For LL in the UK
More shots for you to view LL including, to begin with, a shot of Ben in his early years. The old fella has gray around his muzzle these days. No longer tearing through the woods in New Hampshire, he's happy just following me around wherever we are. Prince is the younger one and he has taken over Ben's role.
However there is no gray evident among the women below. The photos are a mixture of posed and informal shots all featuring these ladies best features…or at least those that have been of great interest to me LL. You were very naive if you thought having gone behind my back in 2004, that I would just lay back and accept it…and hope you would commit. The laying back I left to all the women I have had beneath me since that year…to the present. There have been many and when I say many, I mean that. Six hundred plus.
This is a lady called 'Ruth' in her pool in California. Ruth was one of my early, wealthy clients. After the shoot I was invited to use her pool along with her. That is when I took this shot at the request of the lady in question LL. She was proud of her boobs and so were they..her boobs being proud that is. Needless to say I liked them too.
Shortly after this photograph she removed the top part of that bikini, much to my delight.
I was sitting enjoying an espresso by the quayside when I managed to get this shot LL. I have no idea who is or was but the breeze afforded an opportunity, photographically, and I took it...and the shot. Somewhere in Greece if memory serves around 2017.
La belle France and this belle who I only knew from where I was staying was happy for me to take a few shots of her posing in various locations and poses. Nothing untoward and nothing involving sex. She was an English girl on vacation with friends when chatting they found out I was a 'photographer'. I am and have been many other things too, but they didn't need to know that just as you didn't deserve to.
Her name was Hannah. Nice legs.
I have always loved it when women send me selfies. Normally it has been because they want to tempt me to return for more sex and they have usually succeeded. One other reason is because they are proud of their bodies and their 'attributes'.
Jemma from Gateshead was certainly proud of hers and rightly so. 2004-2006 and I don't recall how many times I was inside her making her come LL - more that I was with you. That much I know. She was younger and a lot more active, so no surprises there and of course no early withdrawal. You were the only one to insist on naive.
Sue in Snohomish Washington State, summer of 2006. Morning after the night before. We met via a friend in Everett. It soon became apparent after meeting and accepting an invitation to her town that she wanted me to stay LL and...share her bed. I was more than happy to do both. We did each other a fair few times over three days. Amazing once she had seen how I 'performed', that she then couldn't get enough of me. There were and probably are zillions of frustrated women out there gagging for sex. I know I found more than my fair share...without even trying!
Talking of not really trying LL, take a good look at Beth in the photo above ( partly posed, incidentally).A thirty four year old who I met in Fort Myers where she lived and still lives LL. I say I met, but it seems she ‘met’ me. I had seen her in a breakfast bar that I frequented LL, then I saw her again in Publix. On each occasion we never spoke although she did smile at me on one visit to the supermarket.
It all sort of came to a head when I was having my breakfast at that bar. She came in and due to the lack of free tables, walked over to me and asked if I minded her joining me. I told her it was fine and so she sat down. Her first words to me were classic - ‘We’ll have to stop meeting like this’. I recall we both laughed. I asked her if she had been stalking me and her reply was only if I wanted her to. We were off to a good start LL. That morning we stayed there for a while then agreed to both go out to Sanibel for a walk and chat. We each had a car so we parked Beth’s at the outlets on Summerlin and took mine to the Island.
We ended up that hot afternoon back at Berth’s place which turned out to be a very nice large home in Cape Coral. I never asked, but wondered why she used Publix and that breakfast bar when there were others near her home. Beth had a good figure and not a lot of it was hidden that day. She wore shorts and a top that wasn’t tucked in. That top was forced forward by her breasts that I had watched heaving while she breathed, across the breakfast table LL.
It never crossed my mind that we would be in bed together by that afternoon, but that is where we ended up, on my part by accident, on Beth’s part, she told me later, by design. Basically LL, she wanted to get laid. Once she lost that top and her shorts there was no argument from me. She had great legs, long and slender, an equally great figure and her breasts were perfect. Firm, just the right size and beautifully upturned LL.
