For LL in the UK
To me LL, women are the spice of life. Being fortunate enough to have a succession of beautiful ladies grace my studio, grace their homes and grace outdoor locations has filled my life with joy...and a few other things.
I guess I am one of those people who always lands on his feet, unlike the guys you have spent your life with. Yes, you did make the biggest mistake of your life when you messed me around...and you know it, for sure.
Landing on one's feet is not just good luck though. It takes a bit of planning, having alternatives, just in case, even if I undoubtedly do that, unconsciously, sometimes.
In the event when we parted, I was almost half way there to a new life. Leaving you way behind, but never, ever the memory of my first wife. That led me in a very informal way into photography as you now know, and into a very pleasurable life.
Portugal 2009
Believe it or not but this was a random shot, taken with the lady's permission in Oporto, Portugal in 2009...before I met Ash, of course. Long legged 'beastie', isn't she LL. Lovely girl who spoke English of course. My Portuguese doesn't get much beyond 'Bom Dia'.
Dorset, UK 2018
Neighbor and guest in my home at Sandbanks. Can't rattle around there on my own can I, so I didn't. Robyn adores the photos I take of her, including the nude shots. I adore her too she's great as are most of my there and everywhere.
Ottawa, Canada 2008
On a business trip to Canada, I met this lovely lady. The photo was taken in the hotel grounds. Deborah was staying on her own, which I found hard to believe, but she was. This was just before dinner on a summer's evening.
Rather than sit separately for a meal she accepted my invitation to share a table. I accepted her invitation to share her bed.
We remain great friends to this day and, yes, she still likes a roll in the hay with me when I am north of the border. Apparently, I bring her great 'satisfaction'. Now there's a surprise!
Cumbria 2005
I bought Caroline these shoes and she loved them. Funny isn't it that you were playing away with the fat man and I had much younger women almost 'hammering at my door' ... or should that be bed. She liked being 'hammered' by me...lots ... and as frequently as my visits to you...and not to you ... allowed.. She used wrap those strong legs right around my waist.
Nice 2007
There are so many lovely women in Nice, Cannes and St Tropez. This one will remain anonymous for quite good reason.. We had stopped for a drink. I dragged another chair over and she posed for this shot. Yes LL, I do know what is at the top of those legs and under that blouse, quite intimately...still. I will see her in France for our now annual get...together ... this year. I separated those words on purpose😜.
Kentucky 2007
Quite a dame this one. Name is Lorna, but no I never did. I don't fancy all the women I photograph.
Spain 2006
Bearing in mind the previous shot in Kentucky, sometimes women make it so darn obvious it is hard to resist. Such was the case here. This was taken near Granada, Spain. Not somewhere you would be familiar with keeping to the Costas as you do. I bet you don't know that it is warmer in cities on the Sierra Nevada in winter than it is on the coast.
I used to laugh a bit when you tried to 'educate' me about Spain. Long before we met I had been to Madrid, Granada, Cordoba, Seville and Toledo. The real Spain.
Back to the lady above, I use the term lady loosely. This young minx, who is Italian, not Spanish. Posed in a rather sultry and sexy way for this photo in a village not a million miles from Marbella. How did I meet her? She was staying at the hotel that I was using. She was there with two other girls - they were from Turin. Two of her friends wanted go shopping that day she didn't. My Italian was good enough to overhear and understand what they were saying.
Sofia, above, was a bit upset by the decision and as they left she sat at the breakfast table, looking down. Shortly after she looked up and across at me and smiled, LL. I asked her how she was (in Italian) and we got to talking. She joined me at my table and we chatted in a mix of Italian and English.
The upshot was we decided to spend the day together seeing the sights and having lunch together. Yes, she was young enough, by a way, to be my daughter. She was also quite naughty as I found out when I started taking her photo, one of which appears above. After lunch we ended up back at the hotel, in her bed, with those lovely legs spread wide. She had a nice tight pussy, I remember that well, although her youthful boobs were unremarkable, her dark nipples were very responsive!
