For LL in the UK
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♨️The G Spot♨️
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The G spot is part of your clitoral network. This means that when you’re stimulating theG spot, you’re actually stimulating part of the clitoris, which is much larger than one is led to believe. The pea-sized 'nub' where the inner labia meet is actually only the tip of the clitoris and divides into two “roots” that can be about four inches long.
This region can vary from woman to woman, as I know LL, which explains why sometimes it can be difficult to locate. However, once stimulated, the G spot can cause female ejaculation which I am fully aware of. It happened with you as I recall.
For me as a man, stimulation comes from seeing an attractive woman's naked body, her curves and above all a good pair of breasts. Not something you possess any more it seems.
On to the women below many you have seen before. A good three quarters of whom I know I found their G spot for them and not only that. The fact is that many had not enjoyed the experience before at the hands of a man. It's has always amazed me how so many women have had partners who were only into sex with them for themselves and gave little or no thought to giving the woman pleasure. I am not one of them.
Once again LL, I am posting below women that I have known and indeed in many cases still know. A good half you have seen before, but obviously not all of them. As I have said before for a good number of years from 2004 right through to the present, women have seemed to tumble into my lap with minimum effort on my part

I think the very first woman I had after you admitted straying in March 2004 was Joanne a lovely lady I met in Norwich via the internet. I guess I must be honest in saying that the second woman I met who appears above was not the slimmest and certainly didn't fit my preferences, except perhaps in the boob department
Jackie was a little on the large size but she was also desperate for sex. We met up in a pub on the east side of Norwich. I sort of new when I met her that it wasn't going to come to anything, but being the gent that I am, I entertained her that evening. She was actually a nice person. It was just that her hysical attributes did fit my parameters. I have no trouble conversing with people from many an any backgrounds and so Jackie and I talked all the way up to just before ten. I had one pint then switched to water and coffee. She invited me back to her place for coffee.
I was only going home to an empty house to brood on what you had admitted so I thought what the hell. If I end up in be with Jackie it won't be the end of the world. I did end up in bed with her. She couldn't get her clothes off fast enough. and, to be fair, although she was on the large side, she had all her curves in the right place. I remember well that she just got on the bed and without any preamble lay there with her legs wide apart. I knelt between them and let her take my cock and stimulate her clit with it while I worked her tits. Then I buried my head between her legs and continued her stimulation with my tongue.
She moaned of course LL, then she started writhing a little then the oh's started. Nothing new there to me of course. But ...she started saying oh my God again and again. She came but she also ejaculated a female ejaculation. I knew what it was naturally. I had seen it before. The last time before Jackie, was with you.
I have noted in my 'files' that she lay there panting and kept saying over and over 'oh...this has never happened to me before, oh my God' and then I entered and fucked her. She hardly did a thing as I was pumping away. I think she couldn't believe what she had just experienced. She did hold her legs up for me and couldn't help but moan over and over again as I rammed myself down on her clit. She came again (without the ejaculation) about a minute before I did. I withdrew rolled over beside and watched as she tried to stop her body shaking from the aftermath of her orgasms.
Eventually she did, cuddled up to me and we both fell asleep. The photo was taken the following morning. She was desperate to see me again, but let her down gently and that was that.
A jump forward from 2004 to 2006 and Lucy in London. No, not the Lucy that came up with the hospital thing in November 2005. This beautiful lady was someone I met at a party at a fiend's place in Docklands when I had the apartment there. Straight after the party Louise went off on a vacation to Italy. We had gotten along well at the party and she had suggested we 'do dinner' sometime. I called her the after the party - no answer. Then I called her cell phone and there she was in Italy LL.
I thought that's that, then. I was wrong.
Two weeks later she called me. We had dinner and then to my surprise we had sex twice that night and the same in the morning at her place. This shot was taken that morning. I'm sitting on the toilet lid watching Lucy bathe. It was one of those situation where I had to pinch myself again, mentally. How was it that such an attractive woman wanted to sleep with someone of my age at that time. As you know I have pretty much given up trying to figure that one out and just go with the flow LL!
Did I hit her G spot. You bet I did and at least twice. Funny how it is slightly different and slight differently located for each woman, but then I guess we are all individuals..
Which brings me to Emily above who sort of followed on from the two Lucy's, but unbeknown to them all three overlapped. Emily is sitting on the floor of my bedroom facing the large window that overlooks the six acre meadow that dropped down toward the church on the other side of the valley. No, we are not going to bed at that point - we were on our way out for dinner.
April 2006 was like most months a busy period with various women.Emily and I weren't going to bed, at least not at that point because we had spent a reasonable part of the afternoon in just that place naked, caressing and making love. She wasn't one of my long-legged conquests but she was a very attractive woman as you can see and she had fantastically firm boobs that were beautifully turned up.
Her G spot had been 'hit' before she told but not twice in an afternoon! That was down to yours truly. Finding the spot with my tongue and then my cock and then again with my tongue until she was crying out for me to stop, but not really meaning it. She gushed too...everywhere. After we had showered she helped me change the bed. After all once we came back from dinner we would be sharing it again...and we did.
A little younger this time LL and another year - 2010 in sunny California. My age didn't seem to be a barrier at all. In fact, many of the women I had in those years following
your pathetic lovemaking actively liked an older man. They all gave the same reason too. Experience.
That is how I ended up taking this shot of Jodie. She was gorgeous to behold and those boobs of hers were 100% natural. Not only that she wanted sex lots of it. She nearly wore me out LL...or rather a crucial part of me!
But ...she didn't.
In fact it was her that ended up exhausted more often than not. The photo was taken on the balcony of her condo, by the way. She was a screamer too. Not sure if the neighbors could hear her but she didn't seem to care anyway. She just wanted me to fuck her and frequently. Jodie had never really experienced what she did with me LL She was effusive in her complimentary remarks LL and she wasn't the only one by a long way. I think the fact that, on most occasions, I took things slowly, despite the ever present urge not to, was appreciated by the women I have known. I know that many of them were subject to the wham, bam and thank you ma'am approach.
When Jodie was being free with her compliments that was one of things she said she loved when we were having sex. The fact I took things slowly (up to a point LL) gave her a great deal of pleasure. Combine that with making her have her first female ejaculation and she was one very happy and very satisfied lady.
A note here, part way through this blog. I guess it would be fair to say most of the women here were what you might term 'fuck buddies'. They and I were only it it for our mutual pleasure. Apart from age differences, there were and were/are geographical challenges to anything more.
