For LL in the UK
From time to time over the years since you LL, I have had occasion to go to Israel on business. This particular encounter took place in 2017.
Yael, wasn't business she was sheer pleasure. The year was 2008 and she posed for every one of these photos in her apartment, for me ....between things. Yes, she is young, but she also liked older men and I was lucky enough to be 'chosen'. That's a jest LL. I wasn't chosen as such, rather she slowly inveigled her way in. A touch on the hand. Her leg against mine when we were looking at figures and sharing a desk. The business was software, incidentally. We continue to diversify!
Then it was a hand on my leg. I was rather enjoying it all to be honest. I was there about ten days - Tel Aviv, that is. By the time day four came it was more than obvious that Yael was interested in me beyond mere colleagues, mere friends. I invited her out to dinner she guided me through the menu and we ate well. Me more than Yael.
She suggested I went back to her place and being 'fancy free', I agreed. Why wouldn't I. She was willing and I was hungry for a some fun in the sack. It was obvious that was what was planned and so it was. I stayed that night and two more. The photos were taken the first morning and afternoon of my stay at Yael's apartment.
She couldn't get enough of me, or rather my fella inside her. The shots below are broken by three separate bouts in her bed. I said she couldn't get enough. I was put through my paces that day LL, I can tell you and to my surprise she knew everything I knew and a couple more things that pleasured me more than her. I'm not going into details though.
I bet you are wondering just a bit LL, or...are you past it at your age.
Five times in twenty four hours LL. That beat my record with you didn't it.
Slim and lovely isn't she
Nice butt too!
A wee peek...tantalizing
To the bedroom
Teasing, but getting there
Time to suck
Another peek....and ....
....all is revealed!
An 'open' invitation
I'm all yours.... lick me
Now I'm open and ready....'come' on in!
There's a break here LL.....
Relaxing (?) in the afternoon
Kissable Yael
Aftermath...that feeling....
Come on in....
I'm ready
Point of entry...seconds before
Another break here LL
Early evening.....
This time...this way....
I'm coming, I'm coming ... and soon you will be too
Up and ready...both of us.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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