Further encounters from the anonymous author, which I publish on his behalf.
Behind every penned fiction lies a truth
It's important to look on photography as an art form, whatever the subject. The ability to capture the unusual, and the usual, from interesting angles and in different ligh,t is an ability that the artist with a camera develops...if you'll excuse the pun!
There are many areas to indulge in - nature, architecture, people, faces, nudes and glamour are just a few that I have turned my attention to LL, over the years since we parted. Apart from our many and varied businesses, certain activities give me great pleasure and satisfaction. The buzz of business is one. I think you saw that in me when we were together. My art work is very relaxing, but somewhat neglected very recently - I'm too busy! But, I have promised myself that I will paint some New England scenes in the next six months.
I write of course. My fifteenth novel is on the stocks at present, i.e. partially written. I have an Italian friend here in the US and,whenever we are together, we converse in Italian to keep my skills up. Helps enormously when we are at our homes in Italy. Great fun and it has brought about a few laughs when I have occasionally gotten a word wrong. Combined with all our social involvements and of course our great love of travel and sailing, I have never felt more alive. Happy, yes, contented, yes...and wealthy, naturally.
Apart from our businesses which are in competent hands and largely run themselves, it is a bonus to earn yet another income (that I don't need, incidentally) from writing and photography.
I guess I should explain how the photography element of my life arose LL - the writing, you acknowledged in the past, by reference to my literary skills. They surpass those of that person close to you, that's for sure!
Apart from opportunities and indeed requests to take photos by partners, that I enjoyed relationships with in those years from 2004 - 2007, I honed my skills in close ups and landscapes of nature and portraiture and body shots (clothed!). That gradually expanded over here and indeed in London and Europe when various folk saw the quality of my work. From that I received a number of commissions to take shots of public buildings over here and then leading from that various personal requests. At first those requests were of a traditional nature. Family, home pets etc. I stopped most of those as there are many out there that compete for that work.
I began to receive request to take glamour and fairly intimate photographs of women for their husbands, boyfriends and partners - genuine in most cases, but not all. Because of the nature of the work, the sets I took commanded a premium, and the work flowed in (still does), mainly by word of mouth recommendation.
So it was that I began to receive commissions. At first I went to peoples homes then graduated to photography in some of our business units, finally setting up my own studio in premises we own. At the various homes images were taken outside, inside and in various outbuildings such as stables, cars, rivers etc. Hence the wide range of locations you have seen LL.
I have only shown the more beautiful women in my various blogs to give an idea of just how many and how varied they are. Many had fancy lingerie that they wanted to be photographed in, others wanted to be completely nude and some in more 'daring' poses. In my time, I have seen a wide range of bodies with boobs that varied from silicone jobs to small pert young breasts. Many were quite natural. Some women were shaved so that they were hairless or minimal at best - some were quite natural...if you know what I mean.
All photos were just me and the subject or subjects, where more than one person involved. On occasions this led to encounters that culminated in sex. Of the many, many women I have photographed over the years, this probably only happened with about 20%.
As you once said, there are plenty of women out there that wanted or needed to be laid. You were right, but then I knew that already. Some of the women I encountered both here and in Europe were/are very horny individuals. My age, nor theirs, was a barrier.
Watching women slowly undress for the camera, pausing at various stages, adjusting what little they sometimes wore to get a good shot, or helping them get a good posing position, clothed or unclothed, was a frequent pleasure LL. In doing what you did my life turned around 180 degrees and has been good ever since...very good in fact. No real thanks to you.
Back to photography. I have smelled a myriad of fragrances when photographing all these beautiful women. When I again catch a waft of any particular perfume it takes me back to whatever woman or encounter it evokes. I have seen many beautiful bodies and experienced more than a few. The soft warm skin of their breasts, stomachs and bottoms. The long legs, beautiful hair and a plethora of lip types.
From Brits to Americans and, on the way, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Canadian Swedish, part Cherokee Indian, Danish and (the one) Polish women - they have all given me pleasure and me them.
There is a good deal of skill too, in advising on the best lingerie, diaphanous garb or posture if nude. Some were naturals, but many required guidance.
Perhaps it's best if I recount a couple of escapades to give you an idea of what I am talking about.
© All photographs are copyright.
A US Encounter
As a result of a recommendation I was given the name of a lady who required some 'personal' photos. This was over here in New England late one summer, maybe 9 years ago. At the time I was living at my own place and based there, not having set up any sort of studio at that stage.
Att the time I was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee so that I could accommodate all my camera equipment and tripods etc. It helped with the storage and when I visited farms and ranches to take shots of horses, landscapes and naturally women.
However on this occasion I was heading out to a more glitzy neighborhood, so before arriving I took the Jeep into the car wash and valet service. Grabbing a coffee to go I set off for the ladies home. I passed quite a few upmarket homes and a country club before turning into her driveway. I fetched my main camera bag and a standard tripod and headed for the large double front door climbing three steps to get there.
I didn't know much about the lady who I was calling only that she required some photos taken of herself. As I reached to door it opened and she stood there. In my view she was quite a 'stunner'. Some men are intimidated by beautiful women but I am not one of them. She greeted me by name and ushered me in.
She suggested I might like to look around for appropriate places in this large house to take the photos, but first offered me a drink. Having sunk a coffee around 40 minutes earlier I chose a cold soda. The home was gorgeous and very fitting for its occupant.
We talked in the kitchen and she quickly picked up on my accent as being English. The West Coast ladies always thought I was from New England! My accent provided a talking point and she probed my background and having done so wondered why I was 'taking photos', as she put it. I avoided the obvious reply of ...so I can photograph beautiful women...and said instead that I enjoyed the medium as an art form. She smiled. I guess either she could through my avoidance or just agreed with the sentiment.
Taking my soda with me she started to show me her home. We walked into the large hallway which was served by two curved staircases sweeping down from a landing that served the second floor bedrooms bathroom etc (upstairs to you LL). The stairs and balustrades were made from cherry wood, the richness of the color adding opulence to the tiled entrance. There were two lounges and a dining room off the hallway together with a library come office and a home theater. The kitchen that I had seen earlier comprised dining and lounge areas in addition to a superb German designed kitchen.
We climbed the stairs and she showed me several bedrooms including her own master suite. I recall there was another smaller floor above which comprised two further bedroom and a bathroom with garret style windows set in the roof of this large residence. Overall the building was pretty new maybe 4-5 years old at best and beautifully furnished. This lady was rich.
