For LL
Title is Mainly Up Front, but the first photo is another view altogether...and a start of another selection of single (mainly) photos from my portfolios. One day when I get time I will show all the black and white ones, as that is my preferred medium.
So, onto the photos. Once more, there are repeats of people here. That is people you have seen before on different occasions.
You rubbed my nose. or you thought you did, in the fact that you had acquired a new man (or men) once. Well I acquired, enjoyed, pleasured many more women. I guess these blogs are largely to rub your nose in it, so to speak, and so that you can see how far short you fell from those I met.
Younger, in virtually all instances, too!
Apart from the first shot, all are commissions...some with benefits😉😉. Can't refuse a good offer, can one.
Need I say anything LL. This was just before Harrogate Yorkshire. It was the night before our last meeting when I gave you that single red rose in Costa in your home town. Had to hedge my bets didn't I and I was right to do so.
We (Lin, the lady above and I) used to meet regularly when our paths crossed. She traveled on business and as I was here there and everywhere back then if we were in the same area we got together for some 'recreation' for our mutual satisfaction.
Paris and some extra-curricular activity too
Bournemouth studio shot - I called her happy hips as she was never happier than when she was riding them back and forth on top of me!
New York
New York
The next three were all taken in one session in Paris. Beautiful black lady...
London - one where the lady is covered up for a change, for you LL. Still very sexy though.
Naples, Italy
California, USA
Next two are of the same lady. A commission that came with benefits ... after these photos!
New York
South London
Boston, Mass. ------------> perfect boobs and very firm😉
Boston, Mass
London ------------------>>> More great boobs that I got to savor LL.
You had every reason to be jealous after we parted, but not for the sole reason you thought. There were lots of other reasons which always came in pairs. There's a pun in that sentence.
What a life you lead now, compared to that which you might have led. No envy here, but I sure bet there is with you.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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