For LL in the UK
With the advent of videocams, iPhones and GoPro head worn cameras I haven't carried too much technology when I have enjoyed my encounters. There are more below. These are from past portfolios/galleries I have amassed and undoubtedly many of the women you have seen in my previous blogs.
I suppose this mixed collection might be called asset displays. Not the assets I have in investments, homes boats and a couple of aircraft - plane/helicopter, but more personal ones. I continue with these blogs when time allows, to reinforce the concept in your mind that I really didn't need you and that you made the stupidest decision of your life...and you have made more than most people
The post immediately above is a message I'm sure you will understand LL. You pushed me with your deceit when I was totally loyal to you. How you could do that within months of my giving you that ring, showed the sort of person I was dealing with. After that, as the post above says, I didn't give a fuck about you, although I kept up the pretence for as long as I could. Not quite true in every respect of course as I fucked you all the way to October 2005, along with far nicer women that came way.
Onwards to 2006 and in this case downwards, repeatedly. She was waiting for me so I snuck this quick shot. Nice assets wouldn't you say LL (far better than yours!), all the way from Oulton Broad.
Lingerie shoot for this client in Germany. I think I'll leave it there. In fact I almost did. Great arse.
Ready, steady go and she could, like a steam engine. Pump, pump, pump - again and again and that was just her! Juicy women in every way possible and plenty to get my hands on.
The bed is a mess, she has been well and truly fucked and she decides to read while I made coffee! Couldn't complain though LL and I am sure you can see why - 2007.
Hardly worth putting it on, was my comment to her LL, so she took it off. Looked great in the pool...and in bed.
Say a little prayer for me. In fact this lady hired me in 2007 to take a whole load of photos on day one. On day three she wanted something similar in her lingerie. Day three and a half and she wanted something from me...between her legs. She got it and came back for more and more. Insatiable once she started. Slim nice butt and perfect upturned boobs LL. You were (and probably are) an old banger by comparison. I used PS to substitute the background in case you are wondering.
Thetford Forest has a lot to answer for especially on nice summer days, like this one in June 2004. Old work colleague giving me the benefit of her assets and my giving her the benefit of mine.
A little older than most - in her late forties, but still in great shape and married - rings were swapped over as she told me she couldn't fuck me with them on her left hand LL!
Rising in the morning on vacation in 2008. She certainly had me rising. British woman from London.
A beach LL and one very sexy lady. Can you guess where? You have been there. Admittedly, this was very early one morning, but I am sure you have some idea.
Talking of ideas. This was hers, not mine - the stripping off her bikini for this shot, that is. Hve you got it yet? The answer is Sanibel.
Somewhere on the Norfolk (UK) coast in 2005). Time for a quickie she said as the coast was , literally, clear LL. I had so much fun that year and all I had to do was lose you and I would be free. I engineered that brilliantly and you thought you had instigated things. She was a very good lay too, after a few sessions.. Cute ass don't you think, but not her only 'asset'.
Thailand and that is where we met too. A little affair that lasted for most of my vacation there before I moved on to Hong Kong. Great body and her upfront assets were particularly fine. She was German by the way and a smoker - I had given it up by then.
Having photographed this lady at her home in California she decided three days after that she wished to have some taken out doors away from San Francisco where the original shoot had taken place. She told me LL, that she knew of just the location. Over the Golden Gate Bridge we went with me driving and her directing - she was married, incidentally LL.
We stopped in a pull over and got out of the car. She led me down through some scrub to an area where there was a small waterfall. You can just see it in the photo. I knew what was coming in a way - her. All the way out she had been pulling her cotton skirt further up her bare legs to the extent that I was frequently looking to my right rather than at the road. Thankfully it wasn't busy.
When we arrived at 'her spot' I readied my camera. While I was she started to undress. I said nothing just watched until she said for me to take her photo. The shot above is one of them at which stage obviously she had stripped down to her underwear. A lingerie shot out in the wild was a first for me, but it didn't stop there. She stripped off completely and ...well we were fucking each other before you could blink an eye. I had disposed of most of what I was wearing too. Her cries, when she came (twice), were smothered by the noise of the waterfall, not that there any folk around that we knew of.
Did it bother me that she was married? No it didn't. If a lady has a need and wanted me to fulfil it, I wasn't going to refuse, especially an attractive one like Jane.
Back to your favorite LL Spain. A short vacation for me when I was looking to purchase my place in Puerto Banus - I still own it - met this lady at a restaurant in Estepona. She was dining alone, as was I.
She had been sleeping as had I, but not the next few nights. We slept together and I have noted that I had to pinch myself after we had made love the first time. I couldn't believe that I was there in her bed with such an attractive woman. She already had that tan when I met her. discovering and exploring her 'white bits' was a real pleasure.