I guess that sets the scene. There was no feeling of inadequacy or 'intimidation' on my part as I am quite a wealthy man in my own right. We set up out on her deck and large patio area to take advantage of the late summer sun. Having talked previously I knew she wanted to start with some shots of her in classic garb, jewelry and heels. The session went well with her retiring to a side room top change dresses while I uploaded the sets to my laptop.
Part of any session is talking to put people at their ease, to get them to forget the camera and, if possible, get them happy. During the conversation, me mainly head down behind the camera, she told me she was divorced and had one boy, I think, 14 years old. He was a boarder at a private college. She didn't work, so I guessed she had substantial private means.
She brought up the subject of loneliness during that first session and said that she thought I probably never experienced the loneliness she felt since her divorce was finalized. I explained that I was widowed and the few years I went through of utter loneliness despite having the comfort of family and friends. Obviously not the same experience as she had. There's no 'baggage' with being a widower from a very happy marriage.
Finally, we sat down and reviewed the morning's work hunched together in front of the laptop in her kitchen. I could smell her perfume and the rustle of her dress lining as she moved. Her accent was pure New England and very pleasant to listen to. I'll call her Ruth but that's not her real name. She was around 40 with great cheekbones, unblemished skin and a great overall complexion. Reasonably tall at around 5' 7" and naturally in good shape. Nails hair and jewelry all good and understated .
She expressed admiration for my work and I agreed to print a selection of the best ones and bring them over the following day. We said our goodbyes and I left.
I think she must have spoken to a friend looking back now, nine years later as I received a call from Ruth that afternoon on the pretext of wondering how the photos looked. I guess around 20% were very good and I told her so and that she looked great. She said that she understood I could take good shots inside with my lighting equipment and perhaps I would bring it over the next day to take a few additional photos.
To cut a long story short I drove over the next day. Ruth was waiting for me in a dressing gown. It was around eleven in the morning and she didn't look as though she had just arisen. She asked whether I would like coffee and she went into the kitchen to make a pot while I hefted my lighting stuff into the hallway.
I walked through to the kitchen where I could smell that beautiful aroma of freshly ground coffee beans. As I entered the sun was shining in through the window. Ruth had her back to me. The light shone right through her light cotton gown outlining her figure beautifully. I nearly grabbed my camera there and then ...but didn't.
She grabbed both mugs of coffee and ushered me into the smaller of her two lounges. It was still pretty big by normal standards Ruth asked if here was alright for the photos? I confirmed it was but to get the best effect the blinds should be drawn. Somehow I expected her or me to pull them manually but she picked up what looked like a remote and 'hey presto' the blinds were closed. I set up the lights and two tripods and cameras.
She said she wanted me to take pictures of her in her lingerie and underwear and was that OK? I said yes it's fine and explained that I often took shots of women in their underwear and nude and partially nude. In fact whatever their brief called for.
We discussed what sort of shots she was looking for and then I arranged a couple of shows on the two couch checked light levels and said I was good to go whenever she was. For a few moments we stood chatting. I think she was a little nervous or shy, so I tried to put her at her ease.
Without suggesting any sexual agenda I told her she had great tone to her skin, beautiful hair (brunette) and a great figure and that any photos I took I hoped would do justice to her. i guess I used that line a few times over the years but it usually worked and in this instance it did.
We finished up our coffee, she wiped her lips with a tissue and re-applied some lipstick then asked whether I was ready. I turned on my lighting adjusted to create the right effect and said OK, ready now. Then she slipped off the gown. She was barefoot.
Beneath the gown she wore panties and a bra that were really lacy and feminine. I then took over and instructed her in striking various poses and angles to maximise her beauty and the images I was taking. After the first session she came over to check what I had taken and said she loved them.
At this point she suggested lunch which we ate in the kitchen. She opened a bottle of white wine and I enjoyed one glass to her two. then we returned to the photo shoot. She said she wanted some of her topless which was fine by me but I pointed out that she should remove her bra and wait maybe 30 minutes for the strap marks to disappear. That hadn't occurred to her. So, she did with her back to me. then she put the gown back on and suggested we sit on the patio for a while.
We sat, both of us facing her extensive garden and a pool off to the side, and talked. I think the glasses of wine had loosened her inhibitions somewhat and she talked about herself, how she felt after her divorce, what she was going to do in the future. I let her talk. It seemed she wanted to get it off her chest. I consider myself a good and attentive listener so I sat there watching her animated face as she recounted the things she wanted to unload.
As I did, being a red-blooded male, I couldn't help glancing at her breasts which were free of any bra and definitely showing through the thin cotton of her gown. Sideways on the dip in her gown revealed her left breast in full profile as she leaned forward occasionally, nipple excluded. Although the later was noticeable through the gown. I tugged my eyes away a number of times to concentrate on the conversation. I'm not sure why I was drawn in that way at the time as I had photographed quite a few women without getting a little 'hot' as I was then.
The half hour became an hour, the conversation having taken over. Finally, we both agreed we should get back to the photos. In the gloom of the lounge, before I switched the lighting back on Ruth shed her gown, her back toward me. She asked if the strap marks had gone. Pretty much I said looking at her back and shoulders. Anything that is left, I'll photoshop I told her. I thought that this session should be in more subdued light and with a warmer ambience so I adjusted my equipment accordingly.
It worked. It definitely enhanced the glow of Ruth's skin. She turned around from where she had been standing to reveal her breasts full on for the first time. She looked great and I told her so. She was flawless, her breasts firm and pretty pert enhanced further by her nipples and the soft tan area that surrounded them. She seemed more relaxed. I made myself busy with my equipment and asked her to place herself where she was comfortable and how she wanted to show off her attributes.
As she moved around and observed her figure, her unblemished skin and the curves of her body. She sat on one of the couches, tucked one leg up and stretched the other out, so she was facing the camera lying on her left side. this accented the curve of her hip, the long slender legs and the perfectly balanced waistline. She put her right hand behind her head and tossed her head back as I had asked her. The made a great shot. Her breasts being firm there was no gravitational 'sag' and she looked perfect. Her long dark hair had cascaded down the left shoulder just touching the top of her left breast.
I asked her to hold not there as I switched cameras to take some close ups of her face and curves. We continued in similar vein for some time taking shots of her standing, sitting, outdoors and back inside, laying down....
Her inhibitions had certainly gone as she had me take photos of her head and shoulders, boobs and right down to her waistline. I had a feeling this was heading somewhere that I have only been with a small number of clients.