I used to laugh a bit when you tried to 'educate' me about Spain. Long before we met I had been to Madrid, Granada, Cordoba, Seville and Toledo. The real Spain.
Back to the lady above, I use the term lady loosely. This young minx, who is Italian, not Spanish. Posed in a rather sultry and sexy way for this photo in a village not a million miles from Marbella. How did I meet her? She was staying at the hotel that I was using. She was there with two other girls - they were from Turin. Two of her friends wanted go shopping that day she didn't. My Italian was good enough to overhear and understand what they were saying.
Sofia, above, was a bit upset by the decision and as they left she sat at the breakfast table, looking down. Shortly after she looked up and across at me and smiled, LL. I asked her how she was (in Italian) and we got to talking. She joined me at my table and we chatted in a mix of Italian and English.
The upshot was we decided to spend the day together seeing the sights and having lunch together. Yes, she was young enough, by a way, to be my daughter. She was also quite naughty as I found out when I started taking her photo, one of which appears above. After lunch we ended up back at the hotel, in her bed, with those lovely legs spread wide. She had a nice tight pussy, I remember that well, although her youthful boobs were unremarkable, her dark nipples were very responsive!
Kent 1969
Another step back in time LL, and another girl friend from my youth - I was twenty one when I took this shot on an old Kodak of Ann. Another leave from the Navy, another girl and a few lays. Happy days eh...
They are still happy now.
California 2007
I was on a bit of an exploratory trip when I took this shot. No prizes for guessing. There might be a prize for guessing who, though. We had been on the beach, her tan line acquired over nearly two weeks is evidence of that. I guess her bikini bottoms were too wet and her panties too small hence ...commando. Luckily we were driving not using public transport...more like private, pubic transport on this occasion.
Who? Think Bristol, England LL. Nice butt, and it still is.
Dorset 2008
Sandbanks has seen a few visitors in the time I have owned my home there and Gina (Georgina) was one of them. I recall she posed for this shot rather naughtily because the location where I took it is not entirely private, but we got away with it.
As to her boobs and figure, I think the photo tells all the story you need to know LL. I will add that I had certainly been in the 'orange' zone.
South Carolina 2008
As you know, or should, if you have read my previous blogs, I own an hotel in the State. On this occasion, I had flown up from Florida partly on business involving the hotel and partly to carry out several photographic commissions.
Laura, above, was one such commission. That's it, nothing more, although she is a very pretty woman.
Norwich 2004
No name here. This was a photo or few that I was asked to take when I was still working, and after your revelation in Florida, in March.
This young lady worked in a neighboring department to the one I headed. Of course I knew her, I saw her nearly every day. She was aware of my interest in photography, my single status, which was the same as hers.
I agreed after some pleasant pestering at work to take some photos for her, free of charge. That was how she ended up in one of my new build properties in Norwich in the state you see her above. All her idea and who was I to complain.
She had a lovely little body - she was only an inch or two taller than you LL - and nice slim legs. After the shoot that Saturday morning we headed off for lunch on the north Norfolk coast. I recall it was a sunny day, and we went walking after our meal. Then headed back toward Norwich to drop her off. However, she had other ideas, of which I had no complaint, and instead we headed to my place. Yes, LL, the one you knew well.
She also got to try my bed, also the one you knew well.
New York Studio 2007
No real comment needed here apart from Ruth, the lady in question, lived in an upscale Manhattan apartment. Probably still does. I often wonder, when I see these folk around, whether they think back to the nude shots I took of them.
A bit like you, but without the $$$$'s'😉
Italy 2007
That was quite day. The one above and below - the same day. Before you wonder about the outside shot.
a) That is my car in the background,
b) the building is empty.
