I thought you might appreciate a little 'art' in the photo galleries I post. Normally, I use either a Canon or Nikon DSLR, but some, not all, of these were taken with a Hasselblad. That, and Photoshop, account for the texture of nearly all of these shots. Most are from studio sets. By set, I mean a set of photos, not a stage set.
Where I can, I have given some background to each photo. The remarks refer to the photo immediately above in each instance. Some of the women have featured in earlier blogs.
This one was taken one Sunday morning in a hotel I was staying at in London. This lady was staying there also, of course. This is someone I knew; back in late 2005 early 2006, from memory. the apartment at St Catherine's Dock was let out at the time.
We had pulled back the curtains and, shall we say, Cathy was sitting up in bed and stretching. I think this captures the moment beautifully.
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Studio |
The young lady above was photographed quite a bit later at my studio in New England. She had just graduated from college and this, I think, was the summer before university. This photo and others that I took were for herself and selected ones for her boyfriend.
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Again a studio shot as such, this one was in Germany in a commercial property we own. This fraulein was a beautiful young woman in her mid to late twenties. flawless skin as you can see and a beautiful body in its prime. All that was wanted by her were some 'glamour' shots, although I took some profile face shots too as she was very pretty
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Personal |
St Catherine's apartment. I have spoken of this lady, a near neighbor, in a past blog. This was taken in March 2006. We enjoyed a relationship off and on, due to her and my travels, for several months. This was one afternoon of what you may term 'fun'. I took the shot just before those panties were removed. Great butt! Her boobs weren't bad either.
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This was a great facial shot, but I have to preserve her identity, so all you get is the cleavage and upper body.
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USA - Talk about firm and perky. Madonna's cones spring to mind. This young lady really didn't need a bra...and on this morning she didn't have one. She arrived ostensibly for a photo shoot in several different outfits including the sun dress she is 'almost' wearing. Then she decided that she wanted some topless ones. Her mom was paying so I sent out the more revealing ones separately, as I recall.
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Another US studio type shot although this one was taken in Florida. It's so long ago (2006) that in this instance I don't recall the surrounding circumstances...but they were 'innocent'.
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Barbados - Commission
You may recall that at one point we had a time share in Barbados. That went when we took over some hotels, including one here, around 2009. I took this photo while on a business trip there. This Dutch lady had spotted me out and about on a weekend with my camera and lenses and asked whether I would take some photos. I agreed, and took quite a few of her on the beach in her bikini. We later reviewed them on my laptop in the hotel. then she said would I take some in a palm grove further up the beach and away from the town.
As we walked, we talked. She was from Leiden, which at that time I had never visited. I have since. Eventually, we reached the palms, which were set back a little from the shore. Nobody was there. I guess like a number of nations in Europe she didn't have any qualms about shedding her top...and she didn't. Before I knew it her top was off and she was taking poses for me to shoot. In the end she removed the bottom half of her bikini and I took more photounting to more than nude photos, of which the one above is a favorite.
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I really enjoyed this photo session in New England. This young lady had made an appointment for her and a girl friend, for a fashion (in modern young ladies terms) shoot, in the studio. This went ahead just fine with four different sets and sessions interspersed by coffee on my part and coke (cola) on theirs. As always with any shoot there are a lot of photos athat are not up to par, but if I take one from that session to say it was graet it is this one.
The young lady in question had decided she wanted her 'assets' photographed tastefully and I did my best for her. She loved this one, and so do I. Naturally, as with all these shots, all faces have been cropped out for this blog
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If I go into too much detail regarding 'naughty' Laura, then that would be telling. Suffice to say it was quite a romp in the sack and she was nearly insatiable. W both loved this photo and for me brings back memeories of a few hot nights in both senses of the word....it was Florida, incidentally LL You'll have some idea where but not WLC.
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On Location |
I thought these several shades of grey needed a little color. So this lady has the honor of providing it. this was taken on a hot and very humid day in the north of Florida. Often on location it is deemed better at adds a certain frisson, to use garages and outbuildings and this is exactly where this was taken - in an outbuilding at this lady's home.
