Bit of a gap LL but I have been on an assignment in the west.
So I see you have been again in the 'same old' haunts. Don't you get fed up with it? I would. I suppose as they say you 'made your bed etc' and have to lie in it metaphorically and literally. Needn't have been, and my life is a million miles from boring or repetitive.
Perhaps you might have taken issue with the many women I met and the many I enjoyed. What a turning point photography was! On the other hand I probably would never have gone down that path if you had behaved. You didn't, and so these galleries/portfolios etc are the result, in part. So here is another mixture of places and some lovely ladies.

France 2004 - Cheeky
On occasions I was surprised by the willingness of the women I met and those I photographed. I rarely made the first move, although I did in certain instances.
This was one of those occasions where she made the move, much to my surprise given how it came about. Remember I took you to Calais and you bought that white jumper. This was a about a couple of months later on one of those weekends I wasn't visiting you.
I took off with my car and drove to Amiens, a place I hadn't visited before. In time it led me to Rouen, but that's another story that has already been told in part in a previous blog. I stayed in a lovely old hotel with wrought iron balconies and an excellent restaurant while I spent a couple of days exploring the area.
The same waitress attended to me on both the first and second evening. There were a few people staying and others that came in off the street to eat. Her English was good and in between serving we talked briefly. Her hair was tied back and she wore a typical French waiting outfit including trousers.
She told me she lived in at the hotel and was off duty the following day so she wouldn't be serving.
To cut a long story short. The following morning around 6.30 a.m. I heard a knock on my door. I had a room at the top of the hotel. It was Gabrielle. She was dressed. - I wasn't. Just my gown. I say dressed as she wore trousers a loose top and a denim jacket. She came into my room without a word but with her finger to her lips motioning me to be quiet.
Then she slipped her trousers off and her top without a word. Her bra came off revealing her boobs and then she slipped her pretty brief maroon panties off. She had pubic hair but not a lot. She pulled the belt on my gown and I slipped it off. Neither of us had spoken. She put her arms around my neck and we kissed.
Then everything happened very fast.
Portland, Oregon 2005 - Lithe
Not quite Portland but that is near enough for this blog, LL.
When I first established my self in the area I rented a condo for a few months. Most of my near neighbors were younger and I became friends with this lady over a period of a few weeks. She had moved down from Seattle a year earlier and apart from her work at Nike, she had a few friends, so we used to take in a movie when I was there and dinner, occasionally.
Eventually, and inevitably, our friendship was shared beyond just social outings and we ended up as bed buddies when we felt the need. I have lots of photos of Lynnette. She was lovely, kind and great company. She made me laugh when, at the time, you were messing me around. She also looked a great deal prettier than you too!
London 2004 - Big Girl
This is one (or should I say two!) from late Spring 2004. Taken in my London apartment that I had back then. I guess you could call it my 'bachelor pad'. It saw a fair bit of 'traffic in those halcyon days as did the Norfolk house and then later New Hampshire and concurrently Florida.
They were comparable to yours.... as yours were back then.... but firmer and perkier. I have enlarged this shot so it's a little fuzzy but she really didn't need enlarging!
Italy - Studio 2006 - Golden Girl
Another blown up shot. She had a beautiful natural all over tan. From northern Italy, hence the blond hair, we met in Naples, Italy when I paused from my wanderings in the City to have coffee mid morning. I called the UK on a short business call, speaking in English of course. Having finished the waiter came over to take my order, which I executed in fluent Italian.
At the next table was the woman above who at first glance I had taken to be anything but Italian. She said hello your Italian is very good may I join you. In fact what she said was the same, but in Italian viz ciao il tuo italiano è molto bravo aderire a te
I said yes and we shared a table which pleased the waiters as it freed up much needed space. I told her that I hadn't taken her for Italian at first but she explained she was taking a break down there from Northern Italy where she lived. I said something like Ah I have it. Many northern Italians are blond due to Austrian blood. I said I was on vacation too and exploring the sights. She asked what I did so used the photographer role rather than reveal my business interests as well.
She asked me what was in the bag I was nursing between my legs and I explained it was my camera and various lenses. She asked to see, so I opened the bag. She pointed to the largest lens, my 200 - 600 mm one. She said she hadn't seen one like that before and I explained it was a telephoto lens. I extracted it and showed her how it extended outward by quite a bit.
Innuendo flowed from her lips then about its size and extension with definite sexual undertones. I had to laugh and she did too. It broke the ice well and truly and we entered into an animated conversation about ourselves and Italy - all in Italian LL.
The upshot was that we agreed to have dinner that night at a restaurant that she knew. Never look a gift horse in the mouth, I thought. She was very attractive and we were both on our own. It would be a pleasant evening and I had no ideas of bedding her even if I had liked to.
That turned out to be completely wrong.