The year was 2008. The loofah was there in her rented apartment. It was my idea for her to pretend using it to enhance the shot and show her body off. No frontals ( she didn't want me to take any) unfortunately...just memories of four nights of unadulterated pleasure for us both.
Paris and another married woman. This time not so far back. This was 2018. Mind you her legs went a fair way back and still do. I always seem to be riding right on top of her pussy, but it makes her come...and gush! Where? Like any wealthy woman who is into affairs in Paris she owns a small apartment that she uses for her...assignations. Great assets even tough there is only one on display here.
Souillac France in 2017. Boy, it was hot there that July and I am used to Florida. So was she, very hot and very much into multiple times. Broke the record that I had with you LL of four times in twenty four hours. Mind you I had broken it with others quite away back.
Back to dear old Norwich in 2005. Quite sometime since I have been anywhere near there. This lady is Karen and was one of the receptionists at my solicitors in the City. Not my only solicitors there at that time. I had just had that laminate flooring laid in this commercial building that I owned back then. Funny how things like that stick in your mind and then associate themselves with something - in this case Karen and my meetings there, sometimes during her lunchtime.
She wanted this shot and the same from the front, but I put the one above up for two reasons. One it is the better of the two and second I loved her ass and those two dimples in her back. Quite a sexy lady who just like sex and that is what we both enjoyed that lunchtime. Afterward we sat in our underwear eating our M & S sandwiches. How British is that LL! She didn't have her bra on just her panties.
Up close and about to get very personal in Penrith. She used to say I was her Penrith penis provider. Taken in 2004...along with lots of photos.
Down here in Florida and this lady liked to be down ...on her back ready to dock with yours truly. LOved watching her strip of especially that last item - her panties, bless her cotton sock. Another thirty something women LL. This time in Bonita Springs in 2009.
Deep purple in Devon, in 2006. This lady had a lovely bedroom in gray and deep purple. Not only that she also had underwear to match...for my visit. No my first time but I think maybe my sixth - I lost count. The attraction was always her silky smooth skin and the thought, as I dove there, of being between her warm thighs tucked right inside her.
I didn't drive all the way non stop of course. I had pit stops along the way. Eva was one, and Helen was another. The week or so I was away was broken up nicely, very nicely in fact 2008 and I was driving down from London not Norfolk. That had been sold.
It's very arid in Arizona. In fact that s where it got its name. The Spanish named the area and it literally means arid zone in English. However, there was no arid zone with Rachel ... who appears above.
She wasn't someone I met along the way LL. She worked out of our office in Phoenix. After Ash passed away, we became quite good friends from 2016 onward. Rachel was divorced and I ended up staying with her on my visits. She had a nice home out in Scottsdale. When I say she wasn't arid I mean it - she was always 'wet' even before we started on any sexual activity. Anticipation I guess and she was another who, to quote you, uttered the phrase 'where did you learn to make love like that!' Can't (note present tense) fault her assets.
I've been to both but Boston, Massachusetts beats Boston Lincolnshire by a mile. I have also had women in both. One in the UK and more than a few over here. The slim lady above was one over here. Ok she was on the slim side but upfront made up for her slightly skinny frame as she was blessed with lovely boobs and a nice tight pussy which gave us both a lot of pleasure, LL.
Bangor, Maine and a lady I know and have known for some six years now. We first met when I was on a business trip to Portland, Maine from my home and our business HQ in the north east. What started out as friendship - she was separated back then - soon turned into a more intimate relationship LL. She is really lovely. Not only her physical beauty, but also her personality and she certainly likes me. Likes me banging her in Bangor where she lives. Boy, when she comes I certainly know it. The shouting, the screams and her satisfaction afterward. Eleanor is in her early forties now. I think she's forty two.
Pendulous boobs on display in my London apartment 2006. I am sure you will recognise the unit behind her. It used to sit in my day room in Norfolk opposite the larger of the two couches...sorry settees. Been over here now since 2006 and my vocabulary has changed somewhat!
Quite a stylish lady as you can see from what little she is wearing. You could say I squeezed her in between Carole and Lucy in late 2006. Carole and I had gone our separate ways by then as she moved to Leicester and I moved to London. Squeezing in is something Camilla and I enjoyed frequently. Me squeezing into her while squeezing her tits.