A little enhancement to Sarah's skin tone courtesy of Photoshop LL. I did it to enhance her assets, not that they needed enhancing! They were pretty damn perfect in my book
I'm not sure whether it has occurred to you, especially when we were together, and I use that word loosely given what you were up to, that the hands that caressed your body were also busy elsewhere. They weren't busy with Sarah though, she didn't come along (in both senses of the word) until 2007 some eighteen months after you had gone.
To say I was fortunate in meeting women like Sarah and having them sleep with me is a big understatement. Back then I never ceased to be amazed how easy in all senses of that word the women were. As you once said they just wanted to get laid. Having sex with Sarah was superb. She had a fantastic body for a woman in her mid thirties and I enjoyed it a lot. Even when she was falt on her back legs apart with me inside her, those boobs were still firm and pointing directly at the ceiling. Just imagine how I felt with them in my hands LL. It was enough to make me come prematurely...but I didn't.
Instead, I pleasured Sarah sometimes for a good ten minutes and often two orgasms for her, before I came. Why so long? Because she was gorgeous and also knew how to make me last LL. That was nice but I also gave her something in exchange - her first ejaculation. You should have sen her, for moments she didn't know/realise what had happened to her. Sarah did tell me though that the feeling was for her fantastic.
A similar end result was provided to this lady. Maybe it was because both she and Sarah above were so attractive. They were also friends and both lived in London, as did I by then - 2007. A country boy, but not a country bumkin, at heart living in London. That is partly why I had Cambridge and most of all my home in New Hampshire.
When you call on a woman at her request and are shown into her apartment with her just wearing an open gown and what you see above LL, you sort of know what is in store. Both for you and for her. How I ended up being able to fuck two such lovely women was I suspect all down to a third party who will remain anonymous who had also invited me into her bed...word had gotten around in a fairly small circle. Alongside these women you really were a country bumkin. Lacking in sophistication, good taste and not as worldly wise as you liked to think you were. Physically of course you didn't compare at all...just look at Sarah and Rebecca above.
I guess they were a little expensive to run, so to speak, but then I am wealthy and it was and is only money.
Oh, by the way I didn't have to find her G spot. She knew exactly where it was and guided my tongue and cock to where X marked the spot, the G spot.
Closer to home, much closer - that's yours not mine. 2004 November in Penrith with Joanne. Funny the first woman I started out with in April 2004 was called Joanne too. Bookends to year I guess. I remember when I first saw her naked and knowing you were just a few miles up the M6, I wondered what the hell I was doing hanging in there with you, when a woman who looked Joanne was 'available'.
She was everything you weren't LL. Slim, younger, a true blond, long legged and very sexy. She was a very good lay too. Joanne was separated. I took this shot in the same town but not at her place. This is the home of an elderly aunt who had gone into hospital. Joanne had to check things out there from time to time and it also suited her for our liaisons, away from her own neighbors and possible gossip. So se said. Either way we used it to have sex.
Looking at this photo again reminds me of having my hands on her nice tight ass while she was riding me on top. My hands alternating between her as ad her boobs as she headed for an orgasm. One other thing, she liked me to spank her hard just as she was getting there. That brought on her first, so she told me, ejaculation. She had never had one before.
Wonderful, were the word she used after she had recovered LL. Once experienced, she wanted more and more is what she got, when I could make it and make her do it again. Not every time of course, but enough for her to be 'hooked' on what I did for her.
Leah in 2005. I did several shots like this of Leah as portraits. I've chosen this one because her face is hidden, for the obvious reason of anonymity. To be fair though this wasn't a posed portrait. She was on top of me at the time, les straddled either side of my body and just after I had entered her.
The smile went shortly after to be replaced by the usual expressions of a woman in the throes of making love. The open mouth, the frown and of course all the noises a woman makes when she is on her way to a climax.
Forgot to say where and when this was taken - Newmarket 2005.
New Hampshire in 2008. Several, no more than that, women I entertained at my old place near Concord liked to bathe and sunbathe naked during our hot summers alongside the larger lake. Rachel above was one of them. The year is 2009.
I found her G spot too LL and she had no trouble in 'maintaining my interest', either, not with a lovely body like that!
Suck it to me baby, and she did and I did. Not just her boobs LL. For her part there was only one place she could suck on and she did on a number of occasions all just the other side of your home town/city.
It would be fair to say that her boobs weren't quite as big as yours, but they nearly were and lot firmer.
I'd forgotten how fair skinned she was until I dug her photos out looking for one for this blog. Lily white all over, she shone out in the dusk of her bedroom while I was on top of her and inside her. A native of your county she had the same accent which I originally found quite attractive in you LL. Shame you didn't live up o that or indeed any moral standards.
Apart from a slight, very slight risk of discovery, I really enjoyed staying with Alison. She once kept me busy all week, ever day and night, until I left on the Friday morning to transfer myself to your abode.
Somewhere in the Aegean Sea off Greece with Helena. I call her Helen of Troy but she is in fact Helena of Mayfair. The year is 2017 LL. My yacht but nowhere near as ridiculous as those owned by oligarchs. You can't land a helicopter on mine, but I can land a woman or two.
This shot is sunset off Skyros as we head to port and a late-ish dinner...then bed.
I've been to all sorts of places and in all sorts of homes LL. Some palatial and some pretty basic like Gina's above. To be fair the palatial ones only appeared on the scene once I had established myself as a photographer to a certain class and circle of friends (and lovers).
Gina's humble abode was in fact a flat in a large Victorian house in Brighton. Closer to Hove really rather than Brighton proper. The internet was a boon back then as it enabled me to connect with women (in all senses of the word) that I would never have had the pleasure of LL. To park outside her building in her street required a parking permit, which she arranged. No permit was required for her bedroom or her body.
She was desperate for a man at the time. Not so desperate as to put me off but pretty needy in the sexual department. She was also a bit lonely so, after she got chatting to me, she couldn't wait for me to turn up on her doorstep, LL. I did just that and stayed over that first weekend in summer 2005. I knew Brighton quite well and we had an enjoyable weekend walking by the sea, browsing The Lanes, eating out and having sex. The shot above, which I have enlarged a little, was taken in her rather bare bedroom, but then Gina was bare when I took it, sooo......
Talking of enlarging, Gina certainly had that effect on me - no problem. I couldn't get to Brighton that often until after October of that year, when I was finally shot of you. we were just fuck buddies of course with dinner etc thrown in. Gina was what you might call a comfortable lay. She didn't like to rush our sex anymore than I normally do, so were were a perfect match in that respect. Nice and long and slow until we couldn't stop things happening. they certainly happened for Gina.
After those first few times she wanted more and more of me, hence the reference to 'desperate'. By 2006 I had my apartment in London and we would meet and stay there. In the spring of that year I took her to Italy - she had never been and fell in love with the country, as I had done many years before.
