For LL in the UK
Bit of an ad hoc mix in this blog LL. Many of the women you have seen before, some you have never seen, quite a few 'clients', and all in black and white.
A life I never really imagined when I was on the rebound from my first wife's death and had fallen for you. I haven't made many mistakes in my life, but falling for you was probably the biggest.
That turned itself around as soon as you played away in 2004. My eyes were opened to who you really were and I determined to have a back up plan. It turned out that the 'back up plan' was the best thing that had happened to me and given your actions in 2004 and 2005 it didn't take me long to fall out of love with you. It hurt of course, knowing you were going behind my back, but it was then that I decided that the old saying was going to be the basis of my way forward - that is if you can't beat them, join them
Below are some of the women I more ways than one!
The separator symbol is one of penetration.😉
This shot of Charlotte was taken at her home in Long Melford, Suffolk in 2009. I had previously visited to take entirely innocent photos of her mother, an elegant lady in her late sixties. Charlotte had found my business card and called me. She had watched on my previous visit and thought she would like to be photographed as well.
We agreed a time and I drove there from my home in Cambridge, which incidentally I still have due to businesses I /we own over there. I had expected her mother to be there but she was apparently in Paris visiting a friend. So, there we were in this lovely period house alone. I went back to my car to get my camera bags and tripod. When I returned to the house Charlotte offered me coffee - it was freshly brewed and the aroma was invading my nostrils very pleasantly. Good coffee is one of my weaknesses LL.
Another was attractive women. Charlotte was attractive and in her thirties, so she qualified as a weakness LL.
After coffee I set up my tripod in their very large lounge. With the old timbers that were part of the construction, it was a good backdrop for Charlotte who was blonde. No clothes changes which cut down on the time, but an hour and a half passed before we took a proper break. Charlotte offered to show me around upstairs. I hadn't realised bu there were three floors. THe first or ground floor as you say over there. The second and a sort of reduced floor area basically just under the roof. I could see the apex from the second floor.
I needed the bathroom after all that coffee. While I disappeared into the bathroom I heard Charlotte climbing the stairs to the top of the house. The final part to see. Having finished my ablutions, I climbed the stairs, which turned near the top.
At first I was looking up at the roof and admiring it, but my attention was soon drawn to Charlotte's legs the other side of the banister. I looked up as I walked up. She was only wearing her bra and panties. Her dress thrown over a chair in the corner of what was a bedroom. "This is one of the guest rooms", she told me.
I was still taking in her body and underwear. "I thought maybe some photos in my underwear, if that is alright with you", she said. I confirmed it was. I had my camera.
She posed and I took a number of photos LL. The inevitable happened (no, not that!). Charlotte asked if I would be shocked if she asked me to take some topless shots. I told her there was no way I'd be shocked. I explained that I had taken many photos of half dressed and naked women, which I had.
I guess that near nakedness, a bedroom and a man to hand affects women. I have certainly found a lot of women who I am sure had no intention of having sex, end up doing so because they are naked and in circumstances that give rise to an opportunity.
That was the case with Charlotte. Having gone topless, she went the whole hog and removed her panties. One of the nude shots I took, from a couple of stairs down, is that above.
"Show me some of the photos please", Charlotte requested.
I prepared the screen and was about to tell her which button to press to scan through the shots. Instead of taking the camera she sat right beside on the bed completely naked as I scanned through them. After a short while I sensed she wasn't looking at the photos LL. I stopped and turned toward her.
At that point she took my head in her hands and held it so that she could kiss me. Carefully avoiding her lower body, I put an arm round her and returned her kisses. Next thing is my shirt is half unbuttoned and she has undone my belt. I finish the job on the shirt and then stand and lose my trousers and boxers. By now my interest is more than apparent LL.
I sit beside her again and this time take her breast in my hand. Charlotte grabs my right hand and guides it down between her now open legs. Having made sure I am where I should be she starts wanking me off LL. So much for the upper classes - they can get down and dirty with the rest of womanhood.
What followed was what you might expect. She lay back legs wide open along with her pussy in the same state. Having made me very erect there was only one thing and one way to go. We made love on that bed at the top of her mother's house ... twice. She was a good lay LL, very good in fact. Very active would be an appropriate description. Lots of writhing and a fair bit of coming as well.