Oh, and the tripod and camera are mine. yes, all told not a bad day at all. Two Italian ladies who were happy to bare all for their shoot. Francesca and Vittoria are their names...or to me Frankie and Vicky. At least that was how I named them. I count myself extremely lucky to be able to photograph such women LL. talk about luck. Luck has nothing to do with it. If you are determined in life, and I mean really determined and focused, then anything is achievable. Even for you! But then you were never determined enough or focused for more than a short period.
They and I enjoyed that day of the shoot. I say that because the real fun came later when we moved inside. Incidentally I love the shot above. It is not posed in any way it was shear chance that they were in those positions when I took the shot. that is part of the skill of a good photography. 'Seeing' the shot.
Some short time after this second photo things got a whole lot more interesting. A threesome is very satisfying for all involved, LL. I bet you have never been party to such a situation, given your 'sheltered' life.
Let's just say no one was left less than fully satisfied...twice each in the case of the girls.
They and I enjoyed that day of the shoot. I say that because the real fun came later when we moved inside. Incidentally I love the shot above. It is not posed in any way it was shear chance that they were in those positions when I took the shot. that is part of the skill of a good photography. 'Seeing' the shot.
Some short time after this second photo things got a whole lot more interesting. A threesome is very satisfying for all involved, LL. I bet you have never been party to such a situation, given your 'sheltered' life.
Let's just say no one was left less than fully satisfied...twice each in the case of the girls.
Italy 2007
Near Philadelphia 2008
Over the years since you went your way LL, I have spent a fair bit of time in Philly and more often close by, to the north west of the city.Not with this lady though, but someone else.
This was taken in a studio I hired for the day. The lady in question is Elsa (her family hailed from Sweden originally). I do appreciate youthful beauty and Elsa epitomized it. The shoot was a commission, incidentally.
This was taken in a studio I hired for the day. The lady in question is Elsa (her family hailed from Sweden originally). I do appreciate youthful beauty and Elsa epitomized it. The shoot was a commission, incidentally.
California 2007
Part of my extended stay in California that year. This gorgeously long legged and well endowed lady is Monica. Initially this was a commission via a friend of hers that I had photographed (and fucked).
Seems my reputation went before me as shortly after this shot I was invited between Monica's legs. LL ... and it was a delightful experience for both of us. Twice for her. To this day neither know that I had each of them. I say that, as I called on Monica this week, and stayed over.
Italy 2008
This well endowed lady is Elisa. My visit to her was a refresher on my Italian. She was one of my teachers, back then. In fact we taught each other a thing or two as you may have guessed from this shot taken after an evening out in Venice.
One of those ladies one can say has plenty to grab hold of, and she wasn't fat either, just large where it me. Very accommodating of thickness too...if you follow. I real delight to be sliding to and fro on and behind Elisa. Boy, could she moan...vocally, during sex, I mean. She was great company outside the bedroom as well.
London 2005
As you became aware some time ago LL, I had an apartment in London that I never let on about to you. For good reason as you now understand. This shot of another near neighbour Claire, was taken there.
Claire was very sexy and when we both felt the need she would come on over to my place and we would have a party...not the eating and dancing kind. More drinks and sex. I took this one Sunday in 2005. Before we engaged in a little mutual 'exercise', not after.
A tight pussy and those firm boobs were in complete contrast to your attributes LL. I loved having those breasts in my hands and Claire loved what I did with them.
Claire was very sexy and when we both felt the need she would come on over to my place and we would have a party...not the eating and dancing kind. More drinks and sex. I took this one Sunday in 2005. Before we engaged in a little mutual 'exercise', not after.
A tight pussy and those firm boobs were in complete contrast to your attributes LL. I loved having those breasts in my hands and Claire loved what I did with them.
London 2005
This lady, Sarah, was quite a handful in a manner of speaking, LL, you can see. She even proved it with this shot taken in August 2005. A week or two before our Cyprus trip.
