Sunday, March 22, 2020

Transcendent Pleasure

For LL in the UK

I have many happy memories LL, both before your time and, most certainly after. I also have many friends, something you once said I didn't possess. When we parted you talked of friendship saying that we could still be friends after we went our separate ways.

Did you really believe that? Did you really believe that you could cheat on a partner not once but several times and still remain friends with him?

You were a fool if you thought that. How could I be friends with someone I didn't trust. You were also a fool in letting me go. Life is too short to make the kind of mistakes you make, yet you carry on doing so. Look where you are now, for instance....

Since and before you went, I have had the pleasure of many women. Some intimately, some as friends as well and some for the pure pleasure of taking their photographs.

The shots below contain all three. It is another selection from my portfolio. No long accounts of my liaisons in this one, nor names.

Client, Friend and Lover - 2006

From a shoot in London, to friendship (she was lonely), to making love on satin sheets at her home. Imagine LL, in less than six months after you went your way I was lying alongside on top of and getting laid by this lovely, if lonely, long legged woman.

We are still friends, but not lovers. She suffered with depression for quite a while. Seems OK now, though.

Lover - 2004

From your neck of the woods the north west. This shot was a mistake. I was fiddling with my phone and took a shot of her pussy by mistake...and the coffee...and her pubes. It was somewhere I had been just a half hour before. An Idaho lady, believe it or not, originally.

Client and Lover - 2008

Very pretty lady. I had no intention of getting laid with her - she had other ideas and quite a sexual appetite. Delightful boobs don't you think LL. I certainly did. Australia.

Friend - 2005

A friend and neighbor in FM Florida. We were friends right through 2005. Met in the April of that year. I took this shot in June. We became lovers in 2006. Lovely woman in all respects, but then most of my ladies are certainly lovely in their physical attributes and most other ways.

Friend and Lover - 2007

London - she was a fantastic lay, LL and always up for it....or down, depending on her preference.

Friend - 2006

A friend in 2006 and a lover in 2008. We didn't keep much contact up for a couple of years but then what you see above was offered to me on a plate. Couldn't say no, could I LL. The reason for the gap....a husband, or rather ex-husband. Florida.


Georgia, US was where we met up. Basically, when I was in Savannah, Ga with the jet on a service and business trip. In 2018 she worked for Gulfstream. In 2019 she worked for me and still does in that State.

Lover 2005

Kate thrust herself on me literally. A young woman from my village who wandered up my driveway one Sunday morning asking whether she was allowed to walk through to the meadows. I had seen her in the village over the years and always received a friendly wave. I told her normally no but she could go through today.

The performance was repeated on the two subsequent weekends - all in 2005. The third time she saw me with my tripod lenses and two cameras and asked if I would photograph her. I said happily - indoors or outdoors. Indoors was her answer so I set up indoors and she commenced by taking off her top then her jeans. Of course I said something, but her answered was that she wanted her body photographed not  her clothes. So it was LL, although I hadn't anticipated full nudity...nor had I anticipated sex, but I became a willing participant and she became a regular visitor. Another fuck if I didn't have enough! But then you can never have too much of a good thing.

Client then Lover - 2009

And.....another one of my white shirts bit the dust. Rather like you she liked posing in it. I still have shots of you in my white shirts...all boobs and vertically challenged LL. London

Client and Lover - 2008


Client......later, Lover 2007

Paris, France


California 2007...then lover in 2009 after husband was thrown out ~2 had gone his way. Still in touch with her, literally.


2008 Belgravia London. You have no idea what these wealthy women are like I'm sure LL. They have the same 'animal' appetites as you used to have and this lady, in particular, could be a real animal in bed.

Just Sex - 2005

Spain, summer of 2005. You had been in cahoots with flour man  four months by then, so coming across (and I did more than once) a willing English woman was a no brainer for me. What a woman too and what boobs!. Yes, she is oiled (all over) by yours truly.

Client and Lover

Berkshire UK. Slightly on the thin side of things but compensated by her wonderful breasts and hairless pussy. Her long legs were a bonus which I enjoyed....along with the rest of her.


Italy 2007.

Friend and Lover

New York 2007...and she still is a friend and my lover.


Florida - 2017. She was due to visit me in Natucket in a week or so, not sure it will happen now. Never mind I am sure I will have something, or somebody to keep  me occupied!

Just Sex


Client and Sex Buddy

Taken on Skyros, Greece as was the lady LL in 2017.


No sex although the thought was tempting at this shoot last year. Who knows we still keetabs on each other. Los Angeles.

Just Sex 

Hotel in Germany 2018. Nice boobs, nice body, nice lay.


Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©

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