After a great meal at a little family restaurant I walked her back to her hotel and we had a couple of drinks in the lounge. That was when she said that she wasn't joking about my camera lens early that day. She wanted to sleep with me and didn't beat about the bush in suggesting it. So it was I spent the night with her and we both enjoyed each other once before sleep and twice in the morning. I took the shot above in her room the following morning LL
At the next table was the woman above who at first glance I had taken to be anything but Italian. She said hello your Italian is very good may I join you. In fact what she said was the same, but in Italian viz ciao il tuo italiano è molto bravo aderire a te
I said yes and we shared a table which pleased the waiters as it freed up much needed space. I told her that I hadn't taken her for Italian at first but she explained she was taking a break down there from Northern Italy where she lived. I said something like Ah I have it. Many northern Italians are blond due to Austrian blood. I said I was on vacation too and exploring the sights. She asked what I did so used the photographer role rather than reveal my business interests as well.
She asked me what was in the bag I was nursing between my legs and I explained it was my camera and various lenses. She asked to see, so I opened the bag. She pointed to the largest lens, my 200 - 600 mm one. She said she hadn't seen one like that before and I explained it was a telephoto lens. I extracted it and showed her how it extended outward by quite a bit.
Innuendo flowed from her lips then about its size and extension with definite sexual undertones. I had to laugh and she did too. It broke the ice well and truly and we entered into an animated conversation about ourselves and Italy - all in Italian LL.
The upshot was that we agreed to have dinner that night at a restaurant that she knew. Never look a gift horse in the mouth, I thought. She was very attractive and we were both on our own. It would be a pleasant evening and I had no ideas of bedding her even if I had liked to.
That turned out to be completely wrong.
After a great meal at a little family restaurant I walked her back to her hotel and we had a couple of drinks in the lounge. That was when she said that she wasn't joking about my camera lens early that day. She wanted to sleep with me and didn't beat about the bush in suggesting it. So it was I spent the night with her and we both enjoyed each other once before sleep and twice in the morning. I took the shot above in her room the following morning LL
Denia, Spain 2006 - Two's Company
This was taken at the new place in Denia LL. The one in the hills that you never saw. The other place was a real sh**h**e but at least it turned a profit of $50k.
You may remember a blog in which I related an encounter with a Spanish lady. Quite young, in her thirties. These are two friends of hers that I met much later. This my pool there. Whether the earlier lady told them of my prowess or not matters little. She introduced them via an email as the previous lady was back in Madrid.
Reckoning on a nice photo session I agreed to see them for just a few photos - all they could afford, and arranged for them to come to my place for the session. Two roughly thirty year old women turned up in short summer dresses and I invited them inside.
A more brazen pair of posers in a photographic sense I had ever met. One was Spanish and one her English friend. I leave you LL to figure out which is which in the photo above.
It was hot outside so I suggested some indoor shots using the sun to highlight their faces and outlines. Their dresses were mid thigh so not that revealing but when we went outside they both slipped them off to reveal pretty skimpy bikinis. That was when the brazen posing came in. Sticking their butts out and laughing cupping their boobs in their bikinis...I wasn't complaining. They asked if they could use the pool and I said yes. In they both went and swam out to the middle where I could see them talking.
Next thing is they have removed their bikini tops and then their bottoms which they slung on the side of the pool. I took shots of course - who wouldn't. One appears above. they invited me to join the so I did. I had trunks beneath my shorts. Once I was in they swum up to me and said we hear you have a reputation. Feigning ignorance I asked what reputation. They related my time with their friend. The lady who had introduced them.
Laughing they both reached below the water and tugged by trunks down and I removed them. Being in the water with two gorgeous naked girls did what it should have done - it aroused me, much to their delight and laughter. They both came very close and took turns playing with my fella below and I took the opportunity to play with their boobs which they both enjoyed greatly. We all got out of the pool a little while later. I gave the girls towels and we dried off.
The English girl, Wendy, said where is the bedroom with the biggest bed, we can't leave yet our bikinis are still wet. We all ended up in there. Towels were left on the floor and all three of us on the bed...all naked. I was in a little bit of heaven. Two nubile young women, two pairs of boobs and two asses to caress and play with.
We soon sorted ourselves out. Me laying on my back. Wendy sucking my cock while I squeezed her boobs and the Spanish lady offering her pussy to my tongue. I flicked and she started to moan. Wendy meantime mounted me and started rocking to and fro slowly then more vigorously. I took her boobs in both hands and squeezed and caressed them. That rocking by her on my pubic bone and her clit had her moaning and moaning. Mean while my little Spanish lady was also making sounds of pleasure as I licked and flicked her clit. I feel it was really hard that little thing so I licked faster and faster. That made me hard as I heard her uttering lots of ohs and that made Wendy ride me even more. Then it was case of one then two then three.
One, Maria came with a lot of noise. Her thighs were either side of my head so when she did she squeezed her legs together and for a moment I couldn't hear a thing. Then Wendy was nearly there so I gave her a slap on the bottom and she gushed forth just before I shot my lot into her. We all collapsed in a heap - a tangle of bodies, legs and boobs, on the bed.
There we lay recovering for a short while. I was OK. I hadn't done much 'work'. It was then that Wendy started on my fella down there. She placed it in her mouth and swallowed what was dribbling out still, and then used her mouth to arouse me again. I looked down but my view was soon blocked when Mara straddled me and dangled her boobs into my mouth. What a threesome this was becoming. Eventually, Wendy had me really proud again and slid away to my side. Having had enough of being the receiver I decided to be the giver. So I rolled Maria off me gently and parted her legs kneeling between them.
