For LL
After spending a few days with Rick in Dallas way back when I was travelling the southern States I took a flight to New Orleans, eventually picked up a hire car and drove into Mississippi and stayed at Biloxi for a short while looking at a business proposition. Then onto Pensacola and eventually to St Augustine on the east coast of Florida.
However neither my stay in New Orleans or the rest of my trip to St Augustine was, shall we say, without its moments.
Black girls are quite active and I came across two who wanted to 'taste' an English guy. They were not my only encounters on the remainder of the trip but, as they were black, I thought you would be interested LL. Color or race means nothing to me, within reason,. I found women from all over the world were mostly lovely. There are exceptions - you were one of them.
So there I was in New Orleans (I have been before quite a few years ago) on my own and out in the usual tourist areas enjoying the sites and sounds. I know you have never been but it's quite a place and well worth a visit.
The young lady below was a receptionist in the hotel I was staying in. She was warm and friendly and took to showing me around some of the sights without my asking. As these things do, one thing led to another and I agreed to fulfil her wish to see what it was like to have sex with a Brit. I guess that word is bit blunt. - we made love.
What occurred is related alongside the photos that are featured. She was quite lithe, had long braided hair when it was let down. She liked posing for my camera as you can see. In fact that was a common feature of all my encounters over the years, a need it seemed for beautiful women to display their bodies in full detail and also for fun. You did the same in Italy, I recall.
She posed, arching her body provocatively as I took photos clad only in my boxers. She had a very nice honey colored body and at that stage small but young boobs. She danced around in front of me saying no touching...yet.

Eventually she sat on the bed and undid her bra - see below

Gradually lowering the bra to reveal her small firm boobs

She smiled right into the camera and I leaned forward and kissed her gently. My hands had not touched her at this stage, but the temptation was sure there!

She began the slide back onto the bed, opening her legs so that the shape of her pussy inside her panties was revealed. She knew what she was doing because my arousal was becoming more pronounced. As I looked at her covered area, she looked at mine and smiled

What she did next was really stretching my self control. She slid her hand inside her panties and it was all I could do to keep the camera steady.

Then she rolled on her side sliding her panties down her long lithe legs revealing her pussy as she did

The next two shots are the last before I enjoyed fully my first black lay. She opened her legs and gave me that come on look. I slid my boxers off and stood there fully erect before climbing between her legs/ I kneeled there and caressed her body as she caressed my cock. My hand sliding down her legs over her body and playing with her small but firm boobs. I could feel her pulling me toward her as she wanted me inside her wet pussy.
I sued my fingers and that really set her on fire as I played with her clit. She became quite swollen in that area and her legs spread further apart. I eased myself into her slowly as initially it was a tight fit but after some gentle thrusting she dilated fully and we were on a roller coaster of pleasure.
I thust slowly and deeply ensuring she enjoyed every minute of it. Using the rib of my cock to stimulate her G-spot. She pulled her legs up and as far apart as possible and I upped the tempo to fast and hard. She was crying out in pleasure as she eventually came and I did as well.
I stayed inside her while I was still hard and stimulated her further to the point where she squirted quite violently. Female ejaculation is so good for the woman....
We hadn't finished but we lay wrapped in each other's arms after a brief clean up.

Eventually, she said she wanted me again only this time from behind and she turned over and allowed me to take this photo of one of the few pink areas on her minx that she was. What followed was a lady on her knees on the bed with me standing and slowly inserting myself into her. It was easy this time and very soon I had pulled her hard onto me by gripping her hips and pounded her fully and fast. She climaxed quite quickly and I felt her contract around me, but I had a way to go yet before I could be where I wanted to be, so I continued and she continued to cry out as I gave her more and more. She was perspiring despite the air con and her body was becoming slippery. Quite sensuous to me. I reached round to her dangling boobs and squeezed them very hard.
She came again twice and that was enough to bring me to another full on ejaculation. She collapsed on the bed and I joined her...LL she had more technique as a thirty something than you ever did. You needed lessons but I doubt you ever got them.

After NO and another day with the delightful lady above...not all in bed LL, I drove out of town toward Biloxi on I-10 turning south into Biloxi later that morning having left my black minx above in New Orleans. It was around 100 miles east but an easy drive on the freeway. I had a meeting at 2.00 pm with the real estate company I was interested in discussing various property purchases.
After Hurricane Katrina in 2005 there were opportunities on the cards
On arrival I dropped my stuff off at the hotel and headed out for an early lunch. My room wasn't ready so it suited me. I found a nice place - no fast food - and ate a seafood salad.
Then onto the meeting.
That is where I met the black lady below. She was PA to the guy I had come to see and sat in on our meeting and provided coffee. I recall catching her perfume as she leaned over my shoulder to pour. As a result of that meet I was taken out to various sites and properties over the next day or two and got to know Di (Dionne) quite well through calling in at the premises. I won't bore you with the property stuff LL, but I will let you know what happened with Di.
On the Friday of that week I called into the office to sign up some papers which she attended to. Her boss was away and the other realtors busy, so I asked her if she would like to take lunch with me. She said no, but that dinner would be nice. So we fixed a time and place. This time I was doing the asking but I felt I was pushing at an open door...
And so it proved that weekend.
The photos below, LL, depict that Saturday at her place. Quite small but really nice.
Before I go further here is a shot of Di before the 'fun' began and boy did she like fun. Afterwards and also after Sunday too, I asked her why me. She said that she could say the normal things like, wealth, nice car (hired incidentally) and good clothes...but in fact she told me that it was age, experience and sophistication that attracted her...and a nice smile.

