LL in the UK
It's certainly a mixture although they aren't all dollies LL. Some might be described as part of the American Dream, I guess. It was a like a dream come true for me, that's for sure! Some of the poses are quite fun as well.
First up is this lady whose name we will say is Leanne (obviously not her real name) was a client in California four years ago in 2016. I photographed her at her mansion in LA. It all started innocently enough with my taking normal photos like I have on a hundred commissions.
It was then she suggested I go into her backyard which was entirely private, with my camera, tripod etc. At the time I thought it would be good to get some outdoor shots as well as interior ones. I had no idea that she was going to wander out completely nude, but I'm glad she did. (There's no accounting for these rich LA types LL!)
It wasn't as though something similar hadn't happened before - it most certainly had, but it was the fact that I hardly knew her and also her youth. She's only now approaching her mid thirties. She looked great as you can see in the photo above. Leanne was also good at posing so I took lots of shots as you can well imagine.
Then we returned inside. Apart from the strength of the sun it was also quite hot. Back insde of course it was cooler. I expected her to dress when we were inside, but no she wandered around just as you see her above with a very nice bounce to her breasts and whenever she turned it was a pleasure watching her butt sway.
Talking of butts swaying her is another belonging to a lady called Lisa. The year is 2007 and the location is the western USA.
It was scorching that day and when we pulled over and walked down to this fairly remote lake, Lisa took it into her head to go for swim. She stripped off and swam. I took photos of the scenery and then took some of Lisa and the other scenery. Then I joined her, both of us naked. We were miles from anywhere LL, so we allowed the sun to dry us off and then continued our tour which took several days. Lisa is a friend you have seen before from near my place in Oregon. Yes, of course we were lovers and for some time. In fact since that trip of mine in March 2005.
Many a slip...
I took this one while Debbie from Keswick was fooling around one day in 2004. No harm was done😂!
Norfolk 2005 and one of my better (?) photos of a lovely lady called Chloë. I knew I had fallen on my feet when youthful women like her wanted me to make love to them...and they just kept coming. I have no idea what my 'pulling power' was but it seemed to be quite magnetic in its qualities. Charm, charisma or just pure physical prowess, who knows.
It was amazing how one 'friend' led to the other often unknown to the former. That is what happened with Chloë. I met her through a lady called Jenny, some who worked for me in my banking days and with whom I had a very nice sexual relationship. It was so good, not only for me, but also for Jenny that somehow Chloë came to hear of our exploits in the bedroom. I had met Chloë a couple of times while out in Norwich with Jenny.
To cut a long story short I ended up calling in to see her. All above board I thought on the afternoon in question. that is until she disappeared upstairs and then called down to ask if I would like to see the rest of the place. Camera in hand, as always, I went upstairs and found her in her pretty much the position you find her in the photo. The only difference being that she was wearing her panties and bra. The shot was taken shortly after I was invited into her bed and Chloë, herself. With a body like she had then it would have been a foolish man who refused and I am not a foolish man, as you well know LL.
A relaxing October afternoon at my home in Lake Oswego, Oregon in 2009. You have seen this lady in past blogs.
This is also a repeat of a lady called Kim in Suffolk back in 2004. A repeat because I have posted her photo previously.
Yet another lovely lady called Lucy who you have seen before. Yes, this is the Lucy that put me up to the hospital joke. The photo was taken in 2006 in her London apartment.

The lady is called Louise.
This was sent to me from London when I was in Cannes. Suzanna had been my companion for about a week at my villa and this shot was part of an attempt to persuade me to return to New England via her home. She succeeded!
This one goes back to your time LL and was taken in Hexham one Monday evening. As you may guess from the angle of the shot I am kneeling on the floor and being asked to remove Helen's panties the last few inches of their journey.
Then it was legs apart and my head guided to where she wanted to be licked. Her actual words were: 'P eat my pussy, make me come'. I did as I was bid and then we fucked twice and we hadn't even made it to the bedroom LL. Helen was one hungry lady and couldn't get enough of me. I wasn't complaining as she had a very nice body, nice tits and a generous pussy.