2007 and there I was in France on one of my photographic trips dealing with clients and their requirements (photographically) and, in quite a few cases, their needs (sexually) LL. It was a fantastic feeling, being free and having freedom. I could and can do almost anything I like. But that feeling was at its height after I let you go, or rather manipulated you to.
I had thought I would spend the rest of my life and yours, with you, but you couldn't keep your panties on and I don't stay with untrustworthy partners. I really did feel quite free. No more creeping around places in case you found out I was also playing your game, but not before you did.
Being in France meandering from appointment to appointment suited me admirably in that first full year of my photographic travels. I met many lovely people and many lovely women. Nadia above was just one of many.
I had a string of appointments that particular trip. From Paris to Orleans, then onto Tours, Angers and Nantes. Nadia was a client who lived near Angers. A married woman, whose husband happened to be away when I arrived there. I had thought my assignment, according to Nadia's request was for family photos. She had admired my work in that area, apparently. I had been recommended of course, as I didn't and don't advertise or have a website.
I used the word apparently because it became clear that I wasn't their for photographs. Yes, I had been recommended LL, but it wasn't for my photography! Nadia and I ended up in bed. In pillow talk after our first session it seemed she was neglected sexually and suspected that her husband had at least one mistress, maybe more, as he made few demands on her. I'm talking weeks here LL, not days.
The photo above was taken after we had made love on the second morning of my stay with Nadia - her husband was away in Singapore. How anyone could have neglect a woman like Nadia beat me. She was lovely, had a superb figure and as became apparent the first time, very active (and noisy) in bed. By the time I left on day three, she had been well and truly serviced. She had come each and every time and had two female ejaculations. I remember her words well when she had the first one - 'Ah mon dieu ça ne m'est jamais arrivé ! Ah, ah oui, ah oui !'
Always remember those rather nice lacy panties on Lyn. The photo was taken in my Florida home in 2006 - the old one that you visited. You'd be surprised how many women had tested the springs on that bed LL. Starting in late March 2005, just after I found out about you and your current man.
I met Lyn at a nearby coffee place down Summerlin toward Sanibel. Some how or the other she ended up at my place one night and we had sex, lots of it. Twice that night, twice the following morning and once right after a late coffee break. The last being from behind at her request while she gripped the arm of the couch. In fact she collapsed over it as things progressed leaving her pussy at a perfect angle for me to fuck her. A tight pussy, nice small-ish breasts and satin skin all made for a very nice time for me. For her, she loved my thickness and most of all my technique.
Lyn became a regular off and on for about six to eight months. It suited us both. She loved sex and so did I. A no brainer for us both and no strings attached.
London...well Mayfair to be precise and much more recently than those days over here in Florida. This photo was taken at Eleanor's home over there in early 2019 - less than two years ago, give or take.
Divorced in 2017 she came onto me at a social gathering of mutual friends. I hadn't met her before so we were introduced to each other, as we were the two singletons there. It was a fairly liquid evening so I said that I would see her home (by cab). When we arrived she asked to come in for a coffee. It was a euphemism LL and it became one between us. Even now when we speak to and fro over the Pond if she says coffee, we both know what she means.
We didn't have coffee, we weren't drunk although we were a little 'merry'. She suggested I stay the night and that is how another little affair started and continues LL, which has surprised me given there are over twenty years between us. One thing for sure LL - there must be something she likes ….
Paris 2016 I think this shot almost speaks for itself. The location is her secret apartment and the occasion was a pit stop for…mutual servicing.
Back in the UK for the lady above and quite close by you in Keswick LL. On the occasion this photo was taken I stayed over Monday thru Thursday. No, I didn't travel back up the M6 to you on the Friday. I think I made some excuse about not being able to visit that weekend. In fact I was driving home that morning....and you always thought you were in charge of the agenda. You weren't, as you now know.
Catherine is the lady's name and the photo was taken on a hot July day in her small garden. A relaxing morning after a very active night before and an early bout of lovemaking that morning. That bikini were the first clothes I saw her in that day. Before that she had been wandering around the house totally naked...lovely it was too😉.
Imagine LL, while you were playing away with that man, I was with various other women. Imagine also Catherine laying on her bed stark naked legs apart and drawn up, my head lowering itself between her warm thighs and applying my tongue to her pussy and clit. Then her moans as I had her heading for a climax. Her legs suddenly clamping against me when she came and as she was in the throes of recovering, my cock slipping inside her and my hands finding a home on her breasts.
I didn't have to imagine it because that is what I was doing. I also brought her to her first multiple ejaculation. Sadly, by mid 2006 I no longer had the time to travel to that neck of the woods and we drifted apart. It was after all only a sexual relationship providing us both with some lovely moments and lots of ....satisfaction.
London 2017 with Claire. Of all the women I have met Claire is very near the top in my estimation. This shot was taken in my Knightsbridge home LL. Claire is divorced and we still meet up when I am over there, which I will be in a couple of months, or so. Lots of catching up to do!
I'm not going to comment more apart from to say we are a little more than mere 'fuck buddies'.
Abby, I met in California in 2010. This time it was Sacramento, not LA or San Fran. I could describe her as a rich bitch. She was rich but far from being a bitch unlike someone I could name ... LL. She was a client who was a bit haughty to begin with, viewing me as some sort of tradesman I guess, although I found out later that she knew of my skills in that
other area.
We sat in her kitchen when I was shown in. I reckoned she didn't think I qualified for her sitting room. We talked and she asked me about myself, possibly because she didn't want to reveal much about herself.As we talked I slowly saw her attitude to me change, she became warmer and more engaged with me LL ...and more impressed, dare I say. Looking back I think the haughtiness was some sort of defence mechanism.
She told me she lived alone and was divorced although she had what she termed a 'generous divorce settlement'. That was certainly borne out by her home. I later found out that in fact her background had been quite poor. Abby grew up in rural Oklahoma. I knew the State a little then and asked what it was like where she came from and then I told her about rural Kent and my early years.
Having broken down all her barriers she turned out to be a really nice woman who totally relaxed after the first couple of hours. I didn't ask why she wanted photographs but just got on with the 'job' and took a whole selection. Getting her to pose was fun and before long I had her laughing about some of the positions I suggested - not those positions LL, but poses for photos. The more we talked and she posed the more she seemed to like me. She had certainly dropped any pretence at haughtiness.