She got laid that afternoon... three times. The photo? That was also taken at her place a few weeks later in May 2007
This shot was taken in a small town in Italy just after 5.30 a.m. one morning, at the request of Gianna, the lady in question. It had been a commission initially for me to take a set of photos for her, then we ended up in bed and me staying three nights instead of moving on to Firenze (Florence) where I should have been.
I took the shot quickly. Neither of us had much her case nothing at all! Consequently, it is a little over exposed like Gianna LL. I guess I could fix it in PS but t is what it is and to me conveys the moment of that rushed shot.
Note her nails. They left their mark on my back by the time I had to move on, such was her passion 'in the moment'. Not a lady I will forget. May/June 2007 in Tuscany was quite a period in my life. I learnt a lot of Italain and learned a lot about Italian women, their passion and their 'Gioia per la vita'
A bit of a jump from Tuscany to North Somerset and a beach not too far out of Bristol with Trisha of whom I have spoken before. We still meet up in London when I'm over there. Seventeen years of friendship and when possible a sexual relationship LL. You were never going to last anywhere near that.
Trisha's 'melons' on parade in the photo, tempting me to take her back home as soon as... In fact, I recall she took her top off and lay on her tummy so I could place suntan lotion on her back. We were enjoying the sun that afternoon on the beach. It's a wide sandy bay LL with just a hotel on the point to the right facing the sea. Consequently, there were only a handful of folk about on a weekday. That meant spacing between people was considerable.
This enabled Trisha to roll over onto her back so I could provide the same lotion to her front. More specifically to her breasts. That had consequences LL. I became hard and very aroused and Trisha became wet. We masturbated each other right there on the beach. A dip in the sea took care of everything until we got back to her place in Downend, Bristol.
This is an old one from 1970 that I have enhanced from the original LL. When I had leave from the RN I used to 'party' as they put it these days, lots. That meant night clubs etc. I met Sharon in, of all places, a nice village called Chestfield. Given that Sharon's breasts were superb and that she was very proud of them (so much so I was allowed to photograph them) it seemed very much a sweet coincidence between her attributes and where she lived.
Chestfield was quite a wealthy location on the back road as it was known locally between Canterbury and Tankerton/Whitstable, plus it sported an excellent golf club. It was at a ‘do’ at the latter that I met her. Digressing for a moment, all my old photos of women I had dated before I married were lodged in a box at the bank.
I don’t recall all the details now but she liked my uniform LL and that and the fact we were both of a similar age and randy had us ending up first of all in her Cortina shagging each other, then when her parents were out, in her bed.
God knows where she is now LL, but I remember those boobs well.
Back to the near present and California in 2018 LL. I needed to call on my Hispanic housekeeper due to the fact that the following day I had suddenly been called back to New England. There were a few things I needed her to arrange while I was away from LA county. She used to call me ‘Mr Peter’, she has moved on since that time
The main thing you need to know about Luciana was she liked sex, lots of it and as a ‘single’ man she saw me as being ‘available’ LL. For my part I decided that I had nothing to lose entering into a sex only relationship with her. Apart from that she was an excellent lay., very athletic in the bedroom and a lady given to multiple orgasms. Great skin tone, generous hips to ride between and lovely boobs made her hard to resist once she offered herself.
The photo was taken that year at her place when I called on her, before my ‘dash’ to New England..
In Thetford Forest LL, there are areas of heath. Sarah in the photo above, who is laying alongside me in the heather, wanted me to make love to her there. To be fair we were situated in a hollow pretty far from the road. As you will guess from her denim attire she wore little to nothing beneath it. In this shot she wore nothing beneath it.
We met via the Internet. Sarah lived in Santon Downham, so knew the Forest and the heaths better than I did. I first met her in January of 2005 when it was far too cold to have sex outside, so guess what LL? We had it inside, at which time I became well acquainted with her lovely boobs Spring came along with Sarah and quite a few other women, then on my return from my visit over here I fulfilled Sarah’s wish not only to have sex outdoors but down amongst the heather.