For a woman pushing forty she still had a nice tight pussy, which brought both of us many enjoyable couplings. In fact, she couldn't get enough of my cock, remarking frequently how thick it was when I was erect and inside her. Nice assets all round and she was nicely shaped all round. Never lacked for sex in London LL, the women came thick and fast. Well the women came and they kept me thick.😉😜
I met Corina in Florida where she was on vacation, but this is shot/selfie that she took and sent me from her home in Greensboro, Virginia. The reason? To remind me of her body and her very nice ass and to lure me back. I did visit her in the end but it too a few weeks because of other commitments, not all business LL.
I met Corina in Florida where she was on vacation, but this is shot/selfie that she took and sent me from her home in Greensboro, Virginia. The reason? To remind me of her body and her very nice ass and to lure me back. I did visit her in the end but it too a few weeks because of other commitments, not all business LL.
I was a regular visitor to Newmarket 2005 where this very attractive women lived. Her name is Claire and she was single and I guess you could say, footloose and fancy free. I have no doubt that she moved from sleeping partner to sleeping partner, but for four months she was all mine. I have to admit that I wasn't all hers. You were one and there were others that I slept with while seeing Claire. To digress briefly, none of the many women I slept with ever knew of any of the others, apart from intos and incidences where more than one woman was involved.
Back to Claire. She liked to be on her back or have me on her back. Nice long legs wide apart in either position and always nice and wet when we got down to it.
This shot was taken Norfolk in a small village where this lady lived. She was yet another referral, if you like, from one of my old work colleagues (female). Apparently according to Becky above I was 'recommended' and I leave you to guess what for LL. My technique, my width, my green eyes or smile...or all of those?
We had been in her garden when this shot was taken. Becky was just in her bra and panties when it started to rain. We had a decision to make run for the house some way away or into the wooden shed at the bottom of her garden. We chose the shed as it was hammering down. You can see if you look carefully. The shed was leaking in places, hence the drips in the photo.
they weren’t the only drips in that shed that day LL. We had both thought that the downpour would pass quickly, after all it was June not the middle of winter. It didn’t and Becky was getting frisky, having stripped down for sex in the garden (her house stood on it’s own just outside the village). Off came her bra LL and as I took this shot her panties. What a cute butt she had. Nicely shaped and quite firm when I had my hands on it with her nipples brushing my chest. Great memory. We had sex in there standing up and completed things in her bedroom after the rain eased. Watching her naked body running across the lawn is another memory that has lasted…and I have many. Thank goodness I made notes or I would never remember each and every one…including you.
Norfolk need I say more LL and this was just before Christmas December 2005. I may have left you behind...just about, but I was having a whale of a time with thses two ladies that you have seen before. Both came (and they did!) from my old employer the insurance company. That proved to be the source of more than a few 'bonuses'. After all with around two thousand employees in Norwich back then, there was a lot of 'availability.
A fine pair of assets on show in the photo and two very fine pairs when they turned over too, not to mention very accommodating pussy's. They kept me up nearly all day, off and on. I was squeezed dry by the time we wound things up.
One of my hotel assignations this time in York on the way home from you LL in 2004. Again someone you have seen before...perhaps not from this angle though. Her name was Cassie and her assets were well endowed in every area that mattered.
Norwich and another lady in one of my properties that was untenanted at that point in time, but fully furnished apart from bed linen. Not that that mattered to us. This shot was actually taken after we had 'done the deed', so to speak. Her name was Linda...or as she preferred, Lin.
A bit of a stop over near Poznan in Poland in spring of 2007 LL and a bit of a bonus along the way when I met Jolanta who to put it bluntly was looking to get laid. I obliged and she provided the bed and bedroom. I was allowed several photos of which the above is one. I had intended staying in Poznan for one night but for some 'reason' it turned into three. Must have had something to do with the sexual demands on me (and under me) which I was more than happy to fulfil and Jolanta was filled and full
I often wonder whether you ever had a clue where I was at various times after you cheated on me. Did I go straight home? My texts indicated that I had. I was fortunate that you very rarely phoned my landline because that might just have caught me out. Having said that, you strayed long before me so I never once felt I was letting you down as you had already done that to me.
Did I always turn south at junction 43 of the M^? No, I didn't. Sometimes I turned north and in the instance of Steph it was to Glasgow that I headed. It wasn't that she was Scots. In fact she was from London and had been sent north to work for a few weeks by our mutual company. I had just left them at that point. So, come Monday morning that September of 2004, I turned north instead of south. Two of the reasons for doing so are staring you in the face ... in the photo LL
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
I final comment, apart from the one below in French. Lots of the women I have written about are not averse to a spank or two just before they seems to heighten the 'experience' they tell me. I don't have a photo to hand, hence a naughty Bugs Bunny.
J'allais t'attendre mais l'espoir refroidit, le champagne chauffe et la vie s'envole.
Have a nice day ma'am
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