Then, well a little after the last few shots of her in her underwear, bra and panties she 'succumbed to my charms' and we went to bed and made love. I could tell she hadn't had a man in some time. She was hungry and all her movements were urgent LL, even though she was under me. She was striving to come, but I told her to take it a little easier, enjoy what we are doing and it will happen. Happen it did in spectacular fashion for her. I found her G spot and she came flowed almost immediately by her very first ejaculation...ever.
For someone in her mid thirties, she was still learning about her sexuality and that day her education received an enormous boost...and I am not just talking of my cock thrusting into her. After ward as she snuggled against e and I was caressing her breasts, she said she had heard of women ejaculating but only half believed it. Now she was a 100 % convert, she told me. Abby also said that when it happened she had no idea what was happening, but the effect on her was wonderful - it wasn't bad for me either!
Turned out as I had guessed that she had heard I was a pretty good lover from a mutual friend in San Francisco, but when she first met me in her kitchen wasn't sure she would go through with things. She was eternally grateful to herself and to me that she did. As often happens with some women she asked me whether she was better than our mutually friend. Of course I told her yes, but in all honesty there was nothing between them...apart from my cock!!
Hotels, they turned out to be quite a source of a lot of satisfaction on my various and many travels LL. This particular, shall we say event, LL, occurred in Bath...not a bath, but we did share one afterward. It is fairly easy to get laid in an hotel even easier over here in the States as I found out. Having said that I have had my fair share of women in the UK, too...actually, probably more than my fair share.
I soon figured out that if I went to the hotel bar after a meal if any woman was looking to get laid they tended to do the same thing and see if there were any single men staying there. In reverse that was wat I did, gravitate to the bar and see if any single women were there.
2006 was the year Sara and I spent a night together...and an afternoon the following day, as she finished up early. We were both there for two days. Me because I was on my way to Exeter and also had an assignation near Bath and Sara because she was there with the Civil Service on a visit from London. When she let me into her room that first night, I having allowed a decent gap between her leaving and my leaving, she was completely naked, no gown, just her bare flesh with all its enticing curves LL.
It took no time at all for me to strip as you may well imagine. Then it was plain and simple we got down to it, or rather my head got down there between her soft thighs and ate pussy. I will always remember Sara if for nothing than her very prominent clit once it, was aroused. I didn't have to 'hunt' for it it was well erect and very obvious. I sucked and I flicked it rapidly all to the accompaniment of Sara's moans and oh's. The later coming in quick succession and getting louder and louder. God knows what the rooms either side thought. I know one turned their TV volume up loud.
She came of course followed by me entering her.
We fucked away on what turned out to be a fairly squeaky bed, until she came again. I withdrew as she did and watched her cum trickle out of her pussy. Then over on all fours she went at my behest. Into her lovely wet pussy I went and away we went again. I made her come again LL and again I let her cum trickle down as I withdrew, but I wasn't finished and so as she rolled over on her back.
I lifted her legs and standing beside her on the bed, went in again, and again, and again, squeezing her tits as she held her legs up and very wide. I recall looking down and seeing how wide apart her legs were and how open her pussy was. I entered my final throes as she came again, telling me to come inside her. Then it all happened I came pumping away inside her, quivering a bit with the effect and the pleasure. Sar had another climax and when I finally withdrew I watched her pussy twitching uncontrollably for a ew moments.
After all that exertion and a clean up we put the bedside light out cuddled up with. I had one arm around her, with the other on her hip and her soft boobs against me. Sar rested her head on my chest on then we were both gone. Fast asleep until the morning when I went back to my room after an early morning quickie as Sara called it. Showered and shaved I waited a bit in my room as arranged and went down to breakfast late, so that Sar could have hers and leave for work. The photo was taken that second afternoon. I didn't ask about the rather sexy short negligee she sported but I guessed why she had it with her. I'm sure you can figure that one out LL.
Almost a repeat performance the second night after a pre-dinner one that afternoon and a nice long fuck on the morning of day three as a farewell 'gesture'. By the way, I did carry out my assignation with the other lady in Bath. No sex then, but on the way back from Exeter....
One of three ladies I knew in and around Fakenham in 2004/5/6. Two were named Kim, as you know, but this very nice woman is is Carole, not to be confused with the other lady of that name that you are aware of LL.
She loved the photos I took of her and let me practice (this was 2004, by the way) whenever we were together. Remember all that stuff I told you about a car that was being developed and that I was involved with. That my silly woman was a smokescreen or disinformation if you like. It explained what I was doing...when I wasn't, if you follow.
What I was doing was spending time with various women who were a) far more attractive than you, b) sexier and c) trustworthy. Carole was just one LL. Those days Monday to Thursday of each week were largely filled with other women. The internet kept them coming ... and so did I!
In Carole's case that was fairly frequently, perhaps not as frequently as she would have wished, but as you know LL I had 'other fish to fry. However, when we were together she loved our sex and my taking photos of her.Carole would pose mischievously which nearly always led to our fucking(during the day) as she slowly lost all her clothes. She often spent a night or two at my place as well.
She loved me playing with her clit (and her breasts, mustn't forget those) with my tongue and making her come before we became connected. I made her have her first ever ejaculation LL, for which she said she 'was eternally grateful'. That was followed by several others and even when that had happened and I was inside her between her gasps and oh's she told me...'don't stop'. I didn't - result. multiple orgasm that exhausted her. She told me that when I made love to her, she found her legs were 'wobbly for the rest of the week. She wasn't the first..nor the last.
Funny isn't it LL that I came out on top of our spoiled relationship and on top of more than a few other women, apart from you. The most surprisng thing for me was the fact that women a lot younger than you were attracted to me, like Jodie, above. She resides in Virginia, has lovely long hair and a great pair of boobs. Beyond that she shares my love of horses and travel.
I met her in DC (Washington) during a trip there on business in 2017. Wee have had a 'thing' ever since. I can only rarely show you faces but if you saw Jodie's in full you would see how attractive she is. She has stayed at my home in New Hampshire and been my guest in Florida, Venice, London and Cannes.
Is she a good lay? What do you think LL. Of course she is and not only that she loves the fact that I have discovered her G spot, which I can now switch on and off at will. She loves it. Jodie is single in her late thirties and has never married.
Back over your side of the Pond LL, but in Paris France in 2016 and as you can see I had my hands full there! Her name is Yvette. Not one of the very slim women in my life but certainly not fat either. Pretty perfect for me in fact.
Yvette is single and has every intention of staying so, she tells me. You can gather from that remark that we still see each other six years on and she is only in her early forties now - 2022. We will be catching up face to face and body to body a little further on this year. Talking about body to body, she loves my 'log' between her legs as often as we can when we are together. For me her 'bags of sugar' are a delight to hold, caress and squeeze. Add to that a pussy which, when fully dilated, could swallow me up and you get some idea of how good our sex is for both of us.