I called an end to the shoot late afternoon and started packing my stuff away. Ruth had reviewed the photos on the laptop and expressed her approval. As I continued packing she got up from the laptop and wandered back into the semi gloom of the room. I watched briefly as she wandered in a zig zag manner. Her hips saying as she did and her panties barely covering her lovely buttocks. There was a good deal of cleft showing.
I straightened up as I did I saw her slip her thumbs down the sides of her panties and wriggle out of them allowing them to drop to the floor around her feet. She stepped out of them and looked back
over her shoulder at me. I smiled and she smiled back. I looked at her from her shiny long dark brown locks, down over her shoulders, the curve of her spine leading down to where her back curved inwards just above a her beautifully formed ass. Then downwards around those hour glass curves pausing briefly where her legs met, and down those long slender legs to where once her panties had lain on the floor.
She turned and stood facing me with her hands clasped behind her head and one leg turned in coyly hiding her pussy from full view. She said nothing but walked slowly over to where I stood, her arms by her side now. We both knew where this was going without a word being uttered.
As she neared me she stretched out her arms and took my hands in hers. She was gorgeous. Our eyes met and we both smiled. Then I looked down to her breasts which were full and firm, her nipples were quite prominent and then below the curve of her breasts to, her flat stomach and further down to that area between her legs that was unfettered by any hair.
I looked up at her again and that is when she kissed me, pushing her warm soft body hard against me and one leg between mine. I was in shorts and short sleeved shirt. My arms went round her, naturally. My right hand on her warm back just below her shoulder blades and my left just above her buttocks. I think she needed that embrace/hug desperately. I could feel her clinging to me quite hard. I caressed her back and kissed her on the shoulder as she rested her head on my chest.
Then eventually she drew back a little. I still had my my hands on her waist as she started to unbutton my shirt. Then it was my belt. I shrugged the shirt and my pants off which revealed my 'interest' to Ruth. Then we were back in each other's arms. Skin against skin, her breasts somewhat flattened against my chest. Her arms under mind holding my back, my arms around her back. The left hand resting on her buttock - the right on her waist. Our groins just inches apart.
She stood back let go of one hand and with the other gently tugged me further into the room. Then she sat on the larger of the two couches and swung her legs up onto it. Her head was resting on a cushion propped against one arm of the couch. There was a sliver of golden sunlight piercing a gap in the blind. This shaft of gold fell on Ruth's side as she lay full length there, highlighting her beautiful curves from upper arm down her side, dipping into her waistline then out again around her right hip. Eventually, it petered out near her foot.
The thought entered my head, briefly, that this would make a great photo. As I stood there looking down at Ruth, the thought of cameras was pushed to the back of my mind. Her hair was cascading over the couch, her eyes were in that dreamy state that, in a women. says 'I want you' and, she was smiling up at me, Her right leg was crooked coyly over her crotch, her boobs still proud even though they had spread somewhat due to her lying down.
I asked her to close her eyes which she did. Then I knelt o the floor beside her and with the lightest of touches brushed her nipples with the palms of my hands, stoking her beasts without touching her nipples and then running my fingers down the outside of her thighs. She was taking small, sharp intakes of breath as I did this and wriggled her hips a little. Then I put my hand on her lower stomach and she parted her legs. I massaged her slowly from her knees all the way down her inner thighs until I reached her pussy.
Gentle massaging all around that area brought on her moistness and she began to dilate. I used my fingers on her opening which gave way to my manipulation the more I caressed her there. Her eyes remained closed, but now she held one of her boobs in her hand and was squeezing it. Ruth moaned a little and was by now very wet. I climbed onto the couch between her open legs as she opened her eyes and smiled just saying now. She took hold of me as I leaned over her and guided me into her opening.
Supporting myself on one hand I squeezed both her lovely breasts alternately as we I slipped slowly in and out but never withdrawing fully. It was slow and very pleasurable for us both. I made sure that I kept hitting a spot that made her become more and more excited. Then she took hold of her legs pulling them up towards her and as far apart as possible.
She was soaking down there and she just said one word to me - faster! I gave it all I had and then she came. Her face in a frown, flushed with blood, her mouth open and her shouting ' Yes, oh, yes'. There is something about a woman climaxing like that which makes me even harder. I could feel I was as big and hard as ever and my pleasure was coming fast as I continued to pound down on her thrusting and hitting her clit so she continued to moan and then...shout. Then I came and emptied all I had into her. We stayed that way for a short while. Me remaining inside and on top of her. She gripping me for all she was worth.
It was quite apparent this lady had not had sex in quite a while. Eventually, we 'retired' to her shower ... together. That was an event in itself and I surprised myself in finding the ability to perform again so soon after the couch event.
Ruth ran the shower and climbed in. It was big enough for three so two in there wan't a problem. She stood close to the shower head lathering up and I put my arms round her waist then moved them up to her breasts. Keeping my hands there was only possible by gripping both her boobs firmly. I allowed her nipples to stand erect between my fingers.The sensation was great, and for her too from the gratifying sound she made. She turned to face the shower screen and raised her arms and placed her hands on it at the same time spreading her legs apart. I already had a 'head of steam' up and slid my penis between her legs.
She arched her back and I entered her. She was still full on receptive in that area so entry was easy. Still holding her boobs in my hands we rocked against each other with a lot of passion and urgency. I was thrust hard and quickly into her at the same time squeezing hard on her slippery breasts and pinching her nipples with my fingers. She came quite quickly....closely followed by me. I withdrew and she turned took my face in her hands and kissed me. I could see water cascading over both our heads and her erect nipples and foam covered boobs against my chest.
My hands slipped down to her buttocks and I gave them a loving squeeze. Then we stepped out of the shower. Ruth said that I had made here legs feel weak and wobbly. I said that wasn't all that was wobbly...and we both laughed.
That was some day and a photo session that went on and on.... Surprisingly, she did pay me...for the photos!
Those shots that now follow have been edited to preserve anonymity. These pictures are some of many taken on the day
© All photographs are copyright.

A UK Encounter
So as not to delay the reader too much, I will skip most of the preamble to this example of a photo shoot that went somewhere more than a few good pictures.
When I attended this English lady I knew that the brief was for what she called 'Glamour Photos' I therefore expected to be taking boob shots and rest of body shots excluding her private parts. This lady did have an acceptable face in aesthetic terms, so shots of her were taken face on and in profile. The session was to take place in her home in the county of Suffolk. I had no studio over there in those day (ten years or so ago), having just started out commercially.
