Further encounters from the anonymous author, which I publish on his behalf.
For LL
Behind every penned fiction lies a truth!
! The narrative that follows is very erotic and the photos quite explicit
Natalie was a neighbor, back in the UK, in her late thirties. She lived just a couple of doors along from where I then lived in a street of detached homes. I had moved from the northern part of East Anglia, UK, further south and into a different county. She was/is married.
Across the road from my place was Kate, also married and an old school
buddy of Natalie's. Both slim young women, Kate was more 'ordinary' in her
manner, although pretty in the physical sense, but Natalie knew she was very
attractive and to some degree flaunted it.
I had been in my new home for a few months and was on nodding terms with
my neighbors, most but not all of whom were in their thirties and forties. We
all got along pretty well, some more outgoing than others, some quieter and
keeping themselves to themselves in a very English way. The husbands of Natalie
and Kate seemed to work away a fair bit and the two women got together from
time to time. I had/have my own business which I largely operated from home
back then, in between travelling abroad, Consequently, I saw both Natalie and Kate most days to say hello.
I had a small front garden there and often chatted to both these ladies
when I was doing some work out front. Pretty innocuous day to day stuff in the
We undertook the odd task for each other as neighbors - putting the
trash bins back after collection, keeping an eye out if they were away, or
taking a parcel from the mail man or courier service.
One hot summer's day I had taken in a parcel from Amazon for Natalie as
she was out when the courier called. Around eleven that morning the door bell
rang and it was Natalie. The parcel was in the hallway so I fetched it as she
stood at the door in the sunlight.
She said "What a lovely aroma of coffee".
I had the filter gurgling away with fresh ground coffee and the smell
was wafting around the house.
"Would you like some," I asked. She said she would.
We went to sit in the dining area of the kitchen and I poured coffee.We sat down together looking out on the back yard with the patio doors wide open. She
said to call her Nat, as everyone else did and we chatted about how we came to
be neighbors, bearing in mind the whole area was comprised of fairly new houses.
She asked whether I was divorced, as she knew I lived on my own back then. I told her no,
I was widowed, which started a whole other course for the conversation.
Then we got to talking about travel and ourselves and before we knew, an
hour and half and a full jug of coffee had passed. She asked if I was lonely, living alone, and I replied that I was sometimes. I returned the question as I
knew her husband was away a fair bit. She said she was at times, too.
On that note we left things and both agreed we had enjoyed our 'coffee
morning' and arranged to do it again the following week.
Around a week later my door bell rang on another hot and sunny morning
and there was Nat looking lovely in a yellow patterned sleeveless summer dress.
Her demeanor was warm and friendly and she gave me a kiss on the cheek in
greeting, placing her right hand on my shoulder. My face brushed her hair which
was soft and fresh and I also caught a waft of a nice perfume from somewhere
around her neck area.
I had the coffee brewing and the aroma was pervading the kitchen and
hallway. Nat slid her arm off my shoulder then down my arm and lingered holding
my hand. Then she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, briefly. She drew
away and we looked each other in the eye and smiled.
"I was in a hurry this morning", she said. “I don't think I
did my zip properly. Will you do it for me?"
"Of course", I replied.
She turned around so I could do what
was necessary. It was down a little from the top of the dress, so I took hold
of the top of the dress with my left hand and the zip tab with my right. My
left hand could feel her warm soft shoulder, which was very pleasant. I shook what thoughts I had from my mind at that moment and started to pull the zip up
"Not up, down" Nat said.
A previous lady in my life, (not you LL, even though you were taken once, twice ... four times in 24 hours), said I was highly sexed and she loved the fact. So, faced with a choice of up or down, or to comply with the ladies wishes, I chose down and the ladies wishes. Nat was
quite fair skinned and in very good shape. I pulled the zip down slowly. First, where I expected to encounter a bra strap - there was none - then all the way
down. At this point I could see no panties in evidence either.
Instead I was looking at a beautifully curved back and Nat's
vertebrae...and the top of the cleft between her buttocks. The sun was shining
through from the dining room and catching the golden highlights in her hair. I
held her upper arms and kissed her gently on that part of her bare shoulder
that was not covered by the straps of her dress which, despite the unzipping, remained in place...for now.
This evoked a cat like purr from Nat, as she said "Nice".
This evoked a cat like purr from Nat, as she said "Nice".
I kissed her neck just below her left ear and she threw her head back,
Next thing was that Nat had shrugged her dress off her shoulders and let
it fall to the hallway floor. I wasn't overlooked out back, but the roadway
passed quite close at the front and there was a diagonal view from the dining
room window. I leaned across and gently pulled to door to.
When I turned back Nat was still standing with her back to me. A perfect
hour glass shape, graceful shoulders with her hair tumbling down, part covering
them. Then, her back tapering to her waist, from where it curved outwards again
around her hips and down her long tapering legs. Her backside was beautifully
shaped, almost like a peach, and firm.
She looked over her shoulder from where she stood at the foot of the stairs.,. her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Feeling lonely?" she asked.
"As lonely as you are" I replied.
"As lonely as you are" I replied.
Despite never having been in my house, like this, before, she started up
the stairs and, naturally, I followed.
To say it was a pleasure would be a gross understatement. Climbing the stairs behind her was a lesson in perambulation, hers! She was barefoot and her legs seemed even longer and more attractive on the stairs, from this angle. They culminated of course in her ass which was swaying very sexily ahead of me. Half way up the stairs she started to exaggerate the swing of her hips. The cheeks of her ass moving in concert as she stepped up each stair
To say it was a pleasure would be a gross understatement. Climbing the stairs behind her was a lesson in perambulation, hers! She was barefoot and her legs seemed even longer and more attractive on the stairs, from this angle. They culminated of course in her ass which was swaying very sexily ahead of me. Half way up the stairs she started to exaggerate the swing of her hips. The cheeks of her ass moving in concert as she stepped up each stair
Glimpses of her pussy were in evidence and she knew it, but she kept her
legs fairly close together although, with her fitness, there was that gap at
the top of her inner thighs. It was like a keyhole ready to receive a key....and the
sun shone through when she reached the top of the stairs, which had a three
step turn before reaching the landing. Straight ahead of her was a spare
bedroom with a king size bed, not overlooked, at the back of the house.
“In here?" she said. "Sure", I said.
I was wearing shorts and a polo shirt which I stripped off pretty damn
quickly. In all this time from Nat shedding her dress downstairs and then
following her beautiful body to this bedroom, she had not turned round fully.
We were both in the bedroom now - I shed what I was wearing. I placed my hands on her waist, feeling
her soft smooth, almost silky, warm skin beneath my fingers. I kissed her softly on the shoulder, then
again on her neck. Being slightly taller than she, my view over her shoulder
was superb. My eyes followed the sweep of her flawless breasts down to the slightly upturned nipples, which
were erect. It was hot and there was a sheen of perspiration in her cleavage.
Her buttocks were against my lower abdomen. As anyone with imagination
would know, by this time I was very erect and ready for what was to come. I
moved my hands slowly up the side of her rib cage so that my fingers brushed
the sides of both her breasts. There was a sort intake of breath from her.
She wriggled her bottom a little allowing my penis into that key hole
and then she rocked gently two and fro on it with her pussy. She stood with her legs slightly apart and I could feel her 'lips' parting to accommodate me - the flower was opening. She became wet quite quickly. I moved my hands to cup her breasts fully, teasing her
hardening nipples with my fingers. She purred and spread her legs a little
wider so that I was now teasing the inner side of her pussy's lips and she was
now very wet.
She leaned forward a little, putting her hands on the bed. Her boobs,
which I later found out were a 36C, were dangling away from her body beautifully. I took
both in my hands and squeezed them. The tip of my penis could feel that her
pussy was well and truly swollen and entry was going to be relatively easy.
I slid inside her slowly as she expanded to accommodate me. then fully,
and she gasped. From then on we were like a couple of rabbits. She was
thrusting against me, and me her. I had a hold on her hips and was pulling her onto me as she moved back and forth on me. The more we did, and the faster we did, the more I
swelled inside her and I could feel her coming long before I was there.
She climaxed with a shout and I could feel her body convulsing with the
effect. She wriggled forward in a kneeling position on the bed her head laid to one side looking back at me as I continued
for a short time longer before, I too, was able satisfy myself.