A completely different location. This is the home of Kathryn in, or actually, near to Saffron Walden. I took this photo one Sunday afternoon in October 2005. The month you though you had 'ditched' me, when all along it was me who manipulated you into taking that action.
Kate, as she preferred to be known, was married. I was of course single and at this point almost free of you. Kate's husband was away a lot on his business trips, mainly overseas and as a result they were drifting apart. She had indulged herself in a popular dating website. One you may well know. She contacted me first, rather than as was usual where I made the first contact. We chatted for about two weeks and talked n the phone. Then I invited her out for dinner. I had found a nice restaurant in a village just over the border in Suffolk and we met in the car park on a Thursday evening. As both of us were driving we drank very little but enjoyed each other's company greatly...and the meal of course.
As we prepared to say our goodnights in the car park Kate gave me a kiss, which I returned. She thought I was a really nice guy and she would like to see me again. I told her that she was lovely and likewise I would like to see her. Come to my place on Sunday we can spend the day together I recall her saying. I agreed and said I would book lunch for us somewhere nearby. She gave me her address LL and we parted for the evening.
Sunday came around - I had a guest Saturday evening and Saturday night. After she left that morning I drove down to Kate's and we went out for lunch as arranged. We went back and had coffee having taken a stroll together near her home. That was nice too. She slipped her arm through mine as we walked and talked.
When we reached her house and went in it was nice and warm, after the cool damp Fall air outside. Kate had the heating on. It had only been a matter of time before we went to bed and that afternoon was the time.
I took the shot above afterward and I will let you into a little secret. Kate is what you might term my very special woman in the UK. I have another in Italy and one here. None of us are married. Kate divorced eventually a few years ago and now lives in London. I bough her place for her, in her name
Sexually, Janis was very much an active participant. No submissive and passive laying back and letting me do all the work. At the time 2005/2006 she lived in North Pickenham where I later met another woman. Janis came to me via a friend and business associate I had at the time, in Swaffham. She worked for him.
Me being single, she being young and a very flirty woman it didn't take long for us to get down (literally) to enjoying each other. First at her place, above, and then at mine. In fact at mine she liked to wander around naked and in the summer of 2006 she would skinny dip in my pool. Mainly that took place on Sundays when we couldn't be disturbed. After you went your way I had a lockable five bar gate installed across the drive, so no chance of surprise visitors.
I said she was active. She was also very 'hungry' and so at her wish I took her i a number of paces at my home. In bed of course, in the bath, on the couch, across the kitchen counter and outdoors. I think she liked the way I made love a lot and also my stamina. The latter was a good thing to have because boy, could Janis keep going...and going.

This is one of my earliest color photos dating back to 1970. The lady is Pam or Pamela to give her full name. Naughty Pam, I wonder where she is now. This was taken in a house in Canterbury, as far as I recall, about two miles from where my parents lived then.

No name her. The photo was taken in Spain in an outhouse to this ladies main residence in Denia in 2008. The main thing I recall apart from the obvious is the dust we raised from that old couch from our banging up and down on it. First me, then her. She was (and is) a really gorgeous woman. I was due to see her again this year but with Covid that is no longer on the cards...or anywhere or anything else😉!

We were supposed to be lunching the day I took this shot. Rebecca luckily had a book with her while I dragged her around a place I was going to renovate. She kindly posed for this shot, which when you include her face, cropped of course, makes a rather nice photo.
Nice legs don't you think LL. The rest of her was pretty 'tasty' as well!
Norwich 2006.

They say anticipation is as much part of pleasure as the actual experience.
Lorraine in Penrith love the anticipation but she liked our lovemaking even more. I took this shot sitting on the fllor of her bedroom with my back against her wardrobe, one Monday afternoon in June 2004. It was not that many hours after leaving your place LL. The beauty of your being at work served me very well, especially when my liaison was in your city - see the next but one photo.
I didn't spend the afternoon sitting on the floor, nor did Lorraine spend it kneeling on her bed. However, she did spend it on the bed LL.