Great times back then - in many ways it was a blessing that you cheated on me as I would never have met all the women I have. Nor would I have met my second wife and Like the old Lord Bath, all my ‘wifelets’.
London holds a pool of talent among it’s 8m inhabitants LL, although I was only concerned with a very small percentage of them as far as photography and friends went. That still amounted to quite a few women among all of them. Often it was clients that urged me to provide services beyond the photography commissions. Prior to 2007, mostly it was friends and their friends that lent me their bodies both for their pleasure and mine so it came as little surprise to me when women clients progressed from straightforward shoots to topless/nude shoots and in many cases full on sex.
There were/are a lot of neglected, frustrated and hungry women out there. Emily above fell into one of those categories - the one marked 'neglect'. The photo above was taken the day - my third visit to her Chelsea home - that she decided to go topless, initially for the camera...
Everything flowed from that point onward, not least of which was Emily's cum and my semen. She had a great body which I am sure you can judge from the shot above. While she may have been neglected, I certainly wasn't in my life and the sight of her body had me readily aroused and ready for action. I never went out seeking married women for sex LL, but they seemed attracted to me and once they knew I could fulfil their needs far more than just adequately, they rarely wanted to let go....of me.
This lovely lady is Sophie who I met while in France at my home near Carcassonne. I love it there. Life is rather like that featured in that old programme 'A Year in Provence'. Of course it is in the Aude Department, not Provence but the Languedoc is equally as nice. For me it is years in Aude. I have a lovely life LL and spending periods in Carcassonne is among my favorite times. The wine the food, the lovely French people (yes they are not as Brits paint them) and the women I have come across, sometimes literally - all make for a near idyllic setting for me.
Sophie was an English woman who was vacationing in the area. Another English woman called Sally, a lot older than me back in 2008 at 77, invited me to a party. Sophie was there. I was about he youngest man there and the only 'single' one. I have put single in inverted commas because with all my other attachments in Europe, the UK and here in the States...I was hardly that ... although technically I was.
Sophie had a fair amount to drink. I didn't because I had to drive back to my home.I ended up giving her a lift to where she was staying. During the drive she became quite frisky and it was apparent she wanted to get laid LL. First it was her hand on my leg then moving mine onto hers and pulling her summer dress down to reveal her right breast in part. By the time we arrived at her place neither of us could get our clothes off fast enough. Her pussy was soaking and by the time I mounted her her nipples were erect and hard.
That night we rode each other first of all until she came - three times. Then until I came just the once. Again six hours later when I awoke to find her about to straddle me for another session the following morning. I think I must have milked all the juices she had to offer but no , she came up with two explosions of her cum again. I think she experienced more than one orgasm at least twice. Naturally, I managed to erupt inside her dumping a load of semen.
The rset of her vacation was spent partly with me and partly at her rented place before, reluctatntly, she had to return to the UK. The photo was taken on a fairly remote beach near the Spanish border, hence the nudity and also the opportunity for a nice fuck outdoors.
I've played about with this shot of Alex on Photo Shop. She like the final result, which dates from 2005.
As you have probably guessed from all my blogs past and present LL, getting laid wasn't difficult, getting laid with younger women wasn't difficult and getting laid by women with gorgeous boobs wasn't difficult either
I crammed a lot into the years 2004 -201 when I married Ash. Those years account, I guess, for half to two thirds of the six hundred plus I have mentioned. Alex was one of them and we played about lots. She loved posing nude for my camera and like me preferred black and white shots, hence the one above.
Alex was at the University, not as a student but as a lecturer. We met via a dating site. I had no trouble meeting dozens that way LL and 90% of them wanted to get laid. Alex was no exception. Yes' we did the cinema and theater and the restaurants, but mostly we did each other. As Alex said all work (of which she had a load of) and no play would make her a dull academic. She wasn't dull and she certainly liked to play.