That wasn't the end. Nat stood up, sweat trickling down between those
gorgeous breasts. I took one in my hand leaned down and licked it all around
the nipple, tasting the salt of her perspiration and then sucking on her. She
loved it, and I obliged the other one as well. Standing there briefly, I looked at
her frontally for the first time, just before she put her arms around my neck and
kissed me, her hard nipples against the hairs on my chest and one of her legs
wrapped around mine. I had one arm around her and the other holding her right
buttock. It was some moment.
We fell back on the bed together,, regained our breath, then we stood
on the right of the bed away from the window and embraced and kissed. For me
that was a delight enhanced by the wardrobe mirrored doors and the large mirror
by the side of the bed. This was the first time Nat had been standing facing me
full on. In the bedside mirror I was treated to her shapely rear and in those on the long wardrobe, a side view, enhancing her shapeliness, with her butt sticking out quite sexily.
She looked beautiful. Her skin was glowing and she was a little flushed
in the face. Her breasts stood proud and firm in front of her, the nipples
still engorged. Her tummy flat, and a strip of short pubic hair pointing down
towards her pussy. The curve of her hips and the slimness of her waist were all
in perfect proportion.
I couldn't believe what we had just enjoyed. Here was my next but one
neighbor that I had only previously passed the time of day with and, naturally, who I had only ever seen fully clothed, standing naked in front of me
displaying the beauty of her body and a smile that might melt my heart. That smile
told me two things. One, that I had satisfied her and, two, that we weren't
finished yet.
We stood briefly surveying each other holding hands at half arm's
length. Then we embraced and kissed. Nat's breasts were so firm that we barely
touched below that area. Barely, being very much the operative word. She
slipped her hands from mine and started working on me down below ... to pretty
good effect. I caressed her arms shoulders and her beautiful firm ass.
Using both her hands on me made her arms press against her breasts so
that they were brought closer together and pushed her nipples forward to the extent that
they were almost pointed. I couldn't take my eyes off them. her work done
below, she turned to climb back onto the bed.
I placed my right arm round her waist and found that strip of hair. It was silky and soft and I stroked it with my hand. My left arm reached round so that I could place my left hand on her left breast. That was a real pleasure. It was so firm and her nipple really proud.
I placed my right arm round her waist and found that strip of hair. It was silky and soft and I stroked it with my hand. My left arm reached round so that I could place my left hand on her left breast. That was a real pleasure. It was so firm and her nipple really proud.
We parted and she rolled over on her back on the bed. Then, taking her
upper thighs in her hands she pulled her legs up and apart. Still standing, there
was only one destination for me and it was there, wet, open and swollen awaiting
further attention. Nat was so ready that I entered with no trouble. It was
slippery, velvety and warm and she looked at me and said, "You are very thick...not
mentally", she quickly added. "Fast please, and hard."
I intended to oblige. Watching Nat as she enjoyed the initial
entry, I ignored her request at the start just sliding to and fro
slowly, which she seemed to enjoy.Then she wanted things faster. I took
that as my cue and we were well into a pretty athletic time.
I grabbed her thighs and pulled her firmly onto me and coming down hard
on her clit while making sure my 'hood' caught her G-spot each time I nearly
withdrew. The combination saw her crying out and making the classic exclamation
of 'yes, oh, yes' I saw her eyes rolling upwards then she closed her eyes as I
felt her climax. Shortly afterwards I filled her again.
That was quite a morning for us both.
Nat was on her own most weekdays and I spent most weekends at my London
apartment so embarrassing encounters with her and her husband never occurred.
Our affair continued as and when over quite a few months.
Natalie's Story:
I often saw him during weekdays, but never at weekends. A man, a fair few
years older than me, living on his own, apart from occasional visitors. We
spoke sometimes, mainly when one or both of us were on the way out or
returning home. It was apparent that he was not local to the East Anglian area, but I had worked here and then got married and settled here. So, I was a local
more or less. I was at one time a legal secretary, but gave up work after about
5 years of marriage.
My husband is a a good man, hardworking but fairly boring. Most of all
he is unimaginative and infrequent in bed. Being a relatively young and I think
attractive woman, all those nights he is away and some when he's home don't
meet my needs...nor does masturbation!
I was attracted to my neighbor for all sorts of reasons including those
above. He was, as I said a fair few years older than me. hair cut really short,
which was good as he had lost most on top. A bit taller than me by several
inches, he had a lovely smile and his green eyes lit up when he smiled. He
always looked tanned too which I was attracted to. I found out later that he had
overseas properties which explained the perpetual tan.
That is something of the background to why I ended up in the affair I
did, with this charming man. I will call him Mike, although that's not his real
I am a serial Amazon customer and have frequent parcel deliveries. On
the rare occasions I'm not around to take delivery they are usually left with a
neighbor and a card put through the letterbox. On one such hot summer's day a
delivery was left at Mike's house. I went over to collect it. He was in, as I
could see his car on the drive.
I rang the bell and Mike opened the front door after a few moments. My
parcel was sitting in his hallway, waiting for me. I was looking for an excuse
to chat and then smelled the coffee wafting out from the kitchen.
“What a lovely aroma of coffee", I said.
Mike looked me straight in the eye and, without hesitation, asked if I
would like to join him for a cup. I said, yes, I would. He stepped aside to let
me in then closed the front door. I swayed my hips a little as I walked to the
kitchen and knew he was watching me.
We spent a very pleasant hour over a couple of cups of coffee. I could
tell, while we talked, he was 'interested'. Whilst he was never obvious, and quite
gentlemanly, he appraised my face and body with those friendly green eyes. I
felt he was taking me right into him. Absorbing all that he saw, in a nice
way. I was dressed in a crew neck tee shirt and skinny jeans, so was well
covered, but allowing my figure to show. We talked of inconsequential
things to start with, but then we were into asking about each other.
He had led quite an exciting and interesting life. I had no idea from
just the occasional 'passing the time of day' encounters. The other thing that I
had seen about him out and about in the neighborhood was that he was kind. Not
just nice, but really kind.
We both almost tripped over our words toward the end of the hour when we
both said " Would you like to do this again?", simultaneously. We
both did, so I said "How about next Tuesday?"
We agreed on that.
The weekend came and went. Normal stuff and no real action in bed on my husband's part apart
from the Friday evening and that was unremarkable. Seemed he was carrying out rather like a 'duty' than anything else. It felt cold.
I couldn't wait until Tuesday and spent some time thinking about what I
would wear and day dreaming about what might happen. I wanted to have sex with Mike
and,whilst part of me felt guilty, another part and the greater part, felt
excited. I felt quite horny that whole weekend into the beginning of the
week....and unsatisfied.
Tuesday arrived and it was hot and sunny. We had arranged that I would
go round for ...coffee....at 10.30. I showered later than normal that morning
and decided to wear a sleeveless summer dress. I always remember it was a
yellow and white print. I rummaged through my underwear drawers for something
sexy and lacy, but then, on a whim, decided that what was really sexy was to
wear nothing at all under the dress. A splash of scent, including some in my cleavage, competed
my preparations.
I'm not sure what Mike was expecting and I did worry a little about how
he might react. I needn't have done.
Just before I left, I pulled down the zip on the back of my dress a little. Then I set off the few yards to his place. He must have seen me coming as he opened the door as I arrived. Neither of us wanted any neighbors putting two and two together. Most people though, apart from my friend Kate who lived opposite Mike, were at work during the day.
Just before I left, I pulled down the zip on the back of my dress a little. Then I set off the few yards to his place. He must have seen me coming as he opened the door as I arrived. Neither of us wanted any neighbors putting two and two together. Most people though, apart from my friend Kate who lived opposite Mike, were at work during the day.
I kissed him on the cheek, walked past him as he held the door allowing
our bare arms to brush against each other, and then stopped in the hallway and
kicked off my sandals. Mike was wearing a polo shirt and shorts and I could
smell his after shave, which was very nice.
A tip ladies - if you are going to have an affair make sure his after
shave doesn't linger on your clothes, or in your car, or leave clothes at his
place. Likewise, the same applies to the man in your affair. In Mike's case it
didn't matter as he was single.
I stopped in the hallway almost blocking it as we were talking. He came
up behind me and took my upper arms in his hands. They were warm, soft for a
man and large enough. This first touch by him made me take a little sharp
breath. I knew why. It was because what I wanted was now only a short distance and time, away.
