Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Random Photography


When I started into photography it was mainly to fill some of my time, and involved wildlife and scenic shots of nature, along with objects taken in close up. I found that people were interesting subjects also and started out taking photos of characterful faces and scenes.

There was beauty of an entirely different sort in those 'lived in' faces, just as there is beauty in the younger generations. The latter didn't happen straight away it sort of crept into my commissions (apart from personal photos I had taken). So it was of some surprise to me when young women asked if I would photograph them. That started with one young lady who then 'spread the word', so to speak. From there the whole thing snowballed and I found myself taking photos of beautiful women left right and center.

All of that wasn't to the exclusion of other subjects as mentioned earlier in this blog. I am still taking photos even now of beautiful women and all the other subjects I talked about. In fact I have an exhibition soon entitled 'Colors'  here in the US.

Here is a selection of different subjects, including some young ladies (towards the end) from my early days. In most of these cases there were no 'encounters'.

The gallery below is quite a mixture just to demonstrate the range LL. I have kept most travel photos out it

  An Italian Girl, who was quite happy to have her photo taken

 Alligator in Florida

Wizard Island, Crater Lake, Oregon

Studio shot


I'm attaching a few modest shots of the young ladies I mentioned above. There are just seven involved here, to give you an idea, but my portfolio runs to many more than just these few LL. No facial shots, which is a shame, but I am protecting identities


These was taken at this young ladies apartment (over here), must be nearly 11 years ago. She was chaperoned by her friend. I got coffee too!


This lady had really cute freckles and a lovely smile. Guess where these were taken? You had been there - plenty of privacy. I offered and served coffee and she offered....everything she had.


A few years after the shots immediately above, these below were taken at a lake in Oregon. Yes, I did have a towel handy.


These were impromptu on her part. I had taken photos on a commission here in various outfits that she wanted shots of. Then she appeared completely nude and asked me to take these...and more. Given her pale skin I chose the floor as a background for contrast. She was quite a silent type and serious...until it came to the bedroom, which inevitably followed given the sequence of events that day.


Taken in New England. This young lady was quite high spirited and along with her girl friend we all three spent a long morning getting shots of both of them. These are just a couple of one of them.


The next three shots were taken in the UK, alongside a location you were once familiar with in the East.


As word spread, I received more and more commissions. This young lady, just past her 19th birthday wanted what she called a 'birthday suit' photo collection. She brought her boyfriend along on what was a pretty cool early Spring day, in the UK

So there you go LL - not all  nude and rude. In fact I have let you into some quite personal photos in the past, in part to prove a point about someone you 'cast' off.

Hope you enjoyed the variety. They say it is the spice of life and my life has been quite 'spicy' in so many ways.


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