Another lovely beneath me or on top ...or approached from behind on occasions. Alex loved her sex with me and said she had discovered for the first time that 'older guys know what they are doing!' Her ... I always knew who I was 'doing' LL.
I nearly wrote June is busting out all over but it is actually Amy posing for me in Penrith in 2004. I always received a 'generous helping' there LL, mainly Mondays and Thursdays. You didn't have a clue did you. Trust you blew it in one go then compounded it as time went on. I felt 'free' in the absence of your commitment and used that freedom well, freely. Many benefitted and Amy was amongst them. Great lass with great breasts.
Lovely Alessandra not quite baring all in Sirmione, Italy. She lived in Padua in 2009 when this was taken and we spent a week away at a hotel in Sirmione. Hotel Olivi if memory serves. We had met in 2007 when I was undertaking commissions in that country. I had a great time doing those LL. Getting paid and laid at the same time had a lot to recommend it.
Alessandra was what you might call a spin off from one of those commissions. Someone I had made love to in Padua talked and that talk reached the ears of the lovely lady above….thankfully. I picked a fair bit of ‘gutter’ Italian from her when she was either urging me on or in the throes of copying. I have no idea what the people in adjoining rooms thought, nor did either of us care. Alessandra was quite loud and vocal when she was being fucked by yours truly.
Writing this and of course from my notes and memory, knowing the detail of those nights, afternoons and mornings brings back images of the way her boobs used to bounce around as I thrust into her. The only time they didn’t bounce around was when I was holding them!
Jodie accosted me one day at the condos I owned in FM back in 2006. I guess she had seen me around checking out my properties (and in two instances getting laid, although I didn’t think she was aware of that fact). When I say accosted, what I mean is she made a point of bumping into me for a chat. That happened three times. She made me laugh and so we chatted longer and longer each time we ‘accidentally’ met although in hindsight there was nothing accidental about it on Jodie’s part.
One day in the lobby area (see above) she asked me if I would take her photo. I was carrying my Nikon at the time. I agreed and as I raised it to my eye to focus on her, she tugged her dress down. That was fine with me a little more boob never goes amiss. Then to my mild surprise raised her dress as you see above. This was our third accidental meet and this time her conversation quickly turned to sex and the fact that ‘you have something of a reputation around here’ as she said. I knew she was referring to one maybe two other women that I had bedded in that complex and a block away.
I know you are aware of how hot it is in FM, LL. It was hot that day and about to get hotter. I let her lead me into her condo, into the bedroom and eventually into her tight pussy. Off came the dress (no bra) and as she lay on the bed I removed those panties you see above.
Funny really apart from getting laid with Jodie a week later I ended up in a threesome with her and a friend who was one of my previous ‘conquests’ Jodie had smallish boobs…her friend didn’t. They were both slim women though and hungry for sex and satisfaction, which was duly delivered.
When I first became involved with a number of French women, all at their behest, quite a few were married like Lucie. Having an affair was I was told ‘normal’ in Paris. Later after numerous relationships I was able to confirm to myself that it was true. However back in 2007 it was a novelty.
Lucie had access to a friend’s apartment out on the edge of Paris, far from the ‘posher’ areas where she lived with her husband…when he was there. I took this photo of her while Was propped up on the bed we were to use to quite an extent that day. She had nothing on under that body thing and me I had nothing on just waiting for her to come in and….come.
It took her two seconds to undress and soon she was sitting astride me LL. I had my hands on those lovely cheeks you see above. I don’t mean her facial ones either. She rode me, she came. I rode her, she came. I rode her again and she came again. Then she wanted me to take her from behind, she came a fourth time and after several more moments I came. Lucie was one of those women that really enjoyed the sensation when I made my deposit and wanted me to stay inside her for a while, even though It was from behind.
To do that in some sort of comfort she stood arched her back as I held onto her breasts and squeezed away. Eventually, of course, we disconnected. We became a regular item. When I was not over here and in London, I was essentially only about an hour or so way from her. Knowing Lucie lead to my ‘knowing’ quite a few other women LL. I always kept them separate - except those that liked group activities.