Sunday mornings were never like this with you LL. I loved those boobs, so soft and malleable and the black nipples. I was also attracted to her full lips and she to the fact I was a Brit. So there we were. Me in shorts and she at this stage only in her white panties, which looked great against her skin color.
Her skin was honey colored and soft and warm to the touch....

She stood shortly after the shot above and kissed me her breasts pressed against my bare chest. It was long and surprisingly tender, exploring each other's lips and mouths, my hnads wrapped around her a she embracing me. It was lovely.
Eventually we came up for air and something more. She beamed at me with her white teeth and gradually slipped her panties off. Although you can see greenery outside LL her back yard was completely enclosed and in no way overlooked.
Despite her having completed her disrobing, she had coyly not revealed her pussy. By this time I had shed my clothes too and she looked down at my slowly rising member. At this time the only thing I had in hand was my camera...
Di lay down on the couch and I knelt beside her taking to occasional photo as below and caressing her body legs and breasts. This soft attention made short work of erecting her nipples and short work of arousing me. I was rock hard and Di could see I was.
She was already on her back and I took a few more shots as displayed below. No more coyness over her pussy it was now on full display and, I sensed, wanting something to enter it..

Easing the way without my assistance...

Legs up before legs apart.....

Now my work could begin. I knelt in front of her and put my tongue to work on her pussy. She love it and as I was buried down there I used my hands to reach up to her boobs. Squeezing one and playing with the nipple on the other. That combined with my work down below had her moaning and when she climaxed crying out. I love that sound from a woman - it makes me really horny as it did on this occasion.
As she came I felt her tummy contract and her buttocks clench. I coontiued my efforts below but she could take no more on her clit so I stood and then entered her. Her legs went to an angle I didn't think possible. The sound of the lubrication combined with her moans almost made me come immediately, but I held back by altering the rhythm of my thrusting.
It was delightful sliding in and out of her and she felt the same. I worked her pussy from every angle and teased her a little by almost withdrawing. harder she said and so I did as I was told and pounded down on her fast and hard. Her eyes were closed and her face a picture of contorted pleasure and...then I came really fast shooting into her with some force. We collapsed together briefly exhausted but very satisfied.
It seemed she was insatiable and loved every minute of this second bout. I wasn't about to come quickly due to our previous lovemaking so long a slow seemed to be the best approach. How horny she was I don't know but very soon after entering her and giving her slow deep and long thrusts she came again. I continued and she didn't stop me moaning with pleasure as I did. Due to her climax we were both very wet down below and she was exuding more lubrication by the minute. Our actions were quite noisy as a result.
Her pussy was as wide as ever and I continued to thrust into her fully and slowly. I was pretty thick and touch her sides, inside. This was stimulating her even further and using the hood of my cock I changed the angle slightly and found her G-spot. For her thsi was almost too much to bear she cried out interspersed with oh yes repeatedly I could feel her coming yet again and so as she did I changed gear and fucked her hard and fast. I came, she came and she kept coming. I could feel her contracting on my cock repeatedly.
What a weekend. We slept together that night and repeated our performances again on the Sunday. A very weary Di returned to work on the Monday and I drove on toward Pensacola that morning.
California (A Bonus)
LL I've attached these two photos below of two young ladies I encountered on a beach in Northern California. I was down on the beach photographing one morning when these two appeared a little further along with not a stitch to their name.
I guess as it was California they seemed completely unfazed by the fact I was there and walked up to say hello...completely starkers. They saw the camera and asked whether I would like to take their photos. Always a bit of a mystery to me why women love having their naked bodies photographed but I obliged. These are just two of the shots I took.
Bit disconcerting sitting on the rocks with a naked woman either side, one white and one black but I managed LL

After they had both climaxed I felt it was my turn so I took the white girl there and then and shot all I had into her as the black girl (no names on here) squeezed the white girls boobs. Then the white girl after cleaning up in the sea a little, settled down on the sand before starting to play with my cock, as I sucked on the black girl's boobs.
I guees the white girl got off on it but she loved the fact that I fucked the black girl from behind right there on the beach. She came I withdrew shortly afterward and she rolled over in the sand. I was still hard looked at the white girl who adopted the same position as the black girl had just done. Head down ass in the air. I entered her and she was more than satisfied with my action moaning and eventually screaming out as she came the third time that morning. After a short while we all entered the sae to wash off and play with our bodies for a while. All that time the beach remained empty (it is remote). I said goodbye to the girls and they eventually disappeared into the dunes further up the beach where I guess their clothes were.
Quite a life I led back then, don't you think LL....
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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