This wasn't the easiest shot to take, but it really worked out very well. Her hand over mine, some fine adjustment to the definition and the use of a filter made this a lovely shot for both us. That is Kathryn and I. See above LL. The special lady who lived near Saffron Walden.
This was taken in a house in your city LL. The lady will remain nameless as she still lives there and is now happily married.
At the time I took this photo she had been let down by her partner who was so cowardly he couldn't face her when he left her....high and dry. Sound familiar? I guess I caught her on the rebound in January 2005. Pretty nasty thing to do leading up to Christmas, isn't it.
For her, I came along. After a year of your deceit and indecisiveness it was easy to move from one woman to another. easier than I ever imagined. The nameless lady above and I stayed together seeing each other as and when we could. In the latter part of the year I took her down to Norfolk and then from there in November a quick week in my place in Fort Myers.
She was and no doubt is to this day, an attractive woman who at the time had been let down badly. I hope I restored her faith in men. She restored my faith in women. You were the only one out of so many others, to play the deceitful game you did and then not to have the guts to face me. There's a word for people like that. In fact there are quite a few. Spineless, cowardly, untrustworthy, morally deficient...are just a few that spring to mind.
The lady above was intensely loyal. The complete opposite. When it came to leaving each other behind we sat down at a dinner and discussed how much we had enjoyed our relationship and wished each other well. We had great sex too. Her body was far superior to yours LL.
I couldn't believe that you had been playing away and then wanted to remain friends when we parted. talk about having you cake and eating it. No way baby!

In all my time away on business and living in hotels, when I was married, I never once succumbed to the temptation to sleep with another woman. There were plenty of opportunities to do so.
After my wife's death and your 'playing away' LL, there was nothing standing in my way that would affect my conscience. Consequently whenever the opportunity arose, and it often did, I was often able to get layed in a hotel. The one above was in Manchester and the event was in February 2005 one Monday night. There was someone I was seeing in Altrincham on the Tuesday - a first meet after internet and phone chat.
I was staying elsewhere in Manchester that night and as luck or good fortune would have it so was the lady above, Breda. Yes she is Irish.
We were both alone in the hotel. had a few drinks together and then slept together in her room. I was permitted a few photos of which the above is one - none of her face in the nude though. Sensible girl. Turned out to be pretty darn good in bed, did Breda LL.
The ultimate invitation and one I fully accepted, after standing above her and taking this photo. It is in my bedroom in the New York apartment 2017.
Bit of an 'arty' shot after one of the old masters. The lovely lady whose face I can't reveal is Antonia and the location is my London studio 2008.

Jemma had arranged a photo shoot with me in my studio in London. The studio comprises a number of rooms now that I won the whole building. There are two studio rooms with an assortment of backdrops, a changing room, kitchen and the usual facilities, plus a reception come sitting area. There is no receptionist most times, just me and the client.
Jemma went through the usual things. Various full length and dressed shots. Some portraits in profile, face on, in shadow etc achieved by judicious use of my lighting and the use also of natural light. Toward the end of the morning that she was there in 2017, she asked if I would take her in her underwear. that is take her photo LL, although there was undoubtedly some innuendo thrown in there. Despite being a wealthy woman, she was also a bit of a flirt and you know me (or you should have done) I always flirt back with an attractive woman.
I agreed to her request and she disappeared into the changing room. I had expected a bra and panties ensemble when she reappeared and had little idea of what her body would look like apart from when she was dressed she looked pretty shapely to me.
When Jemma reappeared in that top and that G-string affair she took my breath away to some degree. Being professional, at that point, I buckled down and took photos. I was aware there was no bra beneath her top, which was rather nice for me. The unexpected arose and I nearly did too, when she lifted the top to reveal her lovely, generous breasts. She then took the top off entirely and allowed me to take a number of further photos including some close ups.
After that session LL, Jemma dressed (she had a regular bra and panties with her she told me, but felt quite sexy that morning and wanted the shots to capture her mood. After some coffee, she said she would like some photos in her home and suggested I call with my camera that afternoon at three. I had nothing much else on the rest of the day so I told Jemma I'd be there. She is divorced and in her late-ish thirties, incidentally.
The afternoon found her not only feeling sexy, but horny as well. I had an inkling but only an inkling that sex might have been on her agenda. It was and it was the only thing on her agenda LL. I don't think she had been layed for some time given the gusto with which she approached things. Me, I wasn't complaining one little bit!
It seems, she told me afterward, that my reputation had gone before me. Some friend or the other had filled her in....and so did I. No wonder I'm still so fit!

