Saturday, July 23, 2022

Up and Down


For LL in the UK

Forgot to publish this one LL. Wrote it in late May 2022....

Since arriving in London from Italy, LL, I have been quite busy catching up with friends and lovers in town. Then to Berkshire, Cambridgeshire and Bristol. I followed that with last weekend being spent in my home at sandbanks in Dorset.

Up and down the country, hence the title. My visits have been accompanied by another sort of up and down, but I won't go into that here. Those locations may not seem up and down, but since then I have visited in Keswick, Newcastle, York, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol and Cheltenham to name just a few. and am now in Keswick. A lot of friends and lovers to catch up with.  I had no need or desire to visit your home city LL.

Next week I will be in Sandbanks for a short while, then back to London and onward, as ever, to Paris.

I had a lovely time in Milan, Venice and Sorrento and around. Italy is number one for me outside my homes in the States. What a long way I have come LL since your time and what a short way you have come.

Of course the title doesn't only refer to my travels....

Two quotes for you. The first regarding women and the second men.


"Una donna mostra solo ciò che vuole,il resto o lo si merita o lo si immagina"

A woman only shows what she wants, the rest either deserve it or imagine it


I totally agree with this quote LL, in it's entirety. I have been very fortunate in falling into the 'deserve it' category, 90% of the time.



"Dieu a donné à l'homme un cerveau et un sexe, mais pas assez de sang pour irriguer les deux à la fois."

"God gave man a brain and a sex, but not enough blood to irrigate both at the same time."

 Pierre Desproges 

In this instance I take issue with Messieur Desproges quote. I seem to manage blood flow to both organs!


Finally, I see your man was recently interviewed. Boy! What a size he is! I can only imagine you two in bed. Then again, maybe I won't. That is of course if you can both still manage it.

Now, onto my 'other' blogs. Here's a link to some recent ones. My fitness in all respects is just fine:

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