We were both well satisfied that day, although Charlotte wanted me to return, or meet up at my place when mother was back we did. I managed to fit her into my 'busy' schedule a number of times..and I fitted into her very nicely!
Double trouble, or at least that what I called this shoot in my own head. This extract from that shoot was taken in 2009. January to be exact in my studio in Boston.
They weren't any trouble at all in reality. The one standing is Rachel and the one kneeling is Melinda. That is all I will say LL. Apart from the fact Rachel is black and Melinda is white.
I rather liked the contrast between the two friends and was more than happy to undertake the shoot for them, given that I rarely get both black and white women in the same shots. It was a fun morning too and we all went for lunch together at a little place on Eastman Road afterward.
Rachel and I met again, but not for photographs. That was a week later, just the two of us in Reading, Mass., where she lived.
This lady was probably my earliest visitor to my old place here in New Hampshire in 2007. I had hardly been there more than a week or so before I met her in one of the local coffee places. Being a Brit she asked whether I was visiting. When I told her where I lived she told me that it was the old Vincent Place.
I knew it was a executors sale so that figured. I hadn't looked into its history at that point. Too busy having it made over and furnished LL. We just got talking table to table and we introduced ourselves. She told me her name was Lee. She gave me the heads up on the town and some of the stores etc and she told me how, as a young girl, she and her friends used to go out to the Vincent place, then my home, and play around the river area way out back. All with Mr and Mrs Vincent's permission.
I invited Lee to come on over sometime and feel free to re-visit her childhood. She said she would like that so I gave her one of my newly printed cards with my phone numbers printed on it. I told her to give me a call, said it was real nice meeting her and left her to drink her coffee in peace. I made a note at the time, as is my habit LL.
It read...
' Lee P*****n. - Attractive, mid thirties, no wedding ring. Brunette, nice figure and pleasant personality'
Later, I was able to add much more detail, LL. Your 'file' isn't dissimilar. I'll let you see my notes sometime...maybe soon.
Lee phoned toward the end of the following week and asked how Saturday would fit in with any plans I had. I told her I would be at home most of the days as I was still sorting stuff out. Come Saturday she arrived in a little old Honda, which she drew up alongside my Lexus and Ford pick-up.
Coffee and a walk down to the river followed. Lee talked of her time there in those perpetually long sunny summer days that we all seem to be able to recall. She also talked of her divorce, which I had guessed at from the lack of a ring. Lee told me she had been on her own for about two years, pretty much the period between us parting and this visit by Lee. I told her a little of me but certainly not all, just like I never told you everything LL.
She wandered off along the river and I sat to wait for her on a log. I managed a few photos as well, while I was letting her rediscover places she had known. It was Fall of 2007 LL and Lee had been wearing a long dress when she arrived. Thankfully, I had cut a path along the river bank with my bushwhacker (strimmer to you) so Lee could easily walk the track that I had cut.
I saw her walking back some way off. The river was shallow after the summer and it had turned out quite warm. I saw her dip a foot in. Then to my surprise she took her dress off left it on the bank and just wearing her under slip waded in a little way. I started to walk toward her and checked it was OK to keep on coming. Come on in, she said. Ihefted my trainers and socks off hoicked up my trousers and joined her. She was facing out toward the river. Her slip had gotten wet around the hem which I pointed out.
It was then that Lee turned around and I saw that she had no bra under the slip. From what I could see, and I could see most of it, she really didn't need a bra.
When she saw where I was looking she smiled and said " Don't worry, I'm not wearing any panties either. Hope you aren't shocked"
I smiled and said that it would take more than that to shock me and in fact I'm enjoying myself. She laughed at that LL.
“OK,” she said, “in that case...”. She removed the slip, revealed her breasts fully and stood there in her panties. " would you like me", Lee asked.
Silly question LL. Her I was faced with a woman who wasin no way over the hill., with a great figure and very nice firm boobs. That I could tell just by looking from where I was sitting on my log. That wasn't the only 'log' present. You were acquainted with the other one way in the past.
I stripped down to my boxers,we embraced and we kissed. Then with the help of our clothes LL and the longer grass to the side of the pathway I had cut, we made love. Judging by Lee's 'enthusiasm, it had been sometime for her. After she had regained herself a bit after that first time I suggested she might want to be ontop, given that I still had a very good erection to a manner of speaking. We made love again.