The house turned out to be a small, modern, recent build end of terrace home or row house in our terms here in the US. She greeted me at the door as I started to unload my gear. No big lights on this occasion just remote operated flash units and indoor lighting. I wasn't expecting any 'encounters' as I had undertaken quite a few commissions without 'involvement' at this time.
She showed me in, made coffee and after some talk and showing me around the ground floor asked where did I think best for her photos. The kitchen was cramped with a small table and chairs taking much of the floor space up. The lounge was similar. She suggested we look at the upstairs situation. There were just two bedrooms a bathroom and an en suite.
The main bedroom looked the best bet so I started to set up in there. Tripod, remote flashes and a bounce screen. I pulled the drapes then went back downstairs and, finishing my coffee, tried to define what she wanted from the photos and why.
Emma, the name I will use, said that she wanted glamorous shots of herself to capture her look for the future. She mentioned that she was separated awaiting divorce finalization and currently not in a relationship. I often found that single women would open up to me as a photographer almost unbidden. I told her it was important to know her reasons as that helped me to produce what she wanted. I suggested that she go upstairs to get herself ready in whatever she felt comfortable with. A short time later Emma called out that she was ready.
As women go in these situations she was one of the very confident ones. Some are very shy, others nervous or just a little apprehensive, but not Emma. When I arrived in the bedroom doorway she was wearing a plain gown which revealed most of her cleavage. So we started there with some shots of her leaning on the bed and me capturing her left boob clothed in her black bra, in profile but partially covered by the gown. Then leaning toward me and, finally, with her laying down facing the camera. She wore jewelry in her navel, but her nails were fairly neutral, unlike the American lady above.
She stood up at that point and said she was ready for photos of her nearly nude. I said fine, checked my light settings and cameras, all the time chatting to put her at her ease; although I didn't think she needed it. She slipped off and let it drop to the floor. I picked it up and placed it out of shot.
She looked pretty good to me and I was sure we would get some great photos. Emma was in her late thirties, her skin flawless and her breasts pretty perfect. They were smallish but pert and firm from where I stood. and the rest of her body was in great shape. too. She wore ablack bra and panties that left little or anything to the imagination being completely open in the critical areas back and up and under.
She climbed onto the bed and I said that she should pose in whatever way she felt comfortable with and I would take as many shots as possible. So she did. Kneeling lying down lying on her side standing on the bed, thrusting her chest out, and finally on all fours with her barely pantie clad butt thrust in the air showing all she had. I was using two cameras in different positions in the room so managed to capture a good cross section of all her poses.
When I stood from my position behind the viewfinder, she said could she take a look? I obviously hadn't transferred them to my laptop at that point. She climbed off the bed and stood alongside me stooping slightly so she could see the review screen in the camera. In doing so I caught a whiff of her fragrance. Her hair hung down over her shoulders but she flicked it back so that standing where I was to her right I could see those perfect boobs now free of the bra and very pert. I dragged my eyes away and we panned through the shots on both cameras.
Naturally, I couldn't help glancing at her body from time to time and she knew it. Finally she stood and said, she liked what I had done and would I put them up on my website so she could review what she wanted. I said sure, and that I would email her a password to her portfolio.
She walked back to the side of the bed standing with her back to me and her hands on her hips. Then she climbed on the bed and slipped her thumbs into her panties and took them off. She turned facing me and smiling from where she was then got up. She walked to where I was at the foot of the bed and looked me straight in the eye and undid my belt then my shirt buttons. I had been celibate of late so how could I resist!
She stood so close that her perfume pervaded my nostrils and I could detect the warmth of her body. It took only moments for me to be in the same state she was, totally nude. She put her hands around my neck loosely and looked into my eyes with a mischievous look on her face. I had placed my hands on the inward curve of her waist. She was warm and soft to the touch. Touch can do a lot to a man and Emma looked down at the rising effect then took it in her hands and slid it between her legs.
I let go of her waist with my right hand and fondled her boob as she leaned forward and kissed me. I could feel the lubrication increasing below. In fact she became very wet, very quickly. She pulled away gently, sat on the edge of the bed and raised and opened her legs, holding her thighs with her hands. Just a mere glance on my part told me she was ready and she looked down her body to see my readiness enter her.
Boy was she athletic! She bucked against my thrusting, arched her back, moaned, shouted and finally gushed all over me. I stayed put. It was taking me a little longer to come. She wasn't complaining as she wriggled while I pleasured here all around her pussy and teasing her clit. I've never known a woman so wet and so 'open'. A lesser man would have been 'swallowed up' by those lips down there. Quite a lady and her boobs were a pleasure to squeeze. Warm and firm and two of the most erect nipples I think I have come across. I continued my thrusting and she said "harder" so I obliged hammering her pussy and clit. She was really crying out now and ...then I came!
I withdrew, she lay back briefly then said let's pleasure each other. Emma turned out to be a lady who had a few things he enjoyed so we adopted the sixty nine position. With her encouragement I rose to the occasion a second time. Harder than the first to my surprise. She held my member in her hands while my tongue worked on her pussy and clitoris Lots of mmmm's emanated from Emma down where she was.
Should couldn't say more for, by now, her mouth was full. Her lips and sucking motion were close to drawing everything out of me, and I thinks he knew it, as she stopped sucking me and used her hand rapidly as I felt her clit become really erect and hard. I flicked it with my tongue harder and faster and she uttered the immortal words....yes, oh yes, yes yes! At that point she came. I could her her breath coming fast. She rolled off me and then came down on me slowly...wet and slippery. Then she rode me hard and I garbbed her boobs squeezing real hard and pulling on her nipples alternately - she came again and then She rose up a little on her knees so I could play my part which I did with force and then I came but all over her as she withdrew at the critical moment. I shot all over her tummy and up toward her breasts.
She dipped her fingers in my semen and swallowed some as she looked down on me. I rolled her over onto the bed and and fondled her all over which she loved. Her boobs were so hard by now it was amazing. I used my fingers on her pussy, which was wide open and on her clit and she loved it.
Some photographer, she said when finally we cleaned up!
© All photographs are copyright.

Some butt!!

Pink ....and perky
Definitely getting my attention now


Naughty Emma - she knew where this was heading...

Ripe for the taking....
An invitation.....
