A further encounter from the anonymous author, which I publish on his behalf.
For LL
LL you can read into the title what you may, but the theme will become clear as you progress this blog. As you are now aware, I traveled far more than you realized - read that as 2004-2006. Amazing what you could do with a laptop and a few emails. Did you ever wonder why I didn't phone much on weekdays - now you know. It stemmed of course from your own behavior back then - starting 2004.
Back to the theme.
I refer here, of course, partially to hair color and partly skin 'color'.
As will be seen, some are really red, others with merely auburn tints. In viewing this blog, a regular reader may see some similarities between the ladies as they have featured on their own in earlier blogs. Again some are studio shots and a few quite personal.
So LL, whilst my ideal taste is in tall brunettes, I never let that get in the way of opportunity when it arose...and it arose more frequently than you would imagine. I often think of your deceit and how you thought you had hidden it from me, when following that discovery I was enjoying an altogether different lifestyle.
More playboy, than the grubby little northern affair you were having. You will recall that someone quite close to you said 'he's only after your body'. Of course they were wrong and yours wasn't the best body around in any case, as you have seen.
41 - Woodbridge, Suffolk UK
So, onward. This is the first redhead I encountered and what an encounter it was! Her name is Lynn and we met in 2005 when I was working part time in finance. I had called on a commercial business by appointment to seek some mortgage business of around 1m GBP. This was in a town in the UK called Ipswich.
Walking into reception, I introduced myself and was offered a seat and a coffee. After a short space of time I was greeted by the lady below who I came to know as Lynn. She was PA to the guy I had called to see. We went down a corridor and into what was the boardroom. Niceties out of the way, we soon got down to the business part of the meeting and I made my pitch. We were offering a good product, so my offer fell on receptive ears.
During all of this I was facing the director and Lynn, who was taking notes. I was conscious that she was looking at me as much as taking notes. As LL will confirm, I am just a regular guy - nothing too special on the outside but I am fit and reasonably tall.
Later as the meeting drew to an end, it was suggested we lunch. So the three of us headed to a Thai restaurant - a short car journey away. Lunch was good, conversation was a mix of business and just getting to know each other...on a business basis. Lynn was part of this but, naturally, her details didn't figure in this conversation.
We all enjoyed a great meal - good choice as I recall. As we lingered over coffee Lynn's boss said he had to get back, but Lynn would take care of me and get me back to my car. So there we were just the two of us. I ordered a top up to the coffees. Strangely, we seemed relaxed together although we hadn't really spoken 'one on one'. I decided being direct was a good approach, so I asked why she had kept looking at me during the meeting.
At first she said it was because I had come across as confident, knew my subject and fielded some difficult questions from her boss well. I said "Come on, there was more in that look than just admiration for my financial skills". She laughed and went a little coy, although on reflection that was a bit of an act. She said she found me attractive and liked my eyes and smile. I returned the compliment - she was a very attractive lady...to me.
Eventually, coffee finished, we left the restaurant and walked slowly back to her office. As we walked the conversation turned to our personal lives. She told me she was single and lived nearby in Woodbridge, Suffol, UK
I suggested dinner that Friday and, partly to my surprise, she agreed and told me of a place she really liked. By then we had reached her place of work so quite formally we shook hands. I left my hand in hers just a little longer than normal and she smiled. Then we parted with the promise of dinner together in a few days time.
Friday came round and I headed south east to see Lynn. It took about an hour and a half to gt there, but I arrived in good time. We met in the car park of the restaurant and then proceeded to have a lovely meal and a delightful evening. We seemed to get on really well and were very comfortable with each other. We skipped coffee at Lynn's behest and left the restaurant around 10.00 pm, as I recall.
Lynn asked whether I would like coffee at her place, to which I agreed. She had a nice home. It was a period property with lots of really old features and an Aga which bearing in mind it was mid April (2005 - note, LL)was welcome at that time in the evening. Coffee followed our arrival and Lynn curled up on her couch facing me sitting in an armchair. We chatted, we finished coffee, we stood, she kissed me and I returned to favor.
It was apparent that I was not driving back that night and what followed was inevitable and superb. They say redheads are fiery or have fire in there genes. Lynn fell into that category and displayed no inhibitions at all in the bedroom. We slept very well that night with two frantic bouts of lovemaking before sleep and another after tea the following morning. I stayed over until the Sunday evening and that day, and the preceding one, was no different to what happened on the Friday night.
She was one of the best lovers I ever had and if there was a such a thing as a scoring system she earned 10 out of 10 on each of those three days and...subsequently. The photos below date back to another weekend.
I thing she said still sticks in my mind. It was about a week past my birthday when the first weekend occurred and I had just returned from a trip over here (USA - now my adopted country). She had prefaced our first night together with the remark " Do you want a late birthday present". I said naturally not knowing fully what she meant at that point. She said " You can have me!" The rset is part of our 'history....
Two weeks after our first meeting:
View from below....cowgirl style approach. Difficult concentrating with a EMHO!
Great mons pubis.... after the beautician visit!
Note - It is amazing how readily a woman will succumb to the camera if you tell her how beautiful she is. Most loved it but there were some women who, quite naturally, did not want any nude shots taken of themselves)
Laura 37 - Norfolk, UK
(Note for LL - recognize the old white leather couch? You should)
33 - Roseburg, Oregon

Young, athletic and great in bed. Melanie was full of life and our few romps over a couple of days were fully satisfying to us both!! Boy - did she have stamina. Darn near wore me out...and 'him'!
Not a true redhead as you can ....see!
A motel is a motel, but special when you have company like this....

39 - Carmel, California
Most of all I remember Lucy's wonderful hair and ....great boobs! Lucy by name and quite 'loosey' by nature!! :)) No narrative with this one. Just an encounter along the way and a few days we both enjoyed greatly.
she had the pert-ist ass you might wish for!
Guess that is all I have on the red subject ....for now.
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity, but are concurrent with the events told in this account. All photos are taken by the narrator and are copyright. ©
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