Not wanting Wendy to miss out on the fun I got her to stand over Maria and open her legs. Maria held hers high and leaned them on my shoulders while I entered her and fucked her hard and fast. I made sure I came down on her clit relentlessly and I could feel she was getting there quickly. By now Wendy was offering her pussy up for a good licking so as Maria came I started on Wendy and let my load fly into Maria. I found out she was a screamer and she uttered things in Spanish I didn't understand but knew what they meant in sexual terms....climax. I withdrew and quickly clambered over to Wendy who was enjoying my licking and flicking. She had the bigger boobs and they were a pleasure to handle after Maria rolled from under me..
Maria grabbed my cock from behind and there we were in some sort of orgy. I wasn't sure I could raise myself a third time but Maria lay under my legs head up and started sucking on me. That did it. I was on my way upward again. Wendy came then and her moans did it for me I took her again and although I reached my peak inside her there was little left to leave as a deposit. Quite a good term for a former banker!
I had Cava in the fridge and went and opened it, coming back to the bedroom with three glasses. Maria dipped her boobs into her glass and invited me to lick it off. I did. WE sat up against the headboard. Me in the middle and the two lovely ladies you see above LL either side of me. Boobs to the left of me and boobs to the right. So I played with both for a while much to the delight of the girls.
The younger ones may not be the most experienced but they are certainly very horny. We spent the rest of a very hot afternoon in and out of the pool, still all naked. Then Wendy left - I offered her a lift but she said she would walk. It's downhill from my place there in Denia.
Maria, well; she stayed and shared my bed that night.
What a day LL. Your life seems and seemed back then so humdrum compared to mine...and you thought you were being 'clever' going behind my back 😊
Reckoning on a nice photo session I agreed to see them for just a few photos - all they could afford, and arranged for them to come to my place for the session. Two roughly thirty year old women turned up in short summer dresses and I invited them inside.
A more brazen pair of posers in a photographic sense I had ever met. One was Spanish and one her English friend. I leave you LL to figure out which is which in the photo above.
It was hot outside so I suggested some indoor shots using the sun to highlight their faces and outlines. Their dresses were mid thigh so not that revealing but when we went outside they both slipped them off to reveal pretty skimpy bikinis. That was when the brazen posing came in. Sticking their butts out and laughing cupping their boobs in their bikinis...I wasn't complaining. They asked if they could use the pool and I said yes. In they both went and swam out to the middle where I could see them talking.
Next thing is they have removed their bikini tops and then their bottoms which they slung on the side of the pool. I took shots of course - who wouldn't. One appears above. they invited me to join the so I did. I had trunks beneath my shorts. Once I was in they swum up to me and said we hear you have a reputation. Feigning ignorance I asked what reputation. They related my time with their friend. The lady who had introduced them.
Laughing they both reached below the water and tugged by trunks down and I removed them. Being in the water with two gorgeous naked girls did what it should have done - it aroused me, much to their delight and laughter. They both came very close and took turns playing with my fella below and I took the opportunity to play with their boobs which they both enjoyed greatly. We all got out of the pool a little while later. I gave the girls towels and we dried off.
The English girl, Wendy, said where is the bedroom with the biggest bed, we can't leave yet our bikinis are still wet. We all ended up in there. Towels were left on the floor and all three of us on the bed...all naked. I was in a little bit of heaven. Two nubile young women, two pairs of boobs and two asses to caress and play with.
We soon sorted ourselves out. Me laying on my back. Wendy sucking my cock while I squeezed her boobs and the Spanish lady offering her pussy to my tongue. I flicked and she started to moan. Wendy meantime mounted me and started rocking to and fro slowly then more vigorously. I took her boobs in both hands and squeezed and caressed them. That rocking by her on my pubic bone and her clit had her moaning and moaning. Mean while my little Spanish lady was also making sounds of pleasure as I licked and flicked her clit. I feel it was really hard that little thing so I licked faster and faster. That made me hard as I heard her uttering lots of ohs and that made Wendy ride me even more. Then it was case of one then two then three.
One, Maria came with a lot of noise. Her thighs were either side of my head so when she did she squeezed her legs together and for a moment I couldn't hear a thing. Then Wendy was nearly there so I gave her a slap on the bottom and she gushed forth just before I shot my lot into her. We all collapsed in a heap - a tangle of bodies, legs and boobs, on the bed.
There we lay recovering for a short while. I was OK. I hadn't done much 'work'. It was then that Wendy started on my fella down there. She placed it in her mouth and swallowed what was dribbling out still, and then used her mouth to arouse me again. I looked down but my view was soon blocked when Mara straddled me and dangled her boobs into my mouth. What a threesome this was becoming. Eventually, Wendy had me really proud again and slid away to my side. Having had enough of being the receiver I decided to be the giver. So I rolled Maria off me gently and parted her legs kneeling between them.