Finally the camera was set up on time for these shots...you could say the two sessions were duly consummated. Sorry folk not in focus in the 'heat of the moment'
There are many areas to indulge in - nature, architecture, people, faces, nudes and glamour are just a few that I have turned my attention to LL, over the years since we parted. Apart from our many and varied businesses, certain activities give me great pleasure and satisfaction. The buzz of business is one. I think you saw that in me when we were together. My art work is very relaxing, but somewhat neglected very recently - I'm too busy! But, I have promised myself that I will paint some New England scenes in the next six months.
I write of course. My fifteenth novel is on the stocks at present, i.e. partially written. I have an Italian friend here in the US and,whenever we are together, we converse in Italian to keep my skills up. Helps enormously when we are at our homes in Italy. Great fun and it has brought about a few laughs when I have occasionally gotten a word wrong. Combined with all our social involvements and of course our great love of travel and sailing, I have never felt more alive. Happy, yes, contented, yes...and wealthy, naturally.
Apart from our businesses which are in competent hands and largely run themselves, it is a bonus to earn yet another income (that I don't need, incidentally) from writing and photography.
I guess I should explain how the photography element of my life arose LL - the writing, you acknowledged in the past, by reference to my literary skills. They surpass those of that person close to you, that's for sure!
Apart from opportunities and indeed requests to take photos by partners, that I enjoyed relationships with in those years from 2004 - 2007, I honed my skills in close ups and landscapes of nature and portraiture and body shots (clothed!). That gradually expanded over here and indeed in London and Europe when various folk saw the quality of my work. From that I received a number of commissions to take shots of public buildings over here and then leading from that various personal requests. At first those requests were of a traditional nature. Family, home pets etc. I stopped most of those as there are many out there that compete for that work.
I began to receive request to take glamour and fairly intimate photographs of women for their husbands, boyfriends and partners - genuine in most cases, but not all. Because of the nature of the work, the sets I took commanded a premium, and the work flowed in (still does), mainly by word of mouth recommendation.
So it was that I began to receive commissions. At first I went to peoples homes then graduated to photography in some of our business units, finally setting up my own studio in premises we own. At the various homes images were taken outside, inside and in various outbuildings such as stables, cars, rivers etc. Hence the wide range of locations you have seen LL.
I have only shown the more beautiful women in my various blogs to give an idea of just how many and how varied they are. Many had fancy lingerie that they wanted to be photographed in, others wanted to be completely nude and some in more 'daring' poses. In my time, I have seen a wide range of bodies with boobs that varied from silicone jobs to small pert young breasts. Many were quite natural. Some women were shaved so that they were hairless or minimal at best - some were quite natural...if you know what I mean.
All photos were just me and the subject or subjects, where more than one person involved. On occasions this led to encounters that culminated in sex. Of the many, many women I have photographed over the years, this probably only happened with about 20%.
As you once said, there are plenty of women out there that wanted or needed to be laid. You were right, but then I knew that already. Some of the women I encountered both here and in Europe were/are very horny individuals. My age, nor theirs, was a barrier.
Watching women slowly undress for the camera, pausing at various stages, adjusting what little they sometimes wore to get a good shot, or helping them get a good posing position, clothed or unclothed, was a frequent pleasure LL. In doing what you did my life turned around 180 degrees and has been good ever since...very good in fact. No real thanks to you.
Back to photography. I have smelled a myriad of fragrances when photographing all these beautiful women. When I again catch a waft of any particular perfume it takes me back to whatever woman or encounter it evokes. I have seen many beautiful bodies and experienced more than a few. The soft warm skin of their breasts, stomachs and bottoms. The long legs, beautiful hair and a plethora of lip types.
From Brits to Americans and, on the way, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, Canadian Swedish, part Cherokee Indian, Danish and (the one) Polish women - they have all given me pleasure and me them.
There is a good deal of skill too, in advising on the best lingerie, diaphanous garb or posture if nude. Some were naturals, but many required guidance.
Perhaps it's best if I recount a couple of escapades to give you an idea of what I am talking about.
A US Encounter
As a result of a recommendation I was given the name of a lady who required some 'personal' photos. This was over here in New England late one summer, maybe 9 years ago. At the time I was living at my own place and based there, not having set up any sort of studio at that stage.
Att the time I was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee so that I could accommodate all my camera equipment and tripods etc. It helped with the storage and when I visited farms and ranches to take shots of horses, landscapes and naturally women.
However on this occasion I was heading out to a more glitzy neighborhood, so before arriving I took the Jeep into the car wash and valet service. Grabbing a coffee to go I set off for the ladies home. I passed quite a few upmarket homes and a country club before turning into her driveway. I fetched my main camera bag and a standard tripod and headed for the large double front door climbing three steps to get there.
I didn't know much about the lady who I was calling only that she required some photos taken of herself. As I reached to door it opened and she stood there. In my view she was quite a 'stunner'. Some men are intimidated by beautiful women but I am not one of them. She greeted me by name and ushered me in.
She suggested I might like to look around for appropriate places in this large house to take the photos, but first offered me a drink. Having sunk a coffee around 40 minutes earlier I chose a cold soda. The home was gorgeous and very fitting for its occupant.
We talked in the kitchen and she quickly picked up on my accent as being English. The West Coast ladies always thought I was from New England! My accent provided a talking point and she probed my background and having done so wondered why I was 'taking photos', as she put it. I avoided the obvious reply of ...so I can photograph beautiful women...and said instead that I enjoyed the medium as an art form. She smiled. I guess either she could through my avoidance or just agreed with the sentiment.
Taking my soda with me she started to show me her home. We walked into the large hallway which was served by two curved staircases sweeping down from a landing that served the second floor bedrooms bathroom etc (upstairs to you LL). The stairs and balustrades were made from cherry wood, the richness of the color adding opulence to the tiled entrance. There were two lounges and a dining room off the hallway together with a library come office and a home theater. The kitchen that I had seen earlier comprised dining and lounge areas in addition to a superb German designed kitchen.
We climbed the stairs and she showed me several bedrooms including her own master suite. I recall there was another smaller floor above which comprised two further bedroom and a bathroom with garret style windows set in the roof of this large residence. Overall the building was pretty new maybe 4-5 years old at best and beautifully furnished. This lady was rich.
I guess that sets the scene. There was no feeling of inadequacy or 'intimidation' on my part as I am quite a wealthy man in my own right. We set up out on her deck and large patio area to take advantage of the late summer sun. Having talked previously I knew she wanted to start with some shots of her in classic garb, jewelry and heels. The session went well with her retiring to a side room top change dresses while I uploaded the sets to my laptop.