Back to dear old Norfolk for this shot LL. June 2006 with this neighbour from the area where I had the townhouse. I bought the latter in early 2006 when it was apparent that you were a lost cause. I had better things to do with my wealth than waste it on you. I had wasted enough by the time I edged you out, although I have to say you took longer the get the hint, than I expected. March 2005 was when I decided enough was enough but, being the gent I am, I decided to let you think that you decided to go. After that you needed to be taught a lesson, hence my little campaign.
In setting up my home in Cambridge, I came to know my neighbours. You were right, the town houses were all ‘new builds’, but that place was merely a bridge to the house I was having built on the edge of the city. One of those neighbours was Jane who appears above. She lived by herself following the departure of her long time partner. Her neighbour the other side was Mark a married junior doctor who never had any free time. I guess Jane had gathered I was single and she had chatted with me when I was clipping back shrubs in our postage sized gardens. That is I was attending to mine.
She had a similar sized garden and one day she asked for my help. I remember it was hot and that Jane was in shorts. We worked on moving the bamboo plant she wanted re-sited. As we did and she bent down it soon became apparent to me that she was wearing a thong. That was ascertained while she was bending down ad I was standing, garden fork in hand. Job complete she invited me inside for a cool drink and we sat chatting.
I was planning a drive to the north Norfolk coast that weekend and asked if she would like to come too. To my surprise she agreed. We had fish and chips in Wells-next-the Sea and cockles in Blakeney, before the drive back to Cambridge. It was a lovely day in the company of a lovely woman LL. The shot above is one I took near Hunstanton. At the time on the beach, I thought that is the most I’m going to see of her breasts. I was totally wrong. When we returned to our street, she invited me in for some food and a glass or two of wine. I didn’t leave until the following morning, having slept together that night.
It seemed that she needed, as she herself put it, ‘a good shag’ and that is precisely what she got - well several in fact LL. Her boobs? They were of moderate size, perfectly formed and lovely and firm to the touch. Happy days LL, happy days. Mind you they still are.
From the Norfolk coast to Kensington and Clare, LL. I was nothing if not flexible in my travels. I’ve included this shot because having been with Jane on the Friday and Saturday of that week on the Sunday I was arriving at Clare’s door. Something of a last minute thing on her part. Her husband had headed off overseas and from earlier that year we had been enjoying an affair, or to put it bluntly sex and lots of it.
I met her at a college gathering in Cambridge along with her husband. It was all tied up with pharma and research. As you know I/we have a company in Denmark in the pharmaceutical business back then I had my finger in a number of pies, business ones. One of those was pharma. If memory serves her husband also had interest in that world. He seemed more intent on glad handing the great and the good at the gathering and so I was left with Clare his wife as company. I didn't seek her out. She sought me.
I was single of course, still am technically and that interested her greatly. She found out I had an apartment in London, during our conversation. I say found out. I actually let it slip out on purpose. I rather fancied her LL and it turned out she had the hots for me. I haven’t used that phrase in years LL, but it certainly fitted the bill with Clare - achingly so in her words. Of course she was married, but that didn’t stop her flirting with me that first evening then arranging to meet up for lunch in London about a week later.
The photo was taken the afternoon after that lunch at her home in Kensington where as you will guess from the shot above we got down to business, to coin a phrase. Three times that afternoon I was between those lovely legs providing full satisfaction each time for her and for me. Her husband was away on a business trip, of course. They weren’t that frequent, but often enough to keep Clare satisfied. She came to my apartment in Docklands but was quite careful when she did. Using the Tube she changed trains several times, stopped for coffee and normally arrived late morning….that also gave me time to tidy up etc on those occasions when I had company the night before!