Later we walked back to my home having dressed...of course! I never questioned why Lee was bra-less, but I had some idea. We had a drink and I offered Lee my shower and suggested that afterward we go have some lunch out. Lee agreed LL on the proviso that I wash her all over in the shower. I told her that was an offer I couldn't refuse....
Lee visited a number of times and I took her down to Florida more than once. We weren't going to be an item but we enjoyed dinners together followed by lovemaking from time to time. An arrangement that worked well for both of us for some time.
This is Annie a lady you first met in a earlier blog LL. The photo was taken in 2004 at her home near Saham Toney. We used to flit to and fro as we were only a fifteen minute drive apart. When the need descended on either of us well it wasn't too difficult to satisfy it. To be honest I was 'ready' almost anytime, apart from when I was 'otherwise engaged'!
Her hands weren't the only ones that clasped her like you see in the photo LL. Yours truly often had that pleasure.
We shared the cake LL, after I took the shot above, LL.
This is Lisa and she was someone I met in 2005 August to be precise. The house in the photo is hers and it is in or around Hadleigh in Suffolk. When I saw her like this the night before the cake shot. Comparisons with you passed through my mind, but as hers were a darn sight firmer and younger the comparison didn't stand up to close examination...and my examination couldn't have been closer.
Lisa was only 'in it' for the sex and she loved being fucked. Up until that point in time and since 2003 and meeting you, I hadn't seen someone so ready to lay back and open her legs quite so regularly. Or indeed bend over for me. If I hadn't been as fit as I was I think she might just have exhausted me...but she didn't.
We cariied both senses of the phrase right through until mid 2007. My dairy was at that point getting fuller and fuller and fitting all the women in was becoming a work of art...partly, but not the main reason, I didn't visit you so much.
What a body though, Lisa had. She was really lovely and had all the assets I could wish for...and enjoy. One other thing, she was given to having multiple orgasms.
Elena's nipples were some of the best I have had the pleasure of. They seemed to be perpetually at attention. This shot was taken in London in 2006 at my apartment. Elena and I met on and off for nearly three years, Dinners, shows, a few trips in the UK and Europe and lots of bedroom time LL, whenever I was in Town.
Jenny is an old friend who I once worked with in the banking world. Her assets as seen above in this pre-sex shot, taken at her home in Blofield, Norfolk, were close friends too...very close.
As with quite a few in this blog you have seen her before
I just had to give this shot and this lady the title naughty Natalie from Newcastle, because it fits in every respect. She was my first Geordie girl/woman way back in late-ish 2004.
A quick drive along the A 69 from your place on a Monday morning, an overnight stay or may two overnights and I was then on my way south to my home, maybe with another stop on the way. Sometimes LL I would get back on a Thursday, catch up with post grass cutting etc and then turn around and drive back up to see you.
Back to Natalie and that was often where she was on a Monday...on her back. It was her day off and when I arrived, and had sunk a swift coffee, I would be getting laid within an hour and a half of leaving you. Not every Monday of course, I had other fish to fry apart from Natalie I think I fooled you well and truly whereas your efforts to do the same to me were pretty pathetic. The gizmo and its hidden software kept me apprised of all your online activities.
I wonder now why I kept going with you. It may possibly have been in the vain hope that you would commit and give up playing away, but you didn't.
Your loss and a very big one at that. Yes, you did/do make all the wrong decisions and the one you made about us was your biggest.
Studio shoot with model Sonia in New York 2008.....
Another commission via an introduction. This one was in the UK in 2007, LL. The photo along with others was taken at Eleanor's home near Marlow.
It aws never mentioned and I didn't have any mention in my brief from Eleanor of nude photos, but that is where we ended up. In this case it was a 'genuine' shoot. Quite a few were merely a means by some wealthy women to get their photographer. Eleanor was very subtle. We started with shots of her in some really nice clothes and accessories. Portrait shots followed. Then she was into casual wear and the afternoon.
She reviewed each part and approved or disapproved certain shots. During all of this we talked of course, lots. Not that unusual as most of my clients and fair number of my lovers do as well, unless they are moaning!