Sarah worked in a coffee place close to my apartment and we got to talking, going out for the odd meal and staying for a bit of humping, and we spent a fair bit of July and August humping LL. While you thought you were getting away with your dalliance with your man and others, me, I was way ahead of you with much younger ummm...models. Sucking Sarah's tits was lovely, apart from what else came with them!
Suffolk 2006
Sometimes I was, and still am, surprised at what lie under some of my ladies tops. Lynne was a case in point. I met her through a dating website, not the one we used LL. In fact I met a lot of women through the website I used, both before and after you but all post March 2004.
As you can see from this shot of Lynne sunbathing, she had almost the best 'pair', I have encountered. She didn't know I had taken the shot but she approved of it when I showed her. You needn't know about our bedroom 'adventures', you can use your imagination. But, just imagine here I was just a short few months after you enjoying this and other ladies favors, while all you had and have is short fat guy.
New Hampshire 2007
When I acquired my first New Hampshire home LL, one of my first visitors wasn't an American or a Brit but an Italian lady called Claudia. That is Claudia above and she is also my main partner when I am in Italy. We renewed our' friendship' last year, and she is still slim and looking great.
This shot was taken down by the lake early summer of 2007. More food or fodder for your imagination LL.
Greece 2008
Skyros in fact and the lady is a friend from St Tropez, France, not that she is French. Caterina is in fact Italian, albeit originally from Como in the north.
We enjoy summers together when the mood takes then and now. A few weeks together usually. You have no idea of the circles I moved in did you.
Los Angeles Studio 2018
I'm still photographing beautiful women LL. I guess there is no need to retire from such a 'rewarding' activity. I say rewarding because it is, both aesthetically and ... physically. I quite like this shot which I composed with Lorna last year.
Needless to say, dressed like she was it didn't end with just photographs. She was really quite horny that morning. As soon as I just touched her left boob she dropped those clothes and was writhing against me like some sex starved devil. What a great body to have pressed against me. We ended up co-joined of course! Boy, was she wet down there and that was before we got started!
Needless to say, dressed like she was it didn't end with just photographs. She was really quite horny that morning. As soon as I just touched her left boob she dropped those clothes and was writhing against me like some sex starved devil. What a great body to have pressed against me. We ended up co-joined of course! Boy, was she wet down there and that was before we got started!
New Hampshire, USA 2007
The long and winding road. More a track in fact on my land at the first NH house LL. Just a walk in country with a rather willing young woman. Lucky old me. Someone I know from Concord. I say know as I still do, she still lives there does Annie.
London 2005
As you know LL, I was still smoking back then and so was Jenny. In case you are wondering this is a post coital cigarette. I always thought they were the best when I smoked. This is Jenny's apartment in West London. Pretty girl and a lovely lay too. She appreciated my ... ummm...expertise, lots. Said she had never cum so many times in a single day.
That wasn't the only day either. I used to see her off and on right through to 2008. She loves the photo above, incidentally.

London Studio 2005
Above and below a lady who wanted full on nude shots. I took these and others at a small studio we had hired for the morning. My diary tells me it was Tuesday June 21, LL. Quite a 'bush' she had there isn't it. Being in that state half the morning she invited me to explore the 'undergrowth', which I did with relish. I do believe I thought of you while we were fucking away there, but I knew that you were in cahoots with the short fat guy so I felt no guilt.
London Studio 2005
Paris 2008
2005 seemed a long way away by 2008. I was moving in entirely different circles, more in keeping with what I wanted. It had it's rewards in that I had more photo commissions than I knew what to do with.
Clients of the ilk I was seeing from 2006 onward were in the main classier, never quibbled about money and were rather freer with their favors than the lower social classes I had come across. The lady above is Giselle.
Near Marlow, Buckinghamshire 2008
You may recall the blog in which I related the encounter with Julie at John's place in Marlow. That was 2006. Time moved on but Julie and I hooked up occasionally and this was one such occasion at her place.
If you are wondering, this is a post coital shot. No prizes for working out that she was a bit shattered after our rather full on love-making.
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