Italy in 2010 with Paola in Naples (Italy). Neapolitan women like Paola are incredibly sexy LL and
needless to say quite passionate in bed. We are still good friends (and occasional lovers at my home in Sorrento) twelve years later. Another body that I need to catch up with. You once said LL that I was lucky. I disagreed with that word in that you make your own 'luck'. To be fair though viewed from where you are in place an in life, it probably does seem that I have been very, very lucky. In fact life has surprised me too, since your time. I certainly landed on my feet both before we parted and after, but with no small effort on my part.
I am sure you figured out long ago that I am not one to sit on my ass and let life pass me by. You might have shared my journey...once, but you sacrificed it all for your short term needs.
Actually, Paola is a lovely women with a great sense of humor (hence where she has placed her coffee!) and she has warm, loving attitude to me. We last met up in 2019. Can't wait until later this year for any number of reasons, but sex will be one of them!
A different time and a different place. I am amazed how much and how many I crammed into 2005 - women that is. I even managed these few days in Devon with Liz - shown above - and made it back by Thursday afternoon to my Norfolk home.
The wonders of the the internet LL, at least back then. I met more women than you could imagine that way for nearly two years, from March 2004. Liz was one of them and I visited her after chatting for a while on line. It was late May of 2005 when I went to her home, not too far from Torquay, which I knew well from my few years living in Devon.
Liz had never married, but she had been in a long term relationship that had ended some six months previously. For various reasons she asked me not to park at her house, so I left my car on the road some yards away when I arrived. We both knew we were going to sleep together but as ever that didn't come up as a subject of conversation LL. I also knew what Liz wanted after the end of her relationship. That was sex with a different man and I was guessing I wasn't her first since her break up.
Liz wanted to show me around and go to the beach, which is where I got the shot above. That was taken in north Devon, well away from her area. Her body looked great in that bikini LL. It looked even better naked in her bedroom.
Not wanting to be seen to be too promiscuous, she showed me her spare bedroom where I was to sleep, apparently and that evening just before bed she showered. I was in the bedroom next to hers waiting for the bathroom. She came out clad in a towelling robe. I was down to my boxers by then. Liz gave me a kiss on the cheek held my hand as she started drifting to her bedroom door and then with the other hand undid her bath robe. Of course she was naked beneath it and she looked magnificent.
Within less than a minute the robe came off, my boxers with the aid of gravity, drifted to the floor and we were body against body on her landing. Her arms wrapped around my neck we kissed, her beautiful breasts against my chest. She had guided my erection between her legs and was using her hips in a lovely to and fro motion. My hands drifted to her buttocks, her pussy was getting wetter and wetter and I could sense her opening.
By now of course, LL, neither Liz nor I could wait any longer. We were in her bedroom in a flash, me standing she laying on her back on her bed, legs akimbo and held up. Her pussy was indeed wet..and pink and open. I placed my tip between the lips of her pussy, dipping slightly into her well you could say. Liz took hold of my cock, pumped it a little then used it as her 'agitator' to arouse her clit. To and fro she rubbed, along her pink pussy to her clit, faster and faster.
That was a noisy night almost entirely from Liz. I just added a few grunts when I came. Her rubbing and then our fucking had her uttering a combination of noises and words. Here are just a few I jotted down after I left. I say jotted. In fact I always record my notes and then upload them.
To quote - 'Oh, oh, oh, ...oh yes ... oh my God ....yessss!' That was her coming from the rubbing routine. There was more, more moaning but that gives you an idea LL.
He pussy was still throbbing away when, still standing, I entered her, slowly sliding all the way in and then out, almost. Liz was well lubricated with her juices and cum. I repeated that for a while to the accompaniment of her smiles and 'mmm that is nice, very nice....mmm.
Standing is so much more convenient LL. It leaves my hands free to stroke thighs, rub clits and caress boobs. I did exactly that with Liz, apart from she didn't need her clit rubbed. As things progressed, she moaned and then toward her second climax it was again a case of 'oh, oh, ohhhh.....(moans) ....yes yes, yes...oh yes...ohh, ohhh oh, my God.....please, yes ... oh don't stop ....yessss!' She came of course and again the juices flowed liberally from her pussy LL. We were going to have to change the sheet, but I hadn't finished as I hadn't come and was still rigid.
I withdrew. She looked at my erection and said, 'take me from behind'. With that she was on all fours, he arse in the air pointing straight at me, the lovely curve of her hips before me and her tits dangling beneath her. Her pussy was just at the right level LL and so in I went.
'Fast', she said. 'Do it fast'. I did. I was slamming her again and again as fast as I could go. Slapping against her buttocks and leaning round and squeezing her boobs. She moaned and then the more I slammed into her she said, 'Oh, oh my God...oh no, no, no....yes....' I slowed a little and breathlessly she said,' Please don't stop...oh my God, oh oh ....yes, yes yes!' She came and I felt my own rush as I ejaculated inside her. A grunt from me and moans and murmurs of appreciation from Liz.
That shapely body of hers was cuddled up to me minutes later, under the duvet. We didn't change the sheet, but fell into a lovely sleep in each others arms. In the morning we both woke more or less at the same time. Liz's dreamy eyes facing me as I turned toward her. We kissed briefly and then her hand travelled south and found my cock. I often wake with a hard on LL and Liz wasn't going to waste it...neither was I with her naked and gorgeous warm body alongside me.
Liz flicked back the duvet and in the early morning sunlight creeping through a gap in her curtains, she straddled me, guided my cock into her and she was way. I am sure you know what followed, so I won't describe it. She came twice, I came. We ae breakfast, we showered together and then went out for the day.
I didn't go all the way to Devon without stopping off. Trish my lover in Bristol was my service stop on the way down and on the way back. Liz and I had a coupe of weekends away...halfway between her place and mine. Then in 2006 I invited her to London and she stayed the week. Trish well Trish and I still see each other as regularly as I get to Europe.
Not often that it is warm enough to wear just a bikini with no top in Scotland, but this shot of Heather above is where we were. I will only say that it is the west coast of the land of my forefathers on my dad's side. They all came from Inverness and the east coast and that is partly why I made the trip LL in spring of 2006, to visit family, family graves and homes. However, I did let that stop me having a bit of fun.
I called on a fuck buddy in Leeds from 2005, exhausted her then a little further north to Newcastle. Another old friend who provided a bed and 'comfort' if you can call bedroom athletics comfort. Finally, I made it to guess where LL....Falkirk. I know where he lived (and where he worked, by the way. After all one of my roles after the navy was....well secret. That made me laugh, incidentally, when you told me your job was 'secret'. Not sure you but I had signed the OS Act way back.