Eleanor's subtlety came in the way she changed locations in the house making her way upstairs but not to her bedroom and changing room. In the first part of the afternoon more or less after the casual clothes photographs, she wondered if I would take shots of her in her lingerie. I'm no idiot LL and I sensed the subtle change in both her mood and demeanour when this was raised. I told her I was happy to comply. Eleanor dis appeared into her hanging room returning in various bra and pantie ensembles for about a half hour.
On the finak run, although I didn't know it was final at the time, she left me to return to the changing room in a very attractive soft yellow bra and pantie set. I fiddled about with gear that is awaiting her return. I remember I had watched her walk away on that final run and that she had swung her hips rather sexily, which hadn't occurred before.
The next thin, LL, was that Eleanor called me and asked me to join her in her bedroom and changing room. When I did she was stark naked and looking pretty fantastic as you can see from the above photo. I say stark naked, but she was wearing make-up and a pair of heels that changed her posture from merely standing in bare feet. She invited me to take her photo. I did. Quite a few and a few more she probably wasn't aware of on the second card that my Nikon accommodated.
In my experience LL, when a woman decides to go naked during a shoot it triggers something. Nearly every woman that has gone naked with me on a shoot has asked to have sex. I guess it's the fact they are naked and that generally I am paying them compliments about how beautiful they look. I can be an accomplished charmer when I want to be.
The upshot (now there's phrase) with Eleanor was that she asked me to take her to bed. I wasn't going to refuse a tall slim and very attractive woman like her so I joined her in the nude and joined her in and on her bed. That afternoon I made her come three times to my once and that didn't involve any cunnilingus.
Afterword, LL, she told me two things. One, she had never come three times in a row, in fact she often didn't have an orgasm during intercourse, and two ....she was married. Too her the latter didn't matter as her husband couldn't satisfy her, but the former did and she told me she had enjoyed the best sex she had ever had beneath me, on top of me and on my lap.
There was no way we could meet with any regularity at her home, but we could meet at my place (the apartment) in London and when her husband was away on business we met at my home in Cambridge....the place I still have over there. So we did until I married Ash. We met again in 2017 and are still meeting when we can. I last saw Eleanor in November last, over here but down in Florida. She is now divorced.
Kim #3 struck this pose for me at her home in Fakenham, Norfolk UK back in 2005. It was under my direction but on her kitchen table, from memory.
That was a penetrating weekend LL, I can tell you. She wanted me to penetrate her about eight times in 48 hours! I managed it and so did she. WE blew each other's minds I think. I know at that time it was one of the best weekends we had both had. Had being the operative word. Two dinners out and one Sunday lunch at a pub kept our energy levels up...and kept me up!
This shot may look older than it really is. If it does, I achieved the subtle soft focus effect I was seeking. It was taken in 2018 here at the ranch.
A pendulous moment wouldn't you say LL. Just a local friend...with benefits. Suits us both.
Most of my shots and this is a personal one are before the event. This photo of Christie was taken afterwards.
This photo of her was taken in Tualatin, Oregon last year. Her assets are .... well, pretty large aren't they LL Christie is in fact a very attractive woman, very and I am talking of her face not her other attributes.
This photo may look posed but isn't. Beth was trying to look out of the roof window and looking great doing it LL.
The time and place? 2007 Killington, Vermont. She liked the view from up there she told me. Me I liked the view you see in the photograph.
What were we doing in the loft room of that old mill building? Each other of course. What else.
I met Beth when I bumped into her literally in a downpour in Concord, New Hampshire. I apologised although it was her fault. She heard my accent and told me only an English guy would apologise when it wasn't his fault....and be carrying an umbrella! She made me laugh.
Beth was getting soaked so I gave her the brolly LL and pulled the hood of my coat over my head. I suggested she might want to dry off and I was heading for a coffee and some lunch. She had a few bags and I took them as we dashed across Sou Main Street and into the cafe.
We chatted, she shook her hair. I found some tissues in my pocket and she dried her head. I also suggested she might like to go to the ladies room as her mascara was trickling down her face. While she was gone I ordered up her hot chocolate and my coffee. When she returned I was on my first refill. Beth looked a whole sight better and I told her so.