What you see isn't oil but perspiration, but she and I sort of like this photo a lot. Soon after it was back inside to the air con and a shower. It was a commission, but hell she was divorced and I was single at that time. Big shower, lots of lather LL. Leave the rset to your imagination.
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I remember this 'lady in black' well, mainly for her beautiful hair. The location was England and as they say my country this English lady was...a class act. Very long legs as I recall too. Oh, and she was a lady by title and behavior ... mostly.
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On location
There's a whole story behind this photo, but not one I will tell here. This shot was taken on location near Limoges, France
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What can I say here? A cheeky little shot perhaps? In fact this lady is in her own home, again, in Florida - 2006. LL You once asked me after we parted why I needed more cameras. Part of the answer lies here. Not only was I expanding my businesses, I started in on photography and started writing as well. I found I was quite good at both. No, not good but very, very successful especially with the writing. I'm also held in quite high esteem for my culinary skills.
It has been all about motivation. Even in the period between you and Ash, I never sat on my hands and did nothing. Boy, did my investments and real estate pay off too. Hence my wealth which when combined with my wife's is close 9 figures...and I'm not talking about the cents.
Your decision making was shot to pieces wasn't it. you exchanged all that for someone who had...what was it? Footballers legs. Shame his body didn't match.
Back to the lady above. Her beauty didn't end at her lovely butt, of course...or that extremely small triangle of light. I'll save the rest for a future occasion.
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On Location
This young lady wished to have a portfolio of photos taken for her own purposes. They were all taken at her parent's home, with their concurrence, of course. Her older sister chaperoned her and also had a set taken.
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Three guesses LL. Two days. One location. Norfolk, UK
On Location
Only in France of course, and that is where I took this shot. I don't know the french for commando...probably commando... but she obviously did. Call her Monique. We met when I was invited to a friend's home near a place called Souillac, in the Département de Lot. A hot afternoon, it was in late June, as I recall. Sitting under a vine covered pergola sipping wine...no not sipping but quaffing it. I was staying about 4-5 miles away in a hotel.
Eventually the long lunch and wine 'tasting' broke up and we all headed off, those that weren't staying at my friend's home. Monique had arrived with a lady friend and her husband, but they had left a little earlier. We had chatted a fair bit at the soiree and it was suggested I give Monique a lift home. I agreed. I reckon there may have been some matchmaking going on that afternoon.
It was a pleasure to drive her to her place, back through the beautiful French countryside. She is a sweet, very feminine and very French lady elegantly dressed even for this fairly informal gathering...and she had great legs, As can be seen!
I hadn't had that much to drink and when Monique suggested we stop for 'un aperitif' on the way back, I agreed. It was a lovely early evening and we sat in a small place on the Dordogne which runs through the town sipping our wine and snacking on olives. I still had my camera and Monique suggested we walk along the river before I took her home.
I took quite a few shots of the river as we ventured farther from habitation until we came across a place where people had pulled their boats ashore. It was then Monique said, in a delicious french accent, would I like a surprise for my camera. I smiled and said yes, thinking she was going to show me some spectacular view. She did, but it was not what I expected!
She asked me to pull down the zip a little way on her dress. Puzzled, I dd so. Then she reached round and pulled it all the way down. Photograph me now she said, 'rapidement'. I did and what you see above is the result. What a delight on that warm evening. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. You didn't know, she said and laughed. I laughed with her as I helped her with the zip, allowing my hand to brush those buttocks and her back.
I asked how long had she been like that. She opened her purse/handbag and showed me her panties stuffed in there. Since just before we left she said.
We returned to the car, stopped once more before reaching her place and...I didn't sleep in the hotel that night or the next.
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On Location
How she did it I don't know, but this shot was taken in a pretty cold lake in Vermont the same year I spent time with an oceanographer LL (a previous blog refers). He nipples attest to the temperature. Water from the mountains as you probably know is pretty cold.
I was staying near Montpelier, Stae capital of Vermont. We met in the small town I was staying in and she offered to show me around the area. the weather was hot - the lake was cold. We both decided on a swim - skinny dipping in your parlance, although the cold didn't affect me fully, if you know what I mean! I took this shot near the shore before joining her where she is in the photo. From there I will draw a veil, but we had a 'fun' afternoon followed by a picnic...