One night in Falkirk, bags packed and Heather and I were off to the west coast for five days the following morning, but not before we caught up sexually and otherwise. Oh, forgot to say I first met Heather in January 2005.
In keeping with the theme of this blog, I will just say I knew exactly where her G spot was and she loved and I amen really loved me stimulating it. She flowed extremely freely when she came too, more of a flood than a trickle!
Indian territory, but very upmarket territory. This dear lady is a close friend and sexual partner of some standing...I guess that should say... laying. Half Indian, half English, two generations back and her family made lots of money. I met Devanshi (with her husband) at a party in Holland park in 2016. Cell phone numbers were exchanged LL, because she 'found me interesting' in her words.
Subsequently, a week later I received a call from her - an invitation to tea at her home. I accepted. We did indeed have tea - no milk - and an intriguing conversation. Her husband was in Kerala and Delhi, India on business. She told me he frequently was. On the day in question she wore the orange dress you see above. To say it accentuated her assets is understatement. Every curve of her body was outlined in almost intimate detail - she had me hooked in that respect.
She asked about, me about my life. How come I was single etc, although I had the distinct impression she already knew some of it from other mutual acquaintances. On that note and an embrace bordering on the intimate. We parted with an invitation from her to return and perhaps spend a day together out of town. That sounded good to me and we agreed to meet up that weekend LL. I picked her up in one of my two cars I keep in London and we spent the day until mid afternoon in Henley and around.
Mid afternoon after a nice lunch by the river we drove back to her home in Holland Park. She brewed some coffee and said she was going to change LL. I sat drinking my coffee while Devanshi changed. Then she reappeared in the same orange dress she had worn at the party. Not only that once she was a little closer to me she slipped the shoulder straps off. I had to put what remained of my coffee down as she allowed the dress to reveal more and more of her boobs. I had a small Lumix camera with me and she posed for the shot above and a few others.
Then she simply said 'Shall we?' and took my hand and headed for a bedroom. I say a bedroom as I had no idea which was hers, but I did find out later that she and her husband slept in separate rooms. That explained her actions that day and on a number of subsequent occasions LL. Mainly those were when he husband was in India, for obvious reasons!
She unbuttoned me and I mean that LL. Not only my shirt but my chinos as well. Took most of it off me, apart from boxers, as well. Devanshi turned around and had me unzip that figure hugging dress. I couldn't wait, but even so I pulled the zipper down smoothly without fumbling it. The lower that zipper went the more of her was revealed. No bra and no panties were in evidence, jsut her smooth back and the crack of her ass.
She manoeuvred the dress over her breasts and hips, letting it drop to the floor with a soft whooshing sound. She was naked and so was I, having dropped my boxers down to my ankles and kicked them aside. She turned slightly and looked down at my erection, smiled and then backed up against me LL. My cock went straight through what I call a woman's keyhole; that space at the top of her thighs, just below her pussy.
I had nowhere to put my hands, so I placed them on her breasts and I just about encompassed them.
What a joy to hold they were. Down below Devanshi was wet and her 'lips' were open. My erection nestled neatly between them enjoying her wetness. I started a to and fro movement and she complimented it with her own movement from her hips. I knew why she so tight against me. She wanted my cock far enough forward to stimulate her clit. It did and she let me know she was enjoying it. Her hands had reached round me and she placed them on my buttocks.
By now LL she had spread her legs a little and easing back a little I felt my tip pop in a short way. That seemed to heighten her desire and my hands slipped from her boobs to her hips while she went faster and faster rubbing me from behind against her clit. She came. Apart from the noise she made, I felt her cum trickling all over me - very sexy and arousing.
I was all for getting between her thighs from the front. Instead she put her hands on the bed, tilted her butt upward and slipped the entrance of her pussy onto the tip of my cock. I just slipped inside her LL. Slight resistance and then I plunged all the way in accompanied by a small gasp from Devanshi then lots of mmm's as I slid to and fro inside her.
Do you know what LL she likes it slow, long and languorous and full penetration to my hilt. That is what she received then and indeed subsequently. I haven't mentioned that we still enjoy the occasional hook up when our lives allow, have I. Well we do.
Back to our first time. Slow we may both have been to start with but her urges took over after a few minutes of my wallowing in her pussy and she started thrusting backwards against me - a sure signal (apart from her moans) that she wanted me to step up the tempo. I did, Holding tight to her hips I rammed into her faster and faster until she came. Still standing she collapsed onto her arms and lay her head on them while her pussy slowly pumped out her cum.
She was panting...and of course uttered most of the usual phrases women do when they come. Her black hair hid her face having tumbled forward when she lay her head on her arms. As she calmed she pulled herself onto the bed then turned over and laid on her back. I 'flicked' her legs up and apart, she seemed entranced by the fact I was still rock solid. When she mentioned it laying there legs in the air and wide apart I said it was all down to her and how much I wanted her. Only partly true LL as she wasn't aware that I manage to stay for a 'second course' with most of my lovers, before deciding I have had my fill....or rather they have.
So it was with Devanshi. As she lay there with all the pink of her pussy on display I entered her dilated opening, lubricated by her cum and we fucked again until we were both fully satisfied. Devanshi told me she certainly was! I too had my pleasure between her legs and with the bonus of her lovely tits to compliment what was a really good lay.
We spent that afternoon in bed talking, kissing and fondling. About two hours later I decided I had to make a move. I was due somewhere else that evening - no, not another woman LL. I told Devanshi I had better make a move and she decided that she wanted me one more time before I left. To achieve that she played with my cock until I started to rise again while I played with her boobs.
Then she shimmied down the bed, closed her lips over my near erection and took a lot of me inside her mouth, right to the back of her throat. To and fro she sucked on me. That is, until my thickness filled her. Then she straddled me lowered her pussy toward my cock and then steered me inside her. She was away almost immediately, rocking back and forth, riding me and moaning at the same time. She was quick and also quite quickly was breathing quite fast with her exertions. Devanshi eased upward a little from time to time so she could pump up and down on me.
Lovely wet sound emanated from the critical area. Her juices were flowing copiously. Lovely feeling for me having her slide up and down like that LL. Meantime, I had been caressing her thighs and tits, the latter hanging over me when she leaned forward. They were offered to my mouth several times and accepted the offer which liked. Then she was tiring a little her pumping up and down slowing, so I roled her off and over on the other side of the bed. Lifted her legs, re-entered her and brought her all the way to her climax while I followed right behind.
