Wednesday, May 31, 2017


For LL

The numbers in the title of this blog LL denote the portfolios of the subjects, not the numbers of the individual shots. Once again, some are purely studio or outdoor shoots, others, entirely 'personal'. Occasionally there is some overlap due to the predilections of some of the women. I am sure it is hard for you to believe that there have been so many, so many that you might once have been jealous of. They seem to prefer the wealth, confidence and experience of someone like me, to some of the young bucks

The world I inhabited after you, and now, is far removed from anything you may have experienced and viewed from my position your life and indeed you are extremely parochial. Sad really, you might have joined me on 12 years of adventure and excitement once. Probably would never have gotten into photography to the extent shown below, in that event!

There is far more to me than you ever knew LL and photography is only a small part of it. But I publish these blogs to sort of rub your nose in things. Whereas you have led a mundane life since our parting, mine has been anything but. From 2004 - 2007 it was very exciting and rewarding in the physical sense. While you were gloating about 'footballers legs and a journalist', what you see below and in my other blogs is part of what I was up to...and down to.

As you will see I got around in the geographical sense too. Favorite pastimes - travel and interplay😉




Boston, Mass.

I landed on my feet after you didn't I LL. She landed on her back. We had a great 'romp' or two in that hotel room - 2005.

Edinburgh, Scotland

2004 - Early I think, but after I found out you were playing around. This was a lady working with the company I was with back then. You know which one. Guess why she's clamping her legs together....

Basle, Switzerland

If there is such a thing as a straight lay then this was it. She stripped down to this stage after the commissioned shoot then before I knew it we were on the studio couch together, literally. She with her legs wrapped around me. Me well I was inside...her. There was no build up just straight sex and that was it. A case of wham, bam and thank you...sir. Very nice as I recall. But then nearly all of them were.

New York


Sussex, UK

Soft smooth and firm

Near Philadelphia, Pa.

Use your imagination LL.


Personal Top On
Dorset, UK

Personal - Top Off

Bottom off followed shortly afterwards with little help from yours truly.

Suffolk, UK

Sex outside turned her on. A lady I met via a website in 2005. She was right it did turn her on ...enormously.

Marbella, Spain

You know how it is a sunny clime, the heat and a partially dressed woman....

New York


Scandinavian - need I say more!


Small boobs great hips and a lovely ass.

Kensington, London

Posh 'totty' and well endowed and I don't mean financially.

I'd never been there before and neither had these two. That is they had never had a threesome. I had never been to to town. That was a boisterous weekend and a lot of bed creaking.

Oregon, USA

This lady lived in an area not far from Lake Oswego called Bull Mountain, part of Portland LL. She had a beautiful home. I had been there previously to take some shots of her and visiting family. This time it was supposedly coffee and a catch up. But things moved further and quicker during the course of that day.

Photos were taken - tow of which appear above and below. I leave you to guess where she was heading on the bedroom floor. I followed very quickly behind her. What red-blooded male could resist - and I'm red-blooded! 


Beautiful and sensuous - I'll say no more

Near Sarlat

A friend and bed partner😛

Islington, London

Boy do those leather couches squeak. Great butt. Love it even now.

Denver, USA

Colorado and I wasn't there for the skiing. The mile high City Denver, LL, I guess you could say I  joined the mile high club.

New York


Above and below. What a fit lady. She is Swedish - need I say more?


Interesting encounter in the four shots below. Photo shoot that ended in my hotel room. She loved showing her body and loved sex even more. She could keep  going and going.



A lovely girl.......

Ciao LL - What a life!

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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