I never had many ‘referrals’ in Cumbria LL. By referrals I mean women I had slept with who mentioned me to theirs…to provide a service. However there was one lady in Carlton that craved my services and she had been ‘referred’ to me by Emma a thirty five year old who lived in Carlisle. The young woman in question appears above and in her own bedroom, back in early 2006. In fact it was the day I met you at lunchtime and handed you a single red flower. I did that partly because I was still fond of you despite everything you had done and partly to see what you would do.
You didn’t disappoint - you did exactly what I expected, you rejected me. My having arranged to meet Alice, above, was a suitable upside to that disappointing meeting with you LL. I first met up with Alice back in October of 2005. The month you thought you had ‘dumped’ me. I was certainly dumping…semen that month and others into various women who wanted me far more than you did.
Alice was quite active in the bedroom. Never satisfied with just one fuck as some ladies were/are. She would come then after a few moments recovering insist ‘we’ do it all over again. I once fucked her four times in the space of less than an hour. You would think that would wear most women out for a while LL, but not sexy Alice. Her bed got a real hammering when we were together. She satisfied me (in ways you never did) as much as I satisfied her. Alice loved the way I made love and she said so frequently during and after sex. Incidentally, back then she was thirty tow sexually hungry posed of firm tits and a slim body which was a delight to service and enjoy.
I came back for more ion several occasions having my lovely lady in Keswick to keep happy. A side trip, here and there, was a bonus and a bonus I had been enjoying with numerous other women from March 2004 onward
Laura at her home in Attleborough, Norfolk 2005-2007. The shot above being taken in August 2005.
I was very fortunate, wasn’t I LL, to be wanted by so many pretty women, even if it was only for sex. You were right of course - as I had already discovered - ‘There are plenty of women out there that want to get laid’…your words to me after we parted, albeit a bit late as I had already discovered that fact prior to your departure.
Laura just wanted to get laid with me and by me from time to time. I have had many arrangements such as that with her. Sex whenever either of us wanted it and were available. Nice long legs and a very receptive pussy. It was always a pleasure with Laura and for her...I was told.
Talking of pleasures, two of them appear above.
The lady in question was indeed a lady and her name was/is Clara for the purposes of this blog LL. Shot taken at her home in London as was Clara. Those boobs of hers gave me a great pleasure. Mature enough, not too old and I loved the way they bounced around when I was fucking her. It would be fair to say they were between her legs to an extent as she was able to place her legs either side of her head when she was on her back receiving me.
Clara like it fast and furious and would often have a multiple orgasm . Such a sensitive clit too - she liked me sucking that along with her nipples. This particular photo was taken in 2009.
In your face, or rather in my face, quite frequently The owner of this rather lovely breast is Lyn who lived and I believe still lives in Annan just over the border from you LL.
At thirty four in 2005, she had a lot more to offer physically and by way of satisfaction than you ever did. Tuesdays was a favorite with Lyn. Her day off. I could still travel back home during the week with a few stopovers (all of them female) and then skip you for a weekend before fornicating my way northward the following week. Great times LL. I would have settled with you at the drop of a hat, but you went and messed everything up because you couldn't keep your panties on
Her legs may be together in this shot taken in 2006 near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk LL, but they were frequently spread high and wide with me between them. Playing with and caressing her breasts was a bonus. Certainly kept my hands full and only a short drive away if we both felt the need, which we did quite frequently, especially in 2004. She could be quite rampant and so could I when I was wallowing in her generous pussy.
I'll accept that Amanda was a generous size all round (pun intended) and not one of my slim women, LL. However, she was curvaceous and very good in bed. No complaints from me and none from her either!
On the pond, or at least one of them, in New Hampshire 2017.
Kerry is a dear friend who frequently keeps in touch, literally LL. Ever since we met in Franklin which is a little north of Concord, Kerry, a divorced single lady, has spent time with me at the ranch or on Nantucket. You will have guessed why I am sure. We enjoy each other's company despite the age gap and Kerry well she particularly enjoys me being between her tights nice and erect. You could say it fills her with pleasure.
Imagine LL as you have grown older and fatter, I have been enjoying life between the thighs of women like Kerry. I still do enjoy being in that position...I keep fit!