She told me she was from Killington over the border in Vermont and I told her about the UK and Europe. We ate lunch and then she told me she had to get back as she had about an hour's drive and it was still raining. I walked her back to her car.
You have to remember LL that I was and am a free agent, so there were few time constraints for me. We had learned that we were both single at lunch and we exchanged phone numbers. After she left I awaited the call she promised to make to sya she made it back home. Sure enough as I was driving back she called me to say she was home safe and sound.
Beth asked if she could call me again and I said of course she could. I would really like that and she said, embarrassingly for me, that I was a real gent. We called each other a fair few times that March and then she invited me over to visit. She told me she had bought an old mill building which she was having renovated in stages and, in view of my involvement in real estate, would value my opinion.
We toured the place. Parts had been renovated, kitchen, bathroom and the lounge are off the kitchen. It was going to look good when all the work was done. Beth told me she had bought it in a semi derelict state. I didn't ask how she was financing it, but she volunteered that she had received a substantial inheritance from her only aunt who had lived in Boston.
We made our way up the building. It was/is comprised of three floors LL. We made it to the top having had discussion about what she planned to do and took on board a couple of suggestions I made. I had been carrying my camera around as I always do and she invited me to take photos of the inside of the house so that if I thought I could add anything, I could do so.
Those photos led to me taking photos of Beth, LL. Not the one you see above...well not immediately, anyway. Having finished our tour we went downstairs and Beth fixed some lunch while I wandered around outside taking a few more shots.
After lunch well after lunch things got a little more personal LL and Beth asked me to take her to bed. (She hadn't been liad in quite a while, I learned later.
It was a no brainer. Her was a very attractive woman alongside a highly sexed man. The afternoon consisted of some very passionate lovemaking. Beth came four times and me twice, interspersed with over an hours break of just duddling up to each other and dozing. When the dozing was done so was Beth...again. Under and over twice if you can figure that out LL.
WE showered, booked a table at a restauarnt she chose and went out to dinner. There was no way I was driving back after wine and such, so I stayed the night and got the bed and those old floorboards creaking away all over again. Beth pleadedwith me to stay another day and night, so I did.
She's a really nice woman LL, now remarried but we have the occasional chat now and again. Our relationship back in 2007 extended all the way into 2009.
We toured the place. Parts had been renovated, kitchen, bathroom and the lounge are off the kitchen. It was going to look good when all the work was done. Beth told me she had bought it in a semi derelict state. I didn't ask how she was financing it, but she volunteered that she had received a substantial inheritance from her only aunt who had lived in Boston.
We made our way up the building. It was/is comprised of three floors LL. We made it to the top having had discussion about what she planned to do and took on board a couple of suggestions I made. I had been carrying my camera around as I always do and she invited me to take photos of the inside of the house so that if I thought I could add anything, I could do so.
Those photos led to me taking photos of Beth, LL. Not the one you see above...well not immediately, anyway. Having finished our tour we went downstairs and Beth fixed some lunch while I wandered around outside taking a few more shots.
After lunch well after lunch things got a little more personal LL and Beth asked me to take her to bed. (She hadn't been liad in quite a while, I learned later.
It was a no brainer. Her was a very attractive woman alongside a highly sexed man. The afternoon consisted of some very passionate lovemaking. Beth came four times and me twice, interspersed with over an hours break of just duddling up to each other and dozing. When the dozing was done so was Beth...again. Under and over twice if you can figure that out LL.
WE showered, booked a table at a restauarnt she chose and went out to dinner. There was no way I was driving back after wine and such, so I stayed the night and got the bed and those old floorboards creaking away all over again. Beth pleadedwith me to stay another day and night, so I did.
She's a really nice woman LL, now remarried but we have the occasional chat now and again. Our relationship back in 2007 extended all the way into 2009.
Studio shot London 2016, followed by something up cose and very personal at Jane's request. Boy! Could she go even on the couch in the studio. Humping away like she hadn't been serviced in ages, which in fact turned out to be fact
A married woman, Jane was sexually starved but after her visit to my studio on a recommendation, no longer. I have to admit she was demanding, but then a lot of wealthy women are. She met her match with me. I satisfied all her demands and when she was done I kept going, utterly exhausting her on more than one occasion. The last being November 2019.