I've no doubt he noticed my zip was undone a bit at the back, but he
didn't know I was naked beneath that dress. I asked him if he would 'do my
zip'. I'm not sure whether he thought I meant up or down, but to avoid
confusion I said,
"Down, not up"
He obliged. I felt the back of his hand brush against my back as he
unzipped me and linger a little longer at the base of my spine than was
necessary. I knew he was looking at me and now knew I had neither bra or
panties on. He held my shoulders and kissed me on each, then on my neck just
below my left ear. That did it for me.
I felt a shiver go down my spine and then shrugged my dress off my
shoulders, allowing it to drift gracefully to the floor. I had the impression of
him pulling a door to, somewhere behind me. To protect my modesty I guessed
- sweet. We were at the foot of the stairs. Without turning more than my head, I
asked him if he was feeling lonely. He replied "As lonely as you
Knowing that he was going to get a good view of me from behind, and 'up
and under' I climbed the stairs slowly and decided to exaggerate my hip
movement. I was feeling really hot and not just from the weather. There was a
turn on the stairs and I saw him look up at my boobs.
I headed for the first bedroom I came to and he confirmed it was OK. I
remember it was at the back of the house and not overlooked. The blinds were
up. Behind me I heard the swish of clothes and his belt buckle chinking as he
undid it. Then he was as naked as me and... something was definitely at right
angles from the glance in his direction!
I knew I had been teasing him by not turning round and, also up until now, we had just passed a few words between us, each knowing that we were going to
be locked together soon.
He took charge as soon as we were in the bedroom and naked ' His hands
held my waist firmly and then he started to bring them slowly up my sides. I
remember thinking that I was perspiring and there was a trickle of sweat
running down my cleavage.
Then his fingers were stroking the sides of my boobs just under my arms. He was feather light in his touch and that took my breath away and started all sorts of things happening in my boobs and in my groin. Then his left hand held my left breast and 'wow!' that was great. Obviously, my husband had fondled me, but Mike seemed to know exactly how to turn a girl fully on.
Then his fingers were stroking the sides of my boobs just under my arms. He was feather light in his touch and that took my breath away and started all sorts of things happening in my boobs and in my groin. Then his left hand held my left breast and 'wow!' that was great. Obviously, my husband had fondled me, but Mike seemed to know exactly how to turn a girl fully on.
He studiously avoided my nipple, as he cupped and fondled my boob. I so
wanted him to touch both nipples, but he was in charge and I was happy with
that. I allowed my backside to nestle against him and his penis slid between my
legs which were barely apart. He was a little wet and sticky and I think I must
have felt soaking to him. Anyhow, the lubrication and stimulation was great. His
right hand reached round past my stomach and he was stroking the triangle
of short pubic hair that I had just above my pussy.
Then his fingers moved lower and I couldn't stand it any longer.
I had never done this before - although I always wanted to - I bent over on the bed so my bum was in the air and opened my legs wide. He had hold of both my boobs now and his touch on my nipples was electrifying. I felt him enter me and oh! that was so good. He was quite thick in that department and very erect. The feeling and the stimulation was fantastic. I started to rock to and fro and he thrust into me. It felt like he was touching parts of me that had never been stimulated before.
I had never done this before - although I always wanted to - I bent over on the bed so my bum was in the air and opened my legs wide. He had hold of both my boobs now and his touch on my nipples was electrifying. I felt him enter me and oh! that was so good. He was quite thick in that department and very erect. The feeling and the stimulation was fantastic. I started to rock to and fro and he thrust into me. It felt like he was touching parts of me that had never been stimulated before.
My husband often ran out of steam before I climaxed and he would then
bring me there by playing with my clit with his fingers. I did tell him a few
times that lips aren't just for kissing, but he never got the message.
My clit was being stroked by his balls and he knew where my G-spot was
as each time he nearly withdrew I gasped. We were thrusting against each other
faster and faster and I think I was shouting toward the end. It was so
fantastic and I felt him swelling inside me even more, just before I climaxed. I
felt myself come in a way I never had before and the stimulation had been
fabulous. My pussy was swollen and throbbing and when I came, I felt it all
through my body.
My eyes closed involuntarily and everything exploded in my head like a
fantastic white starburst. I came again as he suddenly grabbed my boobs and
really squeezed them hard. I was close to passing out in a funny sort of way, but then we both calmed down and relaxed and he withdrew himself from me. I
rolled over on the bed and lay on my back.
I was still throbbing from our love making and wanted more. From what I
could see I needed to encourage him a little. I smiled and used my best face to
tell him without words that we hadn't finished. I stood and he took my hands in
mine then embraced me, holding my body tight against his and we kissed with some
passion. I could feel him becoming aroused again.
Stepping back a little, I used my hands to encourage things along. He
fondled my boobs as I fondled him.
God! I was feeling insatiable that day and I couldn't wait for him to be inside me again. I was aroused by more than just his physical touch and what I was caressing in my hands. It was his aura of control, gentleness and his firm hold when he had me in his arms. I felt secure, submissive and just wanting to wallow in more and more of this beautiful sex.
God! I was feeling insatiable that day and I couldn't wait for him to be inside me again. I was aroused by more than just his physical touch and what I was caressing in my hands. It was his aura of control, gentleness and his firm hold when he had me in his arms. I felt secure, submissive and just wanting to wallow in more and more of this beautiful sex.
He certainly knew how to use his hands. he was fondling my breasts which
were really firm now, and then I felt one hand head down across my tummy and
head for me pussy which he massaged gently and slowly, then faster. It was more
than I could stand so....I sat on the edge of the bed. Lifted my legs up
grabbed my thighs and opened my legs wide.
Without hesitation he smiled then entered me. Entry was easy and
so very nice.
"Fast and hard, please, this time", I said.
At first I thought he had ignored me because he explored all-round the opening
to my pussy with his penis. I wanted him inside, but what he did was lovely and
very nice. In a fleeting moment the thought passed through my head that he
really knew how to please a woman. Then he entered me. That was such a gorgeous
feeling. I wrapped my legs around him briefly so that he couldn't move too much, and enjoyed that thick cock inside me. I could feel him growing thicker, too!
That was when I felt I just wanted to come, urgently. He had leaned
forward and was fondling and squeezing my breasts which, on reflection, probably
accounted for that growth inside me. He stood back up his hands caressing the
outsides of my thighs. Then he unwrapped my legs, held me by the thighs as wide
as my legs could go and started pounding down hard on my clit. We were both
very slippery and the enjoyment was out of this world. He became faster and
faster and came down on me really hard. I exploded in the most fantastic climax I
had had ever.
He continued, and then with a growl or grunt he flooded inside me. Mike
stayed there for a while still supporting my legs which he placed on his
shoulders. I could feel myself having another climax then another as my body
felt flooded with heat and I felt my face and cheeks becoming hot. Then
he gently lowered my legs and withdrew.
The next thing was I found myself in his arms head upon his chest while
gently caressed my side and back. I ached. My legs ached and my insides ached,
but they were good aches. My whole body seemed to flooded with a sense of well being. I rolled on my back staring at the ceiling and he propped himself on one arm
and leaned over and kissed me, so gently and lovingly, on the lips, his hand
playing with my hard nipples but, with a touch as light as a feather.
My husband wasn't in the same class, nor any men I had slept with, p[reviously.
Eventually, after relaxing and talking in each other’s arms I checked the time
and said I had to go. My husband often called me when he was away, on the house
I stepped into my dress and this time the zip went all the way...up. We
laughed about that. Then I left and walked a little unsteadily the short
distance to my house.
Later that evening while I was taking a bath and just relaxing, I
wondered about what I was going to do.
Mike had said that I had been great and I believed him. He was/is a very sincere man. Whether some of it was pent up frustration or what, but I couldn't stop thinking of the morning. Both times we had sex were in positions I had never experienced before and, to say it was wonderful, is an understatement. I had never been 'taken' from behind. That aroused and touched parts I didn't think was possible. The penetration from Mike making love to me with him standing was also something entirely new to me.