Part of any session is talking to put people at their ease, to get them to forget the camera and, if possible, get them happy. During the conversation, me mainly head down behind the camera, she told me she was divorced and had one boy, I think, 14 years old. He was a boarder at a private college. She didn't work, so I guessed she had substantial private means.
She brought up the subject of loneliness during that first session and said that she thought I probably never experienced the loneliness she felt since her divorce was finalized. I explained that I was widowed and the few years I went through of utter loneliness despite having the comfort of family and friends. Obviously not the same experience as she had. There's no 'baggage' with being a widower from a very happy marriage.
Finally, we sat down and reviewed the morning's work hunched together in front of the laptop in her kitchen. I could smell her perfume and the rustle of her dress lining as she moved. Her accent was pure New England and very pleasant to listen to. I'll call her Ruth but that's not her real name. She was around 40 with great cheekbones, unblemished skin and a great overall complexion. Reasonably tall at around 5' 7" and naturally in good shape. Nails hair and jewelry all good and understated .
She expressed admiration for my work and I agreed to print a selection of the best ones and bring them over the following day. We said our goodbyes and I left.
I think she must have spoken to a friend looking back now, nine years later as I received a call from Ruth that afternoon on the pretext of wondering how the photos looked. I guess around 20% were very good and I told her so and that she looked great. She said that she understood I could take good shots inside with my lighting equipment and perhaps I would bring it over the next day to take a few additional photos.
To cut a long story short I drove over the next day. Ruth was waiting for me in a dressing gown. It was around eleven in the morning and she didn't look as though she had just arisen. She asked whether I would like coffee and she went into the kitchen to make a pot while I hefted my lighting stuff into the hallway.
I walked through to the kitchen where I could smell that beautiful aroma of freshly ground coffee beans. As I entered the sun was shining in through the window. Ruth had her back to me. The light shone right through her light cotton gown outlining her figure beautifully. I nearly grabbed my camera there and then ...but didn't.
She grabbed both mugs of coffee and ushered me into the smaller of her two lounges. It was still pretty big by normal standards Ruth asked if here was alright for the photos? I confirmed it was but to get the best effect the blinds should be drawn. Somehow I expected her or me to pull them manually but she picked up what looked like a remote and 'hey presto' the blinds were closed. I set up the lights and two tripods and cameras.
She said she wanted me to take pictures of her in her lingerie and underwear and was that OK? I said yes it's fine and explained that I often took shots of women in their underwear and nude and partially nude. In fact whatever their brief called for.
We discussed what sort of shots she was looking for and then I arranged a couple of shows on the two couch checked light levels and said I was good to go whenever she was. For a few moments we stood chatting. I think she was a little nervous or shy, so I tried to put her at her ease.
Without suggesting any sexual agenda I told her she had great tone to her skin, beautiful hair (brunette) and a great figure and that any photos I took I hoped would do justice to her. i guess I used that line a few times over the years but it usually worked and in this instance it did.
We finished up our coffee, she wiped her lips with a tissue and re-applied some lipstick then asked whether I was ready. I turned on my lighting adjusted to create the right effect and said OK, ready now. Then she slipped off the gown. She was barefoot.
Beneath the gown she wore panties and a bra that were really lacy and feminine. I then took over and instructed her in striking various poses and angles to maximise her beauty and the images I was taking. After the first session she came over to check what I had taken and said she loved them.
At this point she suggested lunch which we ate in the kitchen. She opened a bottle of white wine and I enjoyed one glass to her two. then we returned to the photo shoot. She said she wanted some of her topless which was fine by me but I pointed out that she should remove her bra and wait maybe 30 minutes for the strap marks to disappear. That hadn't occurred to her. So, she did with her back to me. then she put the gown back on and suggested we sit on the patio for a while.
We sat, both of us facing her extensive garden and a pool off to the side, and talked. I think the glasses of wine had loosened her inhibitions somewhat and she talked about herself, how she felt after her divorce, what she was going to do in the future. I let her talk. It seemed she wanted to get it off her chest. I consider myself a good and attentive listener so I sat there watching her animated face as she recounted the things she wanted to unload.
As I did, being a red-blooded male, I couldn't help glancing at her breasts which were free of any bra and definitely showing through the thin cotton of her gown. Sideways on the dip in her gown revealed her left breast in full profile as she leaned forward occasionally, nipple excluded. Although the later was noticeable through the gown. I tugged my eyes away a number of times to concentrate on the conversation. I'm not sure why I was drawn in that way at the time as I had photographed quite a few women without getting a little 'hot' as I was then.
The half hour became an hour, the conversation having taken over. Finally, we both agreed we should get back to the photos. In the gloom of the lounge, before I switched the lighting back on Ruth shed her gown, her back toward me. She asked if the strap marks had gone. Pretty much I said looking at her back and shoulders. Anything that is left, I'll photoshop I told her. I thought that this session should be in more subdued light and with a warmer ambience so I adjusted my equipment accordingly.
It worked. It definitely enhanced the glow of Ruth's skin. She turned around from where she had been standing to reveal her breasts full on for the first time. She looked great and I told her so. She was flawless, her breasts firm and pretty pert enhanced further by her nipples and the soft tan area that surrounded them. She seemed more relaxed. I made myself busy with my equipment and asked her to place herself where she was comfortable and how she wanted to show off her attributes.
As she moved around and observed her figure, her unblemished skin and the curves of her body. She sat on one of the couches, tucked one leg up and stretched the other out, so she was facing the camera lying on her left side. this accented the curve of her hip, the long slender legs and the perfectly balanced waistline. She put her right hand behind her head and tossed her head back as I had asked her. The made a great shot. Her breasts being firm there was no gravitational 'sag' and she looked perfect. Her long dark hair had cascaded down the left shoulder just touching the top of her left breast.
I asked her to hold not there as I switched cameras to take some close ups of her face and curves. We continued in similar vein for some time taking shots of her standing, sitting, outdoors and back inside, laying down....
Her inhibitions had certainly gone as she had me take photos of her head and shoulders, boobs and right down to her waistline. I had a feeling this was heading somewhere that I have only been with a small number of clients.
I called an end to the shoot late afternoon and started packing my stuff away. Ruth had reviewed the photos on the laptop and expressed her approval. As I continued packing she got up from the laptop and wandered back into the semi gloom of the room. I watched briefly as she wandered in a zig zag manner. Her hips saying as she did and her panties barely covering her lovely buttocks. There was a good deal of cleft showing.