On those occasions I reckon she wanted me to stop but I wanted to come just as much as her. The fact I lasted longer surprised her and as I saidd wore her out. She often took quite a while to get her breath back and then after a break of a few days to a week wanted more. She got it!
I was quite surprised when Jayne first of all agreed to meet me for a drink and then to want me to make love to her. This was mainly because she only just thirty back in 2004 and although she had chatted at length to me, I had no designs on a woman that young...but she had designs on me.
The photo of this slender and sexy woman was taken at her home in Carlisle, LL. In fact just before we went to bed together one October Monday afternoon. You have seen her before so I won't dwell on the details I have recounted those in an earlier blog. Needless to say both parties were very well satisfied. me by a nice tight pussy and great breasts and her by a thick and lasting erection.
Onward and 'upwards' LL. That has served me well in life and here I am at the peak of my achievements in life. You really did back the wrong horse didn't you. Opting for an overweight/obese partner and a far more mundane life than the one I would have provided and indeed am living right now.
Upward is just what the lady above had been enjoying some short time before the photo above. Her name was/is, I guess, Hilary and she lived in Durham when I fucked her that Monday afternoon in 2004 in her own bed. She is another you have seen before. I won't go into the more salacious details this time, I dwelt on those in a previous blog. Hils, as she like to be called, was an excellent lay sporting, for a lady in her early forties a rather nice tight pussy and quite reasonable breasts.
There was nothing in our relationship apart from being friends of the same intellectual level who enjoyed a good fuck. She gave me what I gave her, complete and utter satisfaction and good conversation.
Still back in your time LL, this photo was taken in 2005 in Thetford Forest. Not bad using the lights from my car. After all it was past nine in the evening that June and thankfully for Vikki and me no one was anywhere near where we were. You have seen her before but not in this location.
It was Vikki's idea. She lived in Thetford, which was all of thirty minutes from my front door. A lot more accessible than the five hours to your front door LL. Vikki was accessible too, once we had the initial physical encounter, she wanted more and more frequently. This evening, above, was some four months after our first time together and our first time outdoors.
We were both naked some way into the woods down an access track with a turning point. We were located at the turning point. Funny that because after the first time that is exactly what Vikki wanted. Her turning point was the turn around put her hands on the bonnet and offer herself to me from behind. It was good she came just as an owl hooted somewhere. Her vocals mingling with the owl's. That shot above with the headlights assisting was her first trial point but she settled for the bonnet of my car in the end.
Not that tall, but she had a nice peachy butt and boobs to match. We carried on, and indeed 'carried on , until late 2006. I was always amused that you had no idea what had happened inside the car with Kim (remember the footprint on the passenger side carpet I once mentioned....) and outside with Vikki to nmae but tow.
I have been a very fortunate fella since I manufactured your departure LL and in fact before as well.
California 2017 with the lovely Jackie. She is a friend let's say and the photo was taken one morning quite early south of Carmel just off the Big Sur.
I've know Jackie now for about five years LL, via a shoot I did for her in LA. I also know her.
A friend of Jackie's that I was introduced to ostensibly for a shoot. The photo was taken in 2017. the lady in question is Michelle. She loved her heels, in fact she had a whole room devoted to her shoes within her dressing room. This shot was taken i her large lounge With the drapes all pulled and one of my lights shining down on her.
The piano is hers although it is her husband that plays not her. If he knew about this photo and indeed the rest of the shoot.... However, he is far too busy with his businesses and Michelle is left to amuse herself. I found her very amusing LL and she found me ...ummmm...stimulating!
This Michelle again although at my studio in LA...neat meeting place and I get to photograph her and she gets the photos and we both enjoy the 'extras'
That tie is hanging in my dressing room here in New Hampshire as I write this. I remember the day I took this photo of Gemma very well. It started with a fully dressed woman who wanted a series if photos taken just for her, apparently. This was 2018 and in my Boston studio in May of that year.
I say apparently because given the time I have been involved in photographing women, I can tell whether the photos are the primary reason for their being there. With Gemma I had the distinct feeling photos weren't the main reason. She was less interested in the results of my efforts and more interest in striking some pretty sexy poses, albeit fully clothed at first. My antenna were working over time that day and they weren't wrong LL.