This lady's name is Lucie. She is French and and the location of the shot was also France on the south coast. The time 2010 in the afternoon. Lucie came to me via another for some photos and after we had completed a shoot or two, she suggested we stretch our legs at the shore. I was staying locally in a small hotel so had nowhere else to go and Lucie was pleasant company LL. Not only that she was a very attractive younger woman. I would have been a fool (in my book) to refuse, so I didn't.
More photos followed when we reached a small cove on a remote-ish part of the coast . It was apparent from earlier behaviour that she was feeling quite frisky. When she bared her breasts for among others the shot above, I knew we might be heading somewhere.
In the walking sense we didn't stretch our legs very much. However laying topless on the sand, her panties removed and her skirt around her midriff, Lucie's legs were well ad truly stretched...high and wide. That revealed a pink and quite wet pussy that was going to provide us both with pleasure. I guess we took a bit of a chance. I licked her and she came, I mounted her and she came, then at her request I took her from behind and she came.
Fortunately throughout that hour or so of sex on the beach we were completely undisturbed. Being some twenty five years older than Lucie didn’t phase her at all. As she said in somewhat fractured English…she liked older men.
Soraya, a woman with a lovely name and a lovely body, which she made available to me LL in 2008.
I was in Denia having closed the purchase of my villa there just a few days before. I wasn't staying in the villa because it was unfurnished at that point. I was staying in an hotel that you visited when we were there for the purchase of that horrid apartment you chose. That is where I met Soraya who is Spanish. She was on the staff. I recall the hotel was far from full when I was there. The staff were slack. That is they had very little to occupy them, which is how I got chatting with her.
One thing led to another and I invited her out to dinner. I was there alone and was quite happy to have the company. She was quite happy to be entertained plus she wanted to get laid. I was more than happy to fulfil her wishes. Great meal and great sex on that we both agreed. We slept together, taking great care to avoid her boss, in my hotel bed the rest of the time I was there. I wanted some shots to remember her by. She was happy with topless but nothing more. The photo above was taken one morning at the hotel in an outbuilding some distance from the main complex.
Incidentally LL her nipples were great to suck on and she loved me doing it. Her boobs were as firm as they come and she came more than a few times that week. Haven't seen her since 2009.
Walking with this lovely lady in Sardinia proved to be a very revealing exercise LL. She revealed and we exercised…our parts twice.
Graziella was a lady I met when I decided to take a bit of a walking holiday on the island LL. There is lovely white sand on certain beaches, like that on Sanibel, Florida. She was on vacation from a town near Verona. I had decided to take a break there while staying at my home in Sorrento. Two singles on vacation. The day this happened, our first time but not our last, we were walking a stretch of beach bounded by some dunes that pretty well hid us from the outside world. AS two consenting adults we were as much interested in each other's bodies as we were in each other's company. She wore the top you see above and a skirt which is just out of shot. I had a polo shirt on and shorts.
We decided during the walk we wanted to have sex and not wishing to wait until we got somewhere more civilised decided this quiet beach and the dunes were perfect. The photo above was taken among te dunes in a natural hollow between them. Off came Graziella's skirt, then her top and finally her panties. Naked as the day she was born (but not so well developed!) she tackled my shorts while I removed my polo shirt.
Down among the dunes and down between her legs we fucked each other LL until I made Graziella come and come she did with a noise like a fart as her juices spewed out from her pussy. I was behind her in the climax stakes so I continued thrusting into even as she had a second smaller climax. Those lovely tits of hers bounced around on her, when I wasn't holding and squeezing one breast or the other. I fucked her until her face turned red under her lovely skin color. I remember heading for my ejaculation with my cock as rigid as a poker inside her and watching her eyes nearly pop out of her head as I made my deposit.
All our subsequent lovemaking during that vacation was in a lot more comfort than the beach, soft as the sand was. We had some great cuisine in the evenings, exploring the island and swimming daytime and fucking each other at night....perfick
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©