I have no doubt something like that will occur when I'm in Europe this year. Lots and lots of catching up to do LL...and 'doing' is on my list.
A small vacation in the France. Not intended, as such, but then I became involved with the thirty one year old woman that you see above.In fact, it was she who became involved with me at her behest.
Either way, I had rented a small apartment in central France so that I could get around several clients over the course of just over a week. The lady above, Élise, was my neighbor. Coffee at her invitation, then a rustic dinner at my invitation turned into sharing her her invitation. Her balcony backed onto countryside in case you are wondering about her stripping out there. It didn't last long - the out there bit I mean. She had only gone to check the weather and soon returned to bed, which is where I took the shot above from.
Élise loved sex and lots of it at night and in the morning. I spent a lot of time on top or beneath her LL interspersed with several standing starts, as I call sex standing up and also a few 'doggy' style.. I didn't complain. I kept up with her and enjoyed her lovely body until I left nine days later.
You might think the room above is green. It isn't it was in fact white. It is effect caused by the light and the camera. Sarah wasn't green either. Far from it, in fact. Taken, like Sarah, in her home in King's Lynn 2004 LL. I found her spot too. The one that made her scream when she came.
Italy. Naples in fact and I had my hands full with Alessandra that was for sure. Apart from a nice pair of boobs, one other thing I have noted was how strong her thighs were when she used to wrap them around me, after she keep me inside her. A lot of women that I have had like to do that LL, hold me inside afterward. Alessandra realised early on that doing the first time deprived her of the second coming and so she then only did after the latter.
I was innocently spending some time in my Sorrento home with no companion on this occasion. As is my habit when I'm there I rose early wandered into town to a favorite cafe for breakfast, camera with me of course. I ate and then sat there savoring my cappuccino. Like the Italians, I only ever have a cappuccino for breakfast after that it is espressos. An attractive lady at the next table struck up a conversation with me. She was surprised that I turned out to be a Brit and complimented me on my Italian accent.
This was 2010 and I had mastered the language by then. I guess I have a good ear, because the same remark has been made regarding my French and German and, to a lesser extent, Japanese. The latter I haven't mastered, but have enough to get around when I'm there. It helps having a Japanese 'friend' in San Francisco. I spoke fluent French and German when I knew you LL, but I didn't let on as much of what I had etc seemed to make you feel 'inferior'. I didn't think so then, but I do now having leraned what you were really like.
The lady at the other table was Raffaella. In the course of our conversation she enquire about my camera and photography. I was nursing a rather large Nikon with a 300mm lens attached. I walked with her to the cliffs after we had finished and we both stood leaning on the railings taking in the breathtaking views, that you once enjoyed with me LL. I remember you saying, at that time, that is was your best vacation ever.
Raffaella asked me to take her photo. She had a lovely figure, albeit covered in a pretty summer dress and I took some great shots. Here's one taken on our second coffee stop.
A second breakfast date was set up and we parted. I wandered around town for a bit and then returned to my home and got stuck into the book I was writing at the time. Next morning, breakfast again. Raffaella was n't there but she turned up within ten minutes or so. Kisses on the cheek and we both sat down. Being a gent LL, I had stood when she arrived. After breakfast she said she would like some more photos if I was happy to take them. I told sure, I would happily take some.
What I didn't know right then, was what she had in mind were some rather more revealing shots at her apartment. One thing led to another and we ended up in bed having sex LL. And ...very nice it was too. Which brings me back Alessanda.
Raffaella was her friend and when I next met her, this time for dinner and sex afterward (in fact I spent the night with her cuddled up to me), she mentioned her friend. Breakfast that morning was at Raffaella's with me in boxers and her just wearing her panties - best breakfast I'd had in a long time! After we had dressed she started to tell me about her friend Alessandra.
To cut a long story short, I was introduced to Alessandra one weekend. Me and two lovely Italian women, a long way from you and your dysfunctional family and history. I was to take Alessandra's photos a day or two later and I guess our dinner in Naples with the two lovely ladies was largely to meet me and to put her at ease before that event. I needn't have worried for her. She was a quite gregarious lady and all three of us had a great time at that dinner in Napoli. I drove back on that windy road to Sorrento and fell into bed Raffaella once more.
After you were manipulated out of my life, and indeed before that, for a short while it was difficult for me to comprehend how many 'willing' women there were out there. I soon came to terms with it though. I guess the contrast between having been a one woman man for thirty two years of married life and then finding myself widowed with no ties at all was part of it. I really hadn't looked at another woman all those years until you came along after my wife's death.
Consequently, I have been totally at ease with all the women I have met and had relationships with. That is partly because I am not letting anyone down in having sex with any of them and partly because I prefer the company of a woman to most men. The women recognise that.
Two days after that dinner I arrived at Alessandra's apartment in Naples, cameras in hand. I'm far from daft and I had more than inkling what was on the cards, or rather on her The two of us banging away together. I took a few photos at some stage just for appearances sake and in case Raffaella asked. I hate to say but Alessandra was better in bed than Raffaella. Mind they could both be very noisy in the throes of our sex and I had both make their climaxes three times on each occasion. In fact Raffaella positively gushed...and I'm not talking of her conversation, although she could do that too.
Alessandra had a lovely body, in fact they both did, but there was more 'meat' to Alessandra. Bigger boobs for one thing and a much fuller arse. Plenty to grab hold of LL. But then every woman is different and Raffaella had a very nice figure and a generous pussy, in every sense. I see the latter still, rather naughtily, as she is now married. Alessandra moved away to just north of Rome. We still write...which is more than you have managed over nearly 17 years.
Where I am now LL. Not literally, but this was California in 2008. There was something about Rachel, above, that reminded me of you LL. The way she smiled perhaps. Not sure but there was something. This is her modest home with pool, where I had stayed a whole week in 2007. This was a revisit in May 2008.
Rachel and I met on the shore front in Santa Barbara. She was walking and taking photos and I was walking and also taking photos. We nearly bumped into each other. In fact, we did in a way. I was taking a shot and so was she very close by. Neither of us noticed the other until I turned around and she did as well, almost falling into my arms. I say arms but it was my arm, the other was holding my camera. It was a case of up close and almost personal with a total stranger LL.
She apologised, I apologised and we both pulled away from each other. A moment before we were face to face, eyeball to eyeball. then we both smiled a she laughed. Rachel and and I got into conversation and started talking about photography. She said she was very much an amateur and admired my equipment no not that least not then. I had a Nikon 5000 and a 300mm lens. She was carrying a small Canon.
