For LL
A fairly innocuous blog with something more intimate in the middle LL. Rather like a nice sandwich with a surprise filling LL
In the main, all my ladies are clothed in this blog to save you having to gaze upon what I gazed upon...naked bodies, crying out to get laid.
As I have said many times before over the years since you chose the fat man over me, which, incidentally, was the biggest mistake you have made in your disaster strewn time on this earth, there was no one more surprised than me at the women who beat a path to my door. Mostly, my bedroom door...or theirs.
I find your life, which I get fairly regular updates on, is so mundane compared with what you might have enjoyed LL, had you had the good sense to stay: rather than choose a soccer fanatic with only a rudimentary grasp of the English language as reflected in his tomes.
Maine, USA 2017
London Studio 2008

New Forest 2006
Canterbury 1966
More intimate shots for a while... see below. All are frames from videos LL
Laura liked me to be in charge and she was very compliant LL. I first met her in 2004 although this video was taken in 2006 at her home in her bedroom. Copious notes are what I keep, often dictated and made into documents by the software I have. To some extent I use the same method with my books.
Laura and I met when she came into my solicitor’s office in Norwich, UK to witness my will. It was the briefest first meeting I have ever had. I signed then she and another guy witnessed the document. As she stood straight and turned around we nearly collided, but she managed to stop herself by momentarily placing a hand on my chest. She smiled at me and then left the room. A handshake with my lawyer and I followed shortly after.
I didn’t see Laura as I left and walked out of the Cathedral Precincts where my solicitor’s office was located. However, by the time I made it to a crowded London Street that lunchtime I was aware of someone very close by my right shoulder. I felt a tap on that shoulder. It was Laura and she said hello again, LL. Her lunch hour and I too was thinking along the same lines. We walked together and talked.
As a result we ended up having lunch together - just a snack and coffee. Laura knew a fair bit about me being privy to my affairs conducted at her office. She knew I was widowed and on the face of things unattached. She told me that she too was single and moreover said that she thought I was a really nice man. A few more compliments LL and some subtle flirting and I ended up asking her out. Thus started a fairly full on social and sexual relationship.
We started out easy LL. Laura would stay over and go to work from my place. Nothing too fancy sexually to start with. Plain vanilla would be the best description. No frills sex usually with me on top and occasionally Laura. However as time went by LL, Laura became more adventurous under my guidance and urging. I also introduced her to the pleasures of applying my tongue to her clitoris.
Fucking you LL became a chore rather than a pleasure after I learned of you deceit and also the fact you always wanted me to withdraw before I came. Given those two things, it was a real pleasure to make love to Laura. Needless to say she enjoyed me as well. You have seen her before in several of my blogs but not as she is above enjoying sex with me.
Laura is a true blonde. It wasn’t difficult to be attracted to a rather lovely thirty five year old with a near perfect figure LL who sported reasonably long legs and breasts that were both the perfect size and nice and firm. To get down to basics Laura was a lady who, when aroused, could produce a lot of juices and that made for slick and sensuous sex.
After our early liaisons, to be honest, neither of could get enough of each other. I am older of course LL and Laura was that much younger. That didn't stop us. In fact, it suited us both enormously. Me, because I was making love to a younger, nubile and very sexy woman. Laura, because she valued my experience and the way I made love ('fantastic -like no one else', were her words). Four, nearly five years we lasted LL, until I met Ash. Our relationship wasn't exclusive. We both agreed that we were 'free' to see other people.
Judging by the amount of time Laura spent with me, I doubt whether she had too many other people in her life. Socially, we spent time at a lot of the usual things. Eating out, walking, cinema and theatres. The latter from 2006 onward were mostly the London ones. Sexually, she was one ‘hungry’ lady. That suited me greatly being the highly sexed individual I was and still am.
I mentioned earlier that Laura produced a lot of ‘juices’ when she was aroused, which takes me to the occasion of the video frame above. First of all Laura loved the idea that we could film ourselves in action. She said it turned her on even when I wasn’t there Laura loved watching our love making and in particular herself when she came.
Her bedroom was the venue LL and we started as we always did by stripping off completely and kissing and caressing, body pressed against body, Holding Laura like that was a delight. She was/is taller than you (not difficult!) and liked me caressing her curves. Like pretty much all the women I have had the pleasure of LL. I made notes about Laura in the early part of our relationship. Also like all the other ladies, I didn't make notes of each and every session with them, maybe some highlights, but generally once I had captured their essence 'on paper' that was it.
I made notes of our first meeting and lovemaking but here I will relate a later occasion when we were quite used to each other. This is in part featured in the frame above LL.She had asked that I set up my video camera up to film us in action We were caressing each other standing in Laura’s bedroom completely naked. Laura’s body was warm to my touch, her skin smooth and our bodies pressed against each other.
Her breasts were spread across my chest as we kissed. I felt her arms around me holding me tight and caressing my back and buttocks. Similarly LL, I had started caressing her from her thighs up and around her shapely hips to her waist and back. We drew back a little, continued pecking each other’s lips as I felt one of her hands slide down my back to my buttocks. In the spirit of the moment I allowed my hands both of them to do the same. Now standing a little apart Laura’s tits had resumed their shapely profiles and the temptation to caress them was hard to resist LL…so I didn’t.
I took her left breast in my hand and caressed it allowing my thumb to flick her nipple. Laura also took me in hand or to be precise she took my aroused cock in hand and’ caressed’ it until it was quite hard, then she slipped it between her legs and moved her pussy to and fro along its length. That was enough to complete arousal for both of us LL. Wet and sticky and an almost open pussy beckoned. The urge to enter her standing as we were was overwhelming. I put that feeling down to my own sexuality.