Not wanting Wendy to miss out on the fun I got her to stand over Maria and open her legs. Maria held hers high and leaned them on my shoulders while I entered her and fucked her hard and fast. I made sure I came down on her clit relentlessly and I could feel she was getting there quickly. By now Wendy was offering her pussy up for a good licking so as Maria came I started on Wendy and let my load fly into Maria. I found out she was a screamer and she uttered things in Spanish I didn't understand but knew what they meant in sexual terms....climax. I withdrew and quickly clambered over to Wendy who was enjoying my licking and flicking. She had the bigger boobs and they were a pleasure to handle after Maria rolled from under me..
Maria grabbed my cock from behind and there we were in some sort of orgy. I wasn't sure I could raise myself a third time but Maria lay under my legs head up and started sucking on me. That did it. I was on my way upward again. Wendy came then and her moans did it for me I took her again and although I reached my peak inside her there was little left to leave as a deposit. Quite a good term for a former banker!
I had Cava in the fridge and went and opened it, coming back to the bedroom with three glasses. Maria dipped her boobs into her glass and invited me to lick it off. I did. WE sat up against the headboard. Me in the middle and the two lovely ladies you see above LL either side of me. Boobs to the left of me and boobs to the right. So I played with both for a while much to the delight of the girls.
The younger ones may not be the most experienced but they are certainly very horny. We spent the rest of a very hot afternoon in and out of the pool, still all naked. Then Wendy left - I offered her a lift but she said she would walk. It's downhill from my place there in Denia.
Maria, well; she stayed and shared my bed that night.
What a day LL. Your life seems and seemed back then so humdrum compared to mine...and you thought you were being 'clever' going behind my back 😊
East Anglia, UK 2004 - Just Two Points.... Outside
When I took this in Norfolk thirteen years ago I recall the place was fresh with Spring growth and the grass and trees were a bright green.
Some short time before this photo you had revealed to me your infidelity with the man from over here, when you were with me in Florida. So it was apposite that the new beginnings of Spring coincided with my decision for a new beginning.
Like all the women I photograph there is no name for this one. Suffice to sat she was a fairly local girl who attended to my tonsorial needs, which were limited. As a consequence we talked and she knew a) I was widowed and b) someone (you LL) were messing me around. She was also a flirt and regularly - well ever five weeks or so - bent over my head on some hairdressing pretense so that her boobs were right up against my skull. I enjoyed it naturally. She would also ask if everything looked good at the back holding up the usual mirror. I would look in the mirror in front of me and say looks great. She would smile a little flirtatiously and I would smile back. I'm not sure if the tip I always left could be construed as 'something else', but it amused me to thinks so.
One week that April I was taking coffee in a nearby cafe and in Jo walked. Headed straight for me and said do you mind if I join you. Naturally, I had no problem with that. By now I was enjoying both my freedom and the fact I owed no allegiance to you LL, in view of your behavior. Inevitably, we got to chatting and Jo asked what I did with myself in my spare time and at weekends.
I decided to be a little economic with the truth and told her I went for walks had started out with photography and I traveled a fair bit, omitting that I dated a lot. I also omitted London property and those over here in the States and Spain.
She asked whether I would photograph her, to my surprise.
You must remember LL that this was early days for me in taking shots of people. Most of my stuff to begin with was landscapes. It was my brother who got me into it. He said I 'had a good eye' and see things from a photographers viewpoint.
So I said yes (I didn't think of charging a fee back then as I didn't think I was good enough, yet). She said she could come to my place and suggested the Sunday coming.
So it was. Jo turned up and after coffee for me and Coke for her I took a series of photos. Portraits, full length, profiles etc. She said she had bought a change of clothes so I could photograph her in those too. I showed her upstairs to the bedrooms and left her in mine to change. I stood in the kitchen with my coffee, waiting.
Jo reappeared. She had definitely changed...into her birthday suit almost! She still had her blouse on but apart from that and her panties that was it and her panties were near see through as was her blouse.
She asked me to photograph her so I did. Her boobs were covered by her blouse pretty much LL, so I got some great shots from the side and as requested from the rear, then close in. She slid her top off and asked me to keep shooting. I got some great photos of her boobs. She had a really nice figure.
As I viewed her through my camera which was on a tripod, she said you know I was leaning against your head with these on purpose, lifting her boobs with her hands. I said I reckoned so and that she was flirting with me when she did my hair.
She smiled and I told her she was a bit naughty. How naughty would you like me to be she then said, standing there with just her panties on. It was my turn to smile as I stepped round the camera and tripod and placed my hands on her waist. She reached up and kissed me and had my trousers off in a trice along with my shirt. I guess you could say her approach was frenzied, looking back now. So there we were standing in my kitchen in Norfolk LL - she in her panties only, and me in my boxers.
The day room, as you will recall LL, is off the kitchen, with a dining area and couches, back then. She took both my hands and walked backwards to the larger couch, then very sexily slid her panties down to her ankles and kicked them off. Next thing was she was sitting with her legs apart and a pink area matching that of her nipples revealed. Lick me she said.