I straightened up as I did I saw her slip her thumbs down the sides of her panties and wriggle out of them allowing them to drop to the floor around her feet. She stepped out of them and looked back
over her shoulder at me. I smiled and she smiled back. I looked at her from her shiny long dark brown locks, down over her shoulders, the curve of her spine leading down to where her back curved inwards just above a her beautifully formed ass. Then downwards around those hour glass curves pausing briefly where her legs met, and down those long slender legs to where once her panties had lain on the floor.
She turned and stood facing me with her hands clasped behind her head and one leg turned in coyly hiding her pussy from full view. She said nothing but walked slowly over to where I stood, her arms by her side now. We both knew where this was going without a word being uttered.
As she neared me she stretched out her arms and took my hands in hers. She was gorgeous. Our eyes met and we both smiled. Then I looked down to her breasts which were full and firm, her nipples were quite prominent and then below the curve of her breasts to, her flat stomach and further down to that area between her legs that was unfettered by any hair.
I looked up at her again and that is when she kissed me, pushing her warm soft body hard against me and one leg between mine. I was in shorts and short sleeved shirt. My arms went round her, naturally. My right hand on her warm back just below her shoulder blades and my left just above her buttocks. I think she needed that embrace/hug desperately. I could feel her clinging to me quite hard. I caressed her back and kissed her on the shoulder as she rested her head on my chest.
Then eventually she drew back a little. I still had my my hands on her waist as she started to unbutton my shirt. Then it was my belt. I shrugged the shirt and my pants off which revealed my 'interest' to Ruth. Then we were back in each other's arms. Skin against skin, her breasts somewhat flattened against my chest. Her arms under mind holding my back, my arms around her back. The left hand resting on her buttock - the right on her waist. Our groins just inches apart.
She stood back let go of one hand and with the other gently tugged me further into the room. Then she sat on the larger of the two couches and swung her legs up onto it. Her head was resting on a cushion propped against one arm of the couch. There was a sliver of golden sunlight piercing a gap in the blind. This shaft of gold fell on Ruth's side as she lay full length there, highlighting her beautiful curves from upper arm down her side, dipping into her waistline then out again around her right hip. Eventually, it petered out near her foot.
The thought entered my head, briefly, that this would make a great photo. As I stood there looking down at Ruth, the thought of cameras was pushed to the back of my mind. Her hair was cascading over the couch, her eyes were in that dreamy state that, in a women. says 'I want you' and, she was smiling up at me, Her right leg was crooked coyly over her crotch, her boobs still proud even though they had spread somewhat due to her lying down.
I asked her to close her eyes which she did. Then I knelt o the floor beside her and with the lightest of touches brushed her nipples with the palms of my hands, stoking her beasts without touching her nipples and then running my fingers down the outside of her thighs. She was taking small, sharp intakes of breath as I did this and wriggled her hips a little. Then I put my hand on her lower stomach and she parted her legs. I massaged her slowly from her knees all the way down her inner thighs until I reached her pussy.
Gentle massaging all around that area brought on her moistness and she began to dilate. I used my fingers on her opening which gave way to my manipulation the more I caressed her there. Her eyes remained closed, but now she held one of her boobs in her hand and was squeezing it. Ruth moaned a little and was by now very wet. I climbed onto the couch between her open legs as she opened her eyes and smiled just saying now. She took hold of me as I leaned over her and guided me into her opening.
Supporting myself on one hand I squeezed both her lovely breasts alternately as we I slipped slowly in and out but never withdrawing fully. It was slow and very pleasurable for us both. I made sure that I kept hitting a spot that made her become more and more excited. Then she took hold of her legs pulling them up towards her and as far apart as possible.
She was soaking down there and she just said one word to me - faster! I gave it all I had and then she came. Her face in a frown, flushed with blood, her mouth open and her shouting ' Yes, oh, yes'. There is something about a woman climaxing like that which makes me even harder. I could feel I was as big and hard as ever and my pleasure was coming fast as I continued to pound down on her thrusting and hitting her clit so she continued to moan and then...shout. Then I came and emptied all I had into her. We stayed that way for a short while. Me remaining inside and on top of her. She gripping me for all she was worth.
It was quite apparent this lady had not had sex in quite a while. Eventually, we 'retired' to her shower ... together. That was an event in itself and I surprised myself in finding the ability to perform again so soon after the couch event.
Ruth ran the shower and climbed in. It was big enough for three so two in there wan't a problem. She stood close to the shower head lathering up and I put my arms round her waist then moved them up to her breasts. Keeping my hands there was only possible by gripping both her boobs firmly. I allowed her nipples to stand erect between my fingers.The sensation was great, and for her too from the gratifying sound she made. She turned to face the shower screen and raised her arms and placed her hands on it at the same time spreading her legs apart. I already had a 'head of steam' up and slid my penis between her legs.
She arched her back and I entered her. She was still full on receptive in that area so entry was easy. Still holding her boobs in my hands we rocked against each other with a lot of passion and urgency. I was thrust hard and quickly into her at the same time squeezing hard on her slippery breasts and pinching her nipples with my fingers. She came quite quickly....closely followed by me. I withdrew and she turned took my face in her hands and kissed me. I could see water cascading over both our heads and her erect nipples and foam covered boobs against my chest.
My hands slipped down to her buttocks and I gave them a loving squeeze. Then we stepped out of the shower. Ruth said that I had made here legs feel weak and wobbly. I said that wasn't all that was wobbly...and we both laughed.
That was some day and a photo session that went on and on.... Surprisingly, she did pay me...for the photos!
Those shots that now follow have been edited to preserve anonymity. These pictures are some of many taken on the day
© All photographs are copyright.
Preparations... and ...
Stage One - Desired shots and reveal - ment

Stage Two - relaxation
Stage Three - Close ups and closeness. Any inhibitions shed at this stage
Stage Four - Sexuality, availability and desire
A UK Encounter
So as not to delay the reader too much, I will skip most of the preamble to this example of a photo shoot that went somewhere more than a few good pictures.
When I attended this English lady I knew that the brief was for what she called 'Glamour Photos' I therefore expected to be taking boob shots and rest of body shots excluding her private parts. This lady did have an acceptable face in aesthetic terms, so shots of her were taken face on and in profile. The session was to take place in her home in the county of Suffolk. I had no studio over there in those day (ten years or so ago), having just started out commercially.