Both the photos above are of Ellie, taken on two separate occasions and in two different places. The first is New York in 2008 and the second is in Berkshire, UK in 2009.
The first is on vacation. Ellie that is not me, after all LL I live here and did back then. The second is a return visit. The second shot was taken in an empty room at her parent's rather grand pile in the country. Ellie is Eleanor in full. Both her parent's have now passed on.
We first met at a party in Mayfair in early 2008. Needless to say of course we enjoyed a relationship, a very sexual one in fact. Ellie is quite the nympho even now...or at least last year she was. Me being a highly sexed male was able to 'meet' her and her requirements on an equal footing...or is that bedding.

This photo was taken in the home of this lady's Boston home. That's Boston, Massachusetts LL not the Boston in Lincs, UK.
Her name is Deborah and the phot was taken two years ago in 2018. I guess you could say she is a close friend, a very close friend. The photo will undoubtedly tell you all you need to know.
When I think of how you looked, physically, you are a 'no contest' for pretty much all the women in my life, past and present. That is, you are not even in the running (or laying), especially so the way you look these days.

Finally, this one harks right back to 2004. Her name is Alison.
She worked for my old employer in the banking world and even when I was a manager there she was a frisky young woman. Imagine how she was when I met her after leaving the banking world LL.
There haven't been that many women who have outright thrown themselves at you, but Alison was one of them. She had very forthright personality. She said what she wanted, said what she meant and usual got it. I'm not sure what the attraction was but she came onto me quite strongly...and I accepted her advances. I needn't have done. I could have kept her at arms length, but it was only five weeks after you told me of your visit to the American guy with the Spanish name.
I thought what the hell. Two can play your game and I had already made a start before meeting Alison.
Although this photo is taken outside the house where she lived, our first romp took place the day after I met her at my place. I've never seen a woman get out of her clothes as quickly as Alison did. Before I knew it she was crawling onto my bed while I was still shedding my kit, her butt toward me and her large breasts swinging nicely in the breeze.
The sight of her body, those breasts and the promise of sex had me standing at attention LL. OK, her breasts were quite large along with her thighs, which were firm but a tad on the larger side, but she was there and wanting sex. A young body, soft and warm to the touch. On all fours still, as I discarded the remainder of my clothes, she placed her head on the bed leaving her butt pointing upward and affording a full view of her pussy which I could see was moist already.
Then as I walked toward the bed, fully erect she rolled over onto her back and opened her legs, spreading them wide and high. I looked down from where I was standing at the bottom of the bed LL. Although her boobs were large they still pointed up toward the ceiling instead of spreading out. That in itself was very inviting. Lowering my glance to her pussy, I could see her petals spread open waiting to be pollinated. But first a little lubrication was required.
I buried my head between her legs LL. I licked and stroked. She moaned. I used my hands on her breasts squeezing repeatedly as my tongue found her clit and it too arose to the occasion. Seconds later she came. I gently pulled her down the bed toward me and then I stood. She and her pussy were at just the right height. (I knew this because of previous 'experiences'). At firs her legs were supported on my arms as I eased my way forward and then steered my erection into her opening. It was still oozing down there and that made my entry that much easier, for me and for her.
Things then followed a pattern that I have adopted pretty much all my sexual life. Slow thrusts at first, exploring, rotating. Ally held her legs and left my hands free. She held them very wide almost like she wanted to swallow me. As I thrust her boobs moved in unison, until I took both of them in my hands. They had firmed up a great deal from earlier due to Ally's arousal and her nipples were fully erect.
She was moaning lots by now LL, loudly too. I knew she was getting there. Her eyes were closed her mouth open, moan after moan emanating from it. I find that very sexy, a women moaning under me. WE both reached a point where we were going to come. I thrust, slammed into her, hard against her clit. She was screaming out now. No moans but screams of pleasure. Then she erupted, forcing herself up toward me and her cum flowing freely around my erection.
At that point I could hold back no longer. I pumped my semen into her. Almsot all of it then withdrew quickly while I was still coming and spurted the rest over her boobs as she had asked.
WE made love twice more that day.
The reason that I am able to recall so much detail is because Alison was the first woman I decided to make notes about. I then backtracked over those from a few weeks before and wrote their notes up.....along with yours. The latter makes sorry reading alongside subsequent lovers LL.