I knelt down and placed my head between her legs and started her off. Soon her juices were flowing and a few small moans were uttered she bent over my head so those boobs of hers were back again but unencumbered by clothes. She pulled my head up and then laid back. I used my fingers on her clit which was very wet. Rubbing vigorously faster and faster and then she came. I didn't stop and she convulsed a few more times then I went straight into her easily to my surprise, but she had a nice tight pussy and combined with my locked and cocked member we were both greatly stimulated. I felt her come again toward the end of my endurance although we had both started slowly, with me squeezing her boobs gently then really hard as we both came.
Jo reappeared. She had definitely changed...into her birthday suit almost! She still had her blouse on but apart from that and her panties that was it and her panties were near see through as was her blouse.
She asked me to photograph her so I did. Her boobs were covered by her blouse pretty much LL, so I got some great shots from the side and as requested from the rear, then close in. She slid her top off and asked me to keep shooting. I got some great photos of her boobs. She had a really nice figure.
As I viewed her through my camera which was on a tripod, she said you know I was leaning against your head with these on purpose, lifting her boobs with her hands. I said I reckoned so and that she was flirting with me when she did my hair.
She smiled and I told her she was a bit naughty. How naughty would you like me to be she then said, standing there with just her panties on. It was my turn to smile as I stepped round the camera and tripod and placed my hands on her waist. She reached up and kissed me and had my trousers off in a trice along with my shirt. I guess you could say her approach was frenzied, looking back now. So there we were standing in my kitchen in Norfolk LL - she in her panties only, and me in my boxers.
The day room, as you will recall LL, is off the kitchen, with a dining area and couches, back then. She took both my hands and walked backwards to the larger couch, then very sexily slid her panties down to her ankles and kicked them off. Next thing was she was sitting with her legs apart and a pink area matching that of her nipples revealed. Lick me she said.
I knelt down and placed my head between her legs and started her off. Soon her juices were flowing and a few small moans were uttered she bent over my head so those boobs of hers were back again but unencumbered by clothes. She pulled my head up and then laid back. I used my fingers on her clit which was very wet. Rubbing vigorously faster and faster and then she came. I didn't stop and she convulsed a few more times then I went straight into her easily to my surprise, but she had a nice tight pussy and combined with my locked and cocked member we were both greatly stimulated. I felt her come again toward the end of my endurance although we had both started slowly, with me squeezing her boobs gently then really hard as we both came.
You could say: She came, I saw, I conquered. More accurately veni, vidi, vici. per Julius Caesar
Dorset, UK - 2007 - Rolling Hills
This quiet young woman turned out to be something of a tornado and her boobs reminded me in an amusing sort of way of the Purbeck Hills over there in Dorset, UK. Something to be gently climbed but worth it when you get there.
I was in the area for two reasons. One to just revisit some old haunts and two to look at property at Sandbanks, Poole. So I stayed in the best hotel in the area in Bournemouth. From there I visited the agent I had been talking to just to say hello as he knew what I was seeking and where.
I spent the day strolling around both Poole and Bournemouth. The following day I went to Sandbanks and met the agent there, after which I headed to Canford Cliffs for lunch at a place I knew was still there. Back to the hotel late that afternoon, I showered ready for dinner that evening in the hotel.
No women joined me at my table and no staff ladies propositioned me. Quite an uneventful trip thus far so, with one day left, I thought I would look up a few places I knew and then head back to my London apartment. Among the places I went to was Boscombe and the beach. As I was walking back I met the lady who features above. She was shocked to suddenly see me after some twenty odd years.
We had worked together in Bournemouth. I was in my thirties and she a mere youngster not yet twenty, in fact right out of school..then. Now she was in her thirties.
We reached a little cafe just 100 yards from the cliff top in Boscombe and decided to have a coffee and catch up on everything. She, Lyndsey, told me that she had been married but was now divorced. I expressed my regret, but she said it was a good thing as he was an arsehole, in her words.
We chatted about old times in the office we both worked in twenty odd years ago. She said that back then she was always a little aware of the size of her boobs and wore tight tops to tease us men in the office. I said it never went unnoticed and we laughed. I said it was certainly a talking point.
The cafe didn't offer much by way of lunch so Lyn said why doesn't she fix some lunch at her place and we can continue catching up. I said fine as I didn't have much on that day anyway. We walked back to her flat about half a mile away. My car was safely parked up in a car park.
Lyn fixed a light lunch and we sat at her table and talked about what had happened to both of us in the years that had passed. She said she was sorry about my wife who had passed four years previously. We continued to chat and I remember her saying that she always liked me as I was the nicest guy in the office and really built her confidence in her early days.
There was no room for a dishwasher in her place so I helped with the dishes and started thinking about leaving. That was when she put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me and said who you make love to me. In answer I kissed her and held her waist.
I think in retrospect she hadn't been laid in a while because she couldn't get her clothes and mine off quick enough. So it was that after twenty odd years I got to explore those 'rolling hills' intimately LL. They were very responsive and it was a pleasure I reveled in, as did she. We made love on her bed firstly in the normal way and then as I was still hard she mounted me and rode herself to a second climax.
I returned to London the following day very satisfied with my visit to Dorset!