Mike had said that I had been great and I believed him. He was/is a very sincere man. Whether some of it was pent up frustration or what, but I couldn't stop thinking of the morning. Both times we had sex were in positions I had never experienced before and, to say it was wonderful, is an understatement. I had never been 'taken' from behind. That aroused and touched parts I didn't think was possible. The penetration from Mike making love to me with him standing was also something entirely new to me.
I closed my eyes and started to imagine various scenarios and fantasies.
I wanted him to take me outdoors, somewhere in the country Another thought was too do it so I could
see all that was taking place in a mirror, to ride him while he sucked on my
Then I wondered if I should share my secret with Kate, my best friend over the road. I thought she might understand, as her husband was away weekdays, too.
Then I wondered if I should share my secret with Kate, my best friend over the road. I thought she might understand, as her husband was away weekdays, too.
At that point I thought of a threesome. Wow! Was my mind racing through
all the sexy scenarios I could conjure up. I found I was playing with myself
down below and absentmindedly squeezing my boobs. I was amazed. I felt like I
wanted to come again and that was after all that happened that morning....
That first day we were together I had lain in bed thinking what a
fantastic morning Nat and I had spent love-making and that we had to see each
other again. I was pretty sure she felt the same.
I bought her a throwaway cell phone and topped it up with plenty of
credit. I decided to give it to her when we next met. That following morning
she called from her landline to mine and we had quite a chat, as you can
imagine - she thinking of me when she went to bed and me, her. She was good
company, too.
She said she didn't want to call on me at my place too frequently, or she
might be noticed. I said that was fine and why didn't we drive out somewhere
where no one knew her. Her parents lived about 20 miles away and called in some
weekdays, so we arranged a day when she was free. That was just two days later.
There are two forests fairly close by and also the Fenland country that
is part of East Anglia. We decided to meet at one of the forest car parks,
leave her car there and go off in mine. That way I didn't leave any trace in her car. Mine didn't matter as far as perfume was concerned. Although
I had lived in that area for some time, it didn't equal the almost lifetime that
Nat had, so she suggested somewhere only she knew.
We drove there and she showed me this 'secret' place. We had parked up, followed a forest trail, then headed off it over a thick layer of pine needles
deeper into the forest. It was managed forestry, and eventually we came out in a
small area which had only young growth trees after the towering pines we had
walked through. There was a small grass area and a pond. Apart from the occasional
sound of birds, no other noise. We had taken a picnic for lunch and by the time
we got there I, for one, was ready to eat. We did. It was over lunch that Nat
told me about Kate.
She was, apparently, unhappy in her marriage and talked to Nat about it
constantly. Because of the 'atmosphere' between her and her husband and the
fact he was away weekdays, her sex life was almost non-existent. I said I had
seen her pretty often, like I had Nat. Going in and out and smiling at me. In
fact now we were on the subject, I realized some of the waves and conversations from Kate were quite enthusiastic. More than one might expect from a neighbor.
Nat asked whether I thought her attractive. I said
"Why? Would you be jealous if I did?" laughing.
"No, I just wondered, that's all"
"You are both attractive in different ways", I said.
" Kate is slim and pretty and, yes, I like her, but I don't really
know her"
"Good", said Nat and munched on some salad and said no more.
I wasn't sure where this conversation was headed, so I left it there and
turned my attention to Nat. We sat with our backs against a tree in the shade.
I'll tell the rest of Nat's story later.
In between other things, and about two weeks later, I was out on the
driveway of my house sorting some things in the trunk of my car. Kate had been
working in her garden, although I hadn't really noticed.
"Hello". It was Kate. I turned and she had come across the
road with garden shears in her hands and wearing shorts and a tee shirt top.
" Hi, Kate. Busy?"
She said, yes, she was just tidying the garden. With some hesitation she asked if
I would like coffee (these ladies must have known I was a coffee addict!) I'd
finished up what I was doing and had the day to myself, so said yes. I walked
over the road with her and in through her front door.
I should explain that there is a mix of housing where I lived then and
she and her husband had a four bed home against my five bed one.Her place
was still pretty large with a kitchen to match. Unlike the confident Nat, Kate seemed
just a little nervous.
She was also shorter than Nat around 5' 5"" to my 5' 10". I think Nat had two inches on her in height. I started to chat asking about her home and the garden, until she relaxed a little. I did note though that there were two mugs on the counter ready for coffee when we had walked in.
She was also shorter than Nat around 5' 5"" to my 5' 10". I think Nat had two inches on her in height. I started to chat asking about her home and the garden, until she relaxed a little. I did note though that there were two mugs on the counter ready for coffee when we had walked in.
Kate made coffee and we sat at her counter in the kitchen sipping it and
She said "You're widowed aren't you?"
“Yes", I replied.
Then I went on to explain that it had happened suddenly, through cancer, and some years previously. She asked if I was lonely at times and I said, yes I was. Generally , I was fine with my own company, but loneliness did creep in from time to time.
“Yes", I replied.
Then I went on to explain that it had happened suddenly, through cancer, and some years previously. She asked if I was lonely at times and I said, yes I was. Generally , I was fine with my own company, but loneliness did creep in from time to time.
"It can't be easy for you either" I said, "being alone
most of the week".
She then held back a tear, bringing her hand up to her eye and then using a tissue and said she was lonely at weekends too, even though her husband was home then. It seemed to me she was reaching out for company and reassurance. Kate didn't seem like like Nat, who was very self-assured.
She then held back a tear, bringing her hand up to her eye and then using a tissue and said she was lonely at weekends too, even though her husband was home then. It seemed to me she was reaching out for company and reassurance. Kate didn't seem like like Nat, who was very self-assured.
She apologized for being 'a little emotional', but then she stood and put
her arms around me and I held her. She held onto me for what seemed like quite
a while, but was probably only minutes. I think she felt a bit more secure and comforted as a
result. She moved away slightly, still holding on and looked up at me. Our
faces were quite close, then she kissed me. Tentatively, at first but when I
returned her kiss, her kissing became more passionate.
I could feel her body pressed hard against mine. There was a longing
there. Kate, whilst slim, had all her
curves in the right places and she was fit. I often saw her out running during
the day, in fact.
"Make love to me", she said breathlessly, after surfacing from
our kissing. "Now, here, anywhere".
She started unbuttoning my short sleeved shirt and then my belt buckle.
After that kissing session she seemed to have changed and was more passionate
and surprisingly more confident. My shirt came off and so did her shorts with
more than a little help from me. They dropped to the floor as she stroked my
chest with her hands, standing there in her pretty and tight fitting panties
and the tee shirt top.
She pulled the tee over her head, to reveal a matching bra and a lovely
cleavage. Her skin was warm and soft.
"Undo me", she said, turning so I could unfasten her bra
I obliged, and she shrugged the straps from her shoulders. I stayed put behind her for a moment looking at the way her back curved beautifully down to where the cleft of her ass showed above her panties. She had a nice bottom.
I obliged, and she shrugged the straps from her shoulders. I stayed put behind her for a moment looking at the way her back curved beautifully down to where the cleft of her ass showed above her panties. She had a nice bottom.
Kate, slipped her hands inside her panties at the hips and slid them
down and off her feet. I did the same with my boxer shorts. Then passion took
over rapidly. I slid my hand down over her stomach and the other round onto her
chest, just cupping her left boob. She put her hand over mine on her breast and
said squeeze hard, at the same time thrusting her ass against me. She had some
hair below but very little. I felt her gasp, as I touched her down there. She
wasn't ready yet, but things were coming along.
She turned and leaned against the kitchen counter and placed her left
leg up and around my right. this opened her legs, and I was pretty proud by now, so slid between her legs. I kissed her neck to the left of her chin as she threw
her head back.
"Please now, somewhere, anywhere.... quick", she said.
There was a lounge area off the kitchen - in fact the house had two lounging areas - and there was a couch with a throw over it. We steered ourselves in that direction.
Kate stood briefly caressing my arms and chest and handling me below. I fondled both her breasts as she did so. She was quite pert and firm.
There was a lounge area off the kitchen - in fact the house had two lounging areas - and there was a couch with a throw over it. We steered ourselves in that direction.
Kate stood briefly caressing my arms and chest and handling me below. I fondled both her breasts as she did so. She was quite pert and firm.
Her nipples were 'puffy' too, which was pretty becoming on her. She saw
me admiring her boobs and smiled. That was the first proper smile since we came
in for that coffee! She sat down on the couch and opened her legs and then
pulled them up.
