning at about 7.10 a.m.
A lady by day and a wild animal by night. Bold as brass in the bedroom.
On my way east during my big tour in 2007. Another willing lady - a younger one, who thought I was 'cute' until we went to bed and then she told me she thought I was 'fantastic'!
Someone I see from time to time when in Oregon. She likes my photos of her. The one above she suggested. She's very 'suggestive' is Suzanna LL. A bold woman with few hang ups.
Met Karen via a dating website. Two dinners out and a theatre visit and she couldn't stay out of my bed, or begged for me to be in hers.. I rather like this shot of her and her nipples. I have cropped her face of course as I do with nearly all my photos that appear here.
I never ever had any trouble filling the empty space to my left in my bed. Being bold certainly works. After your Florida revelation in 2004, I doubt I slept alone more than a handful of times...sometimes we did just sleep, but mostly we didn't to start with.
Abby - Norfolk 2004
Abby had decided she would look sexy in the manner she presented herself to my camera above. The three shots featured are just a few of those I took that day. It was June 2004. She achieved that see through look by stepping into the shower and then just dab drying herself. Naturally she had to strip off after the shots and dry most of herself - I dried the rest.
Abby, or Abigail, to give her her full name, was a woman who lived in Holme Hale a village nearby. Quite small, unlike Abby's breasts. I met her when I used to use the little mini market there from time to time. We drove through the place on the way to lunch at the Canary and Linnet pub. Little did you know....
Back then I just asked, quite boldly and guess what LL, the answer was almost always 'yes'....then later yes, yes yessss!'
Bernadette - Dublin 2018
I duly obliged over three nights. Who is Bernadette? She works for me and she likes what I can do for her and to her when not working.
I was last in Dublin at the back end of last year. Like a good Catholic, Bernadette liked to 'pray' on her knees in front of me, keeping her mouth fully occupied, while I blessed her chest with my touch.
Bold moves on both our parts...innuendo intended!
An old friend, who isn't old, but quite bold and dare I say more than a bit brazen. Sophisticated everywhere except in the bedroom where she's a bit of an 'animal' LL
Flora - Florida 2005
Flora posed for this shot at the condo I used to own at Gardens on Beachwalk. Talk about lucky LL, I was only there (you know where) for about 5-6 days and the condo was between rentals. Flora lived in a larger condo just along from mine. We bumped into each other twice in two days - separate days.
She saw my carrying my camera on both occasions. We chatted, she asked if I would take her photo, or rather a few photos, and I agreed. On the second separated days he wandered along to my empty but furnished condo. I think you saw it once. Flora was wearing shorts, short shorts, and a tee. She had great legs and from what I could see under her shirt, pretty good breasts.
I obliged with the photos and despite the AC she said it was hot in the condo (it wasn't), but it was her excuse, if she needed one, to remove her top and shorts for more photos in her what might loosely be called underwear. Her white lacy bra was fine - it did the job and more or less covered her. Down below was a different matter. She wore a G-string. As she slipped out of her shorts all I could see was a bare butt and little if anything covering it. When she turned around, you could say she was 'barely' covered.
She posed. I took her photographs LL and then, well she said it was warm, so we both shed our clothes. Hers taking seconds, mine minutes then she adopted the same pose as in the photo...above me. The rest...use your imagination. All I'll say is it was a great welcome to Florida after my stopover in Indianapolis.
In this case it was the lady, Flora, who was bold...I had no need to be
Jacqueline - Near Souillac, Lot, France 2018
Finally, something a little more recent. Jacqueline is someone you have seen before as are several others above. This rather risque shot which I really like was taken in part of the grounds of my place near Souillac. You can see the limestone outcrops that appear in various parts of my land there. I guess you can also see two other 'outcrops' with which I'm well acquainted.
She lives back with her elderly parents about a kilometre and a bit from my place. That arrangement is due to her divorce in 2016. So, as a result and also after some dinners out. She comes to me (and comes) for a little comfort and satisfaction. Mutually beneficial, you could say.
I asked her out and was indeed a case of fortune favoring the bold.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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