I spent the day strolling around both Poole and Bournemouth. The following day I went to Sandbanks and met the agent there, after which I headed to Canford Cliffs for lunch at a place I knew was still there. Back to the hotel late that afternoon, I showered ready for dinner that evening in the hotel.
No women joined me at my table and no staff ladies propositioned me. Quite an uneventful trip thus far so, with one day left, I thought I would look up a few places I knew and then head back to my London apartment. Among the places I went to was Boscombe and the beach. As I was walking back I met the lady who features above. She was shocked to suddenly see me after some twenty odd years.
We had worked together in Bournemouth. I was in my thirties and she a mere youngster not yet twenty, in fact right out of school..then. Now she was in her thirties.
We reached a little cafe just 100 yards from the cliff top in Boscombe and decided to have a coffee and catch up on everything. She, Lyndsey, told me that she had been married but was now divorced. I expressed my regret, but she said it was a good thing as he was an arsehole, in her words.
We chatted about old times in the office we both worked in twenty odd years ago. She said that back then she was always a little aware of the size of her boobs and wore tight tops to tease us men in the office. I said it never went unnoticed and we laughed. I said it was certainly a talking point.
The cafe didn't offer much by way of lunch so Lyn said why doesn't she fix some lunch at her place and we can continue catching up. I said fine as I didn't have much on that day anyway. We walked back to her flat about half a mile away. My car was safely parked up in a car park.
Lyn fixed a light lunch and we sat at her table and talked about what had happened to both of us in the years that had passed. She said she was sorry about my wife who had passed four years previously. We continued to chat and I remember her saying that she always liked me as I was the nicest guy in the office and really built her confidence in her early days.
There was no room for a dishwasher in her place so I helped with the dishes and started thinking about leaving. That was when she put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me and said who you make love to me. In answer I kissed her and held her waist.
I think in retrospect she hadn't been laid in a while because she couldn't get her clothes and mine off quick enough. So it was that after twenty odd years I got to explore those 'rolling hills' intimately LL. They were very responsive and it was a pleasure I reveled in, as did she. We made love on her bed firstly in the normal way and then as I was still hard she mounted me and rode herself to a second climax.
I returned to London the following day very satisfied with my visit to Dorset!
New York - Studio 2007 - Slinky
This was purely a commission for a lady who works in the theatrical world.
India 2007 - Bridging the Gap
Life in 2007 was as you now know a series of travels, photo assignments and running my real estate businesses. During that year I decided on a trip to India. I had a number of inquiries via my website from various parts of the country and as a result gathered quite a portfolio of sights, wildlife and people.
I had yet to meet Ash at this point. It amuses me to think that you never knew where I was during this time always believing I was in the UK or Florida. I was everywhere in fact - all over Europe, in Africa and in India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan Oz and New Zealand
One such appears above. This was taken near Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, in the north west. This lady took me into the forest for the shoot wearing a beautiful sari but when out of sight and sound of people steered me over this bridge and then walked back to the other side. I took shots with my long lens and then negotiating the bridge carefully took close ups. A s I was changing lenses she must have slipped her sari off because the next thing was she was stark naked as you can see above.
Please take my photo like this she said so we staged various shots of which the above is one. She is carrying some of my equipment in the photo.
Until I visited India LL I had never seen an Indian woman naked. The color of her skin was a delight and being a 'modern' woman from the city she was shaved where it mattered. She had a really nice figure as you can see enhanced by a small tattoo and nice boobs.
I will expand on my India trip sometime in the future.
London Apartment - 2005 - Taken in Hand
I took this with a Go-pro camera in London. The same hands that explored you, exploring another. Three guesses what she is doing, although I think one will suffice. Just a friendly neighbor, a very friendly neighbor!
Wyoming, USA 2006 - Ragged Lady
Wyoming is a big State with few people. I was here in 2006 as part of my exploration trips to and fro across the country. Places there are pretty far apart but the State is beautiful and so was the lady above who I came across at a filling station some where along US 14.
I had already been to Yellowstone and the site of the battle at the Little Bighorn and was making my way east toward Chicago eventually. She was the only other customer. I said hello as we both filled up and I grabbed a coffee to go. She asked where I was headed and I replied Chicago. Hell of a way she said smiling. Not today I said. Heading on a bit to find somewhere to stay - it was afternoon as I recall and there was a town some miles ahead before I got onto I-90.
As luck would have it she said I run a B & B how about you stay with me. I remember she quickly corrected herself by saying at my place, and smiling. I was weary-ish. It had been a long day and I was about to hit range country which is pretty endless LL. So I followed her aways to her place.
It was indeed a B & B with a small sign and vacancies hanging below the sign on separate hooks. I hauled my case and camera bag inside and she brewed coffee while showing me my room. There were no other occupants she said. Quiet time of year, although I reckoned it was pretty quiet all year round. She said it was a B & B but that evening she cooked up a meal and as there was only the two of us we ate together. I learnt that her husband had left her two years before for another woman.
To cut a long story short LL. We shared a bed that night. It just seemed to come naturally. She had long legs and a pair of decent boobs. Her figure not touched by childbirth - she had no children - was a delight to explore. The following morning before breakfast and before rising we made love gain but more vigorously than the night before. It was ten before we left the bedroom! From that you can get some idea how active we were. She seemed to have quite an appetite and I reckon it had been some time for her.