"Just take me now please!"
She was certainly ready, but then I knelt before her, which she was a
little surprised at judging by her expression.
I put my head between her legs holding them apart with my arms and started to use my tongue on her 'lips'. She was a little wet down there and very surprised at my actions. The surprise was replaced soon after by her placing her hands on my head and uttering lots of mmmm's and 'oh yes'. I had stayed away from her clitoris, but when eventually my tongue touched it she was electrified. I explored the area and then she said 'please there, just there' and I increased my attention in that area caressing it and flicking it faster and faster with my tongue.
I put my head between her legs holding them apart with my arms and started to use my tongue on her 'lips'. She was a little wet down there and very surprised at my actions. The surprise was replaced soon after by her placing her hands on my head and uttering lots of mmmm's and 'oh yes'. I had stayed away from her clitoris, but when eventually my tongue touched it she was electrified. I explored the area and then she said 'please there, just there' and I increased my attention in that area caressing it and flicking it faster and faster with my tongue.
I could feel her wanting to squeeze her legs against me. My hands were
resting on her legs and lower tummy. She was gasping now and then I felt her
stomach area convulse as she came full on. She shouted out. I continued but she
pulled my head away as she finished what seemed to be a multiple orgasm, as she continued to buck with pleasure.
She swung round and lay on the couch with her legs still wide apart and I mounted her, entering her welcoming pussy slickly, and with alacrity.
She swung round and lay on the couch with her legs still wide apart and I mounted her, entering her welcoming pussy slickly, and with alacrity.
I could tell she wanted to really enjoy this part of our love making so, to begin
with, I took things slowly and she lay smiling up at me as we gently rocked
against each other. I was supported on my arms, so she was able to rock upwards
in rhythm to me gentle thrusting. We both took time to enjoy the slowness of it
"This is sooo lovely" she said.
I balanced on one arm and caressed her left breast the nipple beneath my hand feeling hard and proud. In that position, more or less, we continued with some vigor until I felt both myself and Kate climaxing on that couch. As we did I came down on top of her and completely relaxed. We kissed, I kissed her boobs and teased her nipples with my tongue and then we eventually got up. Kate suggested we go upstairs to clean up,ostensibly .
I balanced on one arm and caressed her left breast the nipple beneath my hand feeling hard and proud. In that position, more or less, we continued with some vigor until I felt both myself and Kate climaxing on that couch. As we did I came down on top of her and completely relaxed. We kissed, I kissed her boobs and teased her nipples with my tongue and then we eventually got up. Kate suggested we go upstairs to clean up,ostensibly .
Following her slim figure up those stairs stirred things in me again and
as we both arrived on the landing I picked up her naked body and took her into
the nearest bedroom. She put her arms around my neck and laughed. She was
glowing in the aftermath of our sex as well, and that showed through. I put her
down and she put her arms back around my neck and we kissed some more. I moved
my hands from her lovely waist slowly down her thighs then held her buttocks
firmly in both hands.
We came up for air and she said,
"Nobody has ever used their mouth and tongue on me, down there. It
was wonderful and so much better than masturbating, myself"
" My pleasure...and yours, I believe", I said, smiling
Kate said that she had read that spanking can heighten sexual pleasure.
She was a bit wary of the idea, but wanted to try it sometime.
"I will see you again won't I?" she asked.
I said yes she would, for sure. I think then she thought that was us for the day, but as she turned around from me I swiftly brought my arms round her body and took both breasts in my hands and squeezed them hard. She gasped at the suddenness of something she wasn't expecting. I was fully hard again and slipped between her legs touching her still wet and swollen pussy.
I said yes she would, for sure. I think then she thought that was us for the day, but as she turned around from me I swiftly brought my arms round her body and took both breasts in my hands and squeezed them hard. She gasped at the suddenness of something she wasn't expecting. I was fully hard again and slipped between her legs touching her still wet and swollen pussy.
" Oh my God" she said, as I gently pushed her toward that bed.
We both rolled onto to it, her first, then me. I lay on my back, horizontal apart from one very erect appendage. I told her to straddle me and she did, slowly lowering herself onto me then, taking it all in her stride, she started rocking to and fro and moaning. I had no doubt her clit was being aroused rapidly.
We both rolled onto to it, her first, then me. I lay on my back, horizontal apart from one very erect appendage. I told her to straddle me and she did, slowly lowering herself onto me then, taking it all in her stride, she started rocking to and fro and moaning. I had no doubt her clit was being aroused rapidly.
She started fully upright, her pert boobs bouncing around very sexily, and
then she leaned over me and started gyrating against me. I grabbed her breasts
then brought them close enough to suck on. She was in heaven judging by the
sounds she was making. Rocking faster and faster, I was guessing she was close
to coming.
Using my right hand, I spanked her bottom regularly and fairly hard. She gasped
between her moans and then she climaxed. Her eyes closed involuntarily and I
could see her tummy contracting hard and several times as she reached her peak.
I think she must have had a female ejaculation, because I felt her flooding onto
Her pussy was so dilated now to the extent she was wide open. I rolled
her off me and mounted her going straight in fast and very hard. Quite quickly
I came and then we both collapsed in silence and in each other's arms. We both
used her main bathroom shower. Bit of a squeeze but we were both in there
washing each other. To say that wasn't a pleasure also would not be true....
I will return to Kate and Nat later...
Kate's Own Story
When I first met Mike 'properly', my marriage of five years was a sham. My husband was away all week and when home at weekends took no interest in me. Sex was virtually non-existent. I had long suspected that he was having affairs, which he was, and eventually we divorced.
I felt lonely. Yes, I had girl friends who I saw and a close friend from
schooldays in Natalie - Nat - my neighbor across the road. But I yearned
for proper male company and for a man to make me feel like a woman again. It
was Nat that suggested I make friends with Mike, who lived opposite. I knew he
lived on his own and although I was 39 and he in his 50's, I gave it some
I didn't know at that time that Nat had already 'slept' with him, but as
things turned out sometime later that didn't matter.
Finally, one day I plucked up the courage to say more than hello when we
were both out outside doing jobs. I had gone out purposely, although I don't think Mike suspected it at the time. I invited him in for coffee.
I felt safe and he was very friendly smiling with his lovely green eyes to put me at my ease. I have to admit I was very nervous and my tummy was tight with butterflies. Having no idea where this would end up I decided chatting and getting to know each other a bit more would be a good start.
I felt safe and he was very friendly smiling with his lovely green eyes to put me at my ease. I have to admit I was very nervous and my tummy was tight with butterflies. Having no idea where this would end up I decided chatting and getting to know each other a bit more would be a good start.
I suddenly realized when back in the kitchen that I had set two mugs
out. I was hoping he hadn't noticed. I poured coffee - black for me, white and
one sugar for him. then asked him about himself. He was widowed several years
back and married just that once. Talking to him it was clear that he loved his late
wife deeply, but realized he had to move on.
Ask we talked more and more, I liked him. Physically, he was trim and
had a really nice smile that extended to his eyes. I wanted to reach over and
touch his tanned hand and arm, only stopping myself because I didn't know what
his reaction would be. It was so nice to talk to a man who was relaxed and friendly...and
flirting a little.
I told him about my situation, which brought me close to tears, but I
grabbed a tissue and stopped any gushing. I was upset talking about my failing
marriage, so I stood up before I broke down completely. Mike stood also. Then
emotion got the better of me and I put my arms around his waist and hugged him.
He put his arms around me and for once I felt 'safe' and held him tight.
He caressed my back and shoulders, I think to calm me. I suddenly
thought, what must he think. I invite him in for coffee and end up nearly
blubbing all over his shirt. I loosened my hug and he did too. Standing back
just a little, he held both my hands in his. I was close to him, very close and
looked at his face then his lips. Suddenly the urge to kiss him coursed through
my veins.
My heart was pounding and part of me was a little uncertain, but then I
kissed him and he kissed me back. placing his hands either side of my face as
he did so. I explored his lips and his mouth and felt an urge rising in me. I
kissed him more passionately and he returned those kisses our tongues touching,
sliding and exploring.
I remember breaking off from kissing, my arms around his neck and our
foreheads touching, when I said 'make love to me, anywhere, but now'.