Gemma flirted almost from the outset of the shoot and then things went steadily downhill, in a manner of speaking. Having photographed her fully clothed she asked, in fact insisted, that I do the same for her in here underwear. She didn't have to 'insist' too much!
At first she stripped down to her panties, bra and blouse. Then the blouse came off and o did the bra LL. Her very nice breasts were fully exposed. It was then she had the idea of playing the sexy secretary. You would be surprised how many women like to role play...and we both knew where things were heading. During all this and the production of my tie from the closet I keep a few spare clothes in, there had been a subtle change in the whole shoot.
I'm not just talking of Gemma being topless either LL. She was horny, very horny. That came across loud and clear. I humored her desire to dress as the sexy secretary (she's a lawyer). She even put her blouse on again and her glasses, which she only needed for reading. It was around then that we came quite close to each other physically when she asked me to put the tie on her. I could feel the warmth of her body so close to mine as I did so and I didn't even touch her least not at that point. We finished up with the final photos, but we weren't finished LL.
That became apparent when she undid the belt on my trousers undid my zipper and slid her hand inside my boxers. I returned the favor to some extent by relieving her of her blouse and pantie. I left the tie in place hanging as it did straight down her cleavage. Once I had stripped off I pulled her gently toward me weith the tie. Now that our bodies were tight against each other we kissed. She allowed me between her legs into her wet area and I kissed her neck. That caused a reaction both vocally and much lower down.
We made it to the office chair which was wedged against my desk. Still wearing my tie she told me to treat her as a naughty secretary who hadn't completed her work. I told her to stand up, bend over and hold the back of the chair...
Then she said that she had been very bad and deserved to be spanked. I reckoned her lovely butt looked just like a peach and although I wasn't into spanking women other than when they were on the verge of coming, I complied with her wish. IT seemed to have quite an effect. A few fairly firm slaps and she said for me to 'finish' her punishment LL. She arched her back presenting her pussy to me. Whatever the spanking did for her it had resulted in a very wet pussy and a very open one.
So I finished her requested and followed it up shortly after the first instance with a second bout. Both of which were very satisfying t us both. Not bad considering I became a client of hers in the second half of 2018, for my Boston real estate LL. That has made life interesting for both of us all the way from that first shoot until the present day.
Studio shot taken in Atlanta, Georgia. Crystal works for one of our companies and asked me to take some photos of her. I obliged and it turned out the nude ones were some of the best I have taken of a black woman. I did them for free of course.
Crystal insisted and 'paying' me. The only way that was going to happen was in kind...her idea. We always joshed about when I was in our Atlanta office and she flirted with me, which I enjoyed. This time however in 2016 we went that little bit further and her payment in kind was something else. Until I left you, LL, I had never had a black woman. I can tell you that those I have made love to are something else and Crystal is way up there near the the top..
Boy, does she know how to satisfy a man. I told her that and she said I was the first white guy who kept going and going...and I wasn't a young stud! I guess I could give you a blow by blow account of our times together, but that would just make you even more regretful of the fact that you made the wrong decision. Feast your eyes on the phot LL, I feasted mine on her in the flesh...and in her.
Amazing what can be achieved with a model and a spray bottle...and a good photographer!
This is Joanna The shoot took place in New York in 2018 for a certain publication. Joanna was provided by an agency and knew er work inside out. It's nice to work with professionals from time to time. We got on very well on the two mornings I took the photos. So much so that when I suggested she might like to join me for dinner she agreed.
To cut a long story short she came back to my apartment on 10th and we slept together How I manage to have such attractive women want to climb into bed with me beats me LL, but I'm not complaining. The 'exercise' certainly keeps me fit and is far better than a work out at the gym!
This lady is called Janice. The location is my original home in Fort Myers and the year is 2006. I don't think I need to explain what Janice was doing there nor what we did the four nights she stayed with me. Janice is American and somebody I met the year before in March 2005. Not my first black lady lay, but almost. The first was over there in the UK in 2004.
That makes you think, I bet LL. Where had I been before coming back to you at weekends? You will just have to wonder, unless I hear from you🤣.
The photo below is just something I took a few days back on a visit to Boston. I liked the way all the signs were jumbled together.

Have a nice day ma'am
Photographs in this blog have been edited to preserve anonymity. All photos are copyright. ©
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