The shot above was taken out back at her place and the shredded vest was a bit of fun. She was good in bed and so I was persuaded to stay another night.....
Los Angeles - 2007 - Playing Secretary
As I have mentioned before, I reckon I have bedded more women in California than anywhere else and this lady was one of them.
She was a contact on the West Coast that I had established through my website. She was able to get me a number of intros back in 2006. So finally in 2007 we met up in LA. I was her house guest and boy was she a good hostess....
She had sexual fantasies and wanted to enact some of them with me. One such being that she was my secretary and had gotten some of her work for me wrong. I was to 'punish' her. Not having much experience of such female dreams I went along with what she wanted...and this was just the first night of our time together! I took the shot above at the beginning of Act 1, LL. You life and what you offered me was so humdrum wasn't it.
I was supposed to be her boss and punish her for not finishing her work so I went along with the charade as she dished those fake specs and I told her to put don her pencil and come over to where I was sitting. Take off your shirt I told her and present your boobs to me. She came forward removing her shirt and bent forward just out of reach with her boobs dangling in temptation before me. She asked was she still naughty.
I told her she was and that for that a suitable punishment must be given. Take your panties off an bend over my lap I told her. (She had already related this scenario to me and wanted to play act it out).
Up to now there had been no physical contact until she lay across my lap her butt and pussy presented upward to me. She told me she deserved spanking. I placed my hand on the back of her thighs as she lay across me and slowly brought it upward toward her butt, allowing my hand to brush her pussy as I did so. Then I slapped her right buttock and she clenched her arse. Harder she said and I did leaving a red mark temporarily. Again she said more rapidly please. I did as I was asked.
With my hand lying across her back and the other smacking different areas of her bottom I soon became aroused and she could feel it. I was only wearing my boxers so there was plenty of room for expansion.
Get up I told her and she did. Now stand over by the table. She did. I slapped both buttocks once more then slipped my boxers off and placed my right hand over her tummy moving quickly down to her wet pussy and rubbed her clit fast and hard. Punish me more she said, I deserve it. I reached for her boobs and squeezed them hard.
The pretend game ended there as she opened her legs bent over the table and I entered her. She wanted to be fucked hard. I did so much so that the table moved a bit. She was holding onto the sides of it and moaning alternately with shouting out as I thrust into her hard a with increasing speed.
I remember in writing this account LL that she was really very wet and I could hear to sound of that liquid noise as we had sex over that table. It reminded me of what you used to say 'they are talking to each other'. In this case it was more of a full blown conversation.
I took her hair in my hand and pulled her head back as I continued, slowing the pace just a little while I sought her left breast. My hand encompassed it and I felt that her nipple was as hard as I was. I squeezed really hard and at that point she came. I felt extra fluid emanating from her pussy. Her moans at the moment spurred me on and I shot all I had into her.
Quite a naughty Miss. She stood up and leaned against me as I played with her boobs from behind. Whether it was the heat of LA or her body against mine but I surprisingly felt aroused again. I gently massaged her wet and sticky pussy from where I stood behind her then just touched her clit which was still hard. It was like an electric shock had hit her. She shuddered and pressed her butt into me.
That was it. I was fully ready again so I took her to the couch and had her gain kneeling between her legs which she held open in welcome. This time I worked on both her boobs to great effect although we were slower and more exploratory this time. Long and slow which brought to where we both wanted to be. I think, if I recall correctly, the second time was more pleasurable for us both.
Not the end of our 'partnership' but the end of it for now.
I was supposed to be her boss and punish her for not finishing her work so I went along with the charade as she dished those fake specs and I told her to put don her pencil and come over to where I was sitting. Take off your shirt I told her and present your boobs to me. She came forward removing her shirt and bent forward just out of reach with her boobs dangling in temptation before me. She asked was she still naughty.
I told her she was and that for that a suitable punishment must be given. Take your panties off an bend over my lap I told her. (She had already related this scenario to me and wanted to play act it out).
Up to now there had been no physical contact until she lay across my lap her butt and pussy presented upward to me. She told me she deserved spanking. I placed my hand on the back of her thighs as she lay across me and slowly brought it upward toward her butt, allowing my hand to brush her pussy as I did so. Then I slapped her right buttock and she clenched her arse. Harder she said and I did leaving a red mark temporarily. Again she said more rapidly please. I did as I was asked.
With my hand lying across her back and the other smacking different areas of her bottom I soon became aroused and she could feel it. I was only wearing my boxers so there was plenty of room for expansion.
Get up I told her and she did. Now stand over by the table. She did. I slapped both buttocks once more then slipped my boxers off and placed my right hand over her tummy moving quickly down to her wet pussy and rubbed her clit fast and hard. Punish me more she said, I deserve it. I reached for her boobs and squeezed them hard.
The pretend game ended there as she opened her legs bent over the table and I entered her. She wanted to be fucked hard. I did so much so that the table moved a bit. She was holding onto the sides of it and moaning alternately with shouting out as I thrust into her hard a with increasing speed.