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A break in Italy at a small town near Verona brought me into contact with this lady...literally. we were both staying at the same hotel for a few days. She was from England as I was at that time. like most encounters our meeting was purely by chance. I had spent the morning in the town and had headed back to the hotel and the poolside restaurant for lunch.
It was pretty busy but I found a two seat table. The other chair was free. I think I ordered some seafood and an Aperol spritz as an aperitif. For want of her real name, I will call this lady Debbie. She arrived in the restaurant with a wrap secured round her bikini and looked around for somewhere to sit. I can't say I didn't notice her because I did - she was quite attractive. the obvious happened and she asked if the spare seat was free, I said yes I'm on my own. She said she was too, so we enjoyed a long lunch together and got to talking about each other.
After lunch we arranged our sun beds quite close together and enjoyed sunbathing and swimming together. eventually, we decided to head into the hotel and back to our rooms. Debbie said she had some coffee ordered and would I like to share some with her. We were on the same floor so I went back to my room briefly and then headed up the corridor to hers.
The coffee, a whole pot, had arrived. Debbie was in her bikini still and I was in my swimming trunks.
Debbie's room was different to mine. The shower was a lot bigger. I looked around and mentioned this difference. Big enough for two then she said laughing and she removed her bikini to followed quickly by the bottom part too. She stepped into the shower as I took to my camera and photographed her. She thought that was great and posed quite openly for me. The sight of her body had some effect on me, of course, and she noticed it. Come on in she said as she entered the shower area.
I did and we showered together, soaping each other down ... all over and then drying and spending the rest of the time on her bed with both of us in a horizontal position. Me on top then her. She had a fulsome body as you can see LL. It was a pleasure to explore it...and satisfy it.
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Just a young lady who wanted some photos, including this biker chick look. Taken in what became my temporary studio just over the county border in Suffolk -2005
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I lent this lady an un-ironed shirt for this shot. White in color. LL, I recall you liked to pose in man's white shirt, I believe I still have some shots of you wearing one of mine and little else. The one above was taken in my studio in New England. Put in the fading edge afterwards.
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On Location
This one was taken in Norfolk UK, LL - you know where - 2005. Her name was Claire. She was the not quite the first after I found out about your activities.
May in England and it was a lovely day. It had been cool to start with hence she had worn a slip. Not a photo shoot, this was, let's say, a personal visit/stay. However, lots of photos figured in that day's events. This particular photo was taken in the meadow behind the hedge on the right of the back garden LL. Opposite side to the pool. Clair had taken her dress off, with my help in the zip department. I hadn't realized she wasn't wearing a bra until she removed the dress and started on the slip. How remiss of me!
That was soon put to rights, physically, when she stripped the rest of her clothes off in the day room and where we re-christened the large couch. I say re-christened as she was not the only one to have been 'taken' there...
I've added this color photo taken the same day, same location by way of contrast:
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Studio shot for her and her partner. New England 2015.
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On Location
I absolutely love this photo LL and so did Melanie, the lady in the photograph. This was in London, in an indoor pool and in a very fashionable district. Not a commission, but a chance encounter following an event I attended. No St Catherine's Dock apartment for me that night!
A very classy and intelligent lady who I was able to hold my own with. She held 'my own' at one point, too! This photo was taken the following morning - after several attempts I got it just right. Who said posh ladies don't push. This one did...lots, although not in childbirth. A gorgeous body and I speak from considerable experience.
You once asked me, 'where did you learn to make love like that?' That would be telling, of course, but Melanie asked me the same question and I gave her the same answer...'that would be telling'.
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Another commission. London this time. No 'hanky panky' just a straight shooting session. I loved her slimness and gorgeous hair. She was very pretty, too.
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On Location
This is the classy lady from California, that I named Helen. She featured in a very recent blog. This another shot of her in her garden near the shore.
I had many opportunities for encounters over the years LL. Before that I had settled on you until you 'played away', but then after I found out and, with the freedom that knowledge afforded me, I decided to enjoy myself and I did...in spades. White, black, Asian and even part Cherokee. By the way, not all Asian women have small boobs! Black ladies have great butts and lots of athleticism. A whole gamut of nationalities were involved too.
Must blog you another black encounter some day.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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