LL in the UK
I though it was about time I brought you a blog on an individual woman rather than bombard you all the time with a variety of ladies.
This is Emma. The year is 2009, shortly after I had acquired my place in the Dordogne Valley. Emma is in your terms 'posh'. In my terms well educated, intelligent and well spoken. None of that, of course, makes them any less interested in sex and sexual adventures. It certainly didn't in Emma's case.
She spent a week with me I was staying a little longer. Where the place is located LL, it is very rural. Fields all round and woodland also. The nearest dwelling is at least a half mile away, or a kilometre as it is in France. My bolt hole, I guess you could say. Its location is ideal to live largely undisturbed and also to entertain guests. I have had quite large crowds there - French, English and American...oh, and one Dutchman. I have also been there on my own. It is great for getting some writing done.
However, on this occasion I had Emma's company. I have known her since late 2005, just after I bought the old London apartment. We first slept together that year, too. I took the series of photos below at Emma's behest. At the time, just for the two off us. I don't think she'll mind my using them in this blog...well some of them. There are a lot more.
These were all taken one morning as we walked around my land. The whole area is basically soil covering limestone hence the wall etc that you see in the shots. Wearing just shorts and a blouse (and nothing underneath!) Emma and I started our walk. Way down at the bottom of what might loosely be called the lawn area - it's really just mowed meadow grass - we stopped in the lee of the wall you see.
Emma said she had never had sex outdoors, which wasn't surprising given she lived in central London. Would I make love to her outdoors? Silly question LL, with her body I would have made love to her anywhere.
We both stripped off. Me out of my shorts and polo shirt and Emma as you see her below. That was when she suggested I take photos, so that we/she had a record of her first time outdoors. She slowly shed what little she was wearing and then posed in a very revealing way as you can see. There was a break in the shots...between fucks.
First time we did it with me on top and the second she wanted it from behind. We both found the experience exciting and above all satisfying. It may have been Emma's first time outdoors, but it certainly wasn't mine.
Stripping Off
Flaunting her pleasure spot
...and again
Her flower awaiting pollination
From behind - getting up

Just before...the second coming
Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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