I remember in writing this account LL that she was really very wet and I could hear to sound of that liquid noise as we had sex over that table. It reminded me of what you used to say 'they are talking to each other'. In this case it was more of a full blown conversation.
I took her hair in my hand and pulled her head back as I continued, slowing the pace just a little while I sought her left breast. My hand encompassed it and I felt that her nipple was as hard as I was. I squeezed really hard and at that point she came. I felt extra fluid emanating from her pussy. Her moans at the moment spurred me on and I shot all I had into her.
Quite a naughty Miss. She stood up and leaned against me as I played with her boobs from behind. Whether it was the heat of LA or her body against mine but I surprisingly felt aroused again. I gently massaged her wet and sticky pussy from where I stood behind her then just touched her clit which was still hard. It was like an electric shock had hit her. She shuddered and pressed her butt into me.
That was it. I was fully ready again so I took her to the couch and had her gain kneeling between her legs which she held open in welcome. This time I worked on both her boobs to great effect although we were slower and more exploratory this time. Long and slow which brought to where we both wanted to be. I think, if I recall correctly, the second time was more pleasurable for us both.
Not the end of our 'partnership' but the end of it for now.
Cumbria, UK 2005 - Black Lace and Satin Skin
Once I knew what you were up to behind my back and indeed when you owned up to it in, I think, November 2005 I thought why waste a journey.
I had made contact with two or three other women in your neck of the woods. Even when you walked out without a by your leave when you handed the ring back, I wasn't going where you thought I was, to sleep alone. I just made it appear so...and you thought you had the upper hand. Within a half hour of you leaving that night, I was in bed with another just two miles away from where you are, still. You probably took me for a fool back then but I was far from it!
Remember when we came back from Cyprus that September? It was easy for me to send texts saying I was at Nottingham, then home, when in fact I was with the lady above, down in Penrith. Her boobs were a generous enough replacement for yours LL and she never complained about my attention to her needs....nor did she have your baggage or morals.
Puerto Banus - 2006 - Commando?
The reference is to her panties in camouflage colors. I went there for a winter-ish break in March 2006 and bumped into this English lass literally down on the front where the yachts are moored. She was out there to start work for the summer.
The place was fairly quiet at that time and I was looking at real estate in Marbella at the time so we hooked up for a while going to Marbella, Estepona etc etc. I treated her to lunches and dinners and we enjoyed each other's company.
Inevitably, we ended up in bed despite the age difference. Amazing how many women prefer older men. Experience and confidence, I guess. Who knows but I never complained. Looking at the shot above now, after over 10 years, it brings a smile to my face. Images of her curled up against me, sitting astride me while she came and her lovely body and boobs jiggling as she did.
Happy daze!
Puerto Pollenca 2006 - At a Loose End?
PP is at the northern end of Majorca LL - just in case you didn't know. It's where Carole and I used to holiday. After that ended I went back and ended up entertaining and being entertained by this lady who had contacted me for a photo shoot. She met me at Las Palmas airport and drove me the hour or so to her place near PP.
The photo shoot became something else entirely. Jan is English with a place in London at the time. She had heard of me through friends there. I had flown out intending to stay just a couple of days - enough to get the job done. That extended to five days by request, because on night one she came to my bedroom stark naked and climbed in with me. Nothing said at first. She reached down and aroused me pretty quickly then rolled on top of me and then sat stride me jerking my cock. Above me in the what light there was I could see those wonderful breasts that you see above.
I remember she leaned over me and lowered her nipples into my mouth and I sucked on them, at the same time reaching down to play with and stimulate her pussy. I needn't have bothered she was soaking wet and wide open. So we had sex twice that night and by request the following morning as well. I was asked to stay on so I did. Who wouldn't in my shoes...or out of them.
The above shot was taken a couple of days after that night when we had spent time by the pool and were at a loose end before dinner. We had to fill it and we did and I did her!
London Studio 2007 - Phillipa's Secret
One of my 'posher' assignments in Knightsbridge London. A fashion and lingerie shoot for this lady - Phillipa who asked to be called Pippa.
This may appear to be a studio shot but was taken using one of the walls at her place as a backdrop. I think her body color and the green stand and stood out well against the wall color.
Women at this social level are no different to others and she was quite frisky on this our second day of shooting. Let's just say we enjoyed each other for that brief time the second day and thought nothing of it - both moving on.
New York 2007 - After a Transatlantic Flight - 'Front' Page News
I love this photo and others because it always reminds me of a friend with benefits I used to know in New York. She traveled and I traveled so whenever we were in each other's cities we enjoyed each other. She was what might be termed one of my regulars. The WSJ is hers, The Times mine as I had just arrived from London. I used to have this photo locked away in my study in London for some years
Italy 2006 - An Open-ing Invitation
Part of my Italian sojourn. Who could resist these boobs when they were as gorgeous as these. Italian women are so passionate too. Nothing like you LL. So alive and exciting to me as a man and, in this case, insatiable.
This lady was someone I came across on purpose in Palermo.
On that note and appropriately....
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