I undid the buttons on his shirt and caressed his chest and torso, then I slipped off my shorts and let them drop to the floor. I couldn't strip fast enough. Next my tee shirt came off then his shorts and then he undid my bra for me and I let it slide down my arms to join my shorts on the floor. Then I slipped my panties off as he stood behind me. I heard his boxers join my clothes on the floor.
I undid the buttons on his shirt and caressed his chest and torso, then I slipped off my shorts and let them drop to the floor. I couldn't strip fast enough. Next my tee shirt came off then his shorts and then he undid my bra for me and I let it slide down my arms to join my shorts on the floor. Then I slipped my panties off as he stood behind me. I heard his boxers join my clothes on the floor.
I wanted him to touch me all over. I was excited in a way I hadn't been
in a long, long time. This was another man, not my husband and I didn't know
what to expect, but the anticipation and his gentleness allayed any fears I
might have had.
He put his arm around me and across my stomach. Then his left hand cupped my left boob. I told him to squeeze me hard as I leaned back against him and pushed my bottom against his groin . I felt his hardness against me. He hand slid firmly down my tummy, reaching what little hair I had there and then on further, until I felt his fingers touching my pussy. I gasped. He massaged me down there, slowly and gently and I felt myself getting moister by the moment.
He put his arm around me and across my stomach. Then his left hand cupped my left boob. I told him to squeeze me hard as I leaned back against him and pushed my bottom against his groin . I felt his hardness against me. He hand slid firmly down my tummy, reaching what little hair I had there and then on further, until I felt his fingers touching my pussy. I gasped. He massaged me down there, slowly and gently and I felt myself getting moister by the moment.
I was so ready for him. We had a sofa in the lounge area of the kitchen.
I wanted him to take me on there so I sat down leaned back and opened my legs for
him. He stood above me, his cock really rigid. I wanted it inside me now! Then
he surprised me and knelt on the floor and put his head between my legs his
lips on the lips of my pussy.
Oh my! - I had never ever been touched in that way. It was fantastic, the
feeling, the sensitivity and his tongue exploring me. He knew what he was doing
because he found my clitoris shortly after and I nearly shot through the
ceiling when he touched it with the tip of his tongue.
Words can't describe what it did to me. I felt every nerve in my body, I felt my blood and heart pumping and .... I felt like a woman! I hadn't felt whole for some time. Now this virtual stranger changes that in less than an hour.
Words can't describe what it did to me. I felt every nerve in my body, I felt my blood and heart pumping and .... I felt like a woman! I hadn't felt whole for some time. Now this virtual stranger changes that in less than an hour.
I felt my clit being stroked and flicked and I held his head. I didn't
want him to move from there. I think I said something like 'just there please'
because there was one spot that sent me wild. He found it and the pleasure and
the feeling flooding through me was fantastic. I could feel myself coming and
then I did. I closed my eyes , I could hear the blood rushing in my head and wonderful
things happening down below. I grabbed my boobs and squeezed them.
I thought he would stop once I climaxed, but he continued and I felt
myself come again...twice! That had never ever happened! I rolled fully onto
the sofa - I wanted him inside me - now! I laid back as he placed himself
between my wide open legs. I knew I was flushed and my boobs were engorged. I
smiled up at him and he smiled back as he entered me. Pure ecstasy is the only
way I can describe what it felt like. He was quite thick and as we progressed,
thrusting against each other I could actually feel him swelling even more.
There was a lot of liquidity and a lot of liquid noise as he slowly
brought me back once more to feel like I wanted to reach that wonderful height
again. He supported himself on one arm and used his free hand to fondle my
boobs. They were swollen already and his caressing just made everything
heavenly. Then we quickened the gyrations and oh, it was so, so....I thought I
had gone to sexual heaven. I felt him come inside me. Jerking and thrusting as
two waves of his semen gushed out.
I remember his weight on me immediately afterwards and him kissing my
body....he was so considerate. Suggesting we shower and clean up, he followed
me upstairs. Any idea of shyness or nervousness at my own nudity, and he seeing
me, had completely gone.
By the time I reached the top of the stairs he was right behind me. My
thoughts were on the shower but then he literally swept me off my feet.
His left arm swept round my shoulders and his right lifted my legs off
the ground. I put my arm around his neck and we both laughed. He made me feel
free, abandoned, not caring about a thing. It was so lovely.
Instead of the bathroom he carried me into the back bedroom and then set
me down. I put my arms around his neck again, as I felt his hands resting on my
waist. We kissed - in fact we kissed a lot. His hands slipped from my waist
down over my hips and then he moved them onto my backside and was caressing and
kneading my buttocks gently. That was nice too. In fact the whole morning had
been fantastic and, unlike my husband, he didn't neglect me after sex.
Self-doubt crept in again and I asked him if I would see him again. He
said yes, and sincerely. I knew he meant it. Not sure how, but he seemed to be that
type of man. I then said that no one had ever touched my pussy with their mouth
as he had. He had taken me to a new place. I told him how much I enjoyed it.
As we stood there, flesh against flesh, I said that I had heard that
spanking was supposed to heighten sexual pleasure. He said yes, but he would be
a giver, not a receiver so couldn't confirm it. I laughed and turned round away
from him ready for that shower.
All of a sudden his hands were on my boobs cupping them and squeezing. I
gasped and said something to express my surprise at the shock of his
actions and then felt his cock between my legs hard and ready again. I
was still swollen, sticky and wet. I hadn't met such a sexed up man, even those
far younger than him. Where he learned how to make love, as he had, was a
mystery to me but there was no way I was complaining!
He pushed me gently onto the bed and he followed and lay on his back.
The only thing upright at that moment was his engorged penis.
I lay by his side then he said "Straddle me".
I raised myself up and placing my legs either side of him sat on his tummy. He reached up and fondled my boobs. I slid down slowly until I felt his cock touching my pussy. I arched my back a little knelt up a little and let him slide into me a little.
I lay by his side then he said "Straddle me".
I raised myself up and placing my legs either side of him sat on his tummy. He reached up and fondled my boobs. I slid down slowly until I felt his cock touching my pussy. I arched my back a little knelt up a little and let him slide into me a little.
Slowly, I lowered myself onto him until penetration was full. I knew
this was going to be great as I could feel my clit stimulated before I even
started moving. I began rocking to and fro on Mike. I felt in control, not of
him, but of myself. I rocked faster and faster, controlling when I wanted to
raise myself up and enjoy where he touched me. That rocking on my clitoris
was heading the right way. It was wonderful.
I leaned over him supported on my arms my breasts dangling inches from
his face. He pulled me a little closer, then started sucking on each boob in
turn. I was wild, rocking faster and faster. My boobs enjoying his firm sucking
and then I could feel myself coming....oh what a feeling! Hee started
hitting my bottom fairly hard and regularly. The pain was slight, the sensation
fantastic and I think I shouted something. It transmitted itself to my pussy and my whole being, blood flowing
and my whole body glowing.
Then something happened that I have never experienced. I gushed out all
over him, It was like I had wet myself, but I hadn't - what an experience. I rolled off onto the bed beside him. So wet down there it was
almost embarrassing.
Then he was between my legs. His soaking wet cock seeking a home. He entered me without any discomfort to me. It was so easy, so slippery and he pounded down on me with a fervor that he hadn't displayed quite so much, earlier. I felt him thickening even more inside me and then he came.
Then he was between my legs. His soaking wet cock seeking a home. He entered me without any discomfort to me. It was so easy, so slippery and he pounded down on me with a fervor that he hadn't displayed quite so much, earlier. I felt him thickening even more inside me and then he came.
We lay together, both of us panting a little, and me feeling a little
bruised, but very, very happy and more than satisfied!
We showered together, which was a lovely way to finish what for me
had been the most fantastic experience. I lathered his body and he mine, gently
and with a lot of care. It was so erotic that I just wanted this time to never
end....but it did . Mike got dressed leaving me all warm and glowing in just my
toweling robe.
I watched him walk back to his place just over the road, then sat down
on the bed and asked myself had what had happened in the last few hours been
real. I sat there in a dream-like state for some time, reveling in what I had
Then my thoughts turned to my husband, what he didn't provide, and my
suspicions of an affair or affairs. I felt no guilt at all, and resolved to
continue my liaison with Mike until I had time to decide where I was going in
life. Both Mike and I knew that our affair would not be a permanent thing.
