Monday, November 14, 2016

Helen - A Lady of Class


 For you to read and digest - 2006


This last lady was to be part of the water blog but as she is/was quite interesting, I thought I'd tell her story. 

As you are probably aware in some States over here beaches are not fully public. Quite large tracts are private and often 'attach' to individual dwellings, as they did here.

She was a single lady, divorced, and the location is California. Very wealthy and living with staff in a large beach side property, which from memory is behind her in the photograph. I was able to mix socially with some interesting people there due to my friend Cas. You may have picked up along the way that he is involved in the movie industry. Hence my intro to some interesting and, in a few cases, zany folk. When I met this lady - let's call her Helen, not her real name - she was wearing a black evening dress at a cocktail party I had been invited to. 

We were chatting in a group and I must have said I was an amateur photographer among other things, which I was back then. Naturally, both being on our own at the party we gravitated to each other later and started talking just one to one. We got along just fine and then Helen suggested we leave what was becoming a boring and boozy event.

We stepped out the front of the house we were at. Shouldn't we say good bye I suggested. Don't bother Helen had said firmly - they will never notice. So we left. At that point I wasn't sure where we were going. You couldn't walk there. Then a black Lincoln glided to a stop right in front of us.

Back then I had never been in one, but the driver opened the door for Helen and she stepped in. I followed. I remember asking where we were going. Helen said we were just going for a drive. Sounded to me, fleetingly, like a scene from a thriller. She explained that she wanted to get away from the party.

Her driver took us up onto the coast road, where he parked up and left us in the car to chat. I watched him as he walked a little distance away, very tactful. I had the feeling he had done this before.

We talked of my life, relatively normal by most measures apart from my being widowed too early. I made no mention of my Naval service. Helen told me what she wanted me to hear, mainly regarding her divorce. I wasn't crass enough to ask about her wealth. She asked whether I would be interested in photographing her. I said yes I would, but she must realize that I was not a professional.  I enjoyed her company and she said she enjoyed mine.

Eventually, we drove off. Her driver dropped me at my hotel and Helen said someone would pick me up in the morning. We said goodnight - no kisses except on the cheek.

The following morning I was taken to the house. What a place it was. On the shore, walls of glass and as I was shown around the ground floor by Helen a back yard that led down to the sea via a lush protected garden. she was wearing a light beach wrap and I guessed a bikini beneath. Seemed like she wanted to show herself to best effect.

I suggested some portrait shots in the house and took quite a few in profile full on and in varying light. I had no studio lighting of course. When I had finished we loaded them on her Mac and viewed them. She was very happy with what I had taken. I asked her why me and not a professional. She replied that I would have to wait and see and anyway she enjoyed my company, knowledge and accent...more than the American men she had met since her divorce.

We went outside and walked through the garden. I wanted to take some photos there, but Helen said she wanted shots on the beach. When we got there it was pretty warm. She said she loved having a private beach. We both stopped and took in the view. Either side of the beach were rocky outcrops, sand in front of us and the ocean stretching to the horizon.

There was nothing on the sea at all -just some birds out there wheeling and diving. The sun was behind us at that time in the morning, offering shade nearer the house and sun and long shadows on parts of the beach. Helen skipped around the beach slowly while I took some shots. Her almost diaphanous wrap blowing in the gentle breeze. She looked lovely and so did the photos.

She eventually stopped and said that now I would see why she wanted me to take the photos and threw her wrap to the ground, took off her bikini top and wriggled out of the bottom part of the brief ensemble. Now take pictures she said lots. I did. Then one above is the only one I am showing. She was beautiful. Perfect boobs (no enhancement) and a figure to die for. Flawless skin and a light tan finished, what to me. was the perfect woman.

Shortly after this private shoot she dressed, so to speak, and we made our way back to the house. No LL, we didn't do anything beyond the shoot. I reviewed the photos with her - nude and otherwise and she was very pleased with them. I arranged to cut a disc (back then) and also loaded them onto her computer, from mine. 

I saw Helen again over the next few days for coffee and lunch. As I recall I then headed up the coast to San Francisco. That was my first visit on my own since I was last there with my late wife. Helen emailed me a few times and asked when I was heading back to the UK and from where. I told that I was booked to leave via San Francisco. In those days LL, I was still using airlines. I heard nothing for a day.

I was in my hotel room the second evening when a call was put through. It was Helen. She said would I like to see her again. I said yes and so it was arranged I would head down towards LA. I found her place with the help of a Sat Nav and drove up to the gates and announced myself via the intercom. The gates opened - they were solid, blocking any view of the house; not fancy wrought iron things.

We said hello after I had parked up on the driving circle at the front door. A kiss on the cheek was a nice greeting,especially accompanied by a hug and the waft of expensive perfume.. I had no hotel booked there, but I figured I would deal with that later.

Helen said to give her my airline tickets - we were still on paper tickets back then - and she would arrange for my flight to be changed to LAX. I did and then she took me upstairs, showed me a large bedroom and left me to shower, change and freshen up.

I unpacked some things from my case and headed for the shower. The bathroom was large and the shower huge. It was partly off the bathroom in a wet room arrangement. I turned on the bin lid sized shower head and let it run building up steam and warmth. Then I walked under it facing the wall and lathered up all over, including what hair I had on top! The noise of the shower sounded like a torrential downpour.

I was lathering my head, eyes closed and beginning to rinse off when I felt a pair of hands slip round my waist followed swiftly by the unmistakable touch of a woman's firm breasts on my back. Then I felt her whole body against mine.

It was Helen of course.

Her hands slipped from my waist to a much lower position at the top of my legs. It didn't take much to stir things down there and the massage it was receiving brought it to a right angle fairly swiftly. I reached back as she did this and caressed her thighs and what I could reach of her buttocks.

Then I turned round to face her It would have been difficult to pull her real close given how proud I was but she reached up with her hands and kissed me. All the time we were being dowsed by the shower. She took some lotion and put half on my hands and half on hers. The purpose was obvious. We moved a little to escape the worst of the water. It was warm without being sweltering and very sensual.

I was now facing Helen who was smiling and blowing water away from her mouth at the same time. She lathered me from the shoulders all the way down. For my part I did the same and those breasts were a delight to fondle and lather. From hereon LL I'll let you use your imagination but things were quite passionate and full on and we were both satisfied before we left the bathroom. 

I stayed two more days and then we said our farewells. I was driven to the airport and went to the airline desk to pick up my changed ticket. To my surprise I was shown to the First Class lounge. Helen had not only arranged to change the ticket but she had paid for a full upgrade. Later that year we met in London....

(LL-  It was during this trip but before this encounter that I swam with the dolphins at Baja. The ones you said I never encountered!)


The photograph in this blog has been edited to preserve anonymity, but is concurrent with the events told in this account. The photo is copyright. ©

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