As we talked we walked. I suggested coffee and she agreed, to my surprise. There was something about Rachel I really liked. She wasn't tall, maybe 5'5" - 5' 6", but she was/is pretty and very animated. We found somewhere and I ordered up the drinks. We sat talking about ourselves and where I had come from and where I had been. She was surprised mildly to learn that I was an American citizen as she said at first she had me down as a visitor or tourist. We got on really well despite our age difference. She was thirty five back then - 2017.
We had a bite to eat and then left and wandered a bit further, heading back in the general direction of our cars. When we reached them I asked Rachel if she would like to have dinner. Again to my surprise she said yes.
Diner came and went...a nice fillet steak for me as I recall and fish for Rachel. Then she invited me back to her place for coffee and a nightcap and...I never left that night LL. Two reasons and Rachel voiced them. I was probably over the drink drive limit and secondly she wanted me to make love to her. I acknowledged the first reason and willingly agreed with the second. Rachel is single, although she has had several relationships on a semi long term basis, but when we ‘collided’ she was free and so was I.
Free was the word to describe Rachel in bed. Free with her body her kisses and…her mouth. We had sex every which way including with her legs together resting on my shoulders while we fucked that was really good LL, her pussy tight against my cock. She liked it as well and do you know what I found her spot for her…only the second time ever she said. It wasn’t her last. Rachel is quite a rarity - a women who really knows how to pleasure a man, a woman who also was well and truly pleasured herself LL.
Thing is LL, my place is just a short drive to hers, although in an entirely different area. I have in fact seen her in last few days, but at my place not hers.
The photo was taken by her pool the morning following our first night. That smile is there for a reason, a very good reason...
This shot harks back to 1970. The lady in question is Janet, a girl friend from Canterbury. This was just before I met my wife. I was on leave in Devon (Devonport, near Plymouth) and suggested Janet join me - we stayed in an hotel in Torquay. We had a great little holiday and lots of lovely sex. I was only twenty two at the time and Janet twenty one. Hard to believe she would be the age she is now, looking at this old shot of her.
We went exploring around Devon, took in a couple of shows and ate out a few times for lunch. Dinner, I recall, was all in at the hotel.
I have no notes from back then, just memories of a lithe young woman with a cute ass, who was very horny and matched blow by blow, thrust by thrust, by a very randy naval officer.
Camilla in London in Spring of 2009 LL. I was just waiting for her to remove what little she wore when I took this shot. I have to say this lady had a nice line in sexy underwear and it was very, I think the word is, titillating. It certainly had me going before she had even removed it.
Afternoons were our thing, maybe three times a week when I was over there. Light lunch at somewhere like Selfridges or a nice bistro restaurant which was my favorite, then some 'exercise' to work it off. Camilla loved her afternoon exercise LL, which was always preceded by an appetiser provided by my tongue to get things started and well lubricated. Then it was all about some deep plunging, first of all downward and then with her on top it was more a case of her fitting 'the plug into the socket' again and again.
Three comings (or more) for her was the norm. Sometimes she liked it from behind, but most times it was on top, or beneath me. Loved the look on her face each time she came or was approaching her climax. Made me go even harder and she did love that.
Camilla and I met once again via a social event, which she had attended without her partner. She flirted with me, as one of the few apparently unattached single men. To be honest I love that so I flirted back. We exchanged details and I called her two days after that event, on a Monday. I asked her to lunch. Afterward, she asked me to her place (at least that was what I thought it was) and then asked me to fuck her. No problem she was fun, attractive and liked me. I guess if she had one small flaw it was the size of her boobs. they were quite small, but to compensate she had very sensitive nipples and a very welcoming pussy.
The partner? She had left him by the time we started out having sex. The place? It was a friend's apartment. Not occupied but used by both of us...and I suspect other couples. Eventually, we use my place and our sexual encounters continued for over a year, depending on which side of the Pond I was. It was nice to know, LL, that I had so much choice of partners whenever I was over. Equally, of course, I have the same over here. I love women and nearly all of them have loved me...or more precisely, what I could do for them and to them.
The G spot. yes, I found Camilla's nearly very time.
Up and down California I have travelled over the years. When I met Josie it way down toward the Mexican border in San Diego, where later Ash and I had a home. It was because of that I met Josie. We were two couples back then LL Josie was married and so was I. We used to all go out together, then I lost Ash. A year later Josie and Adam had divorced. For obvious reasons, Ash's health, I hadn't seen them for some time and was surprised they had parted.
After Ash passed away Josie invited me to stay in 2017. I took her up on her offer. I needed to get away from the East Coast and the sad memories at that time. The first night we were in separate bedrooms , but not the second. Josie is a dear friend and occasional lover so I am not going into any detail here as we still see each other, in fact that is planned for very soon as she is only two and half hours south from here on I-5.
We both needed the comfort of each other that first time for our different reasons, although they amounted to the same thing.
Finally, a rather lovely lady I met in Texas on one of my trips. Her name is Lauren and she owns a ranch in Texas producing beef. Great steaks by the way. Born and bred in Texas she inherited the ranch from her father and grandfather. She has never married and runs the place by herself. When I say by herself I mean without a regular man in her life, as she has a manager and quite a few hands to run the herd and everything else. The ranch is big and I'm not talking acres, but square miles LL.
I met her through my good buddy Rick who is in the oil business and she invited me for a stay, knowing I guess, that I was single like her. She is a tough cookie, she has to be running that place, but when she's not running the ranch she knows how to be feminine, that's for sure.
I visited the first time in 2017 and I enjoyed a great stay there of about five days. We ate well - those steaks again LL - and rode out around the ranch on horseback and pickup. We did some other riding too right from the first night. I rode her and she rode me to our mutual satisfaction accompanied by quite a few vocals from Lauren. She said something to me afterward that has sort of lodged in my memory. ' I ride around the ranch sometimes for several hours but it never makes my legs go weak and wobbly, but you do. You certainly know how to satisfy a women P*** - she dropped the 'r' at the end of my name.
The photo was taken out at a barn area away from the main ranch, she wanted to get laid in the hay. I obliged LL. Not my first women taken in a barn, by a long way, but I didn't tell Lauren that.
As you have probably thought, I have been very fortunate and since your day LL have had a great life. One you might have shared once. Apart from material possessions it is with women that I have enjoyed the greatest good fortune, yourself excepted. I have met some wonderful women, many very sexy ones and many loving ones. The thing that surprised me most as the above will attest is the fact that these women, very attractive as they were/are, were attracted to me.
Of course there is always an element who merely had an 'ache' between their thighs that needed attention, but on the whole most have become good friends, even after they married. Funny how some guys don't see an older man as a threat...if they only knew....
Note: Seventh letter in the title refers to the letter G, number seven in the alphabet, LL.
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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