The following day I got up early. Usually, I wasn't that motivated and
had a tendency to mooch around in my dressing gown until after 9. I busied
myself all day, but found myself thinking of Mike. I had seen him go out in his
car that morning. He was out all day, but returned in the evening. I didn't want
to be alone and, apart from knocking on his door, at this point in time, no
means of contacting him.
I waited until it was nearly dark and then crossed the road and rang his
door bell. He answered and welcomed me in. I told him I felt a bit lonely and
did he mind my coming over. He didn't.
He offered me a drink. In fact he opened a bottle of wine and we shared
it in front of the TV. The wine was finished some time later, and so was any
decent TV. We hadn't watched it all the time as I had cuddled up to him and we had been kissing.
Ten thirty came around. I didn't want to go and I think he had sensed
that, so he asked if I wanted to stay there that night. I said yes.
That is how I found myself in Mike's bed snuggled up to him under a cosy
duvet, both of us naked. We made love tenderly, he caressing me lots, back and
front, before mounting me and gently inserting his cock in my wet pussy. Under
that duvet we slid together slowly. Each of us were doing our bit to ensure
pleasure all round. It was lovely, not desperate like I felt the previous day
but slow and easy, and so enjoyable.
Gradually he brought me to a climax and I came with the same fantastic
flash in my brain and my body suffused with pleasure all over. He continued
until I felt his thick cock ejaculate all he had into me. He didn't roll off
immediately, instead rotating around on my clit until he lost his erection. That
was so nice. My husband would have gained his own pleasure without satisfying
me and then immediately withdrawn. What a difference between two men!
I went home the following morning after the 'morning rush' in our
street, so as not to be too noticeable.
Natalie and Kate
After returning home from Kate's that day, I felt good. She was a lovely lady, slight of build but beautiful in her way. Nat was far more outgoing and prepared to take the initiative. Two different ladies.
I was surprised, but pleased that evening to find Kate on my doorstep.
She was lonely and wanted to join me for the evening. From her attitude at the
outset, I could tell she wanted to spend the night...and she did.
A few days later Nat and I arranged the woodland picnic. What I hadn't
mentioned previously was that Nat and Kate had spoken to each, telling the other of
their encounters with me.
So there we were sitting munching on salad in perfect peace and quiet in
the middle of the forest. The tree cast dappled shade, and the scent of pine
from the firs pervaded the air. The grass surrounding us was long and beginning
to ripen.
Nat returned to the subject of Kate, her situation, and her Nat's own.
"I asked you whether you found Kate attractive for a reason",
she said. "You know that we are both in similar situations with both our
husbands away, and both of us in less than happy or in satisfying
"Yes," I said.
I was about to tell her about Kate when she said,
" I know you have been with Kate, and she knows I have had sex with you. I ought to tell you that we have been talking, and had before I made a move in your direction. "
" I know you have been with Kate, and she knows I have had sex with you. I ought to tell you that we have been talking, and had before I made a move in your direction. "
She went on to say that they were basically two frustrated females with
unfulfilled sexual fantasies and a complete lack of close male company. She
told me that she and Kate had both married in their mid-twenties and both felt
they had made mistakes.
I mentioned that I felt Kate was making plans to leave her man. She said
they both were, but not yet. She confirmed what I thought, in that Kate's
husband was having an affair and not his first. She said that she didn't mind sharing
me with Kate and that they had both compared notes and had enjoyed superb sex
with me.
"Experience counts", she said laughing.
"Why, thank you ma'am" I replied.
"Why, thank you ma'am" I replied.
At that point she stood, slid her shorts off revealing ...panties this
time! Having said that, they didn't leave much to the imagination. I stood as
she unbuttoned her top and stood in her underwear, looking really sexy. I
dragged my polo shirt over my head and undid my belt buckle, letting my shorts
drop to the ground.
Nat undid her bra and 'released' her lovely boobs. She posed there with
the dappled shade of the tree dancing across her body. I had my camera and
picked it up. Nat nodded to indicate that I could go ahead and take some shots
of her.
Here are some of the results:
I remained in my boxers and took some great photos - many more than
there are here.
It was warm. Nat came back to where the blanket was and swept our lunch
off it, bending over as she did. What a lovely arse she had. The curve of her
hips and backside, then her legs tapering down. I could see her gorgeous boobs
dangling down, too. She knew it as well
"Take me now" she said laying on the blanket and lifting her
I didn't hesitate. My boxers came off and we made love. As Nat climaxed
her cries were lost in the trees and the sounds of the countryside. Afterwards
we lay there for some time. She with her head on my chest, her boobs against my
body and her leg curled over my legs. An idyllic afternoon, you could say.
As we drove back to Nat's car, she asked how much I liked her and Kate. I
repeated what I said before that they were both different, but I enjoyed being
with them both, as long as each of them didn't mind sharing me. Nat said she
had spoken with Kate and they were fine with the 'arrangement'.
It was then that she suggested maybe we should all three get together...
I dwelt on the idea for a while and then agreed. Why not! Two lovely women in
their prime, slim and fairly well endowed, good to be with - what wasn't to
like about that idea.
Three Way Story
So Nat and Kate were to arrange something special at my place - biggest bed, least evidence.
I said I would lay on Champagne and some nibbles - lay and nibbles being the operative words, in more ways than one.
A week passed and a weekend. Then on the Monday Nat called me on the
cell phone I had given her. They wanted to get together the following day. I
had also arranged a throwaway cell for Kate too who spent some time on a call
to me saying she was excited about Tuesday and had I ever 'entertained two
women at the same time before. I said I had and she giggled.
“Should be fun then" she said. "See you tomorrow ".
“Should be fun then" she said. "See you tomorrow ".
They both came over after lunch on that glorious Tuesday. I think Kate
had gone to Nat's and made their way from there. The prospect of the rest of
the day was exciting, not only for them but for me also. I had decided that Kate
might need some Dutch courage, so had opened and put a bottle of white wine on
ice. When they both arrived, we stood in the kitchen while I poured the drinks.
As I suspected Kate quaffed hers pretty quickly (nerves?) and so I gave her a refill.
To ease matter along I stripped down to my boxers and Nat down to her
underwear. With nearly two glasses of wine in her Kate followed suit. They both
looked pretty good to me.
Kate had loosened up quite a bit and I said " You two ladies look
good enough to eat"
Quick as a flash Nat replied, " I hope so, we both hope so! Make a meal of us!"
Quick as a flash Nat replied, " I hope so, we both hope so! Make a meal of us!"
I put my arms around them both and we went into what can best be
described as a group hug.
" One rule," I said. "No clothes upstairs, so everything must come off down here".
With that Nat discarded her bra and slipped her panties off. Kate put down her empty wine glass and did the same.
I slipped my boxers off and said "After you ladies", as we headed for the stairs.
" One rule," I said. "No clothes upstairs, so everything must come off down here".
With that Nat discarded her bra and slipped her panties off. Kate put down her empty wine glass and did the same.
I slipped my boxers off and said "After you ladies", as we headed for the stairs.
Kate went first, followed by Nat. I couldn't resist a gentle pat
on her bottom as she swung her hips suggestively on the way up. The main
bedroom had a king size bed and I pointed Kate in that direction although she
knew where to go, of course. Nat was next, followed by me. I think Kate was a
still a bit hesitant, but not Nat as she climbed onto the bed kneeling with her
arse facing me and displaying her pussy.
I playfully pushed Nat over to the other side and climbed onto the bed
and lay in the middle. Kate then climbed on, next to me so I was sandwiched by
two lovely nude women. Nat started things off by encouraging my cock toward an
erection...using her tongue. I told Kate to straddle me over my chest and then
shuffle forward so I could 'eat' her pussy. She giggled nervously but complied.
I reached up and fondled her breasts. They were firming up nicely and, from where I lay, they looked great, slowly she lowered her pussy towards my mouth.
I reached up and fondled her breasts. They were firming up nicely and, from where I lay, they looked great, slowly she lowered her pussy towards my mouth.
Nat had brought me to a full erection in the meanwhile, and was sucking
gently on my cock.
" Swing your arse round Nat, " I said "so I can reach your pussy".
She did. She parted her legs while still caressing my cock with her lips and tongue. She was wet, aroused by her playing with me, I guessed.
