A further encounter from the anonymous author, which I publish on his behalf.
In this brief blog my sole purpose is to post a few more of my favorite photos. No narrative to accompany them just a few words here and there.
On this occasion some of the photos are published in near original size for effect and dare I say, detail.
LL none of these are studio shots, but the women are some that have featured in earlier blogs.
The above shot was taken in the garden in Norfolk, UK. Might post more of this lady in the future.
All of the following were taken on a 'fun' afternoon in Switzerland, some time ago. It was an afternoon that was repeated three times and also over three nights... She had just returned from a holiday in Spain and was taking a few days out in Switzerland before returning home.
She certainly had you beat in the 'above' department LL, hands down and hands on!
This shot is included because it is evocative of the whole encounter with this lady. Sexy and sexual, beyond belief. I love the story it appears to tell. Is this before or ....after? Only she and I know, Nevertheless there is beauty in the shot for the viewer.
Location LL? Denia, Spain
Finally LL, meet my photographic assistant. She has the Canon, I have the Nikon. It was warm on that remote Oregonian beach so......
Thankfully we had towels to remove the sand from...crevices... after a little 'roll' in the dunes 

Enjoy! We did!
PS I was always one for a postscript wasn't I. Here's one that took place a long way back in early 2005. Some of that water sloshed over on the tiles when I got into that jacuzzi bath, and even more when we were a little more athletic. Apologies on the focus I think the lens was a little steamed up, I know I was.
That top had to go all the way down. A beautiful site as it was wet and had to be wriggled off.
Happy days LL - in London
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are copyright. ©
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