Thursday, October 8, 2020

Short Update

For LL in the UK

One of my occasional updates LL.

Most folk over here are all caught up with the presidential election and it seems to be the main topic of conversation in Concord, Boston and even Nantucket, where I spent the weekend in my shoreside home there. Last night it was the VP debate...more for everyone to talk about!

I'm off to Florida next week, but have been enjoying Fall here in New Hampshire and being on the ranch, which gets me away from all that election chatter. As I love the countryside, the wilderness and my horses, its no hardship. All those years in cities and my heart is back where it the country.

Horses are not my only companions of course, but you can read about my other interest and the ladies elsewhere, on the website detailed on Twitter in my profile header (@sojourner14).

I've also been painting and working on my latest novel. I wonder what you do know you are retired. I'm sure it isn't playing away as you did with me. I doubt anyone would have you know. I have you dried up yet? You know what I mean - it happens to women. This ma is still firing on all cylinders and still enjoying himself...lots.

My whole life since your time and, to a small extent during our time, has been a real adventure and it continues LL. Apart from the women I have met, which I wouldn't have done if you had stayed it has been the travelling, the business the writing and much more that have given me a really exciting life.

Who would have believed that in the Fall of one's life so much could happen. My photography, cooking and TV appearances (never thought I would do that!) the horses and their breeding, and my novels. The great thing is LL that most of what I enjoy brings in the wealth as a secondary benefit. The main source of satisfaction are the activities.

Maybe you might consider how different your life might have been with me instead of the fat man, how much more rewarding and secure it would have been. I have no doubt you are now comfortable through your inheritance, but there is no substitute for real security and the enjoyment of homes and paces you can only dream of.

My plan  now is to spend some time in Florida as I said. It is getting cooler her and the sun down south beckons. I may well spend Christmas in Hawaii at my home there. I flew in for a few days earlier this year when I was in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Then in the new year I think a trip to Italy is definitely on the cards. I haven't been to the UK since your lockdown in March last.

A little update. I have just read that other vertically challenged woman in charge of Scotland is closing all the restaurants and bars/pubs in Glasgow and Edinburgh. That might scotch your plans...pun intended.

I'm off out now for a drive round the ranch in one of the Grand Cherokees (a big Jeep). Then into Concord to have dinner with a friend.

One final note. You may wonder why no action has been taken regarding the jewelry. Nothing has been done so far, because I want you to feel it is hanging over your head, never knowing when you might suddenly receive the court papers for what will be a civil case with its attendant legal costs. 

You could have just done the decent thing and returned everything, but you didn't. That is down to the fact you don't understand decent or have any really sound moral standards.

Spain doesn't seem like an option for you from what I read about their infection rates, so just think of me laying by my pool in Florida, soaking up the sun with an attractive companion or two alongside.

Have a nice day a ma'am, as the man said

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