" Swing your arse round Nat, " I said "so I can reach your pussy".
She did. She parted her legs while still caressing my cock with her lips and tongue. She was wet, aroused by her playing with me, I guessed.
I continued to wrap my lips and mouth around Kate's pussy she loved it
and was making noises that sound like 'mmmm's'. I used my tongue to part her
pussy's lips farther and flicked up toward her clit she started rocking in time
with my tongue.
Simultaneously, my finger found Nat's's opening and I inserted first one
finger then two into that wet and velvety orifice.. She was quite wide open and
beginning to moan with pleasure. Who said men can't 'multi task'! Two women
moaning with pleasure, and I wasn't doing too badly either!
Nat was really wet and so was Kate. Nat moved away from my 'arousing'
finger action and then she straddled me as well, lowering herself onto my
penis, which she had prepared well with her mouth. I concentrated on Kate who
was loving the 'lip' treatment.
Both she and Nat were really going at things rocking and moaning. I
could feel Nat writhing around on my penis and going faster and faster. I
placed my hands on Kate's buttocks and squeezed her and I saw Nat had grabbed Kate's
boobs and was squeezing them. It was quite an erotic experience for all three
of us. I could feel Nat coming and Kate crying out.
At one point they were both doing it at the same time, then they came one
after the other. Nat first, then Kate who left her upright position and leaned
right over me. I grabbed her boobs at the same time as thrusting up into Nat,
faster and faster. She was soaking and slippery and so wide - it was a great
feeling. Then I came into her first of all, but then she slid off and started
licking the semen off my cock, taking some on her hands and lathering it over her boobs.
Meantime, Kate had rolled off and lay on her side beside me. Her hand was
stroking my chest hair and she was kissing my chest. Kate joined us on my other
side after using a tissue. What a pleasure to have two lithe female bodies
pressed against mine. They both brought their legs up so they were slightly
curled against me, either side.
“How was that girls?" I said.
Almost in unison they said "Lovely"
Almost in unison they said "Lovely"
Nat said," I found that so erotic, so sexy and sucking on you was
the first time I have done that. You tasted good! I was just overcome with the
moment and felt that was the thing to do when I saw your erection - so sexy. Kate, I hope you didn't mind my grabbing your boobs just before I came"
"It was a lovely surprise as I was on the verge of coming and when
you did that I couldn't stop myself. It was so sexy and when, you Mike, squeezed
my buttocks everything happened at once - I just exploded!"
"I think we all did Kate...at almost the same time. It was
fantastic girls", I said. "Now, who is for some Champagne?"
I got up leaving the girls looking beautiful on the bed and then threw
them two robes and left them to clean up in the family bathroom while I did the
same in one of the en suites. I had the flutes ready for drinks down stairs and
popped the cork when they appeared.
We clinked glasses and went and sat in the lounge; all three of us on
the same couch, sipping our Champagne and talking about our 'experience'. I had
some canapés ready and we ate some of those and drank more Champagne. Soon the
Champagne was gone and, with the girls now a little more than giggly, we returned
to the bedroom.
"How about some photos of the occasion, girls?" I said.
They both agreed subject to the proviso that they were between the three
of us only and any that were put on a memory stick for them, would have their
faces edited out. There was some discussion and also a little instruction on
using the camera.
It seemed they really did want a record of our 'togetherness', as they
wanted to remember it, and also view what I hoped would be quite erotic photos.
"How about separate and a joint photo shoot sometime?" I
asked. Nat said yes immediately, knowing I was a pretty good photographer. She
then persuaded Kate to agree.
So we were set.
Nat had the camera, and Kate was ready for some action she said. Where did all her inhibitions go?
She slipped her gown off and I did the same. Nat also became the naked photographer. What a scene, and very sexy. I stood behind Kate and stroked her thighs and hips gradually working up to her waist. She took my hands and placed them on her boobs, which were pretty perky in anticipation of what was to come. Both the girls were pretty firm in that department and a pleasure to handle.
Nat had the camera, and Kate was ready for some action she said. Where did all her inhibitions go?
She slipped her gown off and I did the same. Nat also became the naked photographer. What a scene, and very sexy. I stood behind Kate and stroked her thighs and hips gradually working up to her waist. She took my hands and placed them on her boobs, which were pretty perky in anticipation of what was to come. Both the girls were pretty firm in that department and a pleasure to handle.
She took her hands away and I stroked her boobs from underneath, up
towards her nipples just touching them to enhance that anticipation. Then
down again away from that area. I cupped her boobs from underneath lifting them
slightly and this was now having an effect, as she nuzzled her bottom hard
against my body.
Nat moved around us and was taking lots of photos with the DSLR. Kate
and I became oblivious as she turned to face me, then lay back on the bed.
She was well and truly wet and her pussy ready for me. She grabbed my cock and
used it to stimulate her clitoris, rubbing it faster and faster against herself.
She began taking short intakes of breath and also gasping.
Her eyes were closed part of the time and her face flushed with blood. I
squeezed her boobs and rubbed her nipples with my fingers. they were hard...and
so was I! Then she began to come. I watched her as she cried out in pleasure
and as her tummy muscles contracted with her climax. Then she was done.
She obviously wanted me inside her straight away as she steered me into
her pussy's opening. I slid in without difficulty, penetrating her fully. She
gasped and then I gave it to her hard and fast. Faster and faster, teasing her
clit as I nearly withdrew. Then rotating around inside her until she was nearly
there again. Then I pounded her pubic bone so hard she came with a scream, as I
also shot everything I had into her.
I stayed inside her briefly as she caressed my body and smiled up at me.
Her legs still spread wide either side of me. then she wrapped them around my
waist holding me inside her.
Eventually, we parted and lay side by side regaining our breath. Nat put down the camera and climbed on the bed with us.
Eventually, we parted and lay side by side regaining our breath. Nat put down the camera and climbed on the bed with us.
"Make me come", she said to me "...with your mouth. I found watching you two
having sex so arousing I nearly forgot I was photographing it".
She was right, when I knelt between her legs her pussy was already swollen and very wet. This was very much an afternoon of mutual sexual pleasure, as Kate took some baby oil I kept and started massaging it into Nat, and as I explored her pussy with my mouth.
She was right, when I knelt between her legs her pussy was already swollen and very wet. This was very much an afternoon of mutual sexual pleasure, as Kate took some baby oil I kept and started massaging it into Nat, and as I explored her pussy with my mouth.
I spread her legs a little wider and supported them on my arms as I
started flicking her clit. She wasn't backward in letting me know when I hit
the right spot either, vocalizing her pleasure with abandon. As I worked Nat
toward a climax I saw Kate was rubbing the oil onto Nat's breasts with what
seemed some pleasure. I think I had awoken a few fantasies with the experience
we had arranged that afternoon. Nat bucked upwards as she came, with a shout
and a lot of 'oh, oh, OH’s!'
All three of us lay on the bed afterwards, a tangle of limbs and bodies.
Nat's boobs were still glistening with the oil and I couldn't risk the
temptation to play with them. Kate not wanting to miss out asked me to oil her
boobs too. Needless to say that was a great pleasure, too.
There was more, but toward the early evening we ended our threesome,
dressed, at least the girls did, and they left for their homes. I showered and
I guess they did too. We never had another threesome that year, but I fulfilled one of Kate's
fancies in that we made love in the country on a later occasion. She was also
the first one to call a halt to our encounters, when she separated from her
husband and met a new guy. That was 4-5 months down the line from all that is
related above.
Being the Lothario I was then, I managed to fill in the gap with other 'company'!
Nat and I continued our liaison for nearly a year off and on. She
remained a few doors away from me but, having separated from her husband before
Kate had done the same, we spent quite a bit of time together. I continued with
my weekends spent at my apartment in London and eventually after about a year
had elapsed Nat decided to sell up and move in with a guy nearer her age.
Before that we took a couple of vacations together over here in the States and
also in Europe.
I understand that both Nat and Kate are remarried.
The following are galleries from the threesome afternoon, and separately of Nat and Kate.
Separate photo shoot with Kate at two locations...both in houses...and bedrooms 😉:

and....kitchen en...counters...
Countryside encounter with Kate:
The photos below are of the two girls, Nat and Kate, together, shot on location:

Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are copyright. ©
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