For her part Laura was pretty aroused too. She dragged me, backward in her case, toward her bed and when she felt her legs against the mattress she let go of me and fell gently backward onto it. Her legs went up off the floor into the air and stayed there. They also splayed apart inviting me to place myself between them. Laura always reached out toward me LL so she could embrace me with both her arms and legs. I slipped inside her. She was often quite desperate to have me so would wrap her legs around my back and her arms around my neck.
In that way she was able to draw me right inside her and also bury my face in her cleavage, from where I would move my mouth over both her breasts, while she thrust against me in a limited way being a little restricted by my body weight pressing down on her. By now LL her nipples were erect and boobs were hardening. I hoisted myself up and wrapped my arms around her thighs pulling her onto me and holding her there while I started my thrusting in earnest (well in Laura actually - couldn’t resist that aside).
FRom whispering sweet nothings in my ear earlier Laura had graduated to moaning, whimpering and eventually shouting out, ‘Yes P, oh yes, this is so good. Don’t stop keep gong faster please, faster. Oh my God, yes yes yessss!!’ She came. A lovely feeling for me and in a way a reward for my efforts to see her enjoying the climax and its aftermath, as I enjoyed her pussy cramping against my cock.
We had our own little language for our sexual encounters. We would talk of a double, a triple and sometimes a quadruple. We would talk of coming up the path to the front door, or going round the backOn this occasion I asked Laura if she could manage a triple, she told me she could as we lay side by side after her first orgasm, merely holding hands, believe it or not.
Laura rolled onto her side to face me which was rather nice as I got to fondle her breasts again. It didn’t take that long with her body to fondle and the application of her hand followed by her mouth for me to rise again LL. not having come first time around had something to do with it as well. I slipped my non fondling hand down her tummy over her pubic mound and onto her pussy, her sticky pussy. Obligingly, Laura opened her legs. my fingers found her point of pleasure then she was on top of me LL, slowly impaling herself on my erection.
I caressed her thighs, her hips, upward from her waist to her breasts and squeezed them. Laura was pumping up and down on me LL and it was very nice. The slick velvety touch of her pussy encircling my erection keeping me hard while she rode her way to a third orgasm. Up and down she went LL faster and faster head back tits sitting proud and lots of liquid noises from where we were connected. Then she arrived…and came, all over my groin area.
Our sex that day was a ‘a triple’. We never counted my making Laura come by my licking and flicking her clit - that was our appetiser. Moving on which is what we both did because Laura always insisted I came to, she knelt on the bed, butt up head down as captured above on the video. I entered her she brought her legs together once I was back inside her and away we went…or rather I did. I fucked Laura for all I was worth while she moaned, screamed out a whole load of verbal stuff as I got closer and closer to my own climax. It took time because that’s the way I am. No premature ejaculations to disappoint the lady LL.
It was great LL as it has been ever since your time because I know I don’t have to hold back and can ejaculate into all the women I have been with. Laura came and made all the right noises of a woman hitting the heights which also brought me to a head…so to speak. I unloaded a large deposit inside her as she oozed her cum.
All of that was just one occasion. There were many others with Laura. WE had sex standing, on my lap bent over my kitchen counter, even on the day room table.
When you view the series of frames below LL, you will be viewing excerpts from a video shot on my GoPro camera worn on my head to capture this session with Luciana.
Denia is the venue for this session with Luciana. Not that shit hole apartment that you chose, but my beautiful villa on the hills above the town. Luciana was recruited by my agent as a cleaner, which all went fine for some time, until one day in 2017 when I arrived at my villa unexpectedly, to find Luciana wandering around cleaning in just her bra and panties.
I didn't complain as she is a curvy, well endowed woman just a few inches taller than you LL. I'll cut a fairly long story short. We ended up in my bedroom on the bed and naked. Luciana wanted sex - in fact she was incredibly horny that morning. Not only that she wanted me to video her being fucked, which is how I ended up with the video frames above.
She was on her back, legs apart, her dark skin, pubic hair and wet throbbing pussy staring up at me LL. The mere sight of this sex hungry woman did all that was necessary to give me a full on erection, which as you can see above, I put to good use fucking Luciana. Boy, did she make a noise. Shame I can't post the sound file in this blog.
It was more than apparent that she was horny, hadn't had sex for a while and was coming very quickly. She lasted all of a two minutes before she erupted with her cum. Before that she had thrust against me as much as I did her. Squeezing her nice handful of breasts seemed o be the final trigger that made her hit her climax.
I knew that wasn't the end of it. This lady was quite sex hungry. I was right she was soon on top of me sliding her wet, wide and still throbbing pussy down on my erection. Up and down she went while I fondled her boobs, then squeezed them softly at first and then as she progressed toward her second orgasm a lot harder. Ah, ah, ah, she went LL then a torrent of Spanish. I smacked her buttocks hard. That caused her to clench, which in turn also made her come.
Lots of mmm's and panting and she was done. I wasn't.
I set the video on the side table and, it seems in the heat of the movement, on its side (see immediately above). We then took our sex from behind LL. I entered her and just as she had pumped up and down on me as fast as she could until she came, so did I with her from behind. I fucked her for all I was worth that morning, squeezing her tits and smacking her butt until she begged me to come. I did and so did she. As I withdrew and she collapsed on the bed I saw her legs quivering and her pussy throbbing away from all our activity.
Luciana remains as my cleaner and also as one with benefits!
Debbie - Keswick 2005
Anna - Denia 2006
Sue - Tigard, Oregon 2006
Sarah - London 2008
Sarah's friend Emma - London 2008
Mary - Pennsylvania 2009
Claire - Suffolk 2004
Karen - Newmarket 2005-2007
As the title to this blog suggests LL, these ladies were all filled with interest, after all bankers do it that way. Make a deposit with interest and then make a withdrawal.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©