The house turned out to be a small, modern, recent build end of terrace home or row house in our terms here in the US. She greeted me at the door as I started to unload my gear. No big lights on this occasion just remote operated flash units and indoor lighting. I wasn't expecting any 'encounters' as I had undertaken quite a few commissions without 'involvement' at this time.
She showed me in, made coffee and after some talk and showing me around the ground floor asked where did I think best for her photos. The kitchen was cramped with a small table and chairs taking much of the floor space up. The lounge was similar. She suggested we look at the upstairs situation. There were just two bedrooms a bathroom and an en suite.
The main bedroom looked the best bet so I started to set up in there. Tripod, remote flashes and a bounce screen. I pulled the drapes then went back downstairs and, finishing my coffee, tried to define what she wanted from the photos and why.
Emma, the name I will use, said that she wanted glamorous shots of herself to capture her look for the future. She mentioned that she was separated awaiting divorce finalization and currently not in a relationship. I often found that single women would open up to me as a photographer almost unbidden. I told her it was important to know her reasons as that helped me to produce what she wanted. I suggested that she go upstairs to get herself ready in whatever she felt comfortable with. A short time later Emma called out that she was ready.
As women go in these situations she was one of the very confident ones. Some are very shy, others nervous or just a little apprehensive, but not Emma. When I arrived in the bedroom doorway she was wearing a plain gown which revealed most of her cleavage. So we started there with some shots of her leaning on the bed and me capturing her left boob clothed in her black bra, in profile but partially covered by the gown. Then leaning toward me and, finally, with her laying down facing the camera. She wore jewelry in her navel, but her nails were fairly neutral, unlike the American lady above.
She stood up at that point and said she was ready for photos of her nearly nude. I said fine, checked my light settings and cameras, all the time chatting to put her at her ease; although I didn't think she needed it. She slipped off and let it drop to the floor. I picked it up and placed it out of shot.
She looked pretty good to me and I was sure we would get some great photos. Emma was in her late thirties, her skin flawless and her breasts pretty perfect. They were smallish but pert and firm from where I stood. and the rest of her body was in great shape. too. She wore ablack bra and panties that left little or anything to the imagination being completely open in the critical areas back and up and under.
She climbed onto the bed and I said that she should pose in whatever way she felt comfortable with and I would take as many shots as possible. So she did. Kneeling lying down lying on her side standing on the bed, thrusting her chest out, and finally on all fours with her barely pantie clad butt thrust in the air showing all she had. I was using two cameras in different positions in the room so managed to capture a good cross section of all her poses.
When I stood from my position behind the viewfinder, she said could she take a look? I obviously hadn't transferred them to my laptop at that point. She climbed off the bed and stood alongside me stooping slightly so she could see the review screen in the camera. In doing so I caught a whiff of her fragrance. Her hair hung down over her shoulders but she flicked it back so that standing where I was to her right I could see those perfect boobs now free of the bra and very pert. I dragged my eyes away and we panned through the shots on both cameras.
Naturally, I couldn't help glancing at her body from time to time and she knew it. Finally she stood and said, she liked what I had done and would I put them up on my website so she could review what she wanted. I said sure, and that I would email her a password to her portfolio.
She walked back to the side of the bed standing with her back to me and her hands on her hips. Then she climbed on the bed and slipped her thumbs into her panties and took them off. She turned facing me and smiling from where she was then got up. She walked to where I was at the foot of the bed and looked me straight in the eye and undid my belt then my shirt buttons. I had been celibate of late so how could I resist!
She stood so close that her perfume pervaded my nostrils and I could detect the warmth of her body. It took only moments for me to be in the same state she was, totally nude. She put her hands around my neck loosely and looked into my eyes with a mischievous look on her face. I had placed my hands on the inward curve of her waist. She was warm and soft to the touch. Touch can do a lot to a man and Emma looked down at the rising effect then took it in her hands and slid it between her legs.
I let go of her waist with my right hand and fondled her boob as she leaned forward and kissed me. I could feel the lubrication increasing below. In fact she became very wet, very quickly. She pulled away gently, sat on the edge of the bed and raised and opened her legs, holding her thighs with her hands. Just a mere glance on my part told me she was ready and she looked down her body to see my readiness enter her.
Boy was she athletic! She bucked against my thrusting, arched her back, moaned, shouted and finally gushed all over me. I stayed put. It was taking me a little longer to come. She wasn't complaining as she wriggled while I pleasured here all around her pussy and teasing her clit. I've never known a woman so wet and so 'open'. A lesser man would have been 'swallowed up' by those lips down there. Quite a lady and her boobs were a pleasure to squeeze. Warm and firm and two of the most erect nipples I think I have come across. I continued my thrusting and she said "harder" so I obliged hammering her pussy and clit. She was really crying out now and ...then I came!
I withdrew, she lay back briefly then said let's pleasure each other. Emma turned out to be a lady who had a few things he enjoyed so we adopted the sixty nine position. With her encouragement I rose to the occasion a second time. Harder than the first to my surprise. She held my member in her hands while my tongue worked on her pussy and clitoris Lots of mmmm's emanated from Emma down where she was.
Should couldn't say more for, by now, her mouth was full. Her lips and sucking motion were close to drawing everything out of me, and I thinks he knew it, as she stopped sucking me and used her hand rapidly as I felt her clit become really erect and hard. I flicked it with my tongue harder and faster and she uttered the immortal words....yes, oh yes, yes yes! At that point she came. I could her her breath coming fast. She rolled off me and then came down on me slowly...wet and slippery. Then she rode me hard and I garbbed her boobs squeezing real hard and pulling on her nipples alternately - she came again and then She rose up a little on her knees so I could play my part which I did with force and then I came but all over her as she withdrew at the critical moment. I shot all over her tummy and up toward her breasts.
She dipped her fingers in my semen and swallowed some as she looked down on me. I rolled her over onto the bed and and fondled her all over which she loved. Her boobs were so hard by now it was amazing. I used my fingers on her pussy, which was wide open and on her clit and she loved it.
Some photographer, she said when finally we cleaned up!
© All photographs are copyright.
The first few shots here are what I call teasing photos. These are what Emma wanted to begin with...

Some butt!!

Pink ....and perky
Definitely getting my attention now


Naughty Emma - she knew where this was heading...

Ripe for the taking....
An invitation.....
Definitely an invitation!
Docking .....soon.
Finally the camera was set up on time for these shots...you could say the two sessions were duly consummated. Sorry